Mar 4, 2024
Candorkit has heard from around camp that there would be a meeting soon...He did not quite grasp meetings quite yet. The when, where, what, or how, so he grasps all that he can from his clanmates. Meetings means... warriors! There were many -paws in his midst that would soon be -paws for no longer, and this was something that interested him greatly! Candorkit quickly beelines to the closest soon-to-be warrior, a cat that he could not remember the name of at the moment, but who would receive his questionings, nonetheless! " You there! You will be a warrior soon, won't you? " he asks, to be sure. " Me too! " This is basically true.

" From future warrior to future warrior, I seek... hel... advice! " He unsheathes pinprick claws, just so there would be no doubt in anyone's mind that he too, was the makings for a fierce warrior of SkyClan! " Tell me, fellow! How many foxes must I defeat in order to earn my warrior name? " Unfortunately, his number currently sat at zero... but he planned to immediately get that up to, he thinks... two! As soon as he is a paw!

  • OOC: please wait for @Owlpaw!
  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.

Owlpaw tried her best to not interact with kits, not because she didn't like them or anything like that. She thought kits were quite wonderful really, the future of Skyclan rests on their tiny shoulders and that's what made her avoid them. Too anxious of the fact that she may inadvertently cause them to fail a future warrior assessment or set them up for failure in other ways just because she says something wrong one time.

That being said, she would never have it in her to shoo away a kit whenever they approach. Perhaps that's why she's left staring at the tiny Candorkit who marched towards her like asking her a question was today's life purpose. The tabby wasn't too sure at first which of Bobbies kits this was until he started to ask her questions. She had taken note of the particular cadence that Candorkit carried whenever she heard him talking to other clan cats, she hummed in acknowledgement as she recalled who this was.

“Yes, I'll be a warrior after this moons meeting” it felt so strange to know that change was rapidly approaching, she had reached the stage of acceptance at this point. Owlpaw couldn't but nod in acknowledgement at Candorkit's declaration that was also to be a warrior soon, it was a little far away but he had the spirit. She wondered what kind of apprentice he was going to be when he was old enough, he seemed eager to learn right now so it was reasonable to think he'd at the very least be dedicated.

Oh, foxes? Why was that his first thought? “Well, defeating foxes isn't a requirement but there are other things you could defeat” She figured it would be disappointing to hear that not all warriors need to be fox slayers. “When you're near the end of being an apprentice you're going to undergo an assessment to make sure that you're ready to be a warrior.” She explained as she sat down, already knowing that she was going to be here a while between her ramblings and his questions. “Your mentor will ask you to hunt something, I doubt it would be a fox, but you're essentially sent on a… quest? yeah, quest. To hunt something that they ask for and bring it back within a certain time period.”

The idea of being asked to hunt a fox… that would just be cruel. “Why don't you show me how you would defeat a fox? That way you can be prepared in case you have to” She wished to StarClan that he wouldn't have to, not without help at the very least but she also was hyper aware of the fact that she may be boring him so she wanted to bring some form of entertainment.


Howlfire is sitting nearby when she sees Candorkit looking around, promptly making a beeline for Owlpaw when the apprentice is within his sights. As she takes a bite of her squirrel, she can't help but wonder what the urgency is. She expects that he has a game planned but is pleasantly surprised to hear him asking for advice regarding warriorhood.

Apparently, Candorkit had gotten it in his head that he needed to defeat a number of foxes to achieve his warrior name. For her part, Owlpaw answers his questions deftly, explaining the warrior assessment and how unlikely it would be that slaying a fox would be a part of Candorkit's future assessment. "Like Owlpaw said, defeating foxes probably wouldn't be a part of your assessment," Howlfire chimed in, with an amused purr. "Who knows, maybe you'll get your warrior name like me and Drizzlepelt did!" Howlfire suggested. She and the blue tabby had earned their warrior names after helping to repel another attack from WindClan.

After Owlpaw's suggestion to see how he would hunt a fox, Howlfire looks at her half-brother with interest. "Show us your best moves!" Howlfire encouraged. "Show us how brave you can be against those foxes."
It is very straight, the way she tells him yes. So straght, in fact, that he honestly finds it a bit boring. Yes, Owlpaw is older, and therefore, most likely knows more than him... but is it not the duty of both a friend and a clanmate to give one another advice? Owlpaw clearly has some work to do when it comes to projecting her voice. " Perhaps you mean, your warriorness is just over the horizon? Many warriors would say that, I think, " very politely, he says. He would cast a glance to Howlfire as she draws near— his kin, somehow, he thinks— in an attempt to gauge just how true this was.

It is quite a s hock to hear that the warriorship process did not require the slaying of a fox... but, h, the key word here was require, wasn't it? So... say he did, he would be going above and beyond, and his mentor would no doubt promote him early, or perhaps promote him straight from apprentice to lead warrior! Yes... this had to be it. He nods very thoughtfully, taking in this sage's wise words. " A quest! Of course! " he exclaims. " I will simply go above and beyond! "

maybe you'll get your warrior name like me and Drizzlepelt did, chimes Howlfire, and at that, he tilts his head. " How was that? " a little awestruck, he asks. Perhaps they had been the true firsts to slay a fox? Or perhaps even a badger? Maybe that... journey...thing he has heard in passing, or perhaps they had slain WindClan's past leader! It could be anything, truly... But his audience demands a performice, and he's happy to.... ab-lied (?) Promptly, he puffs out his chest. " I will! "

He conjures the biggest, meanest, nastiest fox the world has ever seen in front of him (and as he has not yet seen a fox, this almagamation was undoubtable twisted even further!) Red fur and snapping teeth. That's what he knew about!

" First! The fox would swipe toward me, and as I am still smaller than it, i will simply run beneath its belly, all the way to its tail. " He acts this out accordingly, making himself smaller and dashing beneath the belly of an imaginary - beast with lightning - quick reflexed. " And then, I would rip at its tail! " Jaws clamp onto an invisible foe and he shakes aggressively, muffling his next words. " If I am s-successful, I will bring home a foxes tail for us all, and we will display it as a trophy so that no beast ever bothers SkyClan again! However! In the extreme case that this does not happen— "

He pretends that he is flung by an unperceivable foe, jumping as high into the air as he can manage. " The beast shakes me off and I go flying! But little does it know: I am a SkyClan warri— um, I mean apprentice— And I simply grab onto the above branch, and then fling myself back down at it and onto its face! It is here that I will deliver the final blow, and the forest will be safe! "

His tail curls into a pleased-with-itself hook, and with bright eyes, he looks around the crowd, waiting for the praise to roll in.

  • m7kGLl9.png

  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.

“Perhaps so, yes, thank you. My warriorness is over the horizon” she blinks at his polite suggestion before amending her prior statement. For a moment she is reminded of the fact that he is Crowpaws younger brother, despite the flavour text that the kit brought in his words she could easily see his older half-brother saying something like that. A gentle smile gracing her features as she considers his words, too caught up in her anxiety around how to talk to kits she had forgotten how delightful it can be to speak with them. A red ear flicks as she turns slightly to nod at Howlfire in greeting, grateful that someone more experienced could aid her in this. While she was trying her best to navigate this conversation she was extremely out of her depth and it felt a little taxing. Similar to Candorkit she listened to the Warrior with rapt attention, glancing down at the kit when he asked her how she and Drizzlepelt earnt their Warrior names. There was amusement there but also strangely enough, pride for a kit that she wasn't related to. It was nice, seeing what the next generation was bringing. She hadn't interacted with many of the new kits but she hoped that they were as attentive as Candorkit.

Owlpaw watched the kits demonstration- his story? she wasn't really sure what she should be calling this, with her undivided attention. Wide eyes watching every hypothetical move like she was supposed to be grading him afterwards. The tabby briefly wondered what he must think a fox looks like, she tried to figure out if he'd be dissatisfied or amazed if he actually got to see what one looked like. Owlpaw had to admit that Candorkit knew how to tell a good story, she was so enraptured in it that she brushed away the logistics of how he'd be able to rip a tail off of the fox.

Despite the desire to chuckle at the visual of a tiny kit being thrown up into the air and latching onto a branch she keeps her composure. When his demonstrations conclude she nods slowly, like she was taking on wise words from an elder. “That's impressive! I think you'd have to be given your warrior name immediately after a feat like that.” she meowed his praises, still thinking about the visual of him fighting a pretend fox. She glances to Howlfire again, trying to make an assumption on her thoughts, maybe an indication if she was supposed to praising him or educating him about the logistics, before glancing back to the kit. “When you're an apprentice and you've perfected your moves you'll have to show me how you'll attack from the trees. Maybe you'll teach me a thing or two.” She concluded smiling, she wanted to give him some kind of hope that this might one day be achievable. Owlpaw wasn't really sure how naive kits are, she presumed extremely. While she was worried that he may immediately try to fight a fox there was plenty of time before he became an apprentice for him to forget this. So indulging in the story wouldn't hurt would it? “If you take a foxes tail one day, will you come show me first?”

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