Mar 4, 2024
Candorkit loves games and pretend... but he's come to realize that his pool of characters is somewhat repetitive, and dare he say, limited? He is nearly always the hero, or if not the hero, the hero's knight, or if potentially maybe a bad guy, he is always misunderstood and not actually a bad guy. This is accurate to him in the real world, of course, but as far as his arsenol of characters goes... perhaps this is not ideal?

He believes that his sister, Hollykit is much the same. And Lionkit would not have advice for him in this respect, no... He approaches someone that he thinks does have this experience. A kit that volunteered to be Sootstar herself... very brave! Scary, also. Potentially traitorous, perhaps? But StarClan knew it was pretend, especially if she was meant to lose in the end. Hollykit and Ricekit were friends, so by extension, Candorkit and Ricekit were friends too, right?

" Ricekit, " he mews. You can tell he isn't cut out for this, because even now, his stance is way too heroic and cool... He's gotten too used to having square shoulders and well - placed paws. What did villains do? Slouch and have achey backs? He isn't sure if it's worth it... His image is very important. " How do you play bad guys? I've never played a bad guy before. "

// OOC: please wait for @ricekit :3
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What now? The curly-furred kitten turns with a nearly disinterested spark in her eyes, a tad bit annoyed that her bug herding had been interrupted. They all begin to scramble for cover and she's quick to mew a snipped, "What?" as she begins to bat them all back in to a pile.

How do you play bad guys? She bites her tongue to stop from saying something mean... But with the irritation of such an accusation that she plays bad guys (no, no, she only played good guys duped by their friends) comes the realization that Candorkit must think shes the best at it... And that thought makes her stop, bugs all but forgotten as she draws herself up like a viper, staring down the heroic fool who had approached her. "A bad guy, huh? It's easy." she forces her voice to be as cool as water, giving her mane a few licks to calm her ego. "Bad guys are cunning and they think through everything, unlike the heroes who blindly rush in," she gives a flick of a tufted ear.

She decides to leave out the fact that most bad guys die in the end, like the time she played Sootstar.

"Fix your posture. Act like you know every move they can make. If you truly don't, which you should if you want to play one, then act like it. This scares others." she tilts her chin up, moving around him like a wolf and its prey. Hopefully, he gets the gist of it; unfortunately for her, she finds she begins to not like the implication that she plays them well anymore. I am not bad. She just gets jealous. I am not bad. She just gets annoyed easily. I am not bad. Then why does this come easy? She likes her princess role more. Are princesses bad guys? She swallows the weird feeling that rises in her chest, focused on Candorkit, ready to begrudgingly answer any questions.

  • 81382020_TgorGp1EeaLXbkU.png
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 05 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, siblings
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff
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"wild hearts run"
Good guys and bad guys wasn't something Radiokit was all that fond of. He thought anyone could be either. It all depends, y'know? He shuffled over to the other two kits, not entirely sure if he was welcome, and decided to chip in. "Bad guys are like when you get upset and you can't do anything about it, right? Like, y'know when I have to go back home at night," he mewed, "but like, they do something about it anyway,"
° 。‧˚⋅˚✧。゚・° 。‧˚⋅
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
Bad guys, huh? Licking blood off his lips, Outlaw peeled his gaze away from the mouse he’d been snackin’ on to listen to the little buggers. “Reckon ya forgot somethin’ mighty important.” He grinned devilishly, revealin’ sharp canines — somethin’ sinister despite havin’ no actual intentions of doin’ anything of the sort. “Gotta have a real mean grin. Better practice, eh? Think ya can give me yer best grin.” He prodded the three kits, scarred lips falling lax, easing’ into a friendly grin, molten optics losin’ the last bit of vileness. A whiplash to earlier’s expression, but Outlaw ain’t nothin’ but adaptable.
thought speech