horseplace ๐’๐€๐‚๐‘๐ˆ๐…๐ˆ๐‚๐„๐’ โ•ฑ ๐–๐ˆ๐๐ƒ๐‚๐‹๐€๐ ๐๐€๐“๐‘๐Ž๐‹

It should shame him as a warrior to feel so at home among this border. Though they had returned to their hollow victorious, a quiet promise made to leave the brave souls that made a home here alone, a part of his heart would always remember the time that he had spent in the safety of their barn. The battle that they waged before it. Though Sootstar had driven them from their home, this had been a blessing none had known before that point. The barn was plentiful even in moons of loss, and offered them shelter from whatever raged outside. He is glad to visit. Even if he could never live here again it would be a place of peace for the warrior. Sunstar would not complain to be given this patrol again.

He had caught a rabbit along their path. A lucky catch, or an offering from StarClan. Either way it would not remain in his jaws for long. As the horseplace fence comes to view, he crouches and sets his catch down. The dogs that make a home of this place do not howl and bark in contest. And so with a flick of his tail, he creeps forward a little further. A quick hop to the top of the fence and another down. "Pollenfur?" he calls, though any voice to answer would be met with welcome.

  • OOC. searching for @POLLENFUR !! patrol members are @RABBITCLAW @slateheart @SNAKEHISS @rivepaw
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    SUNSTAR. LEADER OF WINDCLAN. โ€‚ โ‹†โ€†โ‹†โ€†โ‹†โ€†โ‹†โ€†โ‹†โ€†โ‹†โ€†โ‹†โ€†โ‹†โ€†โ‹†
    โ€”โ€”โ€“ HE โ€“ HIM โ€“ HIS โ•ฑโ•ฑ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


โ‹†.เณƒเฟ”*:๏ฝฅ Juncoclaw never thought that she would grow to call the barn 'home', but here she was - mere weeks after her arrival, fattening herself on mice and sleeping amongst the insulated hay.

The barn's company was not as dreadful as she might have thought. She could see now why WindClan took shelter here - though some were aloof and cold, there were plenty welcoming and helpful cats. Though she had not quite befriended them, she was content to co-exist. It worked especially well in her favor that they were none the wiser of her not-so-distant bloodridden path. She had arrived scared and angry, a spitting ball of unkempt fur and wounds - but slowly and surely, Juncoclaw had begun to learn the routine of the cats, their surroundings, the dogs and Twolegs and horses that posed little harm to them - as long as the cats could hunt their mice. Shelter in exchange for eating was just the easygoing life she had always wanted - and now, she could say she didn't miss the conflict that came between her and Sootstar's other followers.

The mere thought of Sootstar brought about guilt and anger in the young molly. The guilt of failing her, the despair that her 'invincible' leader had fallen, the anger towards loyalists and rebels alike. It was all she could do to try and suppress it. WindClan's close borders were always a painful reminder of the war that raged. The path Juncoclaw had willingly followed, enemies made and allies scarce. A cat she no longer wanted to be - if she even deserved to leave it all behind, to rid herself of the consequences of her actions. Thankfully, though patrols were common, if any stray WindClanner had approached the barn, Juncoclaw was quick to go into hiding, lest her position as a former loyalist be exposed to the other barn cats.

This time, however, the approach of a patrol caught her unawares. Juncoclaw was napping amongst a pile of hay when a voice rang out, closer to the door that usual. He must have hopped the fence, and seemed all intending to speak with one of the barn cats. Sunstride. The name was a dull ache, a barely-healed wound reopening. In the moment that Sunstride calls out, Juncoclaw is quick on her feet and takes to one of the wooden posts, using her claws to climb and perch on one of the rafters - and there she waited, eyes round and hackles raised.

  • JUNCOCLAW โœฉ she/her, barn cat and former rogue of duskclan, 9 moons.
    โญƒ a blue-silver tabby chimera she-cat with green eyes.
    โญƒ n/a family // formerly mentored by mockinggrin
    โญƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    โญƒ penned by ixora โ†› @.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


โ‹†๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜๏ธŽ๏ฝกโ‹†๏ฝก ๏พŸโ˜พ ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹† Horseplace, being WindClan's most peaceful border it seemed, was always joyful for Slateheart to travel to. Ever since discovering his mother resided here, he's been itching for a new patrol assignment - a reason meet her while still remaining dutiful to his Clan.

Subtlety was never Slateheart's strong suit when it came to meeting outer-WindClanners. He had known this ever since he met Ashpaw in RiverClan, his sister, and talked to her like old friends infront of Sootstar herself. Of course, he never heard the end of it from his father - but even that wouldn't stop the past from repeating. He would forsake any rule against cross-Clan friendships if it pertained to his family, whomever of them were still alive.

Thankfully, Sunstar seems to be searching for someone too - Pollenfur. So, he wasn't the only one. Slateheart wouldn't call out for Silverfoot, though - he still wasn't quite sure if the molly would be willing to see him again. She would know of their arrival by Sunstar's call, and he would wait for her to appear before approaching. That said, the black-furred tom follows his leader onto the fence, perching himself atop it while waiting for their old friends to greet them.

  • SLATEHEART โœฉ he/him, moor-runner of windclan, 19 moons.
    โญƒ a short-furred black tom with low white markings and green eyes.
    โญƒ son of LYNXTOOTH xx ADELAIDE // brother to GRAVELSNAP, ASHPAW
    โญƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    โญƒ penned by ixora โ†› @.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Snakehiss did not think much of his assignment to this patrol in particular; he was surprised that Rattleheart had even bothered to group him into one, knowing his status among his clanmates was at an all-time low. Still, it was an opportunity to get out of camp and see the borderlands; he had not paid a visit to the Horseplace since... well, the days of Sootstar.

He says nothing, uncharacteristic of him as he always seemed to have something to complain about or comment on. Perhaps it was the lingering awkwardness of being near Sunstar, the tom who he once deemed his enemy now his superior. Snakehiss felt near-suffocated when surrounded by most of his clanmates nowadays, knowing that he once felt he reigned over them and now living in the reality of being outranked by them in this new era of WindClan. Snakehiss wishes that Sparkspirit were here, at least. The red-splashed tom was admittedly a soothing presence to him, believe it or not. He hardly wanted to admit to it, either.

Snakehiss' viridian eyes wander observantly as Sunstar leads the patrol to the barn. Whatever was the reason for visiting this place, this reminder of the past? The last time Snakehiss had set paw upon this territory was when he served as a deputy to a tyrant. Ugly feelings of guilt and shame well in the pit of his stomach; he wonders if his clanmates had the same thoughts.

Pollenfur, Sunstar calls out.

Dark irises narrow into slits. Pollenfur was here?!

The moor runner slows to a stop, lifting a paw off the ground as if hesitant to go forth. He folds his ears back, a frown tugging on the edges of his lips as he frantically glances around for a sign of the former WindClanner. Would she recognize him from that fated night, when he had separated her from Hyacinthbreath shortly before Sootstar slaughtered her? Even if she did... would anything happen? Sunstar had expressed that Snakehiss could remain in WindClan despite whatever occurred during Sootstar's reign, after all. He had not been the one to kill Hyacinthbreath, he tries to reassure himself, but he still cannot help the anxiety that makes his paws itch.

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    โ‚Š โ‹† * โŠน โ‚Š โ˜พ
    โ€” he/him; moor runner of windclan
    โ€” long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and multiple scars
    โ€” father to violetkit, waspkit, cricketkit, and privetkit (duskclan)
    โ€” "speech", thoughts, attack
    โ€” link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!โ€‹
WindClan comes calling, and Pollenfur answers with a tired smile. The gray-striped tabby whoโ€™d arrived weeks before startles at the Clan catsโ€™ scents and burrows into the rafters, but the calico queen shows no fear. Sunstride appears, golden and warm, a rabbit clutched in his jaws. She dips her head and exits the barn to greet him. โ€œSunstride. Youโ€™re looking well. Thank you for the giftโ€”weโ€™ll enjoy it, Iโ€™m sure.โ€ She turns, studying the faces of the patrol with him. โ€œWhat are you dโ€”โ€œ

She stops, her words falling from her open jaws like weighted stones. Thereโ€™s a face thatโ€™s seared into her memory, a night when her world had been rent by a terrible she-catโ€™s claws. She bristles, her hackles fluffing up around her shoulders, and she bares her teeth. โ€œYou,โ€ she snarls, lifting a paw and pointing it at Snakehiss. โ€œYou dare show your face here to me, after what you did?โ€

  • ooc: sorry this is so late uwu
  • 3be2QPn.jpeg
  • Pollen . Pollenfur, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    โ€” โ€œspeechโ€, thoughts, attack
    โ€” 60 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    โ€” mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Melonpaw
    โ€” loner, formerly a windclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    โ€” formerly mated to Hyacinthbreath, currently mated to n/a.
    โ€” penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortoiseshell with white and amber eyes. intellectual; mature; whimsical; philosophical; absent-minded; avoidant.

With triangular ears pinned flat against his skull, Snakehiss could not help but shrink back at the hiss emitted from the barn cat. "I..." I've done nothing! Sootstar's actions were not his own. Pollenfur would never understand what Snakehiss had put himself through in order to appease his kin. He couldn't just run away with his tail tucked in between his legs, not like she did. Sootstar's orders were law. If that tyrant wanted him to bear witness to a traitor's execution, then he hadn't a choice. Nobody had a choice. As much as Snakehiss had historically slandered traitors to the crown, as much as he had echoed his father's sentiment of wishing death upon them, it did not make bearing witness to soulless eyes any easier. He had watched the life exit Hyacinthbreath's body that night โ€” the image still haunts him when he looks at Periwinklebreeze.

An anxious knot gnarled in his belly, so much so that he nearly felt ill. "It would be best if I returned to camp, Sunstar." He manages through a tightened jaw, teeth gritting together so hard that they could crack, avoiding Pollenfur's enraged glare. Please, let him go, he begged. Snakehiss did not want to remain here for much longer.

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  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png
    โ‚Š โ‹† * โŠน โ‚Š โ˜พ
    โ€” he/him; moor runner of windclan
    โ€” long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and multiple scars
    โ€” father to violetkit, cricketkit, and privetkit (duskclan)
    โ€” "speech", thoughts, attack
    โ€” link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!โ€‹