wc rebels π–𝐄 π‚πŽπ–π„π‘ β•± πˆππ“π‘π”πƒπ„π‘!

Perhaps they have had this season to thank for the twolegs' scarce usage of their barn. Occasionally the doors would swing wide and WindClan would scatter, yet with time they had grown...nearly complacent. Accustomed. These ones left them alone for the most part. They would hide in the shadows or far out of reach like ShadowClan, like rats, yet as long as they did not strike, they were not struck at in turn. They could not survive another enemy. Not one that had a weapon so powerful they could steal Sootstar's lives from her so many moons ago, where feline claws struggled. He had not been there for it. The story alone was enough to leave him uncertain. Wary.

Today is one such day where the doors swing open. Pale morning light douses their sanctuary and Sunstride flinches away from it, his great shape rising to further shield a few of the other nests. It did not matter. The twoleg picks something up in one fur-coated paw, exhaling a hot breath of exertion as it hefts, and carries it out. One trudging step after another disturbing the hay-strewn floor, until its paws pass the door's threshold. It creaks as it closes, and the warrior exhales a breath that comes far too soon. It was not closed all of the way. A sliver of light slips in, wider than it usually was for the cats that slipped in and out. He can hear footsteps returning.

An unfamiliar cadence, shuffling and uneven. Tottering, dragging the snow and the hay with each step. His body tenses. His shoulders ducked low. Anticipation drags time on so terribly slowly. Do the others hear the door shifting with the clarity that he does? Do their gazes narrow upon the shadow that slowly eclipses the strand of light? Do they hear its cry the way that he does?

Its pitched, wobbling, giggling cry.

What walks into the barn is not some grand monster. It is a kit. A twoleg kit, bundled in its strange, bright-colored pelts and adorned with an odd circular ear atop its head pelt, that bobs when it walks. "Kibbies!" the young child exclaims in effervescent joy, and begins toddling directly towards the first one she had seen.

  • OOC. β€”
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

The apprentice had grown accustomed to the frequent visits of the two-legs at the barn. These giant creatures seemed occupied with strange tasks that eluded his understanding. Initially, he would scatter and hide like his fellow clanmates, but in recent days, the fear had waned. A small part of his subconscious whispered about the influence of kittypet blood, a notion he vehemently denied. Bluefrost's past remarks still stung, but Redpaw ensured to maintain a firm boundary between himself and the fleshy beasts. I am no pet! Redpaw griped to himself, the bitterness a familiar sensation.

Unaware of Sunstride's protective stance, or the presence of two-legs, he focused on cleaning out his raggedy make-shift nest. Sitting directly in the line of fire as he meticulously removed every burr and pebble from the straw. The warbled nonsense that sounded behind him startled the ruddy paw', causing his coat to fluff twice its normal length. As the reality of his predicament set in, Redpaw turned slowly, reaction delayed as long paws squeezed him on either side. Lifted awkwardly, he found himself suspended in the air, back paws still grazing the dusty floor. His shoulders were squeezed uncomfortably together, and his paws reached forward, hanging limply.

Petrified and wide green eyes met directly with the fur-less and chubby-faced two-leg kit. Senses overwhelmed as he was dangled in the kit's grasp, their excited squeals grating. Flattening his ears from discomfort, Redpaw was far too scared to move, going limp in the kit's hold as he was haphazardly flopped about.

// I hope it was okay to powerplay the kids actions! If not please let me know and I'll fix my post promptly.
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Much like the WindClan refugees, he too had gone through his period of being terrified of the twolegs who came and went from the barn until he had slowly become habituated to their presence. No longer did he bother bolting for the nearest hiding spot, in fact he barely batted an eye lid these days to their activities. They stayed away from him, and he stayed away from them. Though he had seen the occasional fleshy paw reach for him in invitation to sniff it, but nothing more. Sunnyday would generally run at those points. He simply wanted nothing to do with them.

However, the peace of his snooze was broken by the sound of a very different kind of twoleg. It wasn't one of the burly ones, or even the elderly one, it was a kit! Natural instinct urged him to find higher points in the hay as to avoid dealing with the youngster, but it seemed as though someone else had been too slow to escape. The former ThunderClanner looked on with horror as Redpaw was picked up by the child. Concern for the youth swelled within him and before he knew it he was bounding down from the hay to the barn floor below. He threw caution to the wind as he approached the young twoleg and their captive.

"Stow your claws and fangs, hurting it will do none of us any good. Just... just s-stay calm." Sunnyday instructed as he padded closer still. The tom didn't want to be there, not at all! But he couldn't just leave a young cat to suffer the attention of the twoleg kit alone. He drew upon all that he had learned from his father from the tales told to him in his youth, and with soft mews he attempted to attract the child's focus. Swallowing back his fear he then flopped down on his side before rolling onto his back and wriggling about in invite. It was either a bold or incredibly stupid move to expose his belly like so, but his father had told him that twolegs had a strange interest in touching the bellies of cats. Would it work here?

For the most part, Rattleheart had been blessedly able to keep herself far from where any twoleg feet would wander. She had shoved herself into one of the back corners of the barn, curled up in her makeshift nest and hidden away from sight unless one of the towering beasts was actively looking for her. The splotches of dark on her pelt made the shadows an easy cover, and she had never found herself too terrified whenever one of the twolegs shoved their way into the barn. They would be gone before long, and Windclan's temporary home would be left in peace once more. They were an annoyance, sure, but not nearly as horrifying as the one with the boomstick that had torn a life from Sootstar herself.

Then again, she had never seen one like this before. One so uncoordinated in its movements, stumbling along with giggles spilling forth from its grinning maw. It was so much shorter than the others, too. Surely some kind of kit, or perhaps just a strange runt in the pack of them. Either way, its delighted shrieking cry made her ears pin back against her skull, body pressing further into the darkness that she had taken up residence in. She would've been perfectly content to just stay there, if not for the twoleg kit reaching out to grab at the closest thing to a son that she had.

Her claws were already out as she darted free from the background, lips pulled back in a wary snarl. "Redpaw!" Her cry was worried and strangled, though it surely came out as nothing but a shrill mrow of warning to the twoleg kit that stood there. Sunnyday's words were barely enough to keep her from tossing herself at the kit's legs, instead digging her claws down into the flooring of her barn as she looked towards the Thunderclan warrior turned loner. "What are you doing? Is this some kind of plan?" Rattleheart certainly hoped so, considering she hadn't heard the knowledge that Sunnyday's father had bestowed upon him. Instead it just looked like he was giving up, exposing his belly to a potential enemy that could easily end up waddling away with Redpaw in the next few minutes if they didn't do anything.
Yewberry knows the torment of being the object of a twoleg kits attention. He's small and fuzzy and soft, and they just love things like that. He crawls from his nest to see what's happening and to observe how the windclan cats react. He doesn't want to hurt the twoleg kit, and he hopes nobody else does, but when you aren't used to these creatures it can be kind of intimidating.

So, to spare poor Redpaw the terror of dealing with the little monster, he approaches it, meowing loudly for its attention. He rubs against the leg of the twoleg child and looks to the others.

"They don't usually mean any harm, they just see something small and furry like us and want to pet it. Try not to hurt it or the bigger twolegs might get mad." He says. That's the real concern here. The kits were doofy little things but the adults? could get real mean when their kits get hurt. "Hopefully it will focus on me and let Redpaw go...."

Hopefully....And that he isnt rubbing against a twoleg for nothing.....​

It is her opinion that twolegs are truly the scum of the earth, that they were put here to be nothing more than a plague. They tore down forests to make room for their nests, they stole cats away and they killed and they dumped their rubbish everywhere. Wherever a twoleg went, nothing but despair and misery followed. How any cat stood being in their presence she is uncertain. She herself? She would rather be dead then caught exposing her belly the way Sunnyday was and she cannot help the sneer of disgust that curls her lips upwards. "You think he learned that trick in ThunderClan?" she asks quietly, speaking to whatever cat is closest to her, her scrappy tail twitching furiously behind her, sweeping a bare spot in the hay at her back.

She did not know much about twoleg kits, though she had seen them a couple of times she herself had never come into contact with one. Its shrill voice though, the way it had no hesitation about reaching down to grab one of them, it tells her everything she needs to know about their young. They are too trusting, unwary of things that could possibly hurt them - and Bluepool wants to hurt it. She wants to teach it that messing with a cat of WindClan has consequences. She would not be showing her belly to one, would not be rubbing against it the way Yewberry does now.

Rattleheart calls out to Redpaw, and she cannot help but agree. If this was a plan it was a hare-brained one. Sunnyday calls for them to not use claws and she simply rolls her eyes, her own already unsheathed as she turns her gaze to Sunstride, to her leader. "What do you want us to do boss?" she asks him, a dangerous glint in those golden eyes, her teeth already bared and ready for an attack.