private π–πˆπ“π‡πŽπ”π“ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π‘πŽπ“ β•± π‚πŽπ”ππ‚πˆπ‹

He remembers to bring the prey this time. A healthy young rabbit, enough to fill each of their bellies. His mood is not nearly as sour as it had once been. There is a contemplative weight upon Sunstar's brow, yet he is precise and unburdened with rage. He drops it in the center of his den and sweeps his tail along the back wall as he turns to sit. He has found that he enjoys these meetings more and more. To welcome others into a space that had been filled with madness and rot. To know that he trusts each of them entirely. No longer was this Sootstar's place. Even as he looks at the warriors that filter in, he does not see them as Sootstar had seen himself. These days, Sunstar does not force himself to look through her eyes.

His tired smile is a welcoming one. "It is good to hear the news from other clans and know that we are not alone in our troubles." By comparison, this moon had been a gentle one. They had lost but one warrior to ThunderClan's many. Only one had flung themselves over the gorge; had the others been lost long before then? "We will need stronger patrols along that border for a time. In case any of the mongrels should linger."

  • OOC. β€”
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    SUNSTAR. LEADER OF WINDCLAN.   ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

ΰΌ„ΰΌ„ It seems these meetings of Sunstar’s council are to become regular, after each gathering. The tunneler appreciates the small get-together, and even more so now that she has an excuse to shuffle into Sunstar’s den and plant herself directly beside Bluepool. Her mate looks stunning as always, she thinks, bathed in the silvered glow of moonlight. How lucky she is, to have this. To have all of thisβ€”her mate, her kin, each trusted member of the clan’s council. She settles down with a smile ghosting its way across her muzzle, relieved to at last be able to truly wind down after the turbulence of the gathering. Sunstar also seems more relaxed now, in the security of his own denβ€”though he cautions them all that the clan will need stronger patrols to keep watch over their border with ThunderClan.

"I agree, we need to keep an eye on that border. But stars willing, this will be the last we see of those beasts," she says, her voice a splinter of ice within the warmth of the den. There is little joy to be found in the aftermath of the gathering, after learning that another cat she had traveled so far with has died. This time, to a wolf attack that could have been avoided. And now, due to the carelessness of a few warriors, all of the clans are in dangerβ€”WindClan especially so. Even one wolf could spell doom for WindClan, she thinks. There is no reason to take risks, even if ThunderClan did manage to guide every last wolf into the gaping maw of the gorge. WindClan has only just regained its freedom and begun to rebuild itself; they cannot risk losing it all now. She cannot risk losing… this.
AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE β€” It felt odd, the mixture of cheerfulness and hurt that existed in their gut as they followed in the pawsteps of both Sunstar and Scorchstreak. They were certainly happy that this gathering had been less hostile than the last, yet their mind couldn't help but focus on all that had been lost. Not by Windclan, sure, but it was still painful to learn of the deaths of loyal cats that had done nothing more than serve their clan. Not to mention their one loss was still stuck on their mind, Heathermoon's death weighing heavily on them. Both they and Scorchstreak were in charge of the clan's tunnelers... was there something more that could have been done, to ensure he wouldn't have been lost? They were unsure, and it wasn't as if they could change things now. They could only hope that Starclan had welcomed Heathermoon in with open arms.

Flowers petals were still falling gently from their pelt as they crouched, taking a mouthful of rabbit to settle themself before they joined in on the conversation. They glanced down at the colorful specks for a long moment, one white paw reaching out to catch one in between dirtied claws before they smiled. "At least we haven't had even more troubles... Thunderclan's plan could have gone much worse than it did." Even though they weren't certain how successful a plan could be when it still involved the death of a clanmate. They looked briefly over towards their sister before releasing the petal from their grip. "It shouldn't be too hard to send out patrols to the border tunnels, even if they might be a bit limited for us tunnelers." Their dwindling numbers still sparked strangling anxiety low in Rattleheart's gut. "Do we... have any plans on how we might deal with our promise to Shadowclan?" With each day that passed, they grew more and more eager to tear Granitepelt and his followers to shreds, even if it meant scouring every bit of territory in order to find them.

While they knew such a plan was horribly impractical, Heathermoon's death was just yet another straw that inched closer to breaking the camel's back.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    β₯ longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    β₯ 49 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    β₯ afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    β₯ homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    β₯ sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    β₯ currently mentoring downypaw
    β₯ somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    β₯ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    β₯ peaceful powerplay allowed
    β₯ all opinions are ic
Another gathering over, and another midnight snack session to start. Whilst Cottonpaw did her best to keep her spirits up during the gathering, her energy's dipped upon returning home. A part of her wanted to lay down in her nest and sleep, but she detests the idea of missing these little get togethers. After all, she's very much the little kid at the big kid's table - she can't ignore her privilege even if it drags her exhausted body through the mud.

She listens as the cats discuss ThunderClan first. The wolves were (and, obviously, still are) scary. Cottonpaw curls up close to Rattleheart, an ear twitching back as there's a subtle agreement that patrols will be increased for a short while. It doesn't bother her at all, of course, but it's nice to know that there should be more chances for her to run around and collect flowers. Rattleheart brings up Granitepelt in a roundabout way, and the apprentice averts her gaze for a moment. Heathermoon's death still haunts her, even with his body buried by now.

"Should we talk with Smogmaw and Chilledstar - and maybe set a trap...?" They have to catch him by surprise if they are to catch him at all - but beyond the obvious in that statement, the she-cat isn't sure what else they can do. ​