wc rebels π—•πŽπ˜ πŠπˆππ† β•± ππ‹π€πππˆππ†

His head is ducked low to a piece of prey, half-finished and cooling beneath his narrowed gaze. One claw skims across the barn's hard floor, carving an invisible line in what once would have been dirt. "No," he murmurs thoughtfully, the echoing silence of this place still strange to his twitching ears. "Not all of our warriors may fit through the tunnels, and Sootstar has proven her point– they remain her domain; we will not find our way back so easily." Weaselclaw had feared them before his death. Though he had walked through caves and hid himself from a burning sun, Sunstride had never been to a space so clearly impossible as WindClan's tunnels. In the brief moments he had ducked his head into the damp dark, his whiskers had touched either end and his heart quickened within his chest. His shoulders surely would not have been allowed past its tightening entrance, and his paws were not nearly as nimble as a tunneler's must be. Pressing down upon him, against him– he'd known the warrior's fear in that moment.

They would not conquer it now.

"We will have to meet them fairly. Draw them from the tunnels as best we can, or send our own to meet them there. Would Sootstar seek to face me directly when we return?" Musings take his voice low again, the claw ceasing its quiet drag to become his whole paw, sweeping dust and hay from the ground beneath them. "She thinks herself invincible, but so too does she see her warriors as dispensable. I worry she will not face us there, and that StarClan will never forgive her continued life." That their own were to be sacrificed does not escape him. He knows that it would be foolish of him to think them invincible. More would die as they did in their escape, and that is not so terrible a way to go in his own eyes. But there would be no forcing his warriors to see things the same way. Not when they had families to mourn for; not when he would mourn his own, if worse happened to them. He exhales heavily, and briefly closes his eyes.

  • OOC. he's talking to @WOLFSONG but this isn't pafp!
  • dzMLAJY.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


Her parents sat together, huddled- Featherpaw was half-awake in the quiet, but hearing Sunstride's voice started her back into the real world. Reminded her unequivocally that she shouldn't relax. That he could only relax when they were back home, back in the moors, and Sootstar was gone for good. That leader and her gnashing dogs... a better leader crouched in this barn. Nobler, Featherpaw was sure- and her own kin. Shining like the day-star he was known for. He was already a leader.

What did that make Featherpaw?

It was a selfish thought, he realised. Stupid, one that didn't have any place here. He squashed it like a bug, instead angling his ears to tune into the conversation. I worry she will not face us there. Featherpaw's jaw tightened. So desperately did she want to understand what her father was speaking of- wanted to latch on to every nuance. But there were things a youthful mind still didn't know how to navigate, and the uncertainty of their future was one of them.

She knew one thing, at least. "Sootstar wanted you dead." It was a fact, very plain, and Featherpaw felt sick as he said it. So too did he feel embarrassed that it had fallen out of his mouth, plain and simple a statement as it was. Nudging closer to her father, she set slightly-vulnerable looking eyes to meet his. Fear lay in the yellow depths, clumsily covered up with worn-down steeliness. "I think... she's not buh... b-beyond b-being taunted." Certain cats kicked off when slapped with a sarcastic retort, or assailed with fighting words. At this point, in this wildness... Sootstar might not be so different.
✦ penned by pin
Yewberry was not a battlemaster by any means, so he usually didn't involve himself in battle plans. He listened to Wolfsong and Sunstride idly as he battled with grief that seemed to keep on getting more painful. He wonders the sort of state Windclan is in when it comes to numbers. How many brutes waited back at camp. He figures there were more of them than those gathered here. That's always the way of it, isn't it? But with so many here now, who knows. Personally, he's surprised nobody has attacked Windclan in the time he's been gone.

The tunnels are brought up and he decides to chime in. He still knows the tunnels well, and he knows how they collapse, too.

"We could bring down a few tunnels." He says. "It's dangerous, but the less access they have, the better." He means at night when no one is likely in them, but at this point he isn't opposed to burying someone alive.

Featherpaw, who he's come to learn is actually one of Wolfsong and Sunstride's kits, suggests taunting. "I think that's agood idea, too. Especially if you have someone who's wronged her do it. Maybe even one of us who were exiled before you. You'll never meet a more short tempered bloodthirsty lot than those loyal to Sootstar." He says, not worried about if anyone's feathers were ruffled by his statement. "Or... We split our forces and one group fights at the border to draw them out, and the other party runs to camp to take out anyone who stayed and claim it."

"If you're wanting someone to draw the Mad Queen out then I would be willing to put myself forward. I imagine by your standards it wouldn't even matter if I died doing so." Given how their little reunion had gone he suspected that more than a few would prefer to see him dead in the ground, so why not make himself useful whilst making that dream come true?

The tabby rolled through a series of stretches to loosen his joints before he descended from his perch higher among the barn's stacked hay bales in order to join the discussions. He didn't care if there were objections to his presence, he would not allow his chance to seek revenge against Sootstar to pass without action. "If your plan requires bait then I'm right here."
β”€β”€α¨’β†Ÿβ†Ÿα¨’β†Ÿα¨’β†Ÿβ†Ÿα¨’β”€β”€ His tail taps an idle rhythm against Sunstride's flank where it's curled around him, his own thoughts following the many bloody paths which lead back to Sootstar. It will not be enough to simply be rid of her; too many warriors remain loyal to her name, and they will doubtlessly continue in her memory should they manage to silence her forever. "It is difficult to know a mind as fractured as Sootstar's," he says, watching the idle lines Sunstride creates in the barn floor. "Perhapsβ€”" He pauses as Featherpaw speaks, glancing her way. He had not heard his approach, so caught in the possibilities of battle, and he hums thoughtfully after she voices her opinion of Sootstar's interests.

"It is possible, but she will always seek an advantage, be it by surprise or terrain." Their attack on SkyClan was the former, and it was precisely its ill-timing that led them to success. But every battle WindClan has known was Sootstar's, and she is now so paranoid he thinks she would suspect attempts to beguile her.

"We could not do so reliably," he says to Yewberry, frowning slightly. Not to mention they will need those tunnels once Sootstar is gone; if it were not leafbare, he would think differently, but the ground is hard and they risk starving themselves by limiting the tunnelers' reign. "Nor do I recommend dividing our people. We are not in the best position for such flanking; the foliage is not as thick as it once was, so the treeline along the Thunderpath would not hide them. If we attempt the other direction, it is much too close to where the distracting force will be." His tail continues its pattern against his mate's side, then stills when the next feline speaks. Wolfsong exhales carefully, though Sunstride will no doubt feel the subtle tensing of muscle.

"You assume Sootstar will care," he answers flatly. "But she spurns StarClan with ease and has no need to avenge the medicine cat they choseβ€” nor interest in an old slight. It is more likely one of her followers will be drawn." Perhaps if Badgermoon appeared at the border, that would incite her, but Gale is a wound buried beneath many others. Wolfsong is not convinced Sootstar would dig so deep to uncover it.
  • β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • β€” β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    β€” β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • β€” β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to youβ€” it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    β€” β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.

The news of her child’s death had shaken the former warrior to her very core. Where Lilacfurs death had been a sharp knife to the heart, Larkfeathers had been the hammer to completely shatter it. How had she missed it? When Moorblossom carried the discovery with her only moments after Echolight had drifted away?
Her sons had been caught in the same revelation as her, and in the same breath her mother spoke Echolight had been forced to realize she had failed as a mother, and her cowardly mistake had resulted in tragedy, where kitten-soft paws reaching for her scarred features were now stained with crimson and tears.
While her stubborn bones refused to let the dappled molly crumble as she so desperately wanted, they did bring her over to where Yewberry now approached the golden duo, quiet strategy on their maw.
Her singular sky-blue optic is dull and far away, but it casts itself over Wolfsong and Sunstrides heads as she slows her gait, towards the cats who still hunkered down in refuge.
"You’ll need claws in your fight, and you can count on mine to be amongst them." She could not offer strategy, not with her mind so visibly detached, but she knew that the fight for the moors was her battle as well. It was the fight for her home, and her children’s.
"Our daughter was slain for simply being in her way, my aunt at the claws of her lackeys, she’s too dangerous to be underestimating." While her words are tuned towards Yewberry in their fragility, there is a hatred for the smoked leader that burns like coals deep in her chest, the singular content memory of her being the leader congratulating the warrior on her soon-to-come kittens.
Her gaze trails to Wolfsong, who knows the star-damned molly better than Echolight could by now.
"If she’s as maddened as she has proven, the question to start is which approach poses more risk, brunt force or relying on the element of surprise, isn’t it?"


Battle was simply not Rattleheart's area of expertise. They had always found themself more at ease in the tunnels, being guided by sound and smell as they sunk their claws and teeth into beings far smaller than them. Hunting was when they found that they were most at ease, in control in a way that they rarely felt otherwise. Here, now, with mutterings of strategy on everyone's lips, and the echoing structure of the barn surrounding all their planning... they felt out of place. Even more so than they had their entire time there since fleeing their true home. For a moment they even considered remaining silent, and just letting everyone else lead the conversation in a way more suited to proper strategy. They could just remain tucked at Venomstrike's side until they were needed, comforted by the warmth of their mate beside them.

Yet, all of the conversation so far drew words from their own muzzle - albeit slightly softer than the rest of the crowd. "Maybe... maybe we could try using the fact that we pretty much know exactly where they are to our advantage." They felt self conscious already, wanting to snap their mouth shut and tuck their head away in their companion's thick fur. Still, they pushed through. "The tunnels aren't safe for us all, but... there's a chance we could get the drop on them and try to surround them in camp. If we attack at night, it's pretty likely no one will be out on patrol, and I'm sure the tunnelers we do have could make sure nobody is down in the tunnels." They knew they could at least volunteer themself, and they doubted Scorchstreak would have any protests to driving the loyalists back out of the tunnels and into camp - thought they didn't want to speak for their sister when they knew well she could offer her own thoughts.

Their gaze momentarily drifted to Galeforce, unable to keep the disgust from gleaming in their pale gaze even as he offered his assistance. "Even if Sootstar wouldn't necessarily attack him, Galeforce could still make him useful then. Potentially draw any other loyalists that know about him back into camp too." There was a chance he'd be killed in the process, but... he had offered himself up as bait, hadn't he? "But those are just my thoughts. And I'm really not much of a strategist, so." Pure white shoulders shrugged noncommittally, their face finally turning and burying into Venomstrike's thick fluff in an effort to relax.
Getting back their home is a must. They can't stay here forever. A crowd has gathered and it is evident that everyone is itching to take down Sootstar and reclaim their home. Well, she can't say much for Galeforce. That tom was a bit of a wildcard, however she decides not to be to suspicious. Galeforce has wanted to take down Sootstar since forever basically, so he should be considered an ally. They have a common enemy after all. Rabbitclaw does her best to listen, taking in all the options presented. All of them sound good at first, but when you think hard about it so much could go wrong. How many lives would lose? They didn't want to lose so much. She's certain Sunstride would be in horror if half the cats that went into battle perished.

Before she can respond to Echolight, Rattleheart speaks up. Once he is done speaking she turns to look at Echolight, "I'd say brute force would be worse Echolight. I think she's waiting for us. Wouldn't do us any good to try and force ourselves in again, but I have a feeling she refuses to let go of camp. A powerful leader never leaves their camp without a fight. Or that's what I think is in her mind. Dragging her out is going to a pain though, she needs to have a good reason." Like Sunstride. Or Badgermoon, he's not here anymore though. Talking about Weaselclaw would be terrible... She'd probably gain more strength if we brought him up.

Rattleheart's thoughts are not bad per se. It's just that this is a shitty situation and none of them can come up with answers. Answers that they're satisfied with anyway. Then again, Sootstar and her follower's have the advantage. Then, she is reminded of something. "Hey, so... How many of us are going to fight? Some of us are injured and wouldn't be able to fight. Maybe we should focus on that instead? I'll be fighting of course, but we can come up with plans and it turns out we don't have enough cats for that." Perhaps she's saying something so stupid. One would argue everyone is going to fight, but who knows if others besides the rebels wanted to fight?
  • β€” rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    β€” pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    β€” scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    β€” may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    β€” biography / @ on discord for plots
    β€” penned by velou