π—–π—’π—–π—žπ—₯𝗒𝗔𝗖𝗛 π—žπ—œπ—‘π—š β†· [π—‘π—œπ—‘π—˜ π—Ÿπ—œπ—©π—˜π—¦]


An all-encompassing silence defined his and Starlingheart's travels. No words struck him as fitting. No words struck him at all. Words would dilute this journey, Smogmaw felt, and the humid air drawn through his lungs weighed his tongue regardless.

Steadfast pawsteps herald them both well past ShadowClan's territorial edges. Once-swampy land had long settled into compact earth underneath his pads. Dense thicket, now thistly grassland. Hazy remembrance crept at the back corners and ledges inside Smogmaw's mind. Cobweb-like wisps of memory, woven so thick and so tightly by time's passage. Four times, he has made this pilgrimage. Twice, there and back again. Though a dense fog swallows the surrounding domain and shelters Highstones from sight, his paws remember the way forward. Forward movement only. Never straying, never stopping.

For every pawprint left behind, Smogmaw feels two ahead. That number would soon double to four. Then quadruple. Then sextuple. It snowballed exponentially until the illusory venture became no less real to him. He will go beyond the horizon where the most unfathomable forces reside, ethereal and greater than the sum total of all that is or will ever be in the waking world. He will lay himself bare for StarClan's acceptance, and accept him they will, in all his faults and his virtues. Nine stars shall descend from on high and invest their blessings into his being.

Nine times to live, bleed, and die.

Nine chances, in nine turns, to forge a legacy for him and his clan worth remembering.

Only Starlingheart's presence beside him and the occasional clearing or rock formation to climb over signifies reality itself. Otherwise, the leader-to-be may as well be dreaming, simultaneously lucid and unable to define where exactly he treads within his subconscious. Upon cresting another rise in the land, Smogmaw spies a yawning chasm darker than the deepest night. Guarding the entrance, jagged stones like teeth snarled defiantly.

For a fleeting moment, he stalls. A shake to his pelt brushes off the reverie gripping him thus far, and, standing at the cavern's cusp, he finds reason to speak. "This's where you take over, Starlingheart. You know the way better than I."

Moments drag into moons once inside. Musty air hung like the sagging underside to an elder's fur coat. Stale, comforting in an odd sense despite its scent. Intuition bypasses him in this environment especially without the moon's nectarine glow to illuminate his path. He relies solely on his medicine cat's lead, for which he is perennially grateful.

At length, light draws his focus deeper inside, its colour a guileful beacon against the shade swallowing all light. Anticipation births a stone-hard lump somewhere between throat and chest. Whether anxiety, awe, or woebegone trepidation, Smogmaw couldn't rightly discern. An emotion bereft of substance, and therefore an ailment meant to be vanquished outright. Forward movement only, he tells himself once more, and as Starlingheart beckons him into the grotto proper, he is all too keen to comply.

Positioned at the epicentre of Highstone's inner sanctum is the resplendent Moonstone. A terrestrial anomaly, surely wrought onto this world by otherworldly pawsβ€”the vessel through which StarClan communes with the living, so he has heard, and now through which the spirits must leave their imprint upon his being. Ineffable energy surged in tangible waves from the jagged crystal. It beat rhythmically, matching his pulse in perfect tempo. He lays eyes on it for the first time and does not know where to start. It is a spectacle in equal parts worthy and too great to absorb in one sitting.

"Thank you for leading me here," he murmurs, unsure on how loud he may speak while in the presence of such power and veneration both. "Suppose this is where I make StarClan's acquaintance at last."

His exhale held every breath since his mate was laid to rest. He may see her, he may not. The possibility alone emboldens him, pushes him beyond his limit and into the stone's aura. A thousand stars shone inside, more radiant than the sun at its peak. Light in its most true and basest formβ€”he would describe its feeling as warmth enveloping his whole being, forehead to tail-tip. He presses nose-first to the Moonstone's surface, and does not recollect much once he is in its heavenly embrace.

When Smogmaw awakes, he will be greeted with a lush forest draped in starfrost. From silvered grass comes a tiny pink, whiskered nose and wide, round amber eyes. "Welcome to StarClan," a familiar dark tabby she-cat murmurs. Her steps are confident, strident, not dampered with the worry and self-doubt that had plagued her in life. Comfreypaw holds her head high; her honeyed gaze is clear and proud. "Are you ready to receive the nine lives of a leader?"

She does not wait for his answer. He would not stand before her if he were not prepared β€” so Comfreypaw approaches the cat who had been her deputy, and she reaches up to brush her muzzle against his. "With this life, I give you compassion," she mews, her voice high, bell-like. The wave of energy that would sweep from the charcoal she-cat to Smogmaw is warm and soft, like the bedding one's mother had raised them in. Comfreypaw's final moments had been filled with terror, but she shares none of that with the gray warrior standing before her. This is how she had approached her mother, no matter the barbed words on Betonyfrost's tongue; this is how she had approached her Clanmates, her kin, Applejaw. There is purity in the life she gives him; there is strength.

"Use it to care for each of your Clanmates as though they were your kits. Carry compassion in your heart for other cats, even those not ShadowClan β€” even those who struggle to show you compassion." She smiles up at Smogmaw, and even through her newfound confidence, there is sadness in the gesture. "It will serve you well, Smogmaw. Good luck, and... look out for Betonyfrost for me, will you?"

Comfreypaw bows her head, then slips back, back to the procession of glittering warriors who have emerged from the grasses of StarClan.

The next warrior to break the line has a gaunt, shadowy body, flecked with golden dust. Her eyes are narrowed into high slits of reddish fire in her dark face. "Well, if it isn't the rat bastard himself," she growls, her ears twisting against her skull. "Betcha never thought you'd get a life from a traitor, didja?" Flickerfire had served under Pitchstar as a lead warrior β€” and all the while, she'd been sneaking off to see the ThunderClan leader, Emberstar. It was Smogmaw who had found her ravaged body in the end, and it was he who had tainted her name to the rest of the Clan.

A few strained heartbeats pass. Flickerfire's narrowed gaze brightens, and she dips her head. "Well, let's let bygones be bygones, huh? StarClan has a way of makin' ya forgive others." Her nose crinkles, and her eyes shine with mischief as she approaches again, this time with powerful, quick strides. The famine that had revealed her ribs to the world, the dog's teeth that had sheared her pelt and flesh, all of it had healed and made her magnificent to look-upon. Her whiskered nose brushes Smogmaw's, and she reveals white teeth in a crooked grin.

"With this life, I give you courage," she mews. This time, Smogmaw will have to brace himself for agony; he will see through a reddish haze, see Flickerfire bowed and broken before the hounds, defending Emberstar with the last of her pitiful life. Smogmaw will feel fangs in his shoulder, buried deep in his throat, but he will feel ferocity, too, the last of the fire that had kept her going. The love that had spurned her forward in her final moments.

Flickerfire pulls away, her smile never wavering. "As Clan leader, it'll be up to you to lead ShadowClan into battle when necessary. Never hang back. Your lives are for them, you understand? I didn't know you to be a coward, so don't start now." She winks, then adds, "Use this life wisely, Smogmaw. I better not see you any sooner than I haf'to."

Warning given, Flickerfire turns and joins her cohorts once more; the forest is still, waiting for the next StarClan warrior to venture forth.


She’s given many of these hasn’t she? It was a little amusing to do so, casting her bicolor form through silken stars to perch before leaders and grant them a life so that they may suffer longer in their thrones. A small, quiet part of her, is jealous as she watches the pale blue color of her mate appear - knowing that in a perfect world she would be at his side, his deputy, he deserved leadership and this more than any cat who came before him and she had deserved more as well from this world. To die sick and alone rather than be able bodied and acting as his second-in-command was cruel beyond words. In another life she was there, in another life she would one day carry the star herself, but ShadowClan was not a clan of bright futures. It was a clan where good cats went to suffer and awful cats were embraced and allowed to rule. Chilledstar is certainly among the star-spotted cats in the crowd around her but she hardly pays them any mind - she despised them in life and she will offer them nothing in death, let them wander alone as they so preferred it anyways.
Her nose wrinkles and her eyes roll but she is smiling and presentable by the time Smogmaw makes his way to the center of their collective and she is the first to rise to stand in greeting with her great plume of a tail curled behind her and a pleasant expression, mismatched eyes narrowed in delight. She strides forward, head dipping to offer him a gentle bump against the forehead with her own.
β€œMy darling, I’ve missed you, it’s good to see you again after so long. I wish we had more time to talk but…duty calls doesn’t it? Just know I’m proud of you, of how far you’ve come, of our kits. I will never regret loving you, even if it hurts now.”
Distance was like a claw to the throat, there was so much more to say. Her kits were full warriors now, it made her throat tighten knowing she hadn’t been there to see it.
β€œWith this life, I give you love. It’s what your clan will need the most from you, take what you had left to give me and spare them enough to show you care. I know some of them are quite intolerable! But we ought to play nice nonetheless, hm? That clan…it has a way of just draining the joy from you if you let it, fight back with compassion. Fight back with an understanding that it’s alright to show your heart.” Halfshade took a step back, frowned thoughtfully as if trying to find more to say, to make the moment linger longer, but she sighed instead and shook her head, β€œ...goodbye. I love you.” Briskly she moved to trot back to her place before she was tempted to act out otherwise, to chase him back to the world of the living, to claw the stars themselves to return.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57579335_p9YlQrA6TBwZVwB.png
    β€”βŠ°β‹… StarClanner | Former Warrior of ShadowClan
    β€”βŠ°β‹… She/Her
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Blue Torbie w/Blue & Orange Eyes.
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Please note her colors are very exaggerated and should not be referenced for future coat palettes.

staff notice Characters’ names cannot be changed after their death. It will forever be the name they died with AKA the name they received from their parent/leader/medicine cat. Magpiepaw’s name remains Magpiepaw in StarClan.
Magpie didn’t deserve to be here, he knows this. Fate was unkind and his untimely death left him shaken. He believed in the stars, but knew now they offered him no protection, no care. His view of them had dampened, they were no longer all knowing and all seeing as he once believed and perhaps that view was for the best. One could not even call them good, the cats here were flawed and wretched as any of the living and only the most heinous of souls were not permitted; this was not the afterlife he once perceived it to be. It was another clan away from the living, abhorrent affairs and all. Was there an actual afterlife past this? Surely this was not it? StarClan were always so bright and awe inspiring in his mind, but his disappointment in them was hardly worth dwelling on now was it?
β€œSmogmaw, hello. I have deemed it appropriate to name myself given the circumstance. You may call me Magpiecry now.” Did anyone do it for him? No, he had his own ceremony, reflecting upon himself in an ethereal visage. To remain an apprentice for all eternity when his full name had been so close to his grasp had left him initially wondering if this was not the opposite of a peaceful afterlife but instead a punishment. There were no rules saying he could not name himself, so he took matters into his own paws. It was not as meaningful but it would suffice for his needs.

Part of him wants to leave a message, but to who? Of the cats he once loved, the one dearest to his heart no longer settled within his ribs; how could she? When he saw now from his lofty pedestal what the world looked like outside his small view of it.
His love and adoration blinded him to what was truly a weak willed cat, so crippled by her naivety and unrelenting desire to be perceived good that she would spare mercy for those that caused her clan harm. He can only hope the shadows will be left to bask in darkness unwavering and at peace for the time being. He thinks briefly, hopes Maggotfur is well, wonders if Pipitclaw has gotten himself foolishly hurt, if Frostbite is still kind despite the way ShadowClan continues to be uprooted. Time can only tell, but given the nepotism still so blatant he wonders idly if the clan will be anything but a kingdom entangled in a chokehold of thorns.
β€œWith this life-” There is no prelude, no warbling story to tell or sentiments to be had, he is here for a duty and nothing more, β€œ-I give you resolve. You carry with you a burden far heavier than before, you will make choices that may be cruel or unkind but you do it in service of your clan. Guide them, keep them safe, defy everything and ANYTHING to protect them. Not even the stars shine brightly enough to reveal the path forward, steel yourself to wander into darkness.”

  • Β 

  • 75204717_KgcjQ7iJ5YDThlB.png
    β€”βŠ°β‹… MCA of ShadowClan
    β€”βŠ°β‹… He/They
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

β€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€β€β€Žβ€Žβ€β€β€ŽXXHeavybranch is next to break the line of watching stars, his steps as slow and plodding as his namesake would imply. There is an unshakable thought in him thatβ€”despite his ageβ€”he was never meant to die in such a way as the illness that had taken him. Still, he is honored to have once called himself ShadowClan and he is honored to now call himself StarClan. Above all else, it is an honor to be here to bestow new life upon a familiar face.

β€Žβ€β€β€ŽXX❝Decided to climb high, didn'tcha?❞ The elder's voice is a well worn growl, and holds a familiar warmth despite that, ❝But how like you it'd be to climb too high.❞ Heavybranch had never been one to reach for more than his dueβ€”enough prey that his stomach didn't growl and enough moss in his nest that he didn't wake aching. Despite the circumstances of his death, Heavybranch lived a life far longer than many could ever hope to achieveβ€”and the secret to such a long life was one Heavybranch was happy to share.

β€Žβ€β€β€ŽXX❝As leader, you'll need the right kind of head at the end of your neck,❞ Heavybranch leans his star-laden flat face Smogmaw's way and gifts him the most pragmatic gift he could muster, ❝With this life, I give you sensibility,❞ It is easy to recall countless moons of prudent experienceβ€”judging a jump too far for himself to manage or knowing just where to step on ice so it doesn't break beneath him after witnessing the mistake of a friend the season prior. A lifetime of keeping his large paws on the ground and his nose out of where it didn't belong.

β€Žβ€β€β€ŽXXHe backs away a step and bows, ❝StarClan can only pray you'd take this as advice: don't be an idiot about things, and you should find yourself on the right side of fine.❞ With those as his parting words, Heavybranch rises from his position and offers Smogmaw a small nod, then pads off to join the other starry warriors.
P. 14

After Heavybranch has retraced his steps back, a short-legged molly stands underneath the blue tom. She does not appear to him in the same way he would've known her in life. All traces of her senior age have been replaced with a more youthful complexion; her physical form restored to a time in life where she had found the most joy. What remained the same, however, was the cheery smile and the twinkle behind her eyes.

"Hello, Smogmaw." Stumpyspots purrs, her voice somehow even spry. "It's good to see ya. But'cha got a clan back at home waiting, I won't dilly dally." As much as she wished this ceremony spared time for long reunions, it did not. Time was of the essence when it came time for the baton of leadership to be passed from one paw to another.

"Cats often mistake life's tragedies as a sign of StarClan's displeasure, our disapproval." Stumpyspots had herself, when Briarstar and Pitchstar both had been taken so swiftly it had been difficult to not wonder if StarClan had abandoned ShadowClan. "As leader it will be your job to remind ShadowClan and yourself to not forget StarClan." She looks at him sternly, knowing all-too-well with her star gifted wisdom that Smogmaw was not the most forthcoming with his ancestors. He holds StarClan away from him, weary of their intentions and suspicious of their goodwill. "In times where you fear we have grown apart from you, look to the sky. Does the day turn to night? Does the moonlight brighten the paths of ShadowClan's midnight patrols? Do the stars twinkle?" Yes, without fail. Every night, every day.

On her tippy-toes, she plants her nose softly to Smogmaw's forehead. An empowering and fierce sensation courses through his veins, if his previous lives have not given him a taste of StarClan's power and love, this life surely will. "With this life I give you remembrance for StarClan." Her own surge of power leaves a tingling on her nose as she withdraws from the ShadowClan deputy.

"May you always carry StarClan in your heart, Smogmaw." Stumpyspots' final wish for the ShadowClan deputy, until they meet again in a time she prays will not come for many moons. She disappears back among the crowd of StarClan cats.
  • Β» Half Maw . Stumpyspots
    Β» ShadowClan Warrior
    Β» She/her β€€ Twice Widowed
    Β» Calico she-cat with rounded features.
    Β» ”speech”  thoughts β€€ attack
  • Β» A heavy hitting foe capable of standing her ground
    Β» Excels in slow, but powerful blows and kicks.
    Β» Fights to defend and protect
    Β» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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can we leave it behind? β€” He's done this once before. Once, for a set of paws still stumbling into the fishbone throne left for her legacy. Wearing a cloak of nine star-kissed disciples that would drag her back down to the living over, and over, and over again until she she bled enough and bared enough flesh for the stars to deem her worthy of one final return.

It's different here. There is no air of uncertainty surrounding the pale blue form of a tom he once called a friend. A brother of blood and bone. He can feel the buzzing thrill surge through Smogmaw. He is sure the becoming leader has never been more ready to face this moment.

Sabletuft dipped his head politely to each cat that took their return to the lineup called for Smogmaw, Stumpyspots marking his turn to rise.

He suppose he and Flickerfire are not much different in their, reportedly, surprising appearances among the stars. He does not approach the tom with the same lackadaisical manner, however. His gait is stiff and his paws are set in a soldiers march as he placed each firmly across the starlit lands.

"Your journey did not end after those mountains, it seems." The bicolored tom rumbled as he stood with less than a whiskers length between them. Sabletuft stood tall, his gaze level. A proud return to the prime warrior he once lived as, before his heart had known the crushing loss of love, of friends, of duty and honor.

"With this life, I offer you Brotherhood. A unity bound between brothers is like no other. They bicker, fight, and hate. But there is forgiveness, and joy and love. Your Clanmates will drag you through them all, but yet must remain united in its strength." A gentle push touched his nose to Smogmaw's, he rip-roaring tide ebbing and flowing between each emotion down to the toms nerves until he's pulled away.

Sabletuft paused for a moment, his eyes truly taking the tom in one final time. These lives would mean their reunion among the stars would be delayed an agonizing pace, Halfshade had warned Sabletuft once. It would be for the benefit of their home that they are not selfish, however. "Losing them... will be a pain far greater than receiving these. Don't be tempted to return so soon."

A respectful nod of his head and Sabletuft turned away, flicking his tail over the blue tabby's nose before taking his place once more among his star-studded fellows.

β€” tags
Hare Whiskers stands solemnly among the other spirits, his pelt shimmering like the Moonstone itself. The air is thick with anticipation as he watches, one by one, his clanmates in the stars stride forward to grant a life to the ShadowClan deputy. His star-littered amber eyes follow Sabletuft before him as he joins the crowd once more. It is his turn now. He approaches with his head held high and his tail even higher, holding all of the confidence and nobility he carried in life.

"Smoky," He began, his voice low and resonant, echoing softly within the sacred forest. "It’s been so long. You look well.” He smiles, but this isn’t the time for chit-chat. Smogmaw must get back to ShadowClan. β€œYou have traveled far, not just in distance, but in spirit. You endured to the mountains to save your clan, endured further to get to where you are right now. Each step, no matter how painful, has forged your path and led you here. It is not just physical strength that defines a leader, but the strength to face the storms ahead, to stand resolute when others may falter.”

Hare Whiskers pauses, gazing at the deputy for a long moment. For a heartbeat, he is that tumbling kit again, learning to hunt frogs in the marshland camp. He’s grown up, made a name for himself, and the old tom can’t help but feel a flicker of pride. He leans forward and touches his nose to Smogmaw’s forehead. β€œWith this life I give you strength. Use it well to help your clan endure the hardships they’ll face. Give them the strength to overcome challenges, to rise in the face of adversity, and to protect those who need protecting.” Smogmaw will feel a surge of warmth envelope him, as if the very stars were infusing him with their light. It is one of the least painful lives he received tonight. In fact, the deputy should feel almost invigorated.

Hare Whiskers steps back, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes crinkle with joy. β€œMay you honor this gift in all that you do. Well done, Smogmaw.” With that, he returns to his place among the other StarClanners, and waits for the ninth and final life-giver to approach.
the time has finally come it seems. smogmaw sure took his sweet time getting here, though they suppose they csn give him a bit of leeway, giving that some of that time was spent giving them a pretty nice vigil. the rest though... did he think they wouldn't hear what he said about them? chilledstar has never been the one to so much as care about what other cats think about them. it's not their thing. they had their ideals about it. either they could shut their mouth and follow chilledstar, or they could very well leave the clan. every single decision they made was either out of some fucked up kindness to try and get on the good side of the stars, or for the sake of their clan. more often than not, it was for shadowclan. sure, there was plenty they could have done on the windclan front but what good does war do with a clan that has nothing to lose? whatever. it was not their place anymore. he would figure it out on his own. his ambitions would lead him down whatever path was laid out within the stars, simple and plain.

still, smogmaw needs to know that being on top is not easy. it is not as easy as making a decision that will cost lives of those around them. shadowclan is always better off minding their own business. they can only hope he will see such a thing when the time comes. they did not need allies but they did not need enemies. they simply needed to be within the shadows. taking what they needed when they needed without so much as a peep.


they start, looking the cat over before tilting their head ever so slightly to one side.

"when i picked you as deputy, it wasn't hard to see how much you worked for it. you're ambitious. it is simply you. whether or not that will be a good thing will be up to you. the stars have a clear path for you. wherever it leads, you cannot forget that your clan follows you now. it is your clan, now. they look to you for guidance and safety. they want to feel safe in their clan, and they want to feel as if they belong."

they take a moment, pinning their ears backwards.

"i wish i had time to do more. i know my faults better than anyone ever will. shadowclan was my entire life. it needs to be yours too. as leaders, we are asked to lead and sacrifice and that is what we must do. we must be the voice of reason. the voice that they will follow. not everyone will like the decisions you make but so long as you make them with the clan's best interest at heart, the clan will be better for it."

they take in one deep breath before closing their eyes.

"never forget that we give you these lives so that you may give others the chance to live, too. the life i choose to give you is the life of self-sacrifice. you can afford to give up what you want for them. you need to. they will respect you for it. do not become another sootstar. put your clan first, even if you must sacrifice how you feel for their own comforts."

they move to touch his head gently, nodding their head and looking at the rest of the cats gathered.

"directly from the stars, you are smogmaw no more. you are now smogstar. don't let it go to your head. anytime you need guidance, return to the moonstone. someone will provide it for you. good luck, smogstar."

β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”---***i try to live in black and white***β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”---

  • Β 
  • β€” black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and a blue single eye. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, one across their missing eye and the one across their neck.
    β€” 48 moons old; no longer ages
    β€” they / them pronouns
    β€” aromantic / homosexual ; not looking
    β€” child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    β€” starclan / formerly shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    β€” mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    β€” "speech", thoughts, attacking
    β€” peaceful powerplay allowed