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The wind is capricious tonight. Erratic gusts leave the canopy overhead caught in a chaotic flutter, creating intermittent moments where only the thinnest ribbons of moonlight penetrate and thread through the luscious mantle. As foliage dances to its discordant rhythm, so too do the clan cats gathered in the clearing. Conversing, contorting, colluding underneath such disordered skies. Among them is Smogstar's clan in its nigh-entirety, steeled by days' worth of anticipation and nights' worth of restlessness. The risen tally on ShadowClan cats in attendance, coupled with Chilledstar's glaring absence, is certain to send tongues wagging down below.

The tom himself looks to be visibly shaken, in the sense that is unique to him. He does not wear his misgivings with widened eyes or in a tight-lipped, troubled expression. Rather, a subtle shift in posture. Shoulders hunched, hind legs bearing a majority his weight, and muzzle downturned as if perpetually scenting the Great Rock underfoot. Those leaders and clan representatives in his midst were given a wide berth. Caution, or respect. Neither Smogstar could accurately pinpoint, nor did he care to.

When the Moonstone's touch lulled him into a trance some nights ago, his mind's eye had borne witness to someone whom he misses profoundly and deeply. A dual-toned, now starry-pelted molly. He felt her cheek brush his in greeting. Felt her whiskers tickle his muzzle again. Felt her warm, loving gaze burrow itself deep within his core and carve its mark anew. Upon awakening with nine new lives vested into his being, Halfshade's loss became all the more pronounced; seeing the dead did not grant him closure, but rather reminded him how incomplete he'd become.

Since then, he's kept everyone at a tail's-length. A grieving habit rearing its ugly head at the most inopportune time.

When the seas of conversation eventually settle, and it looks as though the procession may begin, Smogstar finds it within himself to tilt up his chin and address his peers. "Guess I'm goin' first," he states with a dispassionate lilt. Eyes find Sunstar and remain affixed upon the gilded-furred tom for several heartbeats longer than necessary. "Chilledstar is dead, so no one's gettin' smacked tonight. Let's have ourselves a normal gathering." He speaks evenly, at a volume intended only for those standing atop the Great Rock.

Before any finds the chance to reply or press him further on the subject, the ashen tom rises abruptly from his lolled posture. Paws steady on stone, shoulders broad and resolute, Smogstar takes on a stately presence as though on cue. Like a pretender in a rehearsed performance, thrust right into the opening act. He assumes the role without a hiccup to show for it.

Voice now primed and poised, he raises it to address all cats present. "In the last moon, ShadowClan has been dealt a sudden and immense blow. After five seasons of their leadership, a dog upon our territory ripped away Chilledstar's final lives." An echo carries his words a distance further; all clans are now captive to the newest ShadowClan leader's opening statement. He continues in equal composure and fluency, "The cat who offered the other clans refuge through the times of Yellowcough, the cat who'd sacrificed their body to save clanmates time and time again, torn from us by a savage mutt. ShadowClan mourns deeply for its fallen leader, and we shall remember Chilledstar eternally."

Here, he lowers his chin as a signifier. Not reverence, but not pride, either. No sooner does the murmurs around the clans kick up into a low swell that Smogstar sets his jaws into a line. Hardening, just as his words. "Their legacy lives on in the clan they built up from ruin." Tail curling smartly at the midway point, a display purposeful in its flourish. "And it is a privilege,"โ€”felid pupils shrinkโ€”"to assume the mantle as ShadowClan's fourth leader, and oversee the great clan they'd left behind. Nine lives and a new name have been granted to me by StarClan's will. You may now address me as Smogstar."

Every syllable falls as though imbued with a purpose. Precision dictates each vocalized 'p,' each hissed 't' or growled 'r.' It is a similar flavour on his tongue, speaking up on high, having done so two times prior while filling in for Chilledstarโ€”but never like this. Never in the position where he speaks as the real leader. Raspy undertones pervade regardless, but with him no less assertive for it.

"My first announcement is one long overdue." An airy hush. Here, the leader pauses, letting his voice find itself amidst the night wind. "Two gatherings ago, an apprentice of my clan disappeared. Snowypaw. Black fur all-around, 'cept for white patches around her eyes and muzzle." Ears rotate outward at this. "ShadowClan's search parties have swept up and down our territory several times, yet nothing has yielded her return. As such, ShadowClan puts out an offer for the other clans: aid us in finding our lost denmate, and we will be in your favour."

For the first time since assuming his position, his poise wanes slightly. Muzzle drawing back, sneer evident underneath. What he has next to say, Smogstar intends on sounding as distasteful as it actually is. "Turning to other matters, Granitepelt is dead. Clanmate-killing, kit-kidnapping, DuskClan-founding Granitepelt." Bristling, his gaze pivots forthwith towards WindClan's leader. How easily he could remind the cats of the forest that it was the moorlands where the fiend had made his home after his exile. But such a political maneuver is beneath him, Smogstar decides, and holds his tongue in check.

"He died gurgling from infection, alongside the rats and waste of Carrionplace." Allowing for a beat to pass, the new leader straightens his neck out fully. "I must imagine the little 'clan' he'd put together is a nudge away from falling apart entirely." His expression twists into something sardonicโ€”the closest to a grin as Smogstar can muster at the moment. He will not speak more, but the connotation is clear enough in his countenance alone. A threat like DuskClan, no matter how pitiful it may be in its present state, is best dismantled before it has a chance to regain its footingโ€”lest it doesn't dissolve naturally, but eventualities must be pondered.

That's that for news worthy of raising brows and spurring gossip-worthy discussions. His breathing levels. Still, he must recount the changes in rank among his own clan. It's only customary, not to mention courteous. "On a more positive note, Starlingheart has chosen a new apprentice to follow in her pawsteps," he goes on to say, almost smiling. "Marblepaw, know that all of ShadowClan, and surely every medicine cat in the forest, supports you fully in this role."

"ShadowClan also welcomes Sycamorepaw as its newest apprentice. Shrike and Lotus, siblings of Chilledstar's, were also given fully-fledged warrior's names; Shriketalon and Lotusbelly." He also means to introduce the brood Moltface had brought into their fold, yet he cannot so much as let his thoughts encircle them without smirking. The talking-to Buzzardkit had given him, accusing him for speaking ill of its littermate; cutest attempt at an intimidation tactic he has ever seen.

Ultimately, he gives in. Lips turn blithely upwards and he announces the news in a gentler tone, "Lastly, a litter of kits was found in Carrionplace. A queen of ours, Moltface, has taken them in and will see to their growth and upbringing."

Finally. Free of the need to recount ShadowClan's affairs for the time being, Smogstar's sturdy form relaxes on all ends. Back into his hunched, withdrawn posture. "Unless I remember anything else," Smogstar meows, "that is all from ShadowClan."

Last edited:
Orangestar isn't bothered much by Chilledstar's absence. They've only shared a few Gatherings together as leaders, spoken at none of them even prior, and so the look Orangestar greets Smogmaw with is nothing unusual in its faint but civil friendliness. It's good to see him. Still, ragged ears twitch at the news. Foxes at one end of the forest, dogs at the other ... this greenleaf truly had been testing the Clans, hadn't it?

"My condolences. And congratulations, Smogstar." Is all she says, the sandpaper rasp of her voice less obtrusive than the evening breeze.

Though his predecessor had never acknowledged SkyClan's updated reports on missing ShadowClanners, Orangestar decides to give Smogstar a chance. She would keep her warriors' eyes out for Snowypaw, though with everything going on, she can't guarantee it. Her jaw tightens. A favour from the other side of the forest, however, is mildly enticing, though Orangestar has no idea what she might ever use such a thing for. Though the changing of a Clan leader's mantle is never a good thing, she is somewhat eager to see what the era of Smogstar would bring.

Orangestar stands next, barely paying any mind to the feeble protest of her hind leg as she steps forward to address the gathered Clans.

"I was not able to share SkyClan's news from last moon," she meows pointedly, though her gaze does not linger below on any cat in particular as she does, "so you get it now. Last moon, a host of SkyClan apprentices began their training: Cloudpaw, Ashpaw, Chivepaw, Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Candorpaw. On top of that, this moon has brought Cloudypaw, Jellypaw, Ricepaw, Stormpaw, Dogwoodpaw, Radiopaw, Glitchpaw and Teeveepaw to our apprentices' den." She take a much-needed breath, a fleeting crease of humour crossing scarred features. "SkyClan can expect to find many good warriors joining its ranks this coming leafbare." Thank StarClan they began their training now, when the prey was plentiful, though Orangestar wonders if so many untrained paws would chase more away than they caught.

"My sibling, Honeysplash, has welcomed three healthy kits into the Clan: Adderkit, Cloverkit and Weaselkit. SkyClan has also taken in two kits, Budkit and Scruffykit, since the last Gathering." Maybe her half-joke just prior had more truth to it than originally anticipated. "More recently, Doeblaze and Chickbloom have taken on warrior names. If you see them tonight, pass on your congratulations to them ... and to Fireflyglow, for earning his full medicine cat name."

She pauses for a moment, mostly sure that she had now covered all of the ceremonies. Her Clanmates would tell her otherwise when they returned if she'd forgotten any, she's sure. Then, she moves to more concerning news:

"SkyClan have been dealing with foxes lurking by our unclaimed border by some time now. I can't say anything of the far side of Fourtrees, but ThunderClan and ShadowClan should be wary. I don't know if there are more than the two grown foxes, and my patrols recently caught sight of two fox cubs, but SkyClan has felled one of the foxes." She seeks Howlfire in the crowd, inclining her head just slightly to the torbie if she makes eye contact. Her landing the final blow has not gone forgotten by her leader.

"This last moon has brought with it another tragedy, however. Tatteredlight, one of our warriors, was killed in Twolegplace. This numbers three SkyClanners killed now. I am unsure if the rogues are remnants of old foes, or something ne ..." She trails off, gaze sharpening. She seeks Fireflyglow in the crowd, aware that they can't see her urgent glance. He'd received a prophecy some moons ago, hadn't he? Something about old shadows ... old foes, something like that. Orangestar doesn't recall the exact wording, but a flash of near-panic is quickly schooled back into her usual stoic calm.

"... Ahem. Or something new. If we discover anything relevant to the Clans before the next Gathering, we will send patrols as necessary. For now, that is all from SkyClan."

  • ย 
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR โœง she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    โ€” "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    โ€” single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    โ€” speech is in #F18C47
    โ€” tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

โœงโ‚Šโบ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธโ•ฑ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ Chilledstar is dead. He knew this in the way that the clan who guarded Highstones could know anything of the sort โ€” but knowledge does not soften his gaze. The leader of WindClan is here against his judgement this moon, and the judgement of his deputy. Her spot is glaringly empty. Where the other clans sought stand-ins during times theirs were unavailable, he does not see a point in it. Not when she is well back at camp, guarding against all that these clans had nearly taken from him. Cold eyes continually flit to the moon as if checking that it remained. Watching how far it has dipped back towards the horizon. What time of the night had he decided that his clan would depart from this sacred space? How quickly had they needed to return so that he might save the flame-streaked warrior's life and drive that threat from their clan?

"Your ranks swell, Orangestar. It is good to see that some among this forest still thrive." The low voice carries like a ripple across the crowd to dissipate at its furthest ends. Mostly sound without words, and a grave bitterness.

"Granitepelt is dead because of WindClan claws. This night, last moon, DuskClan crept into our territory like poison, seeking to destroy those that remained while the rest of us were here. StarClan saved our clan twice overโ€“ in ending the Gathering, we returned in time to fend them off." He does not speak of his own lives lost; the wound has healed well enough that his fur mostly hides it, and even those that catch a glimpse would not know the gorge those fangs had carved across him. "We lost one of our queens, Nightingalecry, who bravely defended our nursery to her final moments, but drove them out like the pathetic rats that they are." Whatever ire he felt fades to a pale remnant of grief. "Many of our kittens relied upon her kindness. She will be missed."

"But in kinder news," Sunstar clears his throat, "WindClan has welcomed new warriors and new apprentices both. Downyfur, Pinkshine, Quietcrow, and Kitecall! Though he does not stand here today, we have also welcomed Harefoot, who stood with us against DuskClan despite his newness to our clan." It would serve them well to hear the full story, that this was a cat who hailed from his mountains, who followed the strand of destiny to its tether in the moors โ€” but they do not need to know it all. "And among our apprentices, we welcome Whitepaw, Midnightpaw, Grasspaw, Frightpaw, Witherpaw, and Rowanpaw, all who have proved themselves ready and capable." It was not the first moon of her apprenticeship, but he looks down upon the patched feline anyway with the same pride the others receive.

The others speak of their medicine cats, and for once, Sunstar does not let his council fade to obscurity. A lightning-like grin strikes down upon his own medicine cats, gathered in their own cluster where he must creep closer to the rock's edge to see them. "Fireflyglow is not alone in his name! Cottonsprig stands beside Wolfsong, not as his apprentice any longer but as an equal. Her knowledge is a boon to WindClan." He could speak of Slateheart and Bluefrost (had he ever announced Dimmingsun? Periwinklebreeze?) โ€” instead, he makes one sweeping gesture to all of them, pride bright on his face. "And her presence among my council will benefit us all."

"In all that has happened, WindClan perseveres. Grass has begun to regrow, and prey returns slowly before greenleaf comes to its end." For the first time in this, he looks directly to Smogmaw. "Should WindClan catch sight or word of Snowypaw, we will ensure that its information passes to you." In this, at least, WindClan has made good on its promises: it did not keep what it had not earned. "That is all of WindClan's news."

  • 68618436_niWt9hIm1ktdzou.png
    โœงโ‚Šโบ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธโ•ฑ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ OOC. โ€”
    แฏ“โœง ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๐’๐”๐๐’๐“๐€๐‘. SUNSTRIDE. SUNNVAR.
    แฏ“โœง ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ MASC ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ & ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ AMAB, ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ HE โ€“ HIM โ€“ HIS.
    แฏ“โœง ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ SECOND LEADER OF ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ WINDCLAN.
    แฏ“โœง ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ NINE LIVES: ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ โ‹† ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ โ‹† ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ โ‹† ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ โ‹† ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ โ‹† ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ โ‹† ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ โ‹†ฬดฬŒอ›อ–ฬปโ€†โ‹†ฬตฬฬฟอƒฬอฬผอˆ โ‹†ฬถอฬ€ฬฌ
  • 82190121_9CSsSGfEk2LJ5dF.png
    a large chocolate and white rosette tom with seaglass eyes. the first thing many see when looking at sunstar now is not his proud posture or boxy build, but the scarred stump that remains of his front left leg. a wound that would have killed most other cats took one of his lives; not even starclan could repair it.

    a rogue brought to windclan in a search for greatness, one of sootstar's most loyal warriors turned into her downfall. with a mate and kits to worry about, and now nine lives from starclan with a missing limb, windclan's leader has much to prove.


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  • The time to ascend the Highstones is come faster than she would've liked and selfishly, as the lynx point makes her way carefully upwards, she is glad to have the distraction of Smogmaw's presence. He would be a far more appetizing thing for the eyes to linger on, rather than the RiverClan leader, left marred by a lost life in more ways than just spiritual. Though Moonbeam is nothing short of an expert (in her humble opinion) in regards to the care of flesh wounds, the body seems resistant to forgetting what it has lost and aches at her hip, where roseate skin lingers as a permanent display of egregious injury. At least it had been the stars forced to tend to that one, rather than the lacing tatters of her foreleg.

    They come to regret their selfish relief quickly, as the ShadowClan tom leaps headfirst into the announcement of the death of his predecessor. Shock colors her in furrowed brow and pinched frown, the mention of a dog feeling far more haunting in her own, secreted context. Had it been the same one...? Had it ripped two star-blessed lives within a moon? Or was it just foul luck that canines would run rampant in two clans at once... (Not unheard of but... horrifying). He must be Smogstar then... and distantly, she remembers a terse conversation from moons ago between them, sat as deputies below these very same stones.

    He had been ready... and she had not.

    He presses further still through his announcements, unbothered and confident; unwavering as he calls out a name she had hoped would remain quieted to circumstance and lost with time. Snowypaw. A renewed effort to find her and find her he likely would, if his neighbors had any eyes in their heads to alert him. She'd been careful... but even her own clan stirred with unrest, there was no promise that Iciclefang herself would not test her luck upon her freedom from rearing the clan's newest generation. A small breath, exhaled quietly to steel her nerves- she'd fix this... There was no more hoping for forgetfulness to win out.

    Orangestar speaks next and they find themself relieved to hear her voice, in some small way.... It is familiar and marks a friend among a field of foes. Much of this news she parrots is not surprising, given what luck they'd had in forming their own, small, impromptu gathering of the two clans but, she nods courteously in acknowledgement regardless. She makes note of the mention of Doeblaze, picking out her son's name from the mouthful that leave the orange-cream leader... what an unfortunate first gathering they must've had then. To be ruined by baseless accusation and violence.

    It is with that foulness in mind that she turns to listen to Sunstar, crowing his victories as if he had not just made a victim of them a mere moon ago, claiming they yet starved. How convenient... as ever. At least there is the news of that northern terror being eradicated... she can count is amongst her blessings that Granitepelt never reached her shores.

    The lull prompts her to step forward, tail flicking in agitation. "A great moon... for medicine cats," she agrees, a curt congratulations to both Fireflyglow and Cottonsprig in turn. "Last moon.... we were interrupted..." she finds her gaze drawn towards Smogstar, as if she might see Chilledstar in him if she looked hard enough. Did they regret it, in their last moments? "A new apprentice.... Jaggedpaw.... and four new warriors.... Beefang, Cricketchirp, Cicadaflight... and Sandpelt." She hopes they're recognized, hopes no one in this forest has forgotten the blood of two river kings and knows they yet thrive as continuations of that powerful bloodline. "My council too.... welcomed Foxtail... as my newest... lead warrior," sharp, cerulean gaze fishes for him in the crowd, making sure to give him the proper acknowledgement that had been stolen from him.

    It was not much to share... so perhaps it was for the better that she had this moon's blessings to add to it.

    "Gladefrost stands with us.... a new name... harboring hopes of... a bright future." She still couldn't say she agreed that changing your name over a string of bad luck made sense but... had they not done the same to Howl...? "My children," she continues, with her son at the forefront of her thoughts, "Have reached their sixth moon... and join us tonight... as apprentices of RiverClan.... Horizonpaw, Twinklepaw and Eveningpaw.... and they stand... to fill the spots... of three graduates... standing as warriors... under this full moon... Bumblenose, Carawaysong, and Minnowtail." What great fortune, to announce only goodness and greatness and growth from her clan, while others note loss after loss. Perhaps this is what StarClan owed her... After so many seasons of suffering.

    "Most importantly," she continues, sweeping her attention to the leaders gathered with her, "RiverClan champions... its new deputy...." She can still hear the smoky molly grumbling her frustration in her ear that night, none too pleased with her assignment but not so angry as to reject it. "Hazecloud... serves as my successor... She who underwent... the Journey... to bring back lungwort... and has been a... guiding light to much... of RiverClan's growing youth... She will be... a great asset in her... new role." She cranes her neck, to peer down at her with a small smile, hoping to satiate her fears or agitation in that moment but knowing it to be unlikely before she withdraws with a tilt of head towards Howlingstar, "That is all... from RiverClan."
  • about

    speech hex code โœง #6368A5

    ooc notes โœฆ sorry for the TON of flavor text i . have a disease.
    tagging โœถ
    penned by tieirlys
  • หšใ€€ใ€€โ˜…โ‹†. เฟเฟ”ใ€€ใ€€โœฆใ€€ใ€€ใ€€.ใ€€ใ€€. ใ€€โ€ˆหšใ€€.ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ . โœฆใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ ใ€€หšใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ .

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Howlingstar stands with her head high and her tail steady amidst the other leaders. At Orangestar's shoulder, she regards the ShadowClan deputy with curiosity - another Gathering without Chilledstar? But as Smogmaw begins his announcements, it becomes clear why. Chilledstar is dead. Surprise flashes in verdant eyes, sharpening her gaze upon the newly named ShadowClan leader. As Smogstar's declarations echo through the clearing, stirring shocked whispers among the gathered cats, the tabby's gaze sweeps over the assembly in a slightly calmer shock. "I'm sorry," She utters, fixing Smogstar once more with a look. "Their legacy will endure as the leader who saved all of the clans when they needed them most." She will not so readily forget how they let her into their medicine cat's den when she herself was sick with Yellowcough. She will not forget the trust they had in her in banishing Sunnyday. She will honor their memory, even if they had butted heads from time to time. She continues to listen, her ear flicking to note the missing apprentice. Snowypaw. She will ensure Flamewhisker's patrols keep an eye out for the young one. The she-cat can't help but wonder...why does ShadowClan specifically continue to lose so many of youth? Her thoughts are pulled away as Granitepelt's death is announced as is a new medicine cat apprentice, Marblepaw.

The ThunderClan leader next listens attentively as Orangestar addresses the Gathering, her expression thoughtful. She speaks of the recent events and challenges faced by her clan and Howlingstar nods subtly in acknowledgment, gaze unwavering out of obvious respect for her SkyClan counterpart. At the back of her mind, however, she thinks of the 'Gathering' she'd heard of between just SkyClan and RiverClan, and a bitter feeling rises in her chest. She shakes it off, especially after hearing her grandson has earned his full name finally. Fireflyglow! She tries to find him in the crowd, her eyes sparkling with pride, before she looks back to Orangestar. "We shall remain vigilant on our borders in case the foxes come near." The rogues, however, cause her pelt to tingle uncomfortably. That is what killed her granddaughter. Howlingstar stands silently back as Sunstar moves forward to speak, absorbing his words. Her steady gaze watches his face, and though subtle, she notices his expression shift from solemn to resolute. She tries to meet his eye and dips her head with a measured grace. "We mourn with you for Nightingalecry - how cruel of them to take a queen's life." It is certainly news to her to hear that WindClan is who rid this world of Granitepelt, but it does not make her feel any better to know DuskClan is out and about attacking camps in the middle of Gatherings. A growing nervousness suddenly makes her want to head home soon, just in case. And finally, Lichenstar takes the front of the Great Rock. She listens intently as the blue point speaks of many new warriors and apprentices, as well as a new lead warrior and deputy. She looks down, trying to find the named she-cat before she returns her attention to the RiverClan leader. "Congratulations," She murmurs with a respectful nod. Not only for the new deputy, but also for her children now training. She is sure she must be proud.

And now it is her turn. She steps forward with her chin and tail held high with authority, a natural stance she has become used to over the seasons. Green eyes sweep over the gathered cats of all five clans, her expression a blend of solemnity and resolve. She seems tired to any keen eyes, but as she always has, she carries her exhaustive weight with dignified grace. "Unable to share our news last moon, I want to honor our new warrior and apprentice who did not get to have their names announced before all of the clans." She fights the urge to cast a look towards the ShadowClanners. "Sunshinepaw had earned his warrior name, and is now Sunshinespot. Deerkit was named Deerpaw, and was apprenticed to my daughter, Lily Pad." She smiles and continues, "And this moon, we have seen many more cats named, all who stand here among you tonight. Amidst our trials, we grow stronger with new warriors: Briarsong, Smokefur, Darkthistle, and Emberface. I would also like to announce Thundergleam to the clans, a loner who has earned the right to call herself a ThunderClanner through and through." Her steady voice carries across Fourtrees, and she takes a moment to pause so that the new warriors' names have a moment to resonate. "In addition, ThunderClan proudly announces the apprenticeship of two litters, one being that of my deputy, Flamewhisker. Sunpaw and Shadowedpaw have been apprenticed to Ivytwist, Squirrelpaw to Lightflower, Scorchedpaw to Flamewhisker, Bugpaw to Morningcloud, Shroudedpaw to Mousenose, Fadingpaw to Skyclaw, Glowingpaw to Lily Pad, and Dwindlingpaw to Bluestride. We look forward to seeing the warriors they will become." Her proud smile dims just then, her ears falling. "We mourn the loss of my granddaughter, Moonwhisper, who fell victim to a rogue attack on our border. It is a loss that weighs heavily upon us, especially as she leaves behind her kits in the nursery." Her maw parts as if she wishes to say more, but nothing but silence comes out and she must pause, blinking away mournful tears. She and her granddaughter did not get along very well at the end, but she was still kin. As always she must force herself to straighten her shoulders, face softening as she speaks on more personal matters, "On a joyous note, I am pleased to share that Nightbird and my son, Raccoonstripe, welcomed five healthy kits to the clan not long ago: Bayingkit, Lightningkit, Stormkit, Twilightkit, and Tigerkit." With a final nod to signify the end of her announcements, Howlingstar steps back, her eyes shadowed. "May StarClan guide us all in the moons ahead."

After a rather awkward conversation with Sootspot of WindClan, Howlfire is glad to have finally gotten away and be able to sit in peace and listen to the announcements. When Smogstar steps forward, she does not think it is under the new title of leader, and assumes that he was covering for Chilledstar. However, Smogstar is quick to announce the passing of his predecessor and Howlfire sucks in a shocked gasp. They had served the longest tenure as leader of ShadowClan and it is a shock to think that they would be gone. Ironically, it is a little bit of a shock to no longer imagine seeing Smogstar sitting with the deputies, as he held that rank for so very long. His other announcements are largely peaceful, save for perhaps announcing the death of Granitepelt. Howlfire recalls hearing mention of that name before, and after all the crimes he has committed, she thinks there would be few if any mourning his loss.

Howlfire's own leader follows Smogsta, and the announcements are familiar to her, due to being present for much of them within the clan. However, the mention of the foxes, and the subtle glance towards Howlfire in the crowd, leaves the torbie pushing her chest up a little in pride, glad for the silent recognition. Sunstar follows and speaks in a notably sombre tone. Howlfire is shocked to hear of the attack on WindClan, though pleased to know they were victorious in driving out this DuskClan, even at the cost of one of their own. Hopefully, their victory would mean a safer WindClan, and a safer time for the whole of the clans. RiverClan's announcements prove to be the most peaceful tonight - speaking of new apprentices and warriors, as well as the appointment of Hazecloud to serve as deputy.

In the end, Howlingstar's announcements perhaps draw the most visceral reaction from Howlfire. She listens in peace to the many apprentices and warriors named, smiling inwardly at how well both the clans she called home were faring. It is Howlingstar's penultimate announcement that sends a shockwave down her spine. We mourn the loss of my granddaughter, Moonwhisper, who fell victim to a rogue attack on our border. It is a loss that weighs heavily upon us, especially as she leaves behind her kits in the nursery. Howlfire can't help the pained sound that comes out of her mouth; shock mostly, because she and Moonwhisper had not been close, but also grief. Grief for the sister she had once loved and grief for the relationship that would never be repaired. Stars, what was the last thing they said to each other? That they no longer considered each other kin? What a horrible way to part on and now they will never be able to make up. Howlfire will have to make peace with the idea of losing another sibling.

Howlfire suddenly feels very uncomfortable and nauseous, all too aware of the questioning glares from the cats closest to her. She can't stay here, she needs to get away. The chocolate torbie is on her paws, quickly trying to step around the seated cats, and not making any eye contact. A few cats would have heard her muttering, "I need to go" though it would be clear she was talking more to herself than any of them. Once free from the crowd, Howlfire slips into the bushes, disappearing quickly back towards sanctuary, back towards SkyClan.

// OUT! your cats can try to stop her, but she'll slip away