It hadn't been permanent — that black hole in the sky. But it had been long enough. Long enough to stomach that silent call from StarClan. See us, they demanded, with their grasp tight on the sun. She heard it loud and clear, saw it as plainly as a snow - white rabbit out from its burrow; and she was terrified. Not for herself, but for her clan.

Wolfwind recalls the discordant galloping of wild hooves, one set belonging to a great, tusked beast, another belonging to a tall and spindly thing, seemingly running blind. Even if they were clueless, the beasts that had drooled behind them certainly hadn't been. She's always been glad for ThunderClan, glad that their forest sprawled perhaps more than any other territory. Nevermind the burn — their herbs were abundant once more, prey sprawled once again. Was it collapsing on itself now? Backfiring in that, it could house much more than just... a prospering clan?

She had watched the skies after that, waiting for something else to happen. For the disaster to strike. Maybe— thunder, or winds stronger than anything they've seen. None of that ever came, of course it didn't, because something like that would be too mundane, wouldn't it? There had been the distant cry of a bird, and her fur had gone alight. Something terrible was coming.

She would find the danger before it found them.

She abandons her attempts to sleep that night, slipping from the walls of camp some time between moonhigh and dawn. A quick sweep of the territory is all she wanted. A quick check to make sure the badger sets were all empty, the foxes dens not home to kits that would develop a taste for blood. Her heart pounds uneasily in her chest. Despite the glimmer of the moon across amber eyes, she could hardly see a damn thing.

She couldn't be blindsided again, refused to be. Anything lurking on ThunderClan land — anything waiting to spring while the sun was blotted; while her family was near... Howlingstar would know about it, come morning.


loss haunts her like something shadowed, something slobbering and vicious and hungry for more ; she walks with paws gone numb from exertion, hollow - eyed and tired where her peers can't see her. she feels unreal -- dreamlike, if not for the ever - pulsing ache in her chest. this grief is a new feeling. unwelcome, wholly, paralyzing in it's entirety. her nest runs cold and stiff with disuse, nightmare ridden and restless in the silent nights. she swears, she swears she can still hear the whisper of baying hounds in the back of ever craning ears, twitching for the ghost of a clumsy - footed crunch in the grass or a too loud, too heavy panting. she never knows, but she can't keep herself from it -- listening. for a sign, a hint.. or maybe for a soft, purr - feathered voice, so proud and warmly familiar.

neither come ; though in the wake of the sun's foreboding blot she lies awake still, frozen in a force - lax semi - circle in the mess of her bedding amongst piles of long - slumbering warriors who -- have moved on. they wake, they laugh and they hunt and they continue with their lives as though nothing had changed. she feels her loss like a limb, like a gaping hole she keeps curls inward in to keep her guts from spilling into the open. she even has to hear it ; nothing more than a ginger - kissed scrap of fur at flamewhisker's side and yet it's image haunts her still. sunkit. she wants to thrash in her nest at the thought, a painful stab of anger and jealousy snaking through her ribs. its a mockery, dirt rubbed into the tattered flesh of still - bleeding wounds and she can only sit and wait and deal until.. until..

movement. mist haze grey where she's not ribboned pink - white with still healing skin, near melding with the shadows should she not be so fine - tuned to her side. wolfwind is easy ; an onslaught, a forever - pacing torrent of energy and enthusiasm burning so bright she could dim herself in return. she feels too much, too strongly, all the time -- carries it through a splintering spine to keep the spirits of thunderclan high. that was her place. her duty, her pledge to amend the places where her confidence fails her and yet wolfwind demands nothing. amidst imploring, pitying eyes she casts only spitfire sunburst in her direction, alight and all consuming. a wanderer, and in her footsteps freckleflame had always been implored to follow.

so she does. with a heavy lift out of her nest and a shake of her pelt, she steps carefully over the rivers of whiskers and tails until moonlight bathes the ginger - black of her coat in a sheen of starry grey. it's not a hair close to dawn patrol, though she supposes they were closer to that than they were moonhigh ; wolfwind slips from camp with an abruptness that prickles the hairs on the back of freckleflame's neck, tail low and big paws quiet as she dutifully follows. she's on a mission -- doesn't notice her until the greenery of thunderclan's territory spreads into view beyond the gorse and she clears her throat with a somewhat stilted, ” d'ja find worms in your nest again? “ from behind.

her voice lilts, betrays the concern that rouses in her grief - badgered heart even before her eyebrow whiskers quirk together. yet still, she smiles lopsided and tired as she takes the molly's side, flourishing her tail behind them and letting their fur brush comfortably. and continues on. unasked, unvoiced ; she would come with her, on whatever expedition she intended on having alone, ” or are we just goin' on a nice moonlight walk? “ eyes crinkle at the edges despite the air of unease. it beat staring at the warriors den walls all night, at least.

  • i.

  • 74358446_5A10PH5FEpmGJJY.png

    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MOLLY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.

Her friend's presence is typically a balm, one unable to be used in excess, no matter how much she talked about getting sick of this and that. What little of any plans Wolfwind had always adjusted to her easily. Despite her hulking paws, that thick - pelt made in her late fathers image, the two of them slotted together just fine.

Tonight was different, though. Tonight was not spurred by easy whims or a warrior's duties, but by her duty, and hers alone. By that same thing that had lost her her eye and given about a dozen nicks across the front of her paws. Sun - blot panic has brought her here, and it feels some sort of omen, to be faced with someone when she'd wanted nothin' more but be left with nothin'. Her eye screws somewhat in her skull. Guilty ears fly backward. And for a Lead Warrior— for someone who deemed herself assigned hunter of the forest's dangers, she's awfully slow to track to track Freckleflame with her sole eye. A neck cranes sideward, to make her out in the gloom; cranes again when she comes to her side like she would on any normal day. " Nothin's wrong with my nest, " she finally says, a little humorlessly, and she feels bad for it.

Freckleflame doesn't stop her though. She keeps on walkin' without even knowing where Wolfwind's paws were leading them both. It's sweet, and its dangerous. Wolfwind's heart gives a little flutter, things both good and bad. She huffs somethin' like a laugh. " ...I wish. " We is taken on naturally... and Wolfwind shouldn't let that happen.

She parts her jaw, and out almost comes something bold and vague: " Lead Warrior Matters, " a rank held above her head to keep her nose out of no - cats business, but what kinda friend would that make her? And she's almost certain the girl wouldn't listen, anyways. Wolfwind figures... she can tell her, and still shoo her away in the end. Maybe if she was straight with it, she wouldn't have to plead with her to leave.

" Lotta bad is happenin' lately, " with dry lips, she says. Theres a thousand things she could prattle on about, but she didn't need to tell Freckleflame, of all cats, that bad things were happenin'. " Y-you saw it, didn't you? when the sun was... gone? Yanked away, for just a moment? I think that means— It has to mean... It's just gonna get worse, Frecks. "

A few leaves are pressed to the ground by their collective pawsteps, unlike the crunch they'd give when they were shriveled and brown in Leaf - bare, but still noisemakers, nonetheless. The shift reminds her to keep her eyes ahead, not on Freckleflame— not on her, as much as she'd like them to be. Her gaze anywhere else kept her just that little bit safer. The idle brush of their pelts dares to lure her into comfort, but that eye she left behind sees Sunfreckle. It sees Batwing and Flycatcher, dead to threats before anyone could blink. " I'm worried, " she admits, eye focused ahead. " And— It's good that I'm worried, 'cause when I'm not worried, I'm... Not as useful. " That eye she left behind sees Morningpaw. It sees the moons Wolfwind had spent as a glorified stick in the mud, slouched in the middle of camp.

" A quick lap— I just need a quick lap 'round the territory, and I'll be happy knowing nothing else will get the jump on us. Roeflame n' Burnstorm n' Raccoonstripe n'... everyone. " she breathes. She remembers Berryheart before he went. Before he went somewhere. Somewhere she understands, and has understood for some time now, especially as they blotted the sun, called forth attention worldwide to say something terrible is coming. Before Berryheart had been in that same sky, he'd told her he's proud of her. She'd keep makin' him proud. And this... This was a part of that.

She looks at Freckleflame, eyes like something at the bottom of RiverClan's waters, or maybe springing between the cracks of stones in Newleaf. They're shaded, in nothin' but moonlight, but Wolfwind has seen them plenty of times to have her bearings by now, to not let her gaze waver, when she says. " And... I'd be happiest knowing you're okay, Freckleflame. "

Her tail flicks against a coat the color of fire, smolders and flames. A distracted gaze peels away to glimpse the hill of rocks they've ended up at, as they wandered. He saw no foxes in their dens; no adders in their burrows. " You should go back to camp, " She says.

And a loose step sends her paw smashing down onto the back of a serpent.

She startles, a small gasp peeping from a pale maw. Her head is angling to glimpse it proper, and though she'd never wanted to crush that thing, though she lifts that paw as quickly as she can, beady eyes and a whip - tongue cannot see all that she can; it can't know that much, when it sinks twin fangs into the meat of her leg. Pain strikes as quickly as the adder had, shooting white - hot fire up her nerves. She holds back a scream, wrapping jaws around snakeskin instead of the animal noise that wanted to claw its way from her throat. Pearly fangs are stubborn, lodged until they can finally be ripped away in inglorious fashion. A sudden weakness threatens to make her drop her prey— but she sees Freckleflame, and she refuses. Teeth clang against scales, gnashing together with the intent to kill, and in a heap, they both collapse.

The adder is dead. It's taste is bitter. Her breathing comes out in short bursts, too short to just be adrenaline from killing that skinny thing. " ...Why? " Muscles around that same leg begin to spasm strangely, doin' things she would never have it do— things she didn't know how to have it do. Simply keeping herself upright is suddenly a struggle and she strains to roll herself over, to hold out her leg to Freckleflame, who she knows is no Medicine Cat, but she has to ask: " S'look bad? " Thin fangs hardly provide a thing to look at, but it feels

" I'm okay, I–I'm okay, " It's for both Freckleflame and herself. Death doesn't scare her, but she hadn't gotten her lap. Her lap is all she had wanted. She would finish that at least. " A mo-moment, " she mumbles, she just needs a moment and she can calm herself. That's what she says, but her breaths are heavy and too - fast, bile swells in her throat quicker than it has. Her leg is shaking, shaking. A moment. And yet as the moments tick by, she only manages to feel worse.

Venom. She'd let herself wander Snakerocks. One of the very first places any ThunderClan apprentice was taught about. Named with such clarity that even a fool would know the danger. She should've seen it. She shouldn't have been so... distracted. Everything that has happened lately. She shouldn't have been so distracted. It was her. it was practically always her.

" F-Freckleflame, " she stutters, not like herself. Her eyes are wide as what had swallowed the sun that day, when she looks at her dearest friend, and she says. " Don't f-feel bad, " only because she knew she would.

Wolfwind slumps across the ground. As she waits to regain her strength, she only finds herself growing weaker. She finds her sole eye narrowing, And what's long - gone flashes back to each and every one of her mistakes, each and every clanmate she's lost, every missed opportunity, every thing she never got to tell, before they were gone. She waits and she waits for herself to get up again. She never quite does.

If she were to go to StarClan, she'd never thought it'd be like this. She had always pictured Great Battles; the final push against WindClan. A sacrifice, like Batwing had done. To grapple with a fox, a badger, a bear... She had never pictured an adder, small and thin. For a moment, she's disappointed. Just for a moment.

She wants to look at her without thinking about anything else. " ...I'm just glad... " She didn't sound like herself. And who knows if that's good or bad, anymore. " J-just glad it wasn't you... " To do good for someone... That's all she's ever wanted. Glossed eyes glimpse Freckleflame beneath their lids. Her panting is ugly — more akin to a mutt's than any warriors. She just hopes Freckleflame didn't see her as one. " 'Care about you "

being a leader had never suited her. her sole time leading a patrol had found them wolves, even, though freckleflame chocked it up to her recent spur of rotten luck ; but wolfwind takes on the mantle with ever sparking paws, quick and low to the ground in her increasingly obvious franticness. shadowed paws fall in mimic steps at wolfwind's side despite the dryness in her restless voice, quirking only a flame - marked brow of what, then?, but frecklefame knew what. she drifted ever closer to that lull of adrenaline, drawn like a moth to dangerous light ; foiled by the same siren call that had taken her eye, the same virtue her clanmates shouted praise for. heroism. hotblooded, fit to burst, fit to run her from the safety of their den just as her father had. a spur of the moment panic, sure and precise and right. she doesn't pretend to understand, only to worry ; to perceive, and soften her eyes when the molly turns away with a huffed i wish.

the tortoiseshell does, too.

so she goes quiet, for only a beat or so. moonlight illuminates the path before them in shades of mottled newleaf, half alive beneath the fallen rot of rain - dampened leaves ; it silences their pawsteps, cools the nerves that prickle hotly at her toes. wolfwind does not tell her to leave — wouldn't, she doesn't think, long since abandoning the breath it would only waste. she was stubborn, if not anything else. wanted to be here. wanted to pull the sun from the sky herself should she be able to turn back the dusk and dawn, if she could only make things okay again. a tug of her heart resists it — change. she hated it, the feeling of familiarity slipping through her frantic claws. when the molly speaks, she understands ; awfully, and more than she'd like. hearing it aloud prickles the fur at her spine but she nods anyway, slow and tight - lipped because a lotta bad's happening seemed an understatement still.

” bad always happens. “ she says, though not confident that it would help or hurt. ” s'what i've been telling myself, anyway. “ and she did, when things got too bleak. in times like this, before she left her nest to follow in the silvery she-cats rapidfire footsteps. but then she continues, and continues, and freckleflame had always wondered — but she says it. useful. her heart pangs, an argument hot on her tongue but there is something there : something deep, something far away in her lone vision and she swallows hard instead,” bads gonna happen whether we're warned 'bout it or not. “ but starclan had let the sun vanish. there was little she could do to argue it ; they'd taken the light that dapples through their evergreen canopies and there could be no other reason for it than trouble.. but trouble was inevitable, sunlit or not. still, they would survive. surely. it seems she thinks it often, now -- starclan wouldnt let it happen. not again. truthfully, she isnt sure of it anymore.

she sighs, soft, under her breath -- tense with words she doesnt know, ” i just.. “ she starts, because she could never resist getting a word in edgewise, when the molly finally lifts her gaze and freckleflame meets her fiery eye instinctively. it pins her, splays her like a butterfly beneath shimmering claws and she feels her throat jump with another hard swallow, memories of orange shaded evenings in the marshlands playing at the back of her mind, ” you matter too, 's much as roeflame 'n the others. you matter to me. ain't gotta be useful for it, either, just.. here. “ not alone, no ventures into the great, unknown darkness. but wolfwind says her name, says she'd be happiest with her safe, but was she really ever? she lulls into a tender - eyed quiet again, and in that moment the lead warrior tells her she should go home, as much as the brush of her tail against an ember - shadow flank makes her want to stay. so she lowers her ears and her voice, murmurs an imploring, ” and th' night guards'll keep us safe as a single cat can 'til dawn. “

but she turns, a 'come back with me' hot on freckleflame's tongue when the grass flashes to life.

it happens too quick, falling to the ground where she and the serpent tangle seconds before falling still. for a brief, precious moment, she prays beyond all hope that wolfwind had been quicker. she’d always been quicker ; than her, than their peers, than the hounds of fate that bay at her heels. she begins to pant like them instead.

faces flash behind widening eyes, the nightmare memory of heavy breath finding her again ; death works quick, coming in threes and freckleflame counts sunfreckle, duskbird, batwing. she counts flycatcher, leopardtongue and — stars. a gasp finally breaks free from her trembling maw, a click of her throat betraying the slow settling agony of the inevitable. an adder. that was an adder, and wolfwind mews a frustrated why that freckleflame echos with a louder, why! drawn high with a voice growing already unstable, weepy when it draws her throat tight and painful. she sounds not unlike a petulant kitten sent to bed early, missing only the frustrated stomp of her cream - ribboned paw towards the star studded sky because why? why was this happening? panic threads through her ribs quicker than she can think, pulls taut until she breathed only in quick, awful pants herself but the molly asks if it’s bad and she slings her head down vacantly, trembles against the we have to get you to gentlestorm that threatens her tongue despite knowing.. despite knowing.

sunfreckle had passed violently. she’d seen it — rainbowed red, a violent arc of crimson when ginger stripes finally separated between two snarling jaws. he’d been devoured quickly, though not quickly enough to keep she and her family from the sight ; she prays he died long before his blood haloed their nursery, far before the last of sunny fur was lapped from the drooling maw of a hungering hounds. prays it was instant, the moment yellowed teeth met a once collared neck. batwing had gone, proud and prepared into the forest — the next she seen him, he was broken beneath the weeping body of their medicine cat, water drenched and still somehow red. flycatcher met his fate at the claws of an angry rogue, leaving his pregnant mate behind just in time to miss his litter’s birth. tragedy sings through thunderclan territory in snap moments ; sudden death, here once and gone the next. wolfwind, though, looks up at her with a single sunburst eye. narrowing, but brimming bright when she sticks a leg out ( it’s seizing, twitching around only a tuft of missed fur. ) and asks if it looked bad. it doesn’t. against the scarring of her face, it unfair that it doesn’t.

time skips in heartbeats and she knows by the sudden drag of her lungs that their moments are counting down. unlike sunfreckle, or batwing or flycatcher, wolfwind would not be alone.

she twists, haze grey fur moonlit and rippling like the sway of river water ; freckleflame settles, lowers herself to her belly like she had moons ago in berryheart’s den as wolfwind pants, thrashes, begs for a moment. calms her preemptively because she knows, too — feels the uptick of her frantic heart and makes to ease freckleflame’s nerves instead. the tortoiseshell releases a harsh breath, shuddering through a shake of her head before, ” you're not. “ hoarse. strained and low where she fights to keep the same simmering calmness wolfwind so easily wrought for her, the tortoiseshell clenches her jaw against the sheen of tears welling evergreen eyes. she knows the molly sees it, ever perceptive, ever watching — freckleflame wished only for her to watch a little longer. it's okay that you can't. she swallows hard against the lump in her throat, the urge to push her face into blue fur and weep until the last of her light drained into the sky ; she couldn't do it to her, to let her fade upward to the helplessness that had already roused her from her nest, that had found her in the medicine den moons prior.

her thick ginger tail comes to wrap loose around her, around the leg ridden with snake venom. don't feel bad, she says, and tears flood the swollen red of her eyelids, painting silver - lit streaks down thick cheek fur because how? ” i can't — i can't promise “ a gross sniff, voice wobbling ” but i'll try. for you. “ inevitable. sealed, the venom in her blood spreading quick enough for the when youre gone to be unsaid. its awful. she hates it, and this ; wants to scream, to kick and cry and wail until her voice gives or something finds her. emotion trembles at her every seam but she doesnt because wolfwind slumps to the ground. a small cry parts her maw, worried stupidly that she would hurt herself with the collapse of it but there was little more that could hurt her now. so freckleflame simply rasps her tongue against a starlit jaw, hopes its somewhat of a comfort, or even a part of the security she had brought her lifelong.

glad it wasn't you, freckleflame snaps her head upwards, screws her eyes tight against the sudden influx of alabaster glow and flood of saltwater tears, ” no, no, no don't, dont say that, “ she shakes, keens, shakes her head before pivoting her neck back down to bury her mottled nose finally into scruffed blue fur. she smells of oak and electricity and warmth and death, ” don't say that, you can't mean that. mousebrain. “ sobbed, the last word. little more than a wet cough, body tucking around her protectively as if more were coming — as if there was anything left to protect her from. her teeth grit, pain throbbing behind her ribcage.

care about you.

in any other situation, it would have warmed her like the sun but starclan makes to veil her too. still, she looks at her ; uses waning strength to look, and see. freckleflame mustered a rough, rocky purr, ” you better. “ because she did, too. tears slip like riverclan's falls, ever flowing and unsubdued, but she smiles anyway. wolfwind's voice begins to fade, a phantom of her everbright rasp. the tortoiseshell curls tighter, holds her, feels selfish for wanting a moment longer despite the way her muscles still twinge with adder toxin. through watery eyes she blinks slow, slow, slow, and with a sniff confesses her final, soft, ” won't stop thinkin' about you, not ever. never have, never will. “ because that's as close as she would get in this lifetime.

  • i.

  • 74358446_5A10PH5FEpmGJJY.png

    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MOLLY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.

She had not walked this forest in seasons, but when she had, it had been her speckled shadow by Wolfwind’s flank, timid and hopeful. Morningpaw had left Wolfwind’s side a single time, during a battle between ThunderClan and SkyClan, and it had been the final time. Her cousin had been there, had knelt in blood-splashed snow, had screamed her name to the heavens that wept with her.

When she returns to Wolfwind now, it is on wings of mist, a pale cloud delivered by starlight. Her eyes are round with sorrow—she feels the pain her mentor is in, the choking cries and shaking breaths of the tortoiseshell who kneels in prayer beside her. There is too much pain here, and she is here to take some of it away. It’s all she can do for Wolfwind, now.

Wolfwind.” She is draped in shadow—Freckleflame will not see her, will not see the cat who will lead her dearest friend away forever. But Wolfwind, once she closes her eyes for a final time—Wolfwind will see her. “Come with me now, Wolfwind. It won’t hurt anymore.” A tear slips from one blue eye, because oh, she can feel her cousin’s misery, and she can hear the agony wrenching Freckleflame’s voice.

She extends a mottled paw, as if to steal Wolfwind into a world where the pain will not follow her. “Come with me to StarClan.

, ”
They both knew it as they sat there, heads bowed. The toxin wasn't something that would be distilled with nothin' but time and a heaping of hope. Gentlestorm's den seemed a world away, when her legs couldn't keep herself upright; when she couldn't even manage to turn away so that Freckleflame wouldn't have to see her like this, at least. The demand for a moment to breathe is hushed to nothing as pain only continues to streak unrelentingly through her. Realization dawns on her then, and acceptance comes only a moment later. Like a sigh of relief, it threads through her. Any tension is caused by the tug of venom. Where she can, she draws still.

A wet nose is thrust into her fur, a closeness; distantly, she thinks she might've liked to share before she could hear the whispers of StarClan so closely. She lets herself feel it while she still can. She lets it distract her from the beat of poison through her veins. Her head lolls to the side in an attempt to meet her there. It's hardly anything, but it's the best she can do.

What Freckleflame would not see, is the ghost that parts the night sky to meet her. Watery - blues are round and wide, just the way she remembers them. The starry luster— to Wolfwind, that was new. To Morningpaw, it has been moons. Seasons of life beyond the sky. When Wolfwind had been fresh in her warriorhood; before she could've ever dreamed of serving on her grandmother's council. It's enough to make her lift her head, to glimpse her. For Freckleflame's sake, she had resisted tears, but they flow freely now, wandering across the form of her fallen apprentice. She searches for scars, for a reminder worn in flesh of the blow that had taken her from ThunderClan.

But she finds none. Morningpaw stands, unmarred. Her sadness speaks nothing of loss for a life never lived. Morningpaw's tears are only for her. She ought to be angrier, Wolfwind thinks, but Morningpaw had never been the type for that sort of thing.

" I tried my best for you, " with drooling jaws, she tells her apprentices, her first and her former. Her current, back at camp, surely tucked within her nest.

She didn't want to be cried over. Not now— selfishly thought, so Freckleflame in tears wouldn't have to be the last thing she saw. Not later— so Freckleflame's spirit wouldn't be lost in the throes of grief. Wolfwind only wants to see her happy, no matter how far she may have to see it from. Please keep being you, she doesn't have the strength to say, but she begs with all that she has left.

Never have, never will. Compassion sounds despite the warbling of her voice, and Wolfwind meets her in tandem, knocking her muzzle against Freckleflame's own. Her own croaking purr would come too, so that Freckleflame would know she's happy, as she leaves.

As a small, grey form merely slackens in the crook of her friend's embrace, mitted paws reach towards her kin, and all at once, she's enveloped in stardust.

A tearful gaze glimpses them both; what was, and what she was leaving behind. What thrummed through her now was shining vitality. Though Morningpaw was here with her now, her other kin awaited her in the heavens.

I'll keep on watching you. It's a message for Freckleflame, and for all of ThunderClan. Somehow, she hoped they heard her.

After moons of waiting, she would finally meet her late apprentice's side.