𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘥𝘴 ღ adderpaw

Whitepaw hadn't been there when the attack occurred. She had been in the depths of the tunnels, learning to navigate them with her mentor. Of course, she wasn't unaware that Sootstar had shot from the tunnels, it was whispered by those who had remained beneath the earth. And yet, at the time it wasn't clear why. Now that she knew, of course, she wished she knew earlier. It was only when she and her mentor had returned, did she hear of the attack of two-legs, on Adderpaw of all cats, and that he had been "marked". The ghostly femme often listened, and she was able to get some context. The more she heard, however, the more she grew concerned. As night had fallen, she grabbed a small plover from the pile, silently making her way to the medicine den. With her cousin being a current resident, she mostly avoided the dark dens she enjoyed. Yet, he was thankfully absent. Vulturemask was absent as well, and she couldn't help but wonder if the raven-furred cat was talking with Sootstar. The Moorland queen seemed... there wasn't quite the word she could use. Shaking her head, pinkish hues peered into the den, noting the curled-up figure. She debated for barely a second before she approached the tabby, dropping the bird at his paws and nosing it towards him. "Adderpaw?" She whispered, to get his attention. She was hesitant to disturb him, but she was worried nonetheless. "Ho... Have you eaten dinner?" She asked softly as he raised his head. The ivory feline had managed to stop herself from asking about his wellbeing, as it was likely a common question he's been asked today. Her friend was one of the strongest she knew, he'd recover from this right?

Life doesn't discriminate
Amber eyes keep themselves fixated upon the glittering stars above. The corners of his mouth lay downturned as he passively wonders why such a thing happened to him. He was Sootstar and Weasleclaw's son, blessed by starclan along with his littermates. He prayed fervently and worshiped them daily. Why did they allow something like this to befall him? Why did he have to take matters into his own paws and strike the filthy twoleg himself? Something within him stirs, seeking to plant a small seed of doubt the longer he stared up at the stars above. But a soft thud by his head draws him from his swirling thoughts. The scent of avian prey brushes against his nose and a gentle familiar voice calls his name. "Whitepaw." The striped apprentice rumbles, gaze shifting to land on her ivory form.

Slowly his lifts his head, grimacing at the pull of bruised muscles. He knew why she was here, concern lay heavy upon most once they heard the news. While the small golden tag stuck to his ear provoked disgust in others. To his relief she asks him about dinner rather than his well being. "No, I have not." He murmurs in a low tone. Adderpaw's tail taps the ground by his nest, inviting her to lounge beside him. "Thank you." He starts, pausing for a moment as he stares out across camp, watching various cats begin to turn in for the night. "Are they still talking about it?" He continues, glancing back down at her.
Between the sinners and the saints
Adderpaw hadn't seemed to be against her sudden visit, and she didn't really hesitate to settle beside him, though she was careful not to lean on his side considering the slightest movement he made seemed to be in pain. However, she was glad she thought to bring prey, the day seemed stressful enough, and going hungry probably wouldn't help. Following his gaze, she also watched as their clanmates began to retire for the evening. At his inquiry, she flicked an ear before she answered. "They are." She wouldn't lie about it, and frankly, it seemed most of the clan was talking about it. Lifting her head to meet his burning gaze, she was quick to ask her own question. "Have you talked about it?" She asked softly. She hadn't been there and had no idea how the attack had played out. Yet, she knew if she was in his place, she'd be in shock, wouldn't she? Has her friend even really been given a chance to speak his thoughts and feelings on all of it, or did it happen too fast? "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. but..." But she was willing to listen if he wished to. While she was still learning much of her life in this bloodthirsty clan, she knew how to listen.
Life doesn't discriminate
Silence settles between the pair as he watches her move close, refraining from touching due to his adamant soreness. A tired sigh fills the air as his fellow apprentice reveals that the news continues to swirl around camp and he would be a fool to think it wouldn't. But his parents, his siblings...he wondered what they truly thought of him now. He hoped that his reputation as one of the clan's best upcoming apprentices was not squandered because of this twoleg mark. Amber eyes fall to his paws, teeth clenching as the muscle within his jaw tightens in contemplation. She was his friend, it couldn't hurt to share what was on his mind. "Our patrol lost track of a rabbit. I found it again, chased it to make it circle back to the group where they could ambush it."

A broad paw pushed the little plover on its opposing side, watching it flop with a darkening gaze. "But...there was a twoleg trap, bright and shiny. It caught me and I couldn't escape." His tone momentarily slips into notes of helplessness as he glares at the plover, pushing at it again. "Everything else happened so fast..." The bridge of his nose wrinkles in disgust. He can practically still feel the phantom touch of their hairless paws gripping the back of his scruff as they hoisted him into the air like some sort of prize. "The poking, the taunting...twolegs are cruel beasts, Whitepaw." Finally he looks up at her expression mirroring newfound hatred.

"After they ruined my ear I clawed them, but it kicked me after and ran." His mother came racing out of the tunnels with the speed of lightning itself, chasing them further away. But the damage was already done.
Between the sinners and the saints
Listening was always a skill that Whitepaw could say she was truly proud she had. Hearing her friend speak of his appearance was enough to let unease settle in her form. Having been born in Windclan, and mainly in the tunnels, Whitepaw only knew of two legs via brief stories from elders. She only knew of them as tall creatures, that could set traps and take cats away. And while she had really no opinion on the item donning her friend's ears, she was immensely glad that her friend was here. What if he had been taken away instead, never to be seen again? Shifting closer to light nose her friend's shoulder, she relaxed. He was here, and he was safe. And to the anxious albino, that was enough to satisfy her. "I'm glad you're home." She whispered lightly as she peered up at him. She didn't need to elaborate her thoughts, it was likely the tabby already thought on the worst-case scenarios. Flicking her ear, she briefly remembered whispers about some words her friend had apparently said. "Will you really be going to stay at the badger set?" She inquired, a small frown on her face. She suppose she could understand his reasoning, but worrying was in her nature. "I could bring you prey if you'd like me to." She offered softly, flicking an ear.