camp πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ RAINBOW πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ // questioning

For once, perhaps the first time in his entire life Lividpaw was left stunned, speechless without a word to speak. All he could do was stare at the she-cat who had approched him out of the blue asking something that to him was foreign, like speaking a different language. " Do you find me attractive Lividpaw?," His denmate had asked so boldly without any shame with eyes staring at him expectantly like she was waiting for what too many might have been an obivious answer, but too Lividpaw it was not, strangerly enough. For sure in the future he had intention to pick a mate, to even have a litter to make sure shadowclan contunie to thrive and grow, but, that was as far as that idea of his had grow. Never had he thought more deeply about it, for sure he was still too young to bother himself to think about such a duty. It was for the future unable to spare much more thought about it, so why now?.

Lividpaw was quite aware that the older apprentices close to his own age was talking about the future, potential matches, but such a thing had never interested him even once to think anything about. In the first place he did not quite understand how someone's apperance had anything to do with a potential match like that was importand. Status and skills should be the top priority when picking out a partner, should it not?. But not everyone agree, this she-cat in particular who was clearly expecting him to have an answer that would please her ears. Lividpaw stared her down to take a good look at her before he blinked.

" Is there anything i'm suppose to find attractive about you?." Like always his words came out harsh and cutting but it had not been his intention, not this time at least. To him this was all so confusing because in his eyes all cats in this clan looked the same to him, all indifferent and looking alike. Lividpaw was not even sure if he fully understood what 'attraction' even meant, or what it was suppose to mean.

" Aww, how cruel of you to say that!, come on Lividpaw for sure there most be something you like about me?." She was persistent, unfazed with his cutting words for some strange reason. Lividpaw watched as the young she-cat approached closer as she flashed her eyelines at him. She was about to get up in his face but Lividpaw took a step back as he felt uncomfortable by this she-cat absurd behavior. He had no clue to why she was behaving the way she did but Lividpaw lacked interest, and was not fond of the current position he had been forced into. Whatever was going on with her she clearly was acting out of line, fooling around instead of focusing on her training. Lividpaw narrowed his orbs not wishing to get dragged along on whatever sort of game this molly was trying to pull. " Stop fooling around aren't you suppose to go on the next patrol?." He told her sternly with a chilling tone. That seemed to make the she-cat freeze, before she gave a sulky look. " You're no fun!." the she-cat huffed before she turned around to walk of with disappointment.

After Lividpaw had made sure that she was gone and out of reach could finally relax into a sitting position. Still left disturbed by the encounter though Lividpaw started to draw his tongue across his chest in an attempt to calm himself. That for sure had been an experience he not wished to relive again, if ever.

// since its pride month i wanted to dig a little bit into liv's sexuality <333

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Stonekit had yet to think about others in such ways. He was merely for causing mischief. That was his main purpose. And he'd be sure to do a good job. This interaction he'd witnessed between Lividpaw and some other apprentice he didn't care enough about to remember her name. It had intrigued him. As the she-cat grilled him, Stonekit had shuffled closer to listen in. When Lividpaw didn't comply and the she-cat stormed off, he waited a moment before diving in to ask his questions. He didn't want to be rude, obviously.

"What was that all about?" he asked, stepping closer finally. The young tom studied Lividpaw for a moment.

  • "speech"
  • STONEKIT ✩ he/him, kit of shadowclan, three moons
    β­ƒ pretty lilac with low white and blue eyes. bossy, charismatic, manipulative.
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / tag when attacking
    β­ƒ penned by Twitchtail ↛ @iliawonders on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Relationships were a fickle thing, he knew many of his denmates around his age were all admitting to their crushes or talking about who they wish to be mates with but Snowpaw never thought that far ahead, not to say he never had the thought of it on his mind or someone in his head but Snowpaw didn't think much further than that, and witnessing this scene made the tom hum as he slip to stand next to Stonekit, keeping a cool steely look in his yellow gaze. He still wasn't too fond of Lividpaw, thinking the tom was too stuffy and stuck up and yet, he was impressed any molly found the tom attractive in the slightest when all he did was act like he was better than everyone else.

Stonekit asked what that was all about and Snowpaw tilted his head to look down at the kit, "just a molly seeking attention from someone who doesn't want to give them the time" his words weren't meant with ill intention but, it was how he saw it. The she-cat had seeked out to get a compliment from Lividpaw and the other did not put in or stated anything nihrce, and she continued to push her luck and overstepped her boundaries and the other had simply placed his paw down which she seemed not to enjoy but, he was sure there would be another who'll give her the attention she sought out, one defeat might lead to a victory from a different tom. "She overstepped his boundaries too" he commented, even if he disliked Lividpaw, no one deserves to have their boundaries overstepped.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw ❄ He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 10 moons.
    β­ƒ Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    β­ƒ Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    ↛ see battle info here
    β­ƒ penned by Ryn ↛ @/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


swallowpaw ❀ 08 moons ❀ polygender ❀ any pronouns ❀ shadowclan apprentice

Swallowpaw is, as ever, trailing after Lividpaw. Of course, she has far better reasons for doing so than a pitiful crush - she's doing her job, because Lividpaw had thought she could keep Basilpaw away if she tried hard enough. And so she takes her duty seriously - and, of course, takes it as blanket permission to follow him around just about everywhere. There are times where she fails of course - the deputy and their mentors don't always seem to agree with her well thought out plan, separating them - but for the most part it works well enough.

Unfortunately, Lividpaw hadn't seen fit to ask him to deal with.... other nuisances. 'Do you find me attractive Lividpaw?' someone asks, and Swallowpaw can already feel his pelt twitching. Slowly, mismatched gaze turns upwards to stare - shocked beyond belief. Surely, he's misheard. Nobody could be that stupid, to bother Lividpaw with such things. But nope, there stands one of his den mates... batting her eyes at him!

Tail twitches and flicks, and jaws part to say something (anything, really) - but Lividpaw beats her to it. ' Is there anything i'm suppose to find attractive about you?' - and oh, that's a good question isn't it. Attraction is a strange thing - though admittedly, it is somethign Swallowpaw actually does understand, even if her own views might be a bit skewed. Duckshimmer is attractive - her ma' is the prettiest cat in all of shadowclan after all. And while Swallowpaw is scruffy, and loud, and annoying, she thinks she's been told once or twice that she'd be "pretty if only she kept her mouth shut" - so surely, Swallowpaw must be attractive too.

But he's never put much consideration into others. Singepaw and Sneezepaw aren't attractive, his brothers are stupid and dumb and ugly and stinky, and whatever poor soul becomes their mate some day will probably be just as lame. Basilpaw is loud, and annoying, and while that's not a deal breaker (Swallowpaw takes pride in the fact he, too, is annoying. His ma' even said so) he can't really picture him as anything... more. Eyes flick to snowpaw - and well, yeah, hes nice to look at, but he's also mean, and stupid. Swansong is pretty - but that's just facts. He doesn't have any interest in that molly either.

.... Is she even supposed to?

In the end, Swallowpaw doesn't actually come to a conclusion, thoughts bouncing around her brain in a jumbled up mess with no resolution. Dazed, she simply blinks again, finally tuning back into the conversation in time to hear Snowpaw talking about boundaries. "Whatever - was stupid anyways," she says with a roll of her eyes. It never occurs to her that maybe her irritation isn't just that Lividpaw is her first friend that isn't one of her littermates.

━ actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes' ━

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ━ ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

they had watched the encounter with curiosity. they just were overseeing, trying to make sure nothing went too far. they have experience with that more than anyone knows. the thought of how betonyfrost confessed causes bile to rise in their throat. eugh. they shake their head slightly and they can pick up how uncomfortable lividpaw is. they know that feeling all too well. they stand up, walking over to the apprentice and tapping him on the shoulder with their tail, gesturing outside of camp with their head.

"hey. would you like to spar? no time like the present to practice."

there is little tone that says why they're doing this but they only drop their voice so that lividpaw can hear them.

"i know how uncomfortable that feels. come on. sparring might get your mind off of that. and if you wish, you can talk to me. but if not, practice makes perfect."

lividpaw wasn't really the cat to talk about his feelings, they know. but the offer still remained if he should decide to speak up.

β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”---***i try to live in black and white***β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”---

  • Β 
  • β€” black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    β€” 47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    β€” they / them pronouns
    β€” aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    β€” child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    β€” shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    β€” mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    β€” "speech", thoughts, attacking
    β€” peaceful powerplay allowed