sensitive topics ˙ ˖ ✶ too bold and bright a thing ┊ death.

Even the afternoon, gentle autumnal afternoon, falls harshly in the mountains. The sky is a blue so wide and fierce it aches to look at, the glowing back of a divine maw stretching to fit the earth entire. Capped in untouched white, mountains like kitten teeth dot the underside as far as the eye dares to see, spiraling endlessly into the azure throat of the sky. Snow unfurls infinitely beneath her paws; sometimes she can imagine it, plush and wet, as the dew-kissed forest floor of her birthplace. A stroke of breath, crisply fashioned upon the edge of a canvas knife, cuts any delusion of such to ribbons, like budding shoots under claw.

All around her hums the chatter of souls desperate to assert their mere existence upon the lonely, numb face of the mountains. Thirty-five sets of paws crunch resolutely through the snow, their prints proof that they lived even if they died with no witness but the sun's brilliant eye.

They are alone now, and it is exhilirating.

The wandering troupe had chanced upon a scraggly grove of pines. Not the stately towers who'd grown nourished and strong in SkyClan's sun and earth, but twisted and haggard skeletons of the same trees she knew from home. No wonder the girl had darted off so quickly, trading the grosteque shadows they laid upon the snow for an unfettered view of the mountains. It's not very SkyClan of her, she knows, but a girl could sun herself for a moment without consideration of her clan.

After her incident with Flamewhisker, Orangeblossom had been too eager to warn her of the dangers of straying away from the group and to keep her eyes on the sky. Cherrypaw already knew about owls, but mama told her these were different. Scarier. Birds with wings so wide they blotted out the sun, with claws as large and sharp as a TigerClan warrior's. They'd taken Hazecloud's face and Bobbie's collar with their monstrous strength and insatiable greed, more like winged foxes than the twittering birds that filled their home forests.

Cherrypaw strides across the glowing plain of white without hesitation, more like a WindClan warrior, born and raised upon the open moors, than a SkyClan apprentice two moons out of the nursery. After all, she could still pick out the details of the others from within the shadows of the trees, a colorful motley of pelt and scent she couldn't miss unless she was blind. Orangeblossom and Slate probably had their heads together, murmuring about orders Slate could only give through her mother. Scorchpaw wasn't around either, likely with the rest of her clan. (Otherwise, Cherrypaw would've dragged her along with her.) There's no one to notice her absence, especially if she was back within the time it took to catch a mouse. She could always say the hunt was unsuccessful.

Besides, they'd found the lungwort! They'd done it, and no one died! A few cats had gotten hurt, but they were cats like Duskpool, who got hurt all the time, or warriors from other clans, who obviously weren't as well-trained as SkyClanners. Most of the deadliest injuries had happened recently anyway, when everyone was all tired from climbing the cliff and exploring brand-new territory. That just meant the return trip couldn't possibly be as bad for their band of now-experienced and alpine-hardened warriors. Perhaps StarClan had something to do with it, like a few ThunderClanners and RiverClanners are claiming, but Cherrypaw doesn't think so. StarClan, benevolent as they are, have no paw in successes all their mortal own.

Each glittering step leaves in its wake a soft blue daub, mere footsteps just another brushstroke upon the crowded canvas. In the yellowed reflection of a burning eye, her spine is a matador's cape, crimson waving, screaming against a silent backdrop of white. Cherrypaw walks a one-cat parade across the field, tail vaulted into the sunburned air as though to cry, "Look at me! Look at me!" And look at herself she longs to; better yet would be the admiration in the gazes of everyone else. Homesickness is not a new feeling, not to her nor their ragtag group, but in the dizzy glory of the montane sunlight the ache for her clanmates mounts to something almost intolerable. She wishes her eyes could somehow save this picture and bury it safely into the back of her head, so that she could tout it back to her friends like a fat sparrow back in SkyClan camp.

Lupinepaw would be awestruck, she thinks; she might even start crying. Every one of her siblings, and probably Edenpaw, would probably be bouncing around with joy, except for Glimmerpaw. She'd probably tell Cherrypaw to get her tail back to the rest of the group, like a bigger and fluffier copy of their mother. Crowpaw would blubber out a few words and find something weird to comment on. She even thinks about Falconpaw, Plaguepaw and Doompaw. Falconpaw probably wouldn't even register the majesty of where they were, what with his head stuck under his the tail of Orangeblossom and Smogmaw. Doompaw might've just scaled that cliff by himself and run off into the mountains, never to be seen again. And maybe they should've brought Plaguepaw along: his ugly mug would've scared off all those birds before they could attack them.

She finds herself missing them. All of them. She'd of course throw it in their faces when she got back, but it wasn't the same as actually seeing what she saw and knowing they'd never get to see it with their own two eyes. Sun-shaded eyes stare all around herself, softening in the brief, quiet moment she'd never realized she could take. Cherrypaw mutely regards the silvery gashes of the nearby mountains, the distant ones with their bite softened in the cerulean haze. The swathes of struggling forests painted dusky brown below, with errant flickers of green so dull and quiet she reckons she imagined them. The purest white, never before sullied until she arrived, gradually shifting from the shaded blue pooling around her to vibrant, porcelain frost.

Around her?

Cherrypaw glances about herself, blank expression deepening into confusion. This isn't her shadow, so soft around the edges, and there aren't any trees nearby—

Its wingbeats are a thunderclap straight into her ears. A wall of feather umber engulfs her for a moment; the shockwave of the eagle's braking sends a flying a shimmering cloud of snow, as though even the earth is fleeing from the onslaught to come. A cry, furious and fearful, escapes her parting jaws. Adrenaline crackles through her spine like lightning, twisting it into a better look at her attacker—and her heart skips a beat.

If the sun could take the form of a creature, this would be it. The thing's eyes are twin mirrors of the sun, intensifying what should be watchful and warm into a burning, hateful stare shot straight through her. Its maw is simply a monstrous pair of golden claws, cruel and hooked just the same. For moment Cherrypaw forgets herself in the sheer terror, and she only feels faintly the catch of unseen claws into her flanks.

She regains herself in another moment. The winged horror flaps again, and she flattens her ears against the roar of wind. Her claws, pinpricks compared to the talons in her back, scrape the ground without finding hold; the snow crumbles in vain between her outstretched toes. "No!" A shriek tears unbidden from her as the weight of realization bores full down, and she doesn't know whether the vice grip upon her ribcage is from that despair or the beast. "No, no! Get off!" The girl thrashes against her scaled restraints, claws flying everywhere but into feathered flesh. With each swipe she can feel the hooks burying themselves deeper into her ribs, but to stop fighting would be certain death.

Even so, the pain is seeping through the adrenaline faster than she notices. As her paws fully and finally detach from the ground, it's all upon her. For all her fire and born fury, she is only an apprentice. War and famine are foreign concepts still to her six-moon old mind; thus far she's known no pain beyond a splinter stuck in her uncalloused pad. The eagle's talons are ten thousand splinters sent straight into the fragile webbing between her ribs.

Her sides, her sides. Her screams quickly dissolve into gasps as the heat devours her whole. Porcelain limbs contort and stiffen, unable to move for fear of calling down greater agony. "H-Help! HELP!" Cherrypaw barely hears herself above the barrage in her ears, barely feels the warmth stinging her cheeks, wet and hot in a way her flanks are not; her voice is somewhere between a shriek and a sob. It's taking her; Mama would miss her. She tries for another kick. Weak as it is, she lets loose another cry at the retribution. "MAMA! MAMA!"

Cherrypaw can only watch, fading, as ruby stars begin to dot the forever alabaster night below. Blurred in tears and flame, moon-wide eyes stare blankly at the dark figure rising to greet her.

ooc: tl;dr: local girl makes the dumb decision to venture out alone, eagle carries her off. please don't post yet unless we've discussed this beforehand!​

TW: descriptions of blood injuries and death

Little Wolf's whole body ached for home. Now that they had found what they had been looking for she could weep with joy. She could collapse into the earth and scream to the heavens about how she was coming back for them and she would pray for her voice to reach them. All the cats she had left back home. Duskpaw just needed to hold on a little longer, she would save him and all the others who had fallen ill in the wake of their absence. She prays it is not too late, begs for Morningpaw and Gray Wolf to watch over them, to keep them safe.

Little Wolf, like many of the cats on this journey it seemed, was a mother first and foremost. It is a selfish thought, but when she looks upon the other mother-child duos she is glad that none of her own kin had joined her on this mission. She had heard what had happened to Flamewhisker, to the SkyClanner known as Bobbie, and it terrified her. To think, that could be any one of them, their lives extinguished in such a short moment, it was terrifying. No, if any of her kits were here she would get no rest with all the worrying she would do. Even now, she finds herself worrying about the youth that is not hers on this trip. Stormpaw, Cherrypaw, Luckypaw, Scorchpaw. All of them. Most were so young, not fully grown into themselves. It would be easy for something to carry them away. It is why she is glad when she overhears Orangeblossom advising her own daughter to stick with the group she feels a slight relief. If they all stayed together they would be safe.

Or at least that is what she had thought.

Cherrypaw had that sort of presence that was hard to miss. She was a bright ray of sunshine and Little Wolf, during her brief stint in SkyClan, had once been friends with her mother. She liked the girl a great deal, liked when she asked her questions about the ancient clans, liked when she told her all about her daily life as if Little Wolf was a SkyClanner too and would know all the intricacies of their clan. So when she notices Cherrypaw's absence she pauses, she falls back and circles around to look for her, jaws parted and nose in the air.

When she hears screaming everything in her freezes for only a moment before her feet will her into action. Before she has time to think about what she is doing she is running towards the sound as fast as her legs will carry her. "No no no no cmon" she gasps between breaths, willing herself to go faster.

When Cherrypaw comes into view, it is in the clutches of menacing talons. Giant wings beat and fill the air with a soft hum and Little Wolf knows she should be scared but all she feels is a strange certainty. She had to save Cherrypaw, she could not live with herself if she did not at least try and so instead of running away from that massive sun eating creature she defies her instincts and she pushes off of the rise.

One claw hooks brown wings and all of them go tumbling back into the snow. She rolls in the cold powder, acting off of pure drive alone. Her mind is gripped with an icy terror and yet there is a mess of claws and beak and talon as her and the bird struggle for a fierce moment. Red stains white and she is uncertain whether it is hers the eagles or both. Finally, the bird manages to right itself, it stands to its full height and shakes itself out, lets out a massive scream to the sky, no doubt despairing how difficult it's meal is proving to be. Little Wolf takes that moment to turn, to face Cherrypaw and with her nose she shoves the girl in the direction of a log where she could hide and shelter. "GO CHERRYPAW! RUN!" She screams with desperation dripping off her every word, they would worry about their wounds later, for Little Wolf certainly has them. When she stumbles forward she can see and feel the burning in her side, can see the steam rising from the ground where blood spills. She is losing too much she thinks but it does not matter. They needed to get to safety if either of them had any hope of surviving.

Suddenly, theres a blindingly painful sensation in her back and she lets out a scream of agony. The eagle is not leaving without some kind of recompensation for a dinner lost and has deemed her a worthy replacement. Stars dance in her vision but she manages to twist in its grasp, claws manage to catch skin and the thing mercifully drops her. She lands back in the snow with a soft thud and a cry of pain, feels her ribs shatter and tears come to her eyes. No. She had to get back to Duskpaw she had to...

Thier struggle has alerted the rest of the journey cats and, through hazy vision, she can see them coming. The eagle sees them too and decides that it can find easier prey somewhere else. The massive beast takes off to the sky, leaving a small black body on the ground. Blood trickles out of her mouth and her eyes look to the sky above her. She takes wheezing breath and discovers it hurts, it hurts to breathe. "Stars..." she says weakly but it is all she can get out. Cats surround them now and she is only vaguely aware of their presence.

  • ooc : — sorry to scare you all with this, Little Wolf has been immensely fun for me to write but I believed her story to be at an end. If I'm honest I have been planning this since pretty much the beginning of the journey <3 ily all and I thank everyone who has followed along with and enjoyed her story for the past couple of years, first on CC then here.
    She will die in my next post but I wanted to give a couple of characters a chance to say goodbye ​

  • she / her
    thunderclan warrior
    mates with Hailstorm

    - - a small, black furred she-cat with short hair and green eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Little Wolf is a kind hearted she-cat who loves deeply and freely. She believes in living in the moment and isn't afraid to voice how she really feels about another cat or a situation. In her experience, life is too short to hold back and if you really mean something then why not just say it? If you get on her bad side or if you harm someone she cares about, she is the type of cat who would hold a grudge. She is a mother before anything else and although she is not particularly a fan of fighting she will defend her kits with the ferocity of all the ancient clans combined.
    ISFJ-T 'the defender'

    skilled hunter
    HOWLINGSTAR X GRAY WOLF; sister to Hollow Tree, Lily Pad, Cobwebtail, Graystorm, Raccoonstripe, Jackdawflight and Berryheart; mother to Fireflypaw, Burnstorm, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisker, Skypaw and Duskpaw


Just like that the night turns red with blood. Yowls strain her ears and the sound of heavy wingbeats grow louder as she races through the snow with shocking speed. When she arrives she sees Little Wolf battling the biggest bird she’s ever seen, it’s black talons curled and deadly, its beady yellow eyes ablaze with a fury like none other she’s seen from an animal.

The bird of prey drops a calico bundle from its jaws, she realizes with horror the small body was that of Cherrypaw’s. Finally Figfeather screams, ”CHERRYPAW!” Little Wolf nudges the apprentice in the direction of a nearby log to shelter her.

Figfeather sprints forward to give aid to the two bleeding cats, her working paws nearly tripping over the rocky landscape more than once. Sheer determination and a miracle is what grants her the ability to keep her balance. She’s halfway there- when suddenly the eagle attacks again with a ear-shattering shriek.

Figfeather doesn’t stop, she barely witnesses the attack as every fiber in her being was intent on ensuring Cherrypaw was safe. It feels like the eagle only stuck around for seconds longer before it discarded Little Wolf, taking off with thunderous wing beats, leaving her on the ground to bleed out.

”Cherrypaw! Cherrypaw!” Figfeather still cries, at last reaching the two cats. She aims to draw Cherrypaw close and gives her several licks of relief on the forehead. ”Thank StarClan you’re okay! Little Wolf- thank you so muh-“

Her voice trails off, she looks at Little Wolf’s tattered body truly for the first time.
Blood gushed from the scratches on her back and even from her mouth. Figfeather in that moment knows, she sees the presence of death in Little Wolf’s motherly gaze.

Little Wolf had been a clan-mate once, Figfeather remembers her visits to the SkyClan camp, remebers playing with her and asking questions like “whats it like to be a ThunderClan cat, Little Wolf?! Why don’t you come stay here with SkyClan!” and recieving answers that a kits of her age would never fully understand until several moons later.

”Little Wolf… Oh- no- Little Wolf. Hang in there- @Magpiepaw is coming- okay?” She doesn’t know if he is- but her head swerves to see a crowd of cats rushing onto the scene. Her eyes dance to find the black and white medicine cat apprentice.​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Crying
  • Sad
Reactions: Thorny and Jay
A word that Hailstorm would use to describe becoming Little Wolf's mate would be bliss. He's incredibly happy and has been on cloud nine throughout the last few days only able to think of him returning with her to Thunderclan as mates just as she had told him when they had been trapped in the cave together with Honeyjaw and the rest of their group. The sepia tom already imagining the forest that they called home especially now that they had found and harvested the cure for yellowcough, the reason they had overcome each challenge presented before them. The cliff had been more challenging and tiresome on his muscles but he felt like he could climb thousands of cliffs so long as he had Little Wolf by his side, he could overcome anything thrown in his way. He felt invincible. The Thunderclanner feeling as if love gave him a strength that he had never known before and accepted it, held it so close to his heart. He'd love her for an eternity, a silent vow in the darkness of the cave.

He couldn't help but notice that she started lagging behind and his nonexistent brows would furrow with worry wondering if she was not feeling well, he's getting ready to ask her but decides that maybe he'd ask the medicine cat apprentice but by the moment that he reaches the Shadowclan tom. She's gone but the sound of distant screaming is what makes Hailstorm immediatly ditch the group and leave his own load of lungwort with the group already making his way to where he had heard the sound and where Little Wolf's pawprints lead him. And he had been too late, he hadn't been quick enough on his paws.

The last thing he had expected was for eternity to be shortlived and his heart ripped right out of his chest just as the eagle did when its talons had ripped at his beloved mate. The moment she had left his side, he felt heart drumming in his chest and he had followed her with both of his ears perking forward. Suddenly, the sight alone made his heart stop and the world went still. The breath in his lungs halting just as he did, he couldn't will his legs to bring him closer to approach her as he was in utter disbelief.

He recalls a time when he had told her that the sight of snow was one of his favorite things and how he loved the sound of it crunching underneath his paws but now as he managed to push himself forward, Hailstorm doesn't feel love for snow but rather disgust with his stomach twisting at the mere sight of blood painting the powder as if it were some canvas. Love was not something he'd ever regard snow with ever again but the broken and injured body of his best friend, his mate. She couldn't die here... She had to get back to Duskpaw and the rest of her family back at home. She had to return, she's the strongest cat he knew.

She just had to...

He doesn't even spare Cherrypaw or Figfeather a glance as selfish as it is, his copper gaze focused onto Little Wolf and he finally closes the distance between them feeling his legs trembling and giving away when he was finally at her side. The stinging in his eyes, he remembers to be familiar as well, when they had confessed to one another in the caves. How they had shared tears of utter happiness but now as he laid there next to her, he could only feel this undeniable pain in his chest with a few tears already slipping down his cheeks. "Oh... Little Wolf... You fought like a true Lionclan warrior, my love..." He manages to choke out with a sad smile as he tries to stay strong for her and recalls when she had told the story of the Great Clans within the first week or so of their journey.

The sight of her injuries and broken body made him feel like she wouldn't return to the forest with him, his throat tightening in the slightest at the thought as his ears lay flat against his head. His voice going more quiet and wishing it had been him. He had no family to go back to in Thunderclan, she did. She had kits waiting at home for her, Duskpaw waiting for her for the lungwort. It isn't fair. His voice continues to waver heavily with emotion "You're g-going to be okay... I'll be h-here with you..." Running off into the mountains didn't sound bad at the given moment, he didn't want to return home knowing that he had failed the family of his best friend but it was cowardly to do so and he had to remind himself why they were here.

A large paw brought forth to hastily wipe the tears from his blurred vision so he could see her even if she's injured terribly, how he wishes that she was okay and not some broken mess the eagle left behind but... At least, he had gotten to say farewell instead of having the damned avian take her away without one and that thought made his heart hurt the most. The burly, mountain of fur sniffles as he looks up for a second and touches his nose to Little Wolf's and rests one of his larger paws onto her own. "I love you... I l-love you... I l-love you s-so much..." He wants to look into those forest green orbs of hers and get lost in them before he silently promises "I promise I'll get t-the lungwort back to D-Duskpaw... H-he'll be okay, I p-promise..." There's nothing more that he wants to do now is than curl up around Little Wolf, close his eyes, and pray to Starclan that it was just some awful nightmare but he stays where he is.

Another sniffle as he tries to hold himself together, he has to remain strong for her and he's determined despite how his face was getting slightly soaked by the tears that seemed neverending and his voice goes even quieter into an almost broken whisper "And w-when I get h-home... I'll try and f-find Morningpaw the p-prettiest of flowers..." And for you too. Hailstorm silently adds on in his mind unable to will the words from his throat still remembering the night that he had found Little Wolf crying and how he had arrived by her side to comfort her, to talk, and eventually head out to get flowers for her daughter's grave so she could finally mourn... But he isn't ready to mourn her, Little Wolf. He hadn't imagined this... Not for her not so brutal but brave nonetheless.

He had imagined them growing old with one another, side by side, and possibly passing from old age. Hailstorm getting accustomed to being part of her large family and forming familial bonds with her kind... And if she had wanted it perhaps kittens further down the line, around the time of her favorite season and how those little scraps of fur would marvel at the beauty of the greenery blossoming after the harsh cold of leaf-bare. Hailstorm and her would be sitting side by side, with their pelts brushing together, as they watch their kits tumble about and play. The adventurous, brave Littlekit and the kind, shy but spunky Charredkit and lastly, the softspoken but reckless, Flurrykit fueled by the stories of how their parents traversed a twoleg road, river, rockslide, and cliff to reach the lungwort.

How they would ask for the story before bedtime... Over and over again.

But now as he blinks the tears out of his eyes once more, it's only a thought, a dream, and one that was harshly ripped away from them both. He would be the one growing old alone and it hurt knowing that one of his best friend would not return with him. His first and final love, Little Wolf. Hailstorm drawing closer letting their pelts brush faintly not wanting to risk hurting her further. I'm not ready... I don't want you to die. Please Starclan, spare her and take me instead. Hailstorm thinks with a blurred vision and lowers his head feeling the cold of the snow pressing against his fur and flesh, his plush coat not helping him this once, all warmth he felt slipping from him. It's cold. Too cold. And just like his mate...

He would hold no love for leaf-fall and leaf-bare. Nor these mountains and the dangers it held.

And what happiness, love, and hope it took from him.

His beloved, Little Wolf.
  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 48 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
Recognition breaths a new kind of fire into her veins. "L-Little Wolf?" Her voice is a squeak, barely registered through the tunnel of beating wings and the eagle's insistent cries. With her dark, sleek shape she splits her view in three: two great walls of feathered stone closing in on a form so fragile in comparison, halted in their swing by the fierce day-glow of green eyes, which seem to hover for just a moment in the chilly air like alpine fireflies.

As quickly as Little Wolf righted the world, it comes crashing back down again. Coerced by her black-furred savior, the eagle unhinges its talons. Through the sting and heat of her wounds, Cherrypaw feels her heart bottom-out all the way into her spine as she and Little Wolf plummet the several fox-lengths through frozen air and into colder snow. Instinct takes over for the heartbeat it takes her to land on all four paws, and her ribs spark at the impact. It dissipates with another heartbeat, leaving her stumbling, tilting gratefully into the cool white embrace of the mountain plain.

Even so, it is not over yet. A deafening, piercing scream tears from the maw of the fallen beast. Mismatched ears flatten, eyes screwing shut against the sheer curtain of noise. Her paws are quicker to realize what it means, scrabbling in the snow, trying to push her wobbly muscles back into a shape solid enough to run with.

Little Wolf is fueled by starfire herself. She screams at her in a voice Cherrypaw has never heard before, and never imagined could come from her: ripping at the edges, terror and shaking determination underlining each single syllable, a far cry from the river-brook hum that had so lovingly outlined the clans whose strength she draws upon now. "GO CHERRYPAW! RUN!" A burning black nose coaxes trembling legs into remembering the earth.

She does not have to run far. Already another, more familiar shape is running to greet her, her name practically tumbling out of Figfeather's mouth with each stride. Cherrypaw sinks into the warrior's chest; the tongue-strokes upon her head is a faint buzz compared to the renewed agony in her sides. Blood, hot and sickly, slides off her back and drips from her belly fur into the snow. Distantly, she hears Figfeather saying something: "Little Wolf- thank you so muh-“

Little Wolf.

It's Snowpath all over again. Against her will, Cherrypaw turns around. No longer is her vision obscured by the fog of kithood: she sees the state of Little Wolf clear and true. She's...broken. Her lovely form lies battered and torn in admist a riot of color. Red paints the snow in ugly gashes, muddling pristine black and white with great swathes of crimson, brown, rose. A great pale cat is already at her side—Hailstorm, she faintly remembers—nose pressed into her shivering flank. He's murmuring something, many things, to her, but Cherrypaw cannot hear them over the rush of blood suddenly in her own ears.

Cherrypaw wants to call her name, scream it, scream something, but it is not pain that stops her. Instead she bows her head into the snow, letting her vision soak in the clean white instead of whatever she's forced Little Wolf to become. "My mama," she chokes into Figfeather's fur. "Where is she?" The snow below her gaze is beginning to freckle with red, so she squeezes her eyes shut. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she hopes for this to all be a dream. When she opens her eyes, she will not see her scars, and she will not see another dying on her behalf.​
  • Sad
Reactions: Jay and FIGFEATHER
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
// tw for graphic descriptions!

Batwing had been in the middle of chattering something. Something useless in retrospect- likely about what Hailstorm thought the best path back was, even if his friends weren't listening. Eyes had darted for another light colored pelt from another clan from time to time, but for the most part, he stayed on task. And as his head turned, Little Wolf was darting off, and Hailstorm was too far behind. Dread gathered in his stomach, and he turned, paws taking off after the sepia tom. A shout carried back to their leadership- "@Flamewhisker! Something's happening!"

And then his paws were stretching out. He was far from a Windclanner or Skyclanner, but he was fast. One of Thunderclan's fastest, maybe. Now isn't the time to boast about yourself, idiot. His thoughts whispered to him, and he caught up to Hailstorm. Sliding to a stop, his heart plummeted further, staring at the red on the ground. Everything was so, so red. Little Wolf's blood was where it shouldn't be, all kinds of wrong and outside of her. His heart was racing, and Hailstorm was slowly approaching her, words slipping from his mouth.

A great, yawning realization tore Batwing open. Little Wolf wasn't going to make it off the mountain. Not with those wounds. It would take a Starclan miracle to save them from all of this, but it would never be the same. Little Wolf wouldn't make the trek down, through Windclan's moors, back to the Thunderpath, back to Thunderclan's gorse tunnel. Back to where Howlingstar was eagerly waiting their return, where the sick were waiting for their help. Little Wolf would never get to walk beneath the great branches of their forest. She wouldn't, wouldn't, wouldn't.

And for Hailstorm, who was now whispering soft wordless things to Little Wolf's dying form? It was.. earth-shattering. Batwing knew the pain of a different love lost. If he lifted his eyes now, he was sure he'd see the figure of his mother or father standing just behind one of these gnarled trees. Not Starclan, and not a vision- some shadow of his own mind, watching on and piercing his hide with his indecision. So, he chose.

Dragging paws stepped forward, the snow's cold biting into the tops of his paws. He didn't want to get closer. The air was suffocating, but he'd be fucking damned if he didn't help Hailstorm. "Hailstorm." He murmured, settling down next to him. He didn't lay in the cold, but his side didn't move from touching Hailstorm's. "Whatever I can do, just ask." Batwing's nose leaned down, touching just behind Hailstorm's ear, before he moved his head to lean down towards Little Wolf.

"Rest well. The sky opens the way for you." Batwing whispered, voice a shaking mess and his ears flattened. He drew his head back, nose flaring as pain started to eat into his body. And when he lifted his eyes, vision caught sight of his brother standing behind the tree. The ink of shadow filling his form stared back at Batwing, before turning and slipping off into the trees. I'm not running from this one.

// please note that the 'shadows'/'figures' he's mentioning/seeing are not starclan! he's just a little in his head
  • Sad
  • Crying
Reactions: Flamestar and Jay
It quickly becomes obvious that something is wrong. The SkyClan apprentice had gone missing, some had murmured amongst themselves. Sure as hell, Slate was hauling his paws down the snow-covered ground after the others. What an embarrassment; this was his trainee! Her actions were a reflection of him as a mentor. Oh, she'd be getting an earful for sure.

Yowling and piercing screeches fill the thin mountainous air, traveling quickly to his ears and reinvigorating his energy. Hefty limbs thundered against the ground, teeth gritting together so hard that his jaw might break. The sight of a downed cat, as well as more cats breaking off and rushing to their side or checking up on the crimson-stained youth. Blood... lots of blood.

He skids to a halt, white powder spraying out from under the force of his great paws. Particles clung to the tips of his thick coat, amber eyes ablaze with an adrenaline-fueled fury and hot air billowing from his nostrils like a maddened bull. Slate doesn't even know what to focus on — the half-dead-looking Little Wolf splayed across the snow or the shaking, weeping sight of the injured tortoiseshell. She was alive, breathing, crying for Orangeblossom who was no doubt on his tail. Slate supposed he'd scold his apprentice first.

Slate barely registers that Figfeather is there, comforting and coddling Cherrypaw. She could snap at him all she wanted, but he didn't care. This was his apprentice to discipline. "You-" He scrambled to find the words, almost too angry to even fathom anything. "You MOUSEBRAIN! What were you thinkin'?! Were you tryin' to get yourself killed?!" She knew better! Slate warned her about these things because he knew that she was reckless and cocky and would engage in dangerous situations because of her ego.

Cherrypaw was lucky. She was so damn lucky. Would the scars she received today be enough to knock some sense into that barren brain of hers? "You will NOT pull a stupid stunt like that again. You are to stay with the group at all times or else I'll make sure you're demoted to a kit! You got that?!" Buried under the hot, bursting magma that was his anger was an unacknowledged dread — losing Cherrypaw, losing his own trainee. Slate didn't care for the tortoiseshell's attitude or her smart mouth, but she was only a kid. She was Orangeblossom's, at that. He didn't even want to imagine a reality where Cherrypaw had been carried away and torn into pieces. How could she be so stupid?

The volcano had erupted, hot breath steaming from his maw and nose ( and practically his ears at this point ), and he decided that Cherrypaw had enough of his verbal lashing... for now. Slate stepped back to let Orangeblossom address the situation how she would, before turning his gaze toward the crumpled form Little Wolf. Her breathing was shallow, her lungs seeming to struggle to function, and based on the reaction of Hailstorm and the others he could tell right away that this wasn't good. The ThunderClan warrior's injuries appeared to be so great that even the likes of a fully-trained medicine cat might struggle to treat them, let alone Magpiepaw.

As Slate stands there, dumbfounded, he feels something churn in his belly; anticipation of the inevitable, maybe. The journeying cats had come so far, overcoming obstacles and nearly escaping death on multiple occasions. No, they had not lost anyone to the raging waters of a river or the plunge off a cliff face, but instead the talons of an oversized piece of prey.

This never should have happened.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
  • Wow
Reactions: Jay and pikaihao

bobbie is hot on slate's heels, orangeblossom no doubt somewhere nearby. maybe it was an excess of paranoia, but once word had spread that cherrypaw was missing from their journeying party, she'd followed after the dark-furred tom. it'd hardly be strange for the energetic young apprentice to have taken a rebellious leave from slate's presence to admire the sights, but stars above, she could've given everyone a little warning. muscle burns in her shoulders as she pushes her small frame faster after him as piercing screams and shouts ring off the distant cliffs.

as always, it's too late. cherrypaw is slumped against figfeather, brilliant swathes of crimson staining her soft tortie pelt, slate's enraged voice only adding to the chaos. the apprentice is crying for her mother, bobbie registers distantly, batwing and hailstorm bent over a bloodied and broken figure.

little wolf. the small black cat is crumpled on the earth, veiled in steam and hot blood, the clean crisp snow drenched in claret. bobbie feels her heart stutter in her chest, pushing her numb legs closer to the cats beginning to gather around little wolf's dying body. because that's what she's doing—she's dying. her breath is coming in choked wheezes and the blood, so much blood, spreads evil fingers outwards from her ebony pelt, stark against the snow. they could have every damned herb at their disposal and it wouldn't matter, is what that blood says.

tawny and amber feathers, their soft bristles stuck together with drying blood, litter the earth. she stares down at the talon-wounds ripping through little wolf's pelt, through cherrypaw's, and the scabs on her neck itch until she wants to reach back and tear them off. that could have been me, that could have been me that could have been me that could have been me that could have been me—

get it together, bobbie! not every stars-damned thing is about you! she locks her canines together until she feels them aching, finding her paws and stepping numb in the snow towards hailstorm and batwing and the dying little wolf. she has no part in their clan, no right to their grief, but still she finds herself standing there. selfish. selfish.

"i'm sorry," bobbie rasps. whether she apologizes to hailstorm, to batwing, to blazestar leagues away and unknowing, to little wolf for loving a tom she has no right to—she doesn't know. her voice hitches and she repeats, "i'm sorry."



  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    bobbie is a kittypet-born skyclan warrior who would die for her clan regardless of whose blood runs through her veins. perpetually self-assessing, she often finds herself short of who she wants to be. skyclan gossip, if it's to be believed, hints at something more than friendship between her and blazestar.

  • Sad
Reactions: Jay

He has fallen more times than he could count but he keeps rushing forward on frantic paws. The snow made moving difficult and he already struggled to move on flat earth let alone this horrible slush that seemed to try and encase all his legs at once, but Magpiepaw perserveed. The black and white apprentice is easy to see on the landscape, slipping and sliding until he finally arrives on the scene with a gasping breath that stings his lungs with frigid air. It is too cold, too cold, and his panicked tears only make it harder to see but when he does his eyes widen. Blood from the mouth, there is an awkward shape to the way she is sprawled upon the ground and he can recall Duskpool's strange injury with clarity - it was nothing like that at all. Not a piece to pop back in place, but a crack in the ice that's still melting.
He had failed. They were going to lose someone.
Even to his untrained eyes he could tell what a fatal injury was and he wished Starlingheart had not been such a good teacher, he wished he could still cling to the ignorance of hope, that he could try his best and things would work out but this was not the way the world worked and the broken black she-cat before him was a harsh reminder. With growing horror he realizes instantly he can not help, he can do nothing, this is not an injury he can fix. The cool ground stains red, drips from a black maw, something inside is broken and it is out of his reach. It would be out of his mentor's reach as well.
He wished he could at least soothe the pain but the labored breathing made him realize getting her to swallow anything would be too taxing, too much. That she was still hear briefly was not so she could be rescued but so she could say farewell.
Magpiepaw shifts forward on unbalanced steps and presses against Hailstorm to dip his head down to the she-cat's still barely rising side, his nose to fur and his eyes closed before he lifts them up to gaze around the cats there.
"...StarClan, you told weren't sure you could reach us the further we went from the territories." He blinks, sloppy tears staining black fur, "But we are closer to you now than ever before, the mountains pierce the please...please make sure she gets to you...don't leave her behind."
Like they would have to, like they would be required to do for their journey to continue home. Taking a body all the way back to the clans when they had struggled to get this far was out of the question and he was already dreading the idea. A burial in a cold peak far from home and loved ones, it wasn't the way he wanted anyone to go. Different clan or not.


Figfeather tries to stay clear and allow room for other cats, especially those who might be able to help. When Cherrypaw nuzzles into her fur Figfeather allows it, the deep scratches on the calico’s back now straigt in her line of sight. Grimacing she’s provided needed distraction, but what she finds is the dark pelt of Slate who wastes no time and begins chewing into Cherrypaw.

Figfeather can’t believe it. He chooses here and now of all times to yell at her?! For a mistake that she’s already earned?! How can he see the marks that now brand her back and think she hasn’t been through enough lessons. She forces back a sour look from screwing on her face until the lead warrior turns and focuses his volcanic gaze on Little Wolf.

”You couldn’t have known.” Figfeather whispers to the calico, aiming to provide one last lick of comfort until her question registers. Mama.

The marmalade tabby searches, coincidentally she spots Orangeblossom heading right for them. Gently she nudges Cherrypaw in her direction, ”Right there- she’s right there Cherrypaw.”

With the girl off her chest she decides to let Orangeblossom rightfully handle and comfort her from here. Magpiepaw is now present, he has no herbs- of course he doesn’t. Why would he? How would he have been able to prepare for this on such short notice? However, she’s shocked… he’s… asking StarClan to make sure Little Wolf gets to them?

Her jaw drops, ”Wait- what do you mean? There’s nothing you can do?” Figfeather gasps, of course she was one of the last cats present to come to this conclusion. There was no saving the ThunderClan warrior who laid on the ground, the pool of blood surrounding her growing bigger by the second.

Figfeather steps back, finding herself next to an equally if not more distraught Bobbie. She presses her red fur againsnt her pelt, both seeking and providing comfort. She watches Little Wolf’s body with dread, one of these breaths would be her last.​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

things were all too quiet before yowls began to split the thin mountain air. immediately, her fur was on end, eyes whirling around for a source. out of the corner of her eye, a shadow races through the snow. little wolf, running head first into whatever disaster was afoot. nightbird blinked, weary from sleepless nights, the rush of other cats pelting past her forcing her head to level.

she tears after them, claws tearing through the cold ground to push her forward. the sounds of shrieking, of yelling didn't cease, only grew stronger as little wolf's were thrown into the mix. by the time she arrived, all nightbird saw was crimson stained snow and a body dropped from such a height it would take nothing short of a miracle to survive.

nightbird hated these mountains. hated the cold, the terrain, the impossibility to predict anything that could happen. but the thing that she despised the most was how they kept making a liar of her. little wolf had a family, children, a mate. all expecting her to return safely to her nest in the warriors den, the lead warrior swore it would happen. now she laid in the snow, blood coating it just like her daughter's had done so many moons ago.

ice ran cold through her veins as the failure settled in, and even though it felt as if her lungs had expanded through her whole ribcage she couldn't breathe. if she had found the scene quicker, she could have done something. while the molly wasn't too keen on throwing her life for a skyclan apprentice, she would have done it if it meant that little wolf could return home. the idea haunted her, nightbird knew it was a slippery slope to think about but still could not stop herself from falling head first.

her ears feel stuffed full of cotton, barely can she hear magpiepaw's prayers through them. she could move closer, join them in hoping that starclan would be able to retrieve little wolf despite her distance from home, but her paws remained cemented in the snow. nightbird felt utterly helpless watching life drain from the warrior, her throat burned with the urge to scream at magpiepaw to do something even though she knew it would be futile. it wouldn't help, nothing could. so she just sat and watched with a hardened gaze, she had no words to say, nothing that could help calm this situation. she reverted to what she was good at, observing. she would do so until little wolf took her last breath on these star forsaken mountains.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-six moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Maybe it had been inevitable that something awful was going to happen. Something unfixable. Fernpaw's optimism lit his path though, and he had stared into the sun-soaked happiness in his mind and told himself that they'd suffered enough. The snow gleamed pristine, they had the vibrant violet of lungwort clasped between their teeth, there were no terrible rockslide-tumbles or sheer cliffs to speak of. Everything was looking up, really looking up, and Fernpaw felt for these past, fleeting days that he didn't have to convince himself it was fine anymore.

Screams razed the peace into pieces. Shock flickered bright and clear in his gaze, the fiery tom never one to hide his emotions- he stared in the direction of the noise for a few moments while his mind caught up. Like he was pouncing for prey, Fernpaw burst into a sprint- something was wrong, something was very wrong. He wouldn't have this awful feeling in his gut for nothing. When wind washed over him in the eagle's wake, when he looked to the skies to spot the sailing shadow of it, he felt as if he might retch. Still, he ran.

Blood-scent clung to the crowd, and Fernpaw's horrified gaze followed the ribbon of scarlet that wound from Little Wolf's twisted form. Her legs, they weren't supposed to look like that- she wasn't meant to be breathing so slowly, she wasn't meant to be bleeding so much. He was no medicine cat, but he could tell that much. Magpiepaw spoke to StarClan, even in broad daylight- not the fastest of minds, Fernpaw still managed to arrive at the realisation, and he still felt his heart plunge. With the spectators, he was motionless- unable. Little Wolf was dying- she would die surrounded by so many strangers. She would die without being praised by those who meant the most to her for her bravery. She would die for her heroism, and wasn't that horrible?

He could do nothing. Nothing but turn a verdant eye to the bright sky, equally watchful for an eagle and reverent for StarClan. "She's good," Fernpaw croaked to the invisible spirits, drowned by the daylight. "She doesn't deserve this."

But it would happen, anyway.
penned by pin

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Death is a consistent rhythm, it happens. You hear about it at gatherings, watch it happen in your own camp.
You think “their poor family.” You pray briefly for their kin and that they made their safe journey to the stars. Sometimes you forget that the “poor family” can be you.
The sound of nearby screeching is quick to draw Lakemoon over on the tail of Fernpaw.
There is already a group of the Thunderclanners crowded around whoever had fallen victim to something terrible, and unfamiliar tom is already weeping at their ebony flank.
Their ebony flank.
"Excuse me." The words are lowly spoken but not a request as the silver shadow would weave her way through the gathered cats, even Slates scolding falling on deaf ears. Lakemoon knows what azure optics will fall on as she finally approaches, but the knowing does not stop her heart from plummeting to her paws.
"Little Wolf?" Her voice is strange, contorted in a failing attempt to hide her horror. The vermillion that seeps into the earth around them is too much, the way her aunts eyes have gradually grown to become sluggish is too telling.
Lakemoon sits down, perching herself where she could fit by Little Wolfs head to reach down and touch her nose against her kins ear. "I’m so sorry." Her own weep is quiet, whispered coarsely for only Little Wolfs ears. The silver warrior cannot count the things she is sorry for, she doesn’t even try. Magpiepaw all but confirms her aunts death sentence.
She’s good. Fernpaw cries in injustice, claiming unfairness, and Lakemoon agrees.
"I love you. All of you." Finally, Lakemoon would force herself to lift her head, praying with all her might Little Wolf heard her last message before slipping away completely.
While blossoming behind navy blue eyes, Lakemoon wouldn’t be letting her tears slip, not yet. Instead, her darkened expression would turn to Fernpaw, to the Thunderclanners and Orangeblossom that huddled so closely around, but she cannot stand tall for this, her neck too weak with swelling grief.
The blue molly hangs her head, her silent prayers for her kin on an agonizing repeat.
Silence. Everything seemed to be going alright. They had found the lungwort, and they were on their way home. She could remember how scared she had been of going on this journey...the possibility of never returning home all too large. There was still a very high chance of something going wrong, but each day that passed by, she couldn't help but feel more optimistic that she would see her mate and son again. She and Flycatcher had said their goodbyes, and she had come to terms with possibly not returning. Just a few days prior, she had thrown herself at an eagle to defend Orangeblossom. The Skyclan deputy was not a clanmate, but she had vowed to Howlingstar that she would keep everyone safe...and that meant everyone.

It was crazy how in a matter of seconds, everything could go wrong.

Her blood turned to ice as screams pierced the air. She turned her head towards the back of the group, and before she had time to process what was going on, she heard her name being yelled.

Flamewhisker! Somethings happening!

No other higher up was being called...she was being called. Something had happened to one of her clanmates. Stormpaw was by her side, so she knew it wasn't her daughter. The lead warrior raced towards the source of the cries, her heart racing. What had happened? These mountains were so unpredictable, there were so many possibilities. But nothing could prepare her for what she found as she came to the scene.

Little Wolf.

Blood. much blood.

Her legs immediately went numb, her vision beginning to blur. She couldn't hear anyone else around her, all she could see was her best friend laying there...mangled and dying, much like her daughter many moons ago. "Little, please no.." Her voice was barely anything more than a whisper. Her throat was so tight she could barely breathe. She stumbled forward, her legs buckling out from underneath her as she let out wail of grief. Hailstorm was beside their clanmate's body, speaking words that she couldn't hear. All she could see was the crimson that stained the snow beneath her. "I'm so sorry Little..." she choked out, tears falling from her cheeks. I've failed. Her heart heart stung, and her mind was swirling...I promised Howlingstar I would do everything I could to keep everyone safe....and I failed her. Now she has lost her daughter! This was her fault...if she had noticed Little Wolf's absence, then she would have known something was wrong. She should have noticed sooner, maybe then she could have been here. Flamewhisker had been so sure that she could protect her clanmates...she never imagined loosing any of them. It should have been me. She should have died...not Little Wolf.

The ebony she-cat had so much to return home much more than she did. Her mother, her brothers, her children...her entire family was anxiously waiting for their return any day now...Little Wolf had been there since she had joined the clan. She couldn't imagine Thunderclan without her. It's not fair...she should be at home, buried in our forest. but they couldn't carry her all the way home. She would have to stay here, forever in the mountains. Her family wouldn't be able to say their goodbyes...wouldn't have a grave to visit.

She pushes her muzzle into Little Wolf's neck fur, not even trying to hold back her tears. A lead warrior was supposed to be strong, supposed to be someone her clanmates could look up to, but she couldn't be strong...not now. She wasn't fit to hold such a position anymore...not when she had failed like this...and now her best friend was dying because of it. "'ll be w-with her again. I'm s-sure she can't wait to see you." she stuttered out, lifting her muzzle out to speak. "Goodbye my dear friend...I will miss you so much..."

"You are a h-hero...The clans will remember you..." she paused, lifting a blood stained paw to wipe tears away. "Forever." Thunderclan would never forget Little Wolf...she would make sure of it. There would an addition to the tales that were told in the nursery. Little Wolf had raised the clan's youth on tales of the ancient clans...and now it was her duty to tell the tale of Little Wolf, the hero.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 25 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

  • Crying
Reactions: dejavu
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
She's close enough to hear the scream. Close enough to recognise it as her daughter's blood-chilling yowl, sheer panic and desperation filling her voice on a scale that would haunt Orangeblossom's nightmares for seasons to come. She'd heard it once before when Snowpath had died, the great tree descending on SkyClan's camp with a world-shattering crash! and Cherrypaw's shrill shriek accompanying it so closely that the deputy had thought she'd lost a daughter. Instead, Daisyflight had lost a son.


Her panicked, forceful voice rises to meet the apprentice's in answer.

Now, she wonders if Cherrypaw will meet the fate she'd escaped that day.

Orangeblossom charges forward, clearing the pines in record time. She and Slate had been close to its edge, but she's far from the fastest cat among the clowder. On top of that, Her right hindleg gives way beneath her several fox-lengths out, sending Orangeblossom crashing into the snow just within eyeshot. Her whiskers sting with the cold, a ragged gasp forced into the air with the impact, misting before her muzzle. In any other circumstance she'd be mortified: mortified that she'd fallen, embarrassed further by the eyes which would be on her critically for a mistake that her littermates might have made but never she. Orangeblossom hauls herself upwards with a short, cracking cry, but in the heartbeat between her stumble and the frantic look Cherrypaw's mother serves her eldest daughter, Little Wolf has intervened.

There is nothing she can do but watch as the small ThunderClanner sends the three careening towards the ground. There's too much blood for this rescue to be anything but pyrrhic in nature, feathers and cries intermingling in the air and drifting to the snow-laden mountainside unburdened. A small cry joins them, involuntary, as Little Wolf's struggling form is dropped by the great beast. Orangeblossom swears she can feel the crunch as Little Wolf strikes the snowy earth from too great a height at too awkward an angle. It ricochets through her teeth, echoes through her limbs, and the aftershocks of them nearly make her stumble again.

Around her the Clan cats begin to mobilise, voices filling the air, but Orangeblossom is wholly focused on two things. Firstly, the death unfolding before her, which is something she can neither control nor intervene in. Secondly, her daughter, wailing and stricken, something she can.

As quickly as she's able the sun-splashed molly rushes to Cherrypaw's side, not at all registering Figfeather's departure and the implication that the young warrior had taken the brunt of comforting her daughter to begin with. Later, when she thinks on it with a clearer mind, she'd be grateful. Right now, however, her daughter needs help and her daughter is hurt and those two things consume Orangeblossom's thoughts entirely.

"Shh-sh, Cherrypaw, you're okay. You're safe, I'm here, mama's here." She whispers platitudes, purring fiercely in some futile attempt to calm her daughter's wails; but, pressed close, Cherrypaw would no doubt be able to feel her mother's thunderous heartbeat. Just like back in the nursery, after a nightmare, licking the tuft of fur atop her daughter's head in an attempt to soothe her cries.

Orangeblossom's eyes sweep over the crimson swathes marring Cherrypaw's back and guilt blurs her vision. She should never have come. She's too young. Orangeblossom hates how she'd been swayed so easily by her daughters' eagerness for Cherrypaw to join them. She wishes she'd put her paw down harder, maybe even appealed to Blazestar directly. Then, just maybe ... this wouldn't have happened. Orangeblossom wouldn't have a noseful of her daughters blood (something she'd never scented so strongly, and now something she wishes she never had) and Little Wolf wouldn't be lying in a broken heap before them.

Dying, in a broken heap before them.

The SkyClanner's attention draws further out from her daughter, though she keeps Cherrypaw tucked close, and her gaze becomes drawn with sorrow as it settles on Little Wolf. Orangeblossom's purring splinters. Her eyes sting, the familiar tension of grief winding her muscles taut like she's preparing for battle. Thank you. She thinks - prays - to the crumpled ThunderClanner. A warrior, a queen, a mother. A mother, who had lost a child to conflict and then lost two more to the warrior code. Orangeblossom presses her muzzle harder atop Cherrypaw's head. I'm sorry I couldn't do for Morningpaw what you've done for Cherrypaw, Little Wolf. I ... I'll try to tell your kits gently. Thank you. I'm so sorry.

Back home in SkyClan, two of Little Wolf's children are living their lives, blissfully unaware of the tragedy about to befall them. They're grown now, full members of SkyClan in their own rights and training and without the influence of Blazestar, but they've already lost a sister. Losing their mother, though she had lived across the scent markers, would be a heavy blow. Orangeblossom thinks of Fireflypaw, visited by Haku in the StarClanner's attempt to warn them of the twoleg traps and to promise they would come home one day. She wonders if the seal point would find out about their mother's demise from Little Wolf herself, a similar dream shared by star-touched paws. Orangeblossom thinks of Howlfire, who surely must be close to kitting by now ... Had Little Wolf even known she was to be a grandmother? Now she never would.

For a moment, selfishly, Orangeblossom wishes they could stay right here. She doesn't want to return to SkyClan with a cure and the news that a beloved warrior had not made it back with them. But there are no elders here to smooth down Little Wolf's mangled fur, no Berryheart to organise proper rites. No ThunderClan land to bury her on, laid peaceful among her Clan's dead; only frigid snow and skeletal pines, and ShadowClan's stumbling medicine cat apprentice. She thinks Starlingheart mousebrained for sending him with such little knowledge under his fur, and Chilledstar the same for agreeing; but who else would the Clans have sent in the middle of a yellowcough outbreak so bad that they needed assistance from beyond the living?

StarClan ... Orangeblossom's eyes turn skyward, stinging again. Before them, the sun starts to dip low on the horizon, setting the scene awash with the gilded afternoon's rays. No stars blink to life above their heads yet, though she searches the sky silently for StarClan's sentinels. If you can see us, keep Little Wolf safe. She was good, and kind. She saved my daughter as her final act. if any cat deserves to bask in your light, it's her. Please.

Her tongue feels heavy in her throat, thick and useless, and the cold ground seemingly seeps all the warmth from her body. Her green eyes flicker to all the faces that stand before her. Cats are talking, saying things and she can only just barely hear them. They all sound so far away. Most of their words are only a low hum in her ears. She gets traces of speech. LionClan, hero, Morningpaw, StraClan. She knows she is dying but that is not what is important. "Ch-cherrypaw. She's okay?" she wheezes and then coughs and with that cough more blood paints the ground in front of her. All that mattered was the little tortoiseshell she-cat was safe, that she was not the one in StarClan's clutches. Everything else did not matter, or it wouldn't soon.

Her gaze flickers to the cats closest to her. Lakemoon, her niece who, despite the fact that she resided in a different clan was still family, who Little Wolf remembers toddling around as a kit. 'oh how she and Wolf needs to stop growing' she remembers musing to Lily Pad. Flamewhisker, her dear friend. So many memories of them in the nursery together, staying up late and telling one another tales of their lives, gossiping, or just sharing one another's company. Figfeather, who had once played with her kits in SkyClan while her and Orangeblossom had watched. Batwing and Nightbird, both clanmates, cats she had spent many nights in the warriors den with, many days on hunting patrols together. Fernpaw, the little red tabby who she remembers at his sisters side the day their father had chosen to shout his pride for her across the river. Bobbie, who had sought her out for advice. Magpiepaw, the little black and white apprentice from ShadowClan who was doing his best to be the journeys healer. Slate, the hot-headed tom who seemed to butt heads with everyone on the journey but whos heart was in the right place. Cherrypaw, the brave little apprentice who Little Wolf had loved talking to at gatherings, who she had sacrificed her life to save. And then there was Hailstorm. Her mate, her best friend. Her forest-green eyes dance across all of them, tears swimming in her vision. "I love you" she says to all of them, her voice quiet. And she means it. Every single cat here, even the ones she did not know well, she loved each and every one of them.

Her vision shifts then, to a gray form littered with stars who stands just behind the journey cats. He is waiting so patiently for her to join him. At first, she does not recognize him. Time has blurred his features in her mind, turning him into a stranger. But when he takes a step closes she knows. "Gray Wolf... Dad... you came for me" there is relief in her voice as she gazes at that starry apparition. Her father had come, he would make everything okay again just like he always had when she was a kit.

She closes her eyes and takes in one last shuddering breath and then she is still.

Gone to the stars.

  • ooc : — ​

  • she / her
    thunderclan warrior
    mates with Hailstorm

    - - a small, black furred she-cat with short hair and green eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Little Wolf is a kind hearted she-cat who loves deeply and freely. She believes in living in the moment and isn't afraid to voice how she really feels about another cat or a situation. In her experience, life is too short to hold back and if you really mean something then why not just say it? If you get on her bad side or if you harm someone she cares about, she is the type of cat who would hold a grudge. She is a mother before anything else and although she is not particularly a fan of fighting she will defend her kits with the ferocity of all the ancient clans combined.
    ISFJ-T 'the defender'

    skilled hunter
    HOWLINGSTAR X GRAY WOLF; sister to Hollow Tree, Lily Pad, Cobwebtail, Graystorm, Raccoonstripe, Jackdawflight and Berryheart; mother to Fireflypaw, Burnstorm, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisker, Skypaw and Duskpaw

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Death has jeered at them since the very inception of this little adventure, seems like. It lurked within the rapid-running thoroughfare, and manifested inside the withered planks they'd treaded across. It became one with the cave's shadows and brought hunger to their stomachs. It wrapped the cliff face in its mortal bosom, vowing a painful end to anyone climbing on clumsy paws. Thus far, everybody involved in the search for lungwort has done well to evade its grasp, no matter how often it was beckoned.

But now, and only now, that they have at long last claimed their prize, does death choose to rear its ugly head.

It's irony such as this that is the lifeblood of his cynicism.

Shrieks and yowls slit through the heavens and leave the day's monotony in tatters. In the short span of a breath, everyone in Smogmaw's immediate radius catapults into blurs of motion. The tom, though brought to full focus, does not match their speed. Having no desire to be caught in any avalanches today, he instead surrenders himself to slowly trudging through the sculpted pathways his peers had left in their wake. And in taking his sweet, precious time, it would appear as though he'd failed to witness Little Wolf's parting breaths.


Sluggish pawsteps converge on the grief-smitten rabble, ultimately stalling out when a knifelike odour stabs at his nostrils. The crowd is split in two halves, he at least observes. Clustered around Cherrypaw are supporting remarks and scathing condemnations alike, all while mourners grovel at the fallen ThunderClanner's heels just a fox-hop away. "What happened?" the deputy dares to ask, a streak of hesitance lining his words. He's seemingly the first to approach after Little Wolf became a footnote in their history, and he'd half a mind to expect some vitriolic glances because of his ignorance.

A shake of his fleecy pelt sends snowy specks airborne, before he decides to draw ever nearer. Little Wolf may not have led a clan, nor had she done anything to etch herself in the annals of legend, yet her name carried weight all the same. He did not wish to simply gawk at the remains of a renowned warrior from afar. Rather, he wished to see them up close. And so, the ashen tom slithers through the stragglers until he comes upon the corpse, which he regards in silence until his morbid appetite is sated.

"Awful, just awful," Smogmaw murmurs, eyes heaving up from the carrion. As to whether he means those words is a debatable matter, but he figures the statement was fitting enough.


XXXXXWhat a terrible thing, to watch a cat she nearly considers a Clanmate perish. The snow cushions a broken black body, and blood scents the air like fire razing the icy distance of the mountains. Iciclefang listens to Little Wolf’s Clanmates cry—and then she sees Lakemoon, silvery pelt bushed up against the cold, a dead look of sorrow creasing her lovely features. “I love you. All of you.” Iciclefang’s chest aches. Hailstorm hovers over Little Wolf, tears bright as stars in his eyes, and Orangeblossom murmurs her thanks to the she-cat who’d paid for her daughter’s life with her own.

XXXXXIt's Fernpaw, though, whose comfort she seeks. She presses her flank to her brother’s with surprising ferocity, the pain in her stomach and throat not lessening even with his pelt brushing hers. “This is what I was afraid would happen to you,” she says, her voice hushed. “Fernpaw…” Her brother, her soft-hearted brother, cries tears for a ThunderClan warrior, and for once she finds herself close to spilling them herself. She can see other cats begin to move closer—she senses Smogmaw nearby, who mutters about how awful the death had been.

XXXXXI’m so sorry,” she tells ThunderClan, twining her tail with her littermate’s and holding him as close to her as she can.


It was horrible to watch, and yet- Fernpaw could get no closer, and could not tear his eyes away. What would he be able to do? Past the odd, instinctual fear that always repelled him from the injured, as if he was going to catch a gash in the flesh... a fiery paw crushing Little Wolf's shoulder would not bring the shadowy Thunderclanner back from the brink.

The sniff he pulled in was snotty and rattled so far up his skull that it acted as the catalyst for his tears, dew-dropping from both eyes, marred or not. It wasn't fair, he'd already said it. The familiar patchy pelt of his sister fell into rank, witnesses to Little Wolf's soul blinking into the stars.

Iciclefang pressed hard against his side, and he did not tell her to get off him or stop treating him like a baby not only because it would be unkind, but because he didn't honestly believe that was what she was doing. A warrior had fallen to this eagle, a brave warrior rended apart by dangers that the cats at the wetland could never have imagined. For once, though, Fernpaw held steadfast that realisation, that awareness of his own ability. He had felt it before, stinging across his face and rupturing his eye beyond repair. No-one could have stopped this alone.

Alone did not mean brave unequivocally. Alone was a necessity, and one Little Wolf had taken at a terrible price. There wasn't anything else to be said, but his tears would tell ThunderClan of his sorrow. His tail would tell them of his solidarity, as- uncertain of anyone's fate, now- Fernpaw stayed tied to his kin, the only littermate he knew was alright.
penned by pin
  • Crying
Reactions: Jay
Havoc is the only word Mouseflight would be able to describe this day as. Every cat had been on some sort of high - why not? they had done it, they had found the lungwort and were going to go back home soon - until there was sheer panic. He had not noticed the two cats missing from the group until others had started to notice themselves, and Mouseflight found himself slightly annoyed that they had all begun to turn around and go the opposite direction, but paws stopped moving when he saw the sight they were all heading towards.

Lump formed in the young warrior's throat as he began to move forward once more, eyes wide as he silently looked over to Cherrypaw and then to the broken body of Little Wolf, lying in the now crimson snow as she slowly died from injuries. Injuries that Mouse was sure could have been prevented, and by the looks of it they could have been prevented by the SkyClan apprentice that now bled out into the snow as well, wound pierced side turning a horrible red color as she sat there.

One could have mistaken the WindClanner for fish the way his mouth opened and closed repeatedly, any words of comfort he could have said long gone from his head, the only ability he had in this moment was to stand there silently in the background. He didn't know this cat, he did not trust her as he did his fellow WindClanners, yet when she spoke her final words - ones that he wished he had not heard, for the way they were spoken he knew they were directed at them all - he found himself saddened by her death. "She needs to be moved... we need to move." He'd state, voice crackling as he fought off the melancholy that tugged at him. He knew not what they would do or how those within her own clan wanted to bury her, whether they'd rather just do it now and get it over with or move her to a safer location, but he could only hope that wherever it was done StarClan could guide Little Wolf's path as she walked with them that night.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 11 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki