private I did no wrong [-] traditions


siltcloud 20 moons female she/her shadowclan exile

Sun sets, casting endless shadows over head as at last night falls. One by one, streetlamps flicker on - bathing the thunderpaths in eerie glow. It's a sight siltcloud will never get used too, no matter how many nights she spends out here. Skeletal figure waits patiently until the sounds of sleep fill the space - all, save for three.

Teeth grip scruffs as she hauls them up-and-over to rest upon a nearby stairwell, ignoring any protests or confusion. " Marblekit - Sycamorekit... I want you to listen well, " she starts, voice utterly serious. There is no gentle warmth, no kindness to be found - no, this is a lecture stern and serious, as sharp-tongued as the way she's warned them from leaving the alleys without her, or the way she's spoken of the deadly thunderpath and the pain that would await them should they ventrue near it.

" Look up - see that, above us? That's silverpelt - a place of stars, and of cats like you and me but who no longer walk this earth, " like your siblings she thinks to herself, but she will not say such words aloud. She does not think they remember, and she does not wish them too. " They're our ancestors - my parents, their parents, friends and family who have died and strangers alike. We call them Starclan... and it's because of them that we have the names we do - I used to be Siltkit once, just like you are Marblekit and Sycamorekit, " she explains, crooked tail flicking at each of them in turn. " Do you know why? " she asks, head dipping to the side.

She doesn't expect them to know where she is going with her stories, but it's better to humor them - let them guess, let them try. Perhaps they may even get close.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I F - I - C A N ' T - B E - Y O U R - H E R O , I ' L L - B E - Y O U R - V I L L A I N

After a long, cold day of kittenish play and scrutiny of the stony world around her, the world is entrenched in shadow. What little light the sun has left to give bleeds against the skyline. Around them, the Twolegplace falls into slumber. The lights flicker, amber pools draping across the Thunderpath and the Twoleg-path. Siltcloud would normally usher the kits to bed at such a time, but curiously, she stays awake, scruffing her kits and hoisting them onto a stiff, cold perch. Marblekit squeals as she’s lifted, blinking bewildered moss-colored eyes at her mother. “I want you to listen well,” she tells them. Marblekit puffs her cheeks out with air, but otherwise her gaze lingers on her mother’s now-serious expression. “Yes, mama,” she mewls, sitting up straighter.

Siltcloud tells them to look up—up, past the Twoleg nests and fencelines, into the sky. Marblekit does, blinking with more fervor. “Silver…pelt…” she parrots. “They’re cats, Mama?” They don’t look like her mother or her brother—they’re barely perceptible, shapeless silver specks with no faces or whiskers or tails. Still, she listens, her nose twitching with curiosity.

Siltcloud tells them they’re ancestors. It’s a big word, an unfamiliar one. StarClan, too. “You were Siltkit, Mama?” She turns to face her mother, a grin warping her tiny face. “Were you little like me ‘n Sycamorekit?

  • ooc:
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 1 moon old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — rogue kit. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.


[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] The day had been no more than load of fun and messing with Marblekit, and yet soon night began to befall onto them and tiredness came steadfast, normally this would be a time where their mother would shoo them to sleep, yet tonight had been different. Both hoisted onto a perch and Sycamorekit allowing a gruff noise of protest before shifting closer to the other too. Tiredness danced in his deep green eyes and yet the seriousness in his mother's tone would quickly snap him out of it while he looked up at the queen to listen.

Ears perked as she spoke, telling them about the silverpelt, and Starclan...or how she too once was named Siltkit which made his head tilt at that. "But...if you used to be Siltkit...then how did you get your name?" he would softly asked, confused on how their mother went from Siltkit to Siltcloud... he blinked a bit "When we get older...would we be Marblecloud and Sycamorecloud?" he asked, not having the slightest thought on how their mother's life used to be like.

"And...are we called Sycamorekit and Marblekit because...we're... small?" another question before flicking his eyes to his sister, a yawn slipping from his jaw before tucking his tiny paws underneath his chest to keep the bitter cold from nipping at them like they did his nose or ears. Still he fought with the tiredness that kept grasping at him, wanting to hear what his mother had to say.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorekit 𐃉 He,She, They, rouge kitten , 1 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


siltcloud 21 moons female she/her shadowclan exile

" Mhm - even littler, once, " she'd taken after her mother that way, tiny and frail - naught but skin and bones even without leafbare nipping at her heels. " That's right - your still small. your kits until you stop drinking milk and can start learning to be a warrior. in the clans, when a kit reaches their fourth moon, they start to learn the ways of the world - like how to hunt yummy prey, or to be big and strong and fight battles. those learning become 'paws - you'd be Marblepaw and Sycamorepaw. And then one day when your all grown and have learned all you can, you'll be given a name thats wholly yours and no one else's based on who you are - nobody knows what theirs will be until they get it. I didn't know I'd be siltcloud until I was older - your other mommy was Lilackit, and then Lilacpaw, and Lilacfur... because she was very pretty," she actually has no idea why chilledstar had chosen such a name, but shed never thought to question it either. Loam and granite had received similar names - pelt getting attached to the end of each of them for varying reasons. " Thats what sets us apart from loners and rogues, starclan shines down on us and guides us - keeps us safe. And we keep our names special so that they know we're following their path, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I F - I - C A N ' T - B E - Y O U R - H E R O , I ' L L - B E - Y O U R - V I L L A I N