- Dec 30, 2022
- 357
- 93
- 28
Badgermoon was painfully aware that his continued existence had been dependent on another's mercy, and that his future lay in the paws of someone who may view him as a traitor of the worst kind. If these facts had been true for only himself, perhaps he could've lived with - had he not made mistakes? Had he not earned the terror of fleeing his home, the shame of groveling before Blazestar, the hardship of surviving through leaf-bare without a Clan to support him? Yes, he felt he had. But it was not only himself who was suffering: it was Curlewnose, too, and that was unacceptable. Of course, Badgermoon couldn't pretend that securing a happier, more comfortable life for his...companion...was the only reason they now trekked slowly to the moorland which he had so often dreamt of. He had missed WindClan with every breath of foreign SkyClan- or Twolegplace-scented air, had needed to come home but been agonizingly aware that his home had been taken from him. So hidden away they had stayed, slinking in the shadows and living off of scraps. Often he had thought about returning, charging into the hollow and proclaiming his innocence, declaring Sootstar's treachery, her deceit, her disrespect of StarClan and her attempt to kill Curlewnose.
But...the images of his children, bloodied and beaten, kept intruding on those heroic fantasies. Besides, who would believe him instead of her? Only after breaking free did he realize what a chokehold the she-cat held on her Clan, the violence with which she gripped their minds and hearts. It would have been a slaughter: first of him, then of his family. He would be lucky if he had a family left. Besides, they had had other reasons for staying away: the gift Sootstar had left her faithful tunneler with - an ugly, crusted scar on his neck, in the precise shape of the tyrant's jaws - had not done well in their medicine-cat-less lifestyle. Atrophy from being kept in a pit, lack of food, the foul tendrils of infection...Curlewnose's healing process had been slow and painful, with many ups and downs, with no herbs to help him through. Curlewnose could not have made the trip and survived, and they had both known that he could not be left alone, either. Wounded as he was, he was essentially helpless in that place, without Badgermoon to protect him. He had lost almost everything: he refused to lose the only cat he had ever known who filled his heart so completely.
So a life lived in the dirty corners of the Twoleg world it would have to be. Better than living in a dirt pit in SkyClan's camp, and better than being torn to shreds by his Clanmates. He had almost resigned himself to his future as a malnourished, asphalt-scented rogue, a foolish, crumbling man who used his memories like a crutch and fantasized about a life he could never again have. But then something unexpected happened. A rogue - a long time resident of the Twolegplace, well-versed in its rhythms and conflicts, with whom they had tentatively allied themselves - had informed him of a rumor he had heard: Sootstar had been chased out, deposed. The Queen of the Moors was no longer. There had been some sort of uprising, a rebellion, and now ... she was gone. It was an incredible idea - Badgermoon had truly thought she would reign for years and years, or until the Clans drowned in blood she chose to spill and there was no one left to use as puppets in her delusional schemes. But if there was even the slightest chance that they could go home...that he could see his children again...his friends...
"Take it easy." the black-and-white tomcat murmured to his companion as they drew nearer to the border with which they were so familiar. Curlewnose had recovered enough to make the journey, so long as they took it in stages; now, on the third and final leg of their trek, WindClan's land lay rolling out like the richest tapestry. It beckoned: it called to him, in a voice that felt like it came from his own marrow. Snow crunched under their paws as they came to a stop, and Badgermoon propped one broad shoulder up against the tunneler, unable to ignore the spike of sorrow at just how light the other tom's weight on him was. Their time in exile had turned a skinny but healthy creature into something just shy of skeletal, with dull eyes and a haggard coat. Badgermoon himself hardly looked better: he just had had more muscle and fat to burn through in the first place, and had not suffered quite so grievous an injury. "Never thought we'd be here." he said softly, so quietly that perhaps it was meant only for himself. Whether he meant here as in returning to WindClan, or here as in having ever left in the first place was unclear. Either way, the words fell like snowflakes into the evening air, and Badgermoon fell silent.
What could they do but wait?
OOC: @curlewnose - but no need to wait for him to respond! Just as a note, Rev has agreed that Badger and Curlew will be allowed to rejoin, but of course characters need to learn what happened ICly, so don't worry about asking questions or being initially surprised or hostile! I'm so excited to be back <3
But...the images of his children, bloodied and beaten, kept intruding on those heroic fantasies. Besides, who would believe him instead of her? Only after breaking free did he realize what a chokehold the she-cat held on her Clan, the violence with which she gripped their minds and hearts. It would have been a slaughter: first of him, then of his family. He would be lucky if he had a family left. Besides, they had had other reasons for staying away: the gift Sootstar had left her faithful tunneler with - an ugly, crusted scar on his neck, in the precise shape of the tyrant's jaws - had not done well in their medicine-cat-less lifestyle. Atrophy from being kept in a pit, lack of food, the foul tendrils of infection...Curlewnose's healing process had been slow and painful, with many ups and downs, with no herbs to help him through. Curlewnose could not have made the trip and survived, and they had both known that he could not be left alone, either. Wounded as he was, he was essentially helpless in that place, without Badgermoon to protect him. He had lost almost everything: he refused to lose the only cat he had ever known who filled his heart so completely.
So a life lived in the dirty corners of the Twoleg world it would have to be. Better than living in a dirt pit in SkyClan's camp, and better than being torn to shreds by his Clanmates. He had almost resigned himself to his future as a malnourished, asphalt-scented rogue, a foolish, crumbling man who used his memories like a crutch and fantasized about a life he could never again have. But then something unexpected happened. A rogue - a long time resident of the Twolegplace, well-versed in its rhythms and conflicts, with whom they had tentatively allied themselves - had informed him of a rumor he had heard: Sootstar had been chased out, deposed. The Queen of the Moors was no longer. There had been some sort of uprising, a rebellion, and now ... she was gone. It was an incredible idea - Badgermoon had truly thought she would reign for years and years, or until the Clans drowned in blood she chose to spill and there was no one left to use as puppets in her delusional schemes. But if there was even the slightest chance that they could go home...that he could see his children again...his friends...
"Take it easy." the black-and-white tomcat murmured to his companion as they drew nearer to the border with which they were so familiar. Curlewnose had recovered enough to make the journey, so long as they took it in stages; now, on the third and final leg of their trek, WindClan's land lay rolling out like the richest tapestry. It beckoned: it called to him, in a voice that felt like it came from his own marrow. Snow crunched under their paws as they came to a stop, and Badgermoon propped one broad shoulder up against the tunneler, unable to ignore the spike of sorrow at just how light the other tom's weight on him was. Their time in exile had turned a skinny but healthy creature into something just shy of skeletal, with dull eyes and a haggard coat. Badgermoon himself hardly looked better: he just had had more muscle and fat to burn through in the first place, and had not suffered quite so grievous an injury. "Never thought we'd be here." he said softly, so quietly that perhaps it was meant only for himself. Whether he meant here as in returning to WindClan, or here as in having ever left in the first place was unclear. Either way, the words fell like snowflakes into the evening air, and Badgermoon fell silent.
What could they do but wait?
OOC: @curlewnose - but no need to wait for him to respond! Just as a note, Rev has agreed that Badger and Curlew will be allowed to rejoin, but of course characters need to learn what happened ICly, so don't worry about asking questions or being initially surprised or hostile! I'm so excited to be back <3