he can be like that sometimes || intro, playing dead




just off to the side in an open part of the clearing, one of the kits from the nursery had decided to wrangle up a few others in order to play in some mock battle, a sort of reenactment of the much bigger one that had occurred between the former pine and marsh groups but with less blood splattering everywhere.

the small group of four had split off into two where one would take on the role of leader and the other their trusted warrior-deputy to fight off against the enemy and see which one comes out the victor! possumkit, a chunky lilac kitten who usually never has a thought in that head of his, was chosen to be the second-in-command. so with roles settled, everyone got into their place and with a high-pitched battle cry from the other kits the ' battle ' began.

tiny bodies would roll across the marshy grounds of camp, paws battering at one another while exchanging words of challenge. possumkit let out a little oof as he was pinned beneath his attacker who looked down upon him with a proud grin. " this is the end for you, stinky kittypet! " they exclaimed, leaning down and closing small jaws delicately over a pale throat. the tom put up a decent struggle before ultimately falling limp, eyes fluttering shut to mimic his death.

unfortunately, possumkit played his part a little too well as whenever he was prodded he would stay motionless which caused their playmate to grow more and more anxious about not getting any sort of response even when vigorous shaking was involved.

soon the poor kit bursted into tears and began to wail, convinced they actually committed a murder.


would you do anything for me?
The crying caught the attention of Ravenkit, who had refused to take part in the group's mock battle. Her ears perked up as she glanced over. Finally, something interesting was happening. Raising herself to her paws, the tiny pitch black molly padded over. Examining the scene with a curious eye.

Possumkit was, very apparently, completely fine. At least as far as she could tell. There wasn't even a scratch on him. That didn't mean she couldn't have some fun though. She nodded her agreement with the dismayed kit's assessment. "Mhmm, you killed him." She lied in a matter of fact tone, giving the crying child a pitying glance. "My mom is going to be maaad. You're going to get in a lot of trouble."
The crying of a child does not concern him...

Children cry. They cry a lot, Pitchsun has come to learn. So much so, in fact, that he marvels over how their tear ducts don't dry up from the sheer amount of tears they shed. A kitten gets knocked over? They cry. A kitten trods on a thorn? They cry. A kitten is not allowed to go on a patrol? They cry. So, no, the inherent wailing of a child does not concern him... But it does elicit another reaction.

With Pitchsun, it's always difficult to decipher which mood he would be in. The deputy is as volatile as a Greenleaf storm. Today, it seems as if StarClan has blessed him with a lovely and loving demeanor.

Striding over to his sister and... two others. Hm. He doesn't know them well enough to recall their names. Nevertheless, one is playing dead on the ground and the other is the source of the cacophony. Keening over the loss of... Possumkit. Right. The 'dead' one. Immediately, Pitchsun assumes that they are playing a game... Because if kittens aren't crying, they are playing. So, he does what any responsible adult would do.

He plays along.

"Oh, pity," Pitchsun coos. With a faux sniff and a quick swipe at the corner of his eye, he pulls the wailing kit close to him with a paw. "Exile is certainly a possibility... Poor little Hollykit. You would have blossomed into an excellent ShadowClan warrior, had it not been for this little blip." The rosette tabby pats the top of the NPC kit's head, all while shaking his own with feigned sorrow. "But, you needn't brave the world alone... SkyClan will surely welcome you with open paws!"
Granitekit, like his black-pelted denmate, does not partake in the silly kit games. He watches with narrow emerald eyes, a scowl fixed almost permanently on his white muzzle. Everything seems to irritate him recently, and other kits having fun is one of the worst offenders to his bad attitude.

His ears flick as one of the kits flops over in a convincing show of fatality. The others panic, squeal, act like little fools. Granitekit rolls his eyes. He's prepared to walk away when Ravenkit decides to open her mouth.

She pads over to the "dead" Possumkit and pokes him. She tells Hollykit sadly, calmly, that she killed him and that Briarstar is going to get her in big trouble.

"Stupid," he mutters under his breath. He hopes Pitchsun, who for some reason is now Briarstar's deputy, tells her to stop lying to everyone. But he lies too! Granitekit watches, fuming, before he leaps to his white paws and stalks his way over.

He bypasses both Pitchsun and Ravenkit. With a mighty leap, he aims to bring his weight on top of Possumkit's tail and bite it viciously.


When the wailing starts, Siltkit feels her heart drop. Another kit is dead - why do her friends keep dying? Dull green gaze peers out from the nursery, only to frown. Nobody seems to be taking this seriously, not the way they did when sparkkit died It takes her a moment, but she soon realizes that they're lying - that they're just pretending possumkit is dead, at Hollykit's expense. It feels like a cruel mockery of her own grief - of her siblings dead body and her mothers absent form. A frown tugs at her lips, and though she can't bring herself to meet the others eyes, she does find her voice strong enough to snap out a scathing comment "You shouldn't lie about dying..... Jokes are supposed to be funny," she doesn't even care that granitekit is once again turning to violence - she thinks possumkit deserves it, for scaring the npc hollykit and for scarring her.


honestly, if possumkit laid there a little bit longer they would've ended up dozing off completely forgetting the fact that he was in the middle of a game. unfortunately, he didn't account for hollykit to suddenly burst into tears which garnered the attention of a couple of other kits to approach the scene alongside the deputy. he didn't mean to make his playmate upset but he also thought the point of ' dying ' in the mock battle was to make it realistic until there was decided victor?

a darkened ear would flick subtly at the dialogue between ravenkit and pitchsun who played into the bit of hollykit possibly getting in real trouble but he didn't get to listen to the rest as a heavy weight landed on his tail before a sudden jolt of pain shot up his spine causing the lilac tabby to yelp in genuine pain, scrambling to tug his tail away from granitekit. "don't bite me you little molerat!" he'd hiss, aiming to give a few heavy swipes at grantiekit's dumb head.

he looked over at siltkit who looked just as upset as granitekit which caused him to frown a little. "we was just playing pretend, how was i supposed to know hollykit would burst into tears?! when you kill an enemy you gotta stay dead till theres a winner! atleast, that's what i was told. possumkit huffed out before flitting his attention to hollykit where he would mumble a small sorry for scaring her, he did feel bad for spookin' her.
[ penned by cobi ]


The frown on her lips turns into one of contemplation as possumkit hurries to explain himself when granitekit ruins his ruse. She supposes the logic makes sense - expect for the part where he'd played a bit too long. She nods slowly, green gaze still locked on the dirt beneath her paws instead of the other tom. "Maybe.... just be less convincing?" is all she can think to say, before she decides that's enough socialization for today and flees back into her self-imposed exile.