camp THIS IS WHY &. july 2nd meeting

"another meeting, it seems."

they mutter to themself. there is hardly any infliction in their voice. they're not even sure they want to hold this meeting but it is necessary. they must. they will. they need to just get out of their head. they hate withdrawing into it so easy but death does things to a cat– espeically if said cat keeps dying over and over and over again. they only shake their head to force themself to get some moxy about themself. they leave the comfort of their den and make their way atop clanrock.

"shadowclan! it is time for a meeting! come forward, we've much to discuss."

they take a moment for cats to gather before they speak very clearly to address their clan.

"shadowclan. the last gathering was a bit of a... how do you say... clusterfuck? yes, that's what I will call that. I let my anger get the best of me. as did lilacfur. it caused the gathering to end early. smogmaw mentioned that we left the gathering being the most hated clan but he was wrong about that. windclan still holds said title. I only did what everyone else has always wanted– though I do admit I did it at the wrong time. under the stars, within a land in which we have conducted meetings as peacefully as possible was... not the time for this. windclan has just gotten away with code breaking for so long, and seeing any of my clanmates hurt at their paws is not something I enjoyed seeing. I would do anything to keep each and every one of you safe. and I would do it again... though perhaps not at a gathering."

they sigh. they know how some of their clan feels about their actions and they're willing to own up to them but they don't see much in a point of apologizing for the action itself. are they sorry about how and where it happened? yes. but not about the fact that they did it.

"windclan will get what's coming to them. whether it is at our claws, or the claws of others, it is only a matter of time. but we must be patient. we cannot act with so much haste. just work on your skills and your stealth. the shadows remain your friends, and the stars will reward us for such."

they grunted with a nod. enough of that now. they had ceremonies to get to.

"alright. swallowpaw. come forward, please. it seems you have not learned thst you must listen to your mentor. so... I'm giving you a new one. swansong. you've proven yourself to be a good warrior. I know you can get this one to listen. train well. make a shadowclanner out of this one as your mentor did with you."

they twitched their ears with a huff.

"sycamorekit. marblekit. please step forward, little ones."

chilledstar's voice is notably softer when they speak to these two. they don't care who knows it either.

"you've... become old enough to be named apprentices. sycamorekit. I will start with you. are you ready for the world outside of the nursery? to become a warrior in training and to listen to your mentor, to follow the path of greatness to become a true shadowclanner both in blood and by loyalty?"

they wait for any indication before nodding their head.

"very good. then from now on you will be sycamorepaw. your mentor will be lilacfur. I know she is your mother but she is also a damned good warrior and I know she will train you without bias. lilacfur, however, right now is... injured. so until she is ready to train you, you will have a temporary mentor. branchtuft(npc), until lilacfur is ready, you will mentor sycamorepaw."

they don't doubt lilacfur's abilities, so they pick her. she will do fine, as she's always done. she's come a long way and she's a good warrior. they know they can rely on her. but for now, she must rest and heal.

"marblekit. you have a different path laid out in front of you. the stars have decided that you are to be close to them. to train to use your paws in a different manner. marblekit. do you promise to uphold the code and to be loyal to shadowclan? to put us before all, and to take care of those in need?"

they wait for her to nod or say yes or anything. they smile softly at her.

"then from now on, until you are named by the stars, you will be named marblepaw. and your mentor will be starlingheart. you will be an amazing medicine cat apprentice. learn all you can from starlingheart. she's a great mentor."

they offer a smile to her, too. the young cat could never replace magpiepaw but at least... she could be her own cat. she deserves this. you will do amazing, little pebble. they close their eyes before breathing out a sigh.

"lotus. shrike. step forward, now."

they take a second to look at their siblings. shrike... took a hit for them. potentionally saved their life. to be quite honest it pissed them off because why... why did they do that? why would anyone want to save them? it doesn't make sense. lotus has... been nice to them too. they don't know why. but they're loyal. and they're shadowclanners now. they deserve a name for it. they will get a name for it.

"the both of you have proven your loyalty. proven yourself to be different from the tom that sired you. like ripplestream, you've become a shadowclanner. and thus I must ask. do you promise go remain loyal to your clan and put their lives above yours? to be better and learn the ways of shadowclan more and more so that you may one day pass down what you know to apprentices?"

chilledstar blinks as they wait before clearing their throat.

"good. then from now on your names will be shriketalon, and lotusbelly. shriketalon. you are fierce and you do not back down. you don't take shit from anyone, and you know when to use those claws. plus under my guidance you've become a damn good hunter. you gotta have a name to show for that. lotusbelly. you know when to trust your gut. you've become a good warrior here. use your instincts and let them guide you to be a great one. both of you will sit vigil tonight. that means guarding the camp and not a word until sunrise. got it? good. if there's nothing else... this meeting is dismissed. please keep an eye out for snowypaw. if she's around still, we will find her."

and with that, they climb off the rock, heading over to marblepaw, pressing their nose to her and lowering themself to her level.

"you're gonna do great little pebble."

they turn to sycamorepaw, gently ruffling his fur on his head.

"as will you, kiddo.'

// activity shoutouts!!
@smogmaw @Starlingheart @lilacfur @SHARPSHADOW @FORESTSHADE @MIREPURR @BATCHASER @Duckshimmer @Swansong @FERNDANCE @BLACKSTRIKE @Briarthorn @shrike @FLINTWISH @HOLLOWMASK @Snowpaw. @sneezepaw @MARBLEKIT @Gigglekit

also big big congratulations, again, to marq with marblepaw!!

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

War is on the horizon. Starlingheart can feel it in the charged air, in the way her clan rallies behind her leaders words. They thirst for blood but do not think of the consequences, do not deign for a moment to consider the stock of herbs or the undue stress it would put upon her shoulders come leaf-bare when said herbs grew scarcer and scarcer. Momentarily, her ears flit to the back of her head. She cannot say she supported Chilledstar's actions, for even her brother would not have dared such a thing but she would give them one thing - it had taken guts. Absentmindedly, she picks at scraps of moss stuck between her paw pads as she waits patiently for what she knows is coming next. Stars, let it be someone else to deliver justice upon WindClan if justice truly must be exacted She prays silently to herself, closing her single eye for a moment as she adds and please, stars, do not be angry with the whole for the actions of the few ShadowClan had been punished enough hadn't they?

Her eye opens once more as the ceremonies begin. Swallowpaw is given a new mentor and though there is no new name to call, Starlingheart would flash the new pair a congratulatory smile and nod. And then it is time. She shifts restlessly as Sycamorekit and Marblekit are called forward, but if either of them were to look in her direction they would only catch encouragement in that solitary green eye.

then from now on, until you are named by the stars, you will be named Marblepaw At these words, the shaded medicine cat moves to stand, pushing herself to her feet and making her way to the sandy coated apprentice so they may touch noses as is customary for new apprentices to do with their mentors. "There's a-a nest waiting for you in my den" she says quietly so that only the young-apprentice may hear, her eye glimmering with undisguised happiness. It would be nice to have an apprentice again, nice to teach and to pass on all that she knew to an eager learner such as Marblepaw. She just hopes she does not come to regret this choice later, when things were hard.

"Sycamorepaw! Marblepaw!" She cheers once she has taken a step back, wide smile parting her jaws as she calls out the new names of her kin.

The next set of ceremonies goes by in almost a blur for her, but she calls out the new names with the same fervor "Shriketalon! Lotusberry!" She calls out. She is not a partcular fan of outsiders joining their ranks, but one was Chilledstar's kin and the other had proven to be a valuable member of ShadowClan. She just hopes it stays that way.

// Congrats again Marq!!!!

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
Marblekit had been unsure of this day until she'd spoken to Starlingheart about becoming ShadowClan's medicine cat apprentice. Now, she walks toward Clanrock with her chin held high, her tail curled, her dull coat shiny and licked clean of mud and debris. Moss-colored eyes shine brightly from her angular face. She tilts her excited expression toward Chilledstar, who addresses her brother first. They dub him Sycamorepaw and give him to their mother to mentor. Marblekit gives her littermate a thrilled look. "Sycamorepaw!" She whispers.

Then, it's her turn. The ebony feline atop the Clanrock looks at them with soft, kindly blue eyes and names her Marblepaw. Marblepaw! She tastes the new name on her lips, wanting to know its secrets, its fates. Marblepaw, without hesitation, calmly walks to where Starlingheart sits. She brushes her pink nose against the medicine cat's scarred face, a thrill shooting through her body after the contact. I'm Marblepaw now! She sits beside Starlingheart, her paws tingling with excitement and adrenaline.

Her mentor whispers, "There's a nest waiting for you in my den." A nest. Marblepaw's ears flick with surprise, though it's faint. She hadn't truly considered it, but tonight will be the first night she sleeps away from Sycamorepaw—the first time in their short lives, since they were rogue kittens together in the Twolegplace. She gives her brother a wide-eyed look, wondering if he's thinking the same thing. "Okay. Thank you. Will we start learning today?" Her fur bristles at the tips as she suppresses a wave of anticipation.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.


swallowpaw 09 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Swallowpaws name is called, and she swallows down the bitter bile that floods her tongue. Head high - stare sinking into chilledstars, they move forward as though this is expected, as though this in just another everyday occurrence. Because at least eyes are on them for the moment, tail flicking as they bite their tongue no matter how much they want to blurt something out, want to disagree. It's not that they don't listen - it's that why should they? It's not like anyone ever listens to them - well, except their ma' of course, but that's different.

Still, mismatched eyes land upon Swansong with a certain amount of tolerance - begrudging respect hidden deep beneath their irritation and unease. They respect the molly - while not close, they can only think of good things about them, and remembers their very brief time in the apprentices den together fondly. The touch of their nose against hers is a hesitant thing - defiance warring with hope and curiosity. Because this could be worse they think - at least they hadn't been given to some loser, or even worse ended up sharing with snowpaw again (oh the horror).

Perhaps this won't be the end of the world after all... but that doesn't mean they're happy about it!

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )


And so it seems. Like clockwork, the Clan rises when Chilledstar calls, numerous eyes clinging to their darkened fur like morning dew to fresh grass. It breaks their heart, but Mirepurr has started to count their blessings when it comes to these days — Chilledstar has been losing lives rapidly, their apathetic demeanor and resistance against admitting that perhaps the last few moons have been resting on their shoulders heavily... well, it just concerns Mirepurr.

At least they're still here, they find themself thinking whenever that rightful place on the Clanrock is taken.

Chilledstar wastes no time and gets straight to the point. Mirepurr's ears twitch at the profanity, and they quickly press against the top of their skull when Lilacfur is named. So specific; they seek her out inadvertently. At least there's no real heat to Chilledstar's words... despite how uncomfortable Mirepurr felt in the moment, they cannot deny that Wolfsong needed to be put back into his place, so it'd feel too unfair to scold Lilacfur. Uttering Granitepelt's name was wholly unnecessary.

Mirepurr allows themself to slip past the more unsettling news. News- if WindClan's instability could be called that anymore. They'd prepare for war, again, bracing for battle — if they won't bring it to the edge of the moors themselves.

"I hope the rest of your apprenticeship will be easy," they whisper when Swallowpaw passes them by, watching her touch noses with Swansong. An act a 'paw will only need to go through once, but... at least mismached eyes don't speak of too much fury. Swallowpaw can still grow into a fine warrior with the guidance of someone new.

Next up; more joyous matters. A pair of siblings, too young for the kind of hardships they had to endure already, but thriving all the same. The stars pick Marblepaw for themselves, an entirely fitting ordeal. Mirepurr then glances at Shrike and Lotus — the last time they would look at them as cats not fully ShadowClan. In one fell swoop, their numbers grow and their strength increases.

Yowls of celebration easily erupt from their chest. "Sycamorepaw, Marblepaw! Shriketalon, Lotusbelly!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- She's inevitably pulled over to the sound of Chilledstar's voice, their authority over the clan radiating throughout the camp as they call for silence amongst the cats of ShadowClan. Hollowmask swerves around bustling bodies, pushing through with uninterested, dull eyes as she finds a place to seat herself. She settles not far from Shrike themselves, eyes honing in on them like they would prey. Her face is still, betraying no outward emotion as usual.

Apprentices are assigned mentors, Marblepaw is made a medicine cat apprentice. Her eyes search for the form of Starlingheart and Lilacfur, though the latter would earn more of a dismissive glance away in turn. "Sycamorepaw! Marblepaw!" She cheers out with her clanmates, feeling obligated to fit in with the others in this moment. However, she didn't exactly care for them much.

It wasn't until Shrike's name was called, then Lotus, that her eyes sparked with a tad bit of interest. Her muscles rippled beneath her pelt, excitement in her golden eyes as she watches Shrike step forward to become a true ShadowClan warrior. Chilledstar recognized Shrike as one of them now, which made her pelt itch with a feeling of.. Something. She couldn't really understand the emotion that went through her as Shrike was named Shriketalon.

"Lotusbelly! Shriketalon!" She calls out her clanmates name, though as she watches Shrike from behind, she finds herself once again drawn into their expression- examining, guessing on how this feeling must be for them. Were they excited? Would their pelt ripple from barely-hidden happiness? She never quite understood the feeling of joy; she knew what satisfaction felt like, though. Satisfaction for the kill when prey was brought down in her claws, when her enemy was striked down in a swift snap of her paws. She leans herself back on her haunches, watching in silent interest.

  • HOLLOWMASK she/her, warrior of shadowclan, thirty moons.
    big, bulky body that stands at 10in, with long, wild and spiky fur. gives off eerie vibes despite oftentimes seen smiling.
    no close friends // dislikes nobody // no mate, no children.
    will kill / will not show mercy / will rarely flee
    [DANGER!!] this character is cunning, manipulative, sadistic, and controlling yet hiding under a friendly guise. please proceed with caution when interacting with her. ic opinions/actions are ic only.
    attempts at healing is permitted, peaceful powerplay is permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @icaria ↛ @icariarests on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

She's... relieved, she supposes, that Chilledstar can manage to admit what they did was stupid up there. Though really, Sharpshadow should not be thinking them for doing what was the least they could do, in her opinion. A ragged sigh shakes her shoulders. Without much more ceremony — the brief scolding of those who'd vouched for attacking WindClan now of all times — the meeting moves on. New problems come in the form of Sycamorepaw and Marblepaw both. Apprenticed to Lilacfur didn't make very much sense at all. What right to an opinion did she have, though? Sharpshadow watches silently, mouth set in a line.

And then — oh. She... probably should've seen that coming with how much Starlingheart's been tripping over Marblepaw lately. Was it the easy way out, or exactly the opposite? Starlingheart had been ripped to shreds cause she couldn't defend herself. Even those that hypothetically could defend themselves continued to be batted around between the paws of others. Maybe a moon or so of warrior training first would've been better in the long run... not like his opinion mattered.

Sharpshadow swallows a lump in her throat. She wonders if the outcome would've been different, had Marblepaw not seen everyhting she had while she was still a -kit. Wondering didn't really do anything though, did it?

Were they really doing this? Cheering for... strangers, more or less? A lot of ShadowClan was more unbearable than they are, but if that was the metric they used... this clan would be a lot more different. New warriors meant more to throw at their problems, though... Hypothetically less liabilities or something, even if he knows its bullshit the moment he thinks it.

It was only a matter of moons before Gigglekit's own apprenticeship would come, but for now, she stood quietly in the crowd as her cousins were newly named and graduated from the nursery. She was sure it would be lonely without them, without being able to play with them every hour of everyday now that they had grown-up responsibilities - but Marblekit - Marblepaw - even more so, with her being apprenticed to their aunt Starlingheart as medicine cat apprentice.

"Marblepaw!" Gigglekit shouted heartily, squeaky voice carrying over everyone else's. "Marblepaw! Sycamorepaw!" She knew that there were cats that had been made proper warriors, but she was far too excited for her cousins to think about anyone else. Sycamorepaw was going to be trained by Lilacfur, Gigglekit's aunt - that meant both of her cousins were being mentored by her aunts. They hadn't left any aunts for Gigglekit and her brothers!

Forestshade is already near the Clanrock when the meeting begins, so she takes a seat at the very front to listen intently to her leader. The somber mood is nearly palpable, hanging in the air like a cloud heavy with unshed rain. It’s a bit suffocating, so she tries to focus as hard as she can on Chilledstar’s words. She nods once, lazily, acknowledging their apology about the Gathering. Yeah, it did cause some problems, huh? Led right to Lilacfur slashing open the skin of a medicine cat. Smart move, guys! But she can’t pretend she may never do the same…sometimes she can’t help the impulsive anger that finds her paws swinging. Besides, even if it wasn’t the greatest thing they could’ve done, Forestshade at the very least can understand the strong desire to protect ShadowClan’s honor. Her former mentor is nothing if not dedicated to all of them.

Her ears twitch with interest at the announcement of a mentor reassignment for Swallowpaw, and then apprentice ceremonies for Sycamorekit and Marblekit. Chilledstar’s tone grows warmer with the youth and she rolls her blind eyes lightheartedly. Softie. Sycamorepaw is matched with Lilacfur, and Marblepaw is matched with…Starlingheart? The tough she-cat’s expression briefly softens. Her friend deserves to have another apprentice to train after the loss of her last one. Marblepaw will be in capable paws. “Sycamorepaw! Marblepaw!”

Her eyes narrow slightly when Lotus and Shrike are called forward. It’s true, they have proven their loyalty, and like Blackstrike every loner deserves their opportunity to show their commitment to ShadowClan. Her voice rises to join the others’ in celebration. “Shriketalon! Lotusbelly!”

As the meeting concludes, Forestshade gets to her paws and makes her way towards Starlingheart - at least, where she last heard Marblepaw’s murmurs come from. “Congratulations on the new apprentice,” She offers lightheartedly, grinning towards her friend. And to the new medicine cat apprentice, a low, encouraging murmur, “You’ll make a fine medicine cat, kid. You’ve got one heck of a mentor here - trust her.” Beaming, she bumps her shoulder against Starlingheart’s before taking her leave, her mind already buzzing with thoughts of the day’s tasks ahead.