sensitive topics THE TINIEST LIFEBOAT &. curtain call.

cw: blood / death

it all happened so fast. this was supposed to be a pretty easy hunt. it was night time, and a lot of the predators that roamed around went to sleep when the moon began to rise. some of them stayed awake, such as owls and foxes wondered but most of them didn't. it was safe. it was supposed to be, at least. somewhere nearby we're the other members of the patrol. they can hear them, as their ears twitch back and forth and their nose sniffs the air for any sent of prey. there had to be something around here. they know that they don't have nearly as many frogs as they used to, during newleaf, but there was still prey to catch– even with windclan trying to steal from them.

however, a particular scent makes them stand up. they look around in the darkness, as they try and pinpoint where it's coming from. their tail lashes back and forth. they pick up the lizard they had previously hunted, and they move to head back to the rest of the patrol. the sound of a low growl makes them drop the prey. they spin to see a scrawny, smaller sized dog snarling at them. it's fur is raised, and the look in it's eyes is nothing short of fiendish, from the hunger that eats at its stomach. they can't help the way a laugh that escapes them. that thing was weak, but hunger drives the weakest on. how was this their luck? this was supposed to be easy.


they speak, trying to be loud enough for the other members of the patrol to hear. the dog is small enough, and skinny enough, that it would only take maybe two of them. it seems one of the nearby npcs hear them. good. they instinctively angle their ears, trying to listen out for starlingheart and forestshade. they hope neither of them are close enough to get caught in this. everything happens so quick. they rush forward, attempting to blind side the thing as their claws reach out to try and drag across its face. it yelps in pain and snaps its jaws hwich barely miss chilledstar. the npc does the same, trying to get it confused enough to get another hit in. chilledstar is doing their best to keep out of the flailing bites and claws. but their depth perception is not what it used to be. and because of that they truly don't know when they get hit, but its sooner than they can comprehend, as they hit the ground, bleeding from a rather large wound. its slow enough that they're not dead yet, but there is a voice that rings in their head– it is inevitable. the dog's neck is dug into by the npc, and it falls to the ground, too, life lost to the remaining warrior within the fight.

"ch-chilledstar! shit! just hold on! starlingheart! help! chilledstar is– they're–"

hurting. they're hurting. that's what they are. they grip the ground, shifting themself, swallowing thickly. their brows furrowed as they watched the world blur around them. heh. so this was it, then, huh? they don't think they're making it out of this one. oddly, it brings them some comfort that they know they won't have to do this again. it hurts so badly, that when they cough, tears fall down their face, and yet a bloodied smile still etches on their face.

"y-you can say it... i-i'm... dying... for r-real this t...time.."

they wince as yet another cough leaves blood splattering the ground. gross. they think. they don't even try to get up, but they do push their paw towards their face and remove the bits of blood seeping on their jaw. it comes back and they no longer have the energy to wipe it away anymore.

"my l-little starlet..?"

they quietly ask for her, as they try their hardest to keep their eyes open. they just need a minute. maybe two. there is so much they wanna say, to so many. there's just never enough time, is there?

"i-i'm sorry i c...couldn't pr-protect you. y-you're... strong... j-just look how f-far you've come... d-do me a f...favor, okay? st-stay strong... a-and t-tell ducksh..shimmer... that i l-love her... and tell... m...marble...marblepaw i-i'm pr...proud of the p-path she's ch..chosen... she's gonna... as good and k-kind as y... you."

their brows furrow yet again, and their ears twitch as they listen out for forestshade. she's around still, isn't she? did they save her too?


they croak out, moving their quickly blurring vision up. where is she? they hope she's here. oh, forestshade. she's always been like a little sister to them. they've tried their hardest to raise her... and they think they've done good. they know they're not her parents– they never wanted to be. but they could at least be her guide... but that ends here too doesn't it.

"forest...shade...? d-dont cry, okay? you've never b-been a crier. you can b-be upset but n-not too long. the clan... i-it needs its best hunter. and y-yes... th...that's what I'm t...telling you. you a...are the best hunter in sh-shadowclan... and we... we would h-have st-starved many seasons w-without you... d-dont you let a-anyone t...tell y....ou any d...different. and t-tell briarthorn and s...screechstorm that i-i'm rooting f...for them, too... s...soon they will join th...their mama as a good... great... l...lead... ah... warrior. you're a g...great... warrior..."

they are glad they've at least not failed there. they do, however, wheeze asone last rough cough wracks their body, making them hiss weakly through gritted teeth.

"ha... th...this hurts..."

something tells them that it will stop hurting soon. they're glad for that. it's time for them to go to the stars, now. their mom is waiting for them. pitchstar is waiting. flickerfire. tornadopaw. magpiepaw. poppypaw. nettlepaw. comfreypaw. so many cats waiting for them up there. maybe they will finally get that peace that they've always wanted. even if its just for a little while, they would be okay with that.

"t...this is a... s-see you... later... o-okay?"

who knows when later is. all they know is that theyre done here. they've fulfilled their destiny, and it stops here. at least their physical one does. they close their eyes as their breath heaves in and out, breathing becoming more and more shallow with every passing breath before they stop all together. chilledstar's reign ends here.

// tagging @Starlingheart and @FORESTSHADE but no real need to wait for one of them!!

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and a blue single eye. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, one across their missing eye and the one across their neck.
    48 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
One day Chilledstar was gathering the clan together to call forth a meeting, sharing the good news of cats moving up in ranks, of the clan getting a medicine cat apprentice again after Magpiepaw, and so soon after they were bleeding out and losing their life for the last time. At first, Loomingpaw didn't believe it, that they were fully dying this time as any cat would in a situation like this, not blessed with the nine lives that the leaders got when they received that -star at the end of their name. She's sure that Chilledstar would die and then rise as they'd done before but she doesn't know how many lives they have left, doesn't know properly how the lives work or how many they would lose from this. It isn't until she hears the words come from the leader that they're dying for real this time does it fully sink in.

"Chilledstar?" Quiet voice leaves the apprentice as she looked at the unmoving body of the leader. She had been silent until this point, unwilling and unable to say anything about them dying, at a loss for words she wished they would be able to hear before soul left body for the final time. She knew of the past leaders and how they'd left the clan so quickly, and though she knew deep down that Chilledstar had been with them for a while compared to the others - they were the only leader she had ever known after all - she still couldn't help but feel as though they'd left the clan too soon.

Looking to Starlingheart the apprentice would remain silent, though if the medicine cat were to look her way it'd be clear that she was silently pleading with the other to tell her what to do, to give her some sort of job to do, even if it was just a simple "get out of here". For now she was glued in place, words she wanted to say lost once more.

  • -- WAAA I'm going to miss Chilled so much </33
  • 83642887_ub0HTh8shyYQa8I.jpg
  • : ̗̀➛ sh lilac/blue smoke chimera w/low white & sectoral heterochromia
    : ̗̀➛ 10 moons old, ages realistically every 25th
    : ̗̀➛ bisexual biromantic; many puppy crushes; interested in none
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to shadowclan
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights outside of clan
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
Slowly but surely, by each hunting patrol, Sneezepaw thinks he's getting better. Trailing Chilledstar and the others, he thinks that this will be the one: he'll return with a bounty of his own prey caught unawares in the darkness.

Moving with the rest of the patrol, Sneezepaw doesn't hear the soft warning for a dog. It's not until the snarls and gnashing of teeth that the apprentice's ears swivel, and he is on his paws with the others to aid in the fight. But he is too late. He's always too late.

He makes it just in time for some of Chilledstar's goodbyes. No. Why are you saying goodbyes? Why? 'Duckshimmer' leaves their mouth, and Sneezepaw feels as if his heart will stop. He's frozen in shock, stuck in time. It was only days ago when he asked Chilledstar if they wanted to be part of their family, to be his dad. He was overjoyed then, to fill the missing hole in his family.. hopeful for his mother, who always thought love was a tedious, menial thing. They were supposed to live happily ever after, like the nursery tales. Isn't that what love did?

But now - Chilledstar is in front of a patrol, bidding their farewells to their closest cats. As they finish with a final diminishing breath, everything seems to come back. Soft brown paws find Chilledstar's flank, rocking them gently at first, but growingly frantic as tears begin to stain their dark fur. "No.. stop! Starlingheart, they're supposed to be back now!" the boy cried through quickened breaths. They were supposed to come home, to lead their Clan. They were supposed to meet Duckshimmer and say hello to Sneezepaw. He was supposed to get his warrior name from them one day. He doesn't.. doesn't want his warrior name from anyone else.

"Please.." he pleads desperately, though his shaking of Chilledstar's flank quickly slows to a stop. It's futile, however much he wants to believe it isn't. "Please don't go." Sneezepaw had just gotten to know them, just gotten over his nervousness of the powerful figure. He may have even began to look up to them as a role-model. He doesn't.. understand.

When Sneezepaw asked why they must fight, he got a plethora of answers. It was in their nature. To take back what is stolen. To defend their territory. To defend themselves. To stay strong during life's trials. Of all responses, there was a shared lesson: you must fight to survive, you must be strong to survive - for the weak will falter and surely die. But that isn't what happened here, is it? Chilledstar had to be one of the strongest, a fighter and a lover that raised spirits and trained fantastic warriors. They lived many lifetimes and learned many lessons. So why.. why were they here now, meeting StarClan for the final and lasting time?

If this is what happens to the weak and strong, then what awaits him and every cat he loves? Sneezepaw feels as if he could collapse. Amber eyes peek through his fringe of fur that he had been finally growing into, searching the crowd for Duckshimmer. Stars, he would even take Singepaw. But through his tears, he doesn't find either of them. He finds no cat that he would seek comfort from, none that could comfort him, and with Chilledstar gone, the apprentice feels defeated and utterly alone.

// mentor tag @SHARPSHADOW

  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 7 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a

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Kittens oftentimes indulge in the unnatural; whimsical and too-curious minds run along with whatever they've witnessed for that day, turning it upside down, inside out, morphing it into something more fitting for their little games. Most dream of the vagueness that makes one a great warrior — some go for a more specific route, like wishing for extraordinary strength or even wings forming out of their little flanks to carry them skyward. Is it too selfish to want something unnatural as an adult? To pray for keen foresight?

If Mirepurr were to posses such a power, they would surely experience life much differently. Regrets would be a thing of the past; they would know when another's time is coming up and spend more time with them before it's too late. If you know what cards the future holds, not even nine lives from StarClan would be able to rival that, blessed as that may be.

Alas. Mirepurr does not know.

The patrol goes like any other. It does not reek of something too foreboding to name, does not feel foreign amidst the sea of chore, the ocean of duty. ShadowClan is quiet as they traverse their land, each and every frond, pond and twig already familiar for well-traversed paws. By the time they're alerted to the terrifying presence of dog, it's too late. The undergrowth rustles and speaks of violence; an owl passes by and casts an ominous shade, just for a moment...

Mirepurr breaks through the basil shrubbery, only for the tang of iron to hit them and make a home on the roof of their mouth. "Chilledstar, no!"

Is it unprofessional for a lead warrior not to know the amount of remaining lives of their leader? Chilledstar has been dying — an already foretold fate for someone guided by the stars themselves, but that fact does not make it an easier to bear. Mirepurr had, selfishly, not wanted to think of the details too long; did not want to count further than five, did not want to feel the full force of three, two, one-

It hits them then. The fragile attempt at keeping their own peace swings back like a revolving door, too swift to be stopped, too heavy to be considerate.

Here's the first fact: Chilledstar is dying for the very last time. Should this be calming? Relieving? They would not suffer anymore when their final breath rattles their ribcage and flank. Any sound mind knew long ago that their reign would not be eternal; that there's already been a spot reserved just for them in the night sky.

And here's the second fact: Mirepurr does not know what to do. They are no medicine cat, but not even Starlingheart could piece together a too-bleeding heart. Not even her talented paws are enough for this... so what else is there to do?

Perhaps they should say something, should thank Chilledstar for the unrelenting way they've led ShadowClan. Words fail them. Mirepurr sees the tears blur their own vision before they overflow, drip-dropping down the oilslick of their cheek. It takes them an agonizing moment to realize Loomingpaw and Sneezepaw's presence.

"Don't look," they murmur without any real heat or authority in their voice, and isn't that just unfair? To not wish the younger ones to see their dying leader, the leader that's been serving them at the cost of their own life- lives for seasons? Surely Chilledstar deserves that... but they do deserve a shred of dignity, too. Mirepurr is stuck between the two, and without any further momentum to push them in either direction, they stand still.
It's been hard adjusting to the sudden lack of sight on her left side since she's been released from Starlinghearts care, but shes been managing. Today, shes out on a walk and wasn't supposed to stumble across this scene until the NPC she had been with had alerted her to the scent of blood. They'd been terribly fast bounding over and the scene laid out before them was a nightmare. Cats gather around a dying Chilledstar who splutters, slumped to the ground.

What . . . ? Everything begins moving way too fast for someone whose life had been moving way too slow just a few sunrises prior.

The lack of an eye in her left socket is all too painfully noticeable. Something angry flares up within her, selfishly screaming that they can't die after the blow she took, but it dies just as fast as the cat bleeding out before them. Their ears angle forwards and then to the side, and then pin back as their mouth opens and closes.

Instead of being angry, something melancholic, nostalgic and sad settles in their chest.

Chilledstar had given Orchidkit the name of Orchidpaw, and then Orchidpaw had become Orchidbloom beneath them. Paws shuffle below, awkwardly, as Chilledstar breathes their goodbyes to the cats around them. Sneezepaw cries out, Loomingpaw's voice is terribly quiet. Mirepurr murmurs something, and Orchidbloom says nothing. There is nothing worth saying here, saying now, not as the ground glistens crimson, not as labored breaths become softer.

Being a leader must suck. This looks painful. They cannot imagine doing this nine times over... They flick an ear, gaze boring unto the weeping wound. Never in their life could Orchidbloom stomach something like that, dying over and over in a world so cruel, cruel enough that they've seen Chilledstar get knocked down. They still remember the patrol they had been on exploding back in to camp, calling for Starlingheart, anyone who could help their leader.

They don't know what to do, but they finally find what they want to say, even if it is no help to anyone around them. Their voice warbles when it comes out. "Go peacefully," a quiet little thing, and Orchid takes a hesitant step. "I hope S-Starclan... Is kind to you." this time, they try to force their voice to remain flat to no avail. I'm sorry. For ever being mad. I'm sorry. I'd do it again. As a warrior would. As a warrior should. If I was faster, maybe I could have done it again this time. Shuddering breath in. Near-mourning, shaky breath out.

They flee the immediate scene to step back besides Mirepurr, trying to brush gently against him as tears drip down his cheeks. They fight the urge to cry themself as they stand there (instead taking a neutral expression that slowly begins to twist), replaying the moment they had been named Orchidbloom. You will do shadowclan proud, Chilledstar had spoken with pride. I wish you could still be here to watch that.

  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 17 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff

[ ༻❄༺ ] This wasn't supposed to happen, of course who's to say it was? Everyone will end up in starclan eventually, be it as a kit from unfortunate circumstances, to an apprentice murdered by those who thirst for the crimson liquid to be splashed across their marshland, or even as a warrior. It happens, no one is free from it, not even their own leader was free from such a fate but, but this felt too soon, it was abrupt, happening so fast, they all been out on patrol, a simple hunting patrol and yet it went sidewards so fast... too fast.

Mirepurr had jolted off so fast, he had been quick to follow after his mentor only, only to come across the limp body of their leader, and the stillness of it all which took the rest of his breath away. A punch in the stomach sort to speak. They weren't suppose to be gone, and...Snowpaw had witness many deaths in Shadowclan, so there was no point in him adverting his gaze, no reason to be shielded way to seeing their leader's lifeless form but... why was this so different? Why did his chest ache, the feeling or want, even need to cry to... throw a tantrum over this, but he couldn't- at least thats what he thinks, he'd be a warrior soon, he shouldn't be
..crying but...

"Chilledstar... please... you... you weren't suppose to leave us" he choked out, feeling his own legs growing weak. Maybe this was different because... because Chilledstar had been there since he was a kit, they had watched him grow over the moons only to be one moon short of giving him his warrior name, something he thought they'd be there to give, only to see them take their last breath, to join the others within the stars. He felt... numb, empty and he hardly noticed when Orchidbloom went to say her goodbyes to Chilledstar but, Snowpaw wasn't ready to say goodbye to them and his gaze drift towards their mentor, to Mirepurr, searching for any answers to what to do. "This can't be goodbye" he spoke softly towards the lead warrior, still hoping the other had an answer to all of...this.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 11 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Thornpaw was excited to have been invited for a night patrol. Gallivanting at Forestshade's side for most of the evening, she did her best to find prey and listen to the lead. However, the night would not go as swimmingly as she had hoped. Chilledstar's eerie call of 'dog...' made her heart nearly stop. A scrawny creature clambered from the darkness and struck the leader down in a gruesome scramble. Horror lit across the young cat's face as she screamed. "NO!" Rarely did emotion show so intensely in the molly's voice, but she couldn't find it in herself to care.

Thankfully, a clanmate disposed of the vile beast in moments, but it seemed the damage was done. Chilledstar babbled and bled, tears streaming down their face, and all Thornpaw could do was shake with emotion at her mentor's side. Her clanmates scrambled to help, but she stood there, owl-eyed, paralyzed by fear and disbelief. Even when her closest friend moved to support the severely injured Chilledstar her paws were stones. Eventually, the white and black feline fell with a sickening thud and struggled through their last words. It didn't take a medicine cat for her to see the life leave their blue eye.

In that moment, the dam broke, and she felt like a lost little kit all over again. Thornpaw practically wailed for her parent as tears welled in the corners of her eyes. "DAD!" This wasn't supposed to happen. They've got more lives, right? She could handle many things with a determined chin, but death was not one of those. Given the leader's final words, she knew their time was over. Chilledstar did not deserve this kind of end, not at the paws of a mangy mutt. Her heart thudded horridly as she looked for her father, wetness pouring down her cheeks as the reality of the moment set in. Shadowclan's leader was dead.
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Smogmaw is sniffing about for frog's eggs. Blisfully ignorant to the clan's commotion - to the hunting patrols, and even his own position - thoughts solely occupied with sating his midnight cravings. A good couple moons have drifted past from when he'd last gotten his fix. His teeth sorely missed the gelatinous globules bursting against them, ooze slathering gums and every tastebud along his tongue. Veering away from the familiar trails he's tread on so many patrols, the deputy treks along out-of-the-way marsh pools, all pungent with amphibious scent. Tummy gurgling anxiously at each frogsplash, the tom's chin casts down to the waterline, amber eyes straining, before ultimately securing its prize.

Only a meagre moment is given so that he may enjoy his findings. An eruption of raucous snarls sends him whirling about as adrenaline electrifies every nerve ending. The sound carries from a distance, somwhere hidden amid the moonlit marshland and thick-churning shadow. Instincts override caution, claws yank his brain forward and lead the tom into blind sprint, heedless to direction so long as he nears the clamour with haste. The air breezing past his pelt leaves prickles skittering along his spine; it crackles with impending threat, each laboured gasp bringing to attention more scents bleeding through. Blood. Canine. Chilledstar.

Oh, for the love of all that's divine and holy- the leader has breathed their last. He happens upon a burgeoning crowd which centres around the dismal heap that was supposed to be his leader. A dead dog, a dead cat, a heaving and gape-mouthed clan. Lamentations ring in the deputy's ears, protests choke him at sight, disbelief burns a crater out in the centremost pits which should have been occupied with his conviction. Irrevocably, everything has changed in the span of a night.

He cannot craft an expression which fits. Cold, unresponsive eyes betray a mind whirling and tumultuous, all too preoccupied with the implications, what must happen now. Smogmaw sees his clan. He sees Orchidbloom finding refuge against Mirepurr's flank. Sneezepaw, Loomingpaw, Snowypaw, all too young to ever be faced with so harrowing a thing. Thornpaw, no less; the situation demands he give his daughter secondary priority, much to his heart's discontent. Then, he finds Forestshade, rattled by what words Chilledstar must've shared in their final moments. He notes Starlingheart's presence too, and contorts his expression pitifully; how powerless the medicine cat must feel.

Fur shifts about under pressure, tails sway pensively. Out from the mounting heartache that defines his clanmates, Smogmaw emerges and draws up on the body. Numb. A spectre among the mourning. The totality of his focus devoted toward the corpse just a fox-length away. He stares so long, his eyes sear dry and shapes smear into meaningless puddles. He blinks, and breathes in one final instance of his leader's visage. By divine right, their mantle belongs to him. The fact leaves a better taste in his mouth than frogspawn ever did.

Smogmaw rounds the body, mind set in a state, and clears his throat. "Mirepurr." When he addresses the lead warrior, his tone is steeped in seasoned authority, but now fortified by fresh command. His chin levels and sweeps out to invite all ears. "Orchidbloom, too. Return to camp, and take the apprentices here with you. Rise every warrior and apprentice that yet sleeps, but ensure not a single kit strays from the nursery."

He finds Forestshade in the following moments - that a cat is bound by command to heed him, rather than Chilledstar, fills his ribcage to bursting. Oh, power. He can suck on it like a honeycomb for the remainder of his life. "Forestshade, when you and Starlingheart are ready, we will take the body to camp. A vigil for them will come at a later time; for now, ShadowClan must know what has happened."

"And it will be okay, Thornpaw. Go, now. Wake the apprentices."

Chilledstar lays dead. Powerless, frozen stiff, bereft of all autonomy. He looks upon them, and in that moment, he feels redefined.


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With the softness of Orchidbloom's voice near one of their ears, Mirepurr regards Chilledstar again. A terrible sight by all means, but now they can take a closer look at the one-eyed, black-and-white face... does it look more peaceful, like Orchidbloom is hoping? Evidence of pain is already stripped away. There's the bloody aftermath, but past that-

Chilledstar looks more at peace than they've ever been. Even in their last moments, they used their spare breaths to compliment and to encourage, to leave the cats at present with something hopeful to go off of. Mirepurr hopes that plan will work. One last gift.

"I'm sure they are," Mirepurr rasps when Orchidbloom brushes against them, as if her touch — gentle as it may be —, startles and knocks the words right out of them. No doubt Chilledstar is already with Clanmates of the past. There's no reason for StarClan not to be kind to them.

Mirepurr's throat tightens, threatens to crush their windpipe in its own self-built cage. Snowpaw sounds awful, and yet- Mirepurr cannot summon the strength to talk again, to pull him in for some resemblance of comfort. What kind of mentor lets their apprentice grieve and weep without saying a single thing? But in the same vein; what is there to say? There would be no comfort, no matter what they come up with.

It's Smogmaw's voice that snaps them out of it. Naturally. He's a rock that does not relent, not even against the harshest of winds. He does not bend to this change... not even if this night's consequences would eventually lead him to the Moonstone for a quite literal change.

"Of course." A nod, an agreement; they will allow him to lead, to lead this entire Clan out of this newfound grief.

But first... Snowpaw. "No," they murmur; tears still shining on their face, uncaring that they had addressed Smogmaw in this dreary state just moments prior, "not goodbye, yet. Chilledstar's vigil will be our closure." How many vigils had Chilledstar attended? It'll be their turn, now; fur groomed into a pleasant shine, too-cold body tended to like they deserve. Poor little Thornpaw. Their heart twists with each sob coming from her.

The bearer of bad news, that's what Smogmaw had assigned for them. Sorrowful eyes sweep over the gathering of cats, specifically the apprentices and Orchidbloom.

"Let's go."
She wouldn't care half as much about all of the things that happened to ShadowClan if they ever had a chance to stop it.

But no, everything comes barreling toward them without a care. Without concern, without those few moments of lenience, a chance to do more than run forward and scream till your throat is sore. Sneezepaw is on his heels. It's every bit a respectable patrol — one that should be able to do the bare minimum and keep their leader from harm — but it happens anyways. The snarling, the snapping of teeth. Chilledstar is there, and then they aren't. Chilledstar didn't need another cat screaming no at them. It's never stopped anything before. What they needed is someone that would chew them out. Someone who could lash their tail in metaphor only and pull them aside and tell them how damn stupid they are. Sharpshadow bites her tongue and saves the verbal lashing for later. For when they got back up.

But then they're talking like that wouldn't be happening, and Sharpshadow is so suddenly a bleating sheep, saying what everyone else is saying? " Chilledstar? " disbelief lilts his mew, and he can't be anything but slack - jawed, as they mumble to Starlingheart. As they mumble to Forestshade. Their head is on the ground now, and Sharpshadow doesn't do a damned thing.

" How do you keep doing this? " he asks. He'd been saving it for after they woke up again, and he would've screamed it, spat with enough fervor to keep Chilledstar from ever leaving camp again. Now, it's only pitiful; hopelessly whispered.

Chilledstar is dead. Chilledstar is dead. Sharpshadow had wanted so much from them, but the only thing he had ever asked is that they stay alive.

He sees cats. He sees Sneezepaw and Orchidbloom and Starlingheart and Forestshade, all grieving. Sharpshadow couldn't manage to go to any of them. Shock makes him as stiff as Chilledstar would be come sunrise. Out into the forest he stares, as if he might catch a glimpse of Chilledstar's spirit making the trek to StarClan. What snaps him out of it is Smogmaw. It's always Smogmaw.

Dead eyes fall to the Deputy who parts the crowd like fog. He commands ShadowClan easily, as he always had. His gaze is blank and infuriating, as it always has been. Only now did it actually mean something. Only now did she have to face the reality of soon - to - be Smogstar. That makes four.

Sneezepaw ought to see it now, because things wouldn't get better.

He bumps his apprentice's shoulder in summon, and then the both of them would return with Mirepurr and Orchidbloom.
*+:。.。 Chilledstar was the only leader Singepaw had ever known.
To the flame-pointed apprentice, they were as much a part of eternity as the sun; even after being eaten by nothing at all, the promise of a glorious return was always around the corner. Today couldn't be any different. It couldn't. Chilledstar was there when Singepaw worked his tail off to 'become an apprentice early', there to save and console Singepaw after he failed his mission, to assign him a mentor, grant him his new name, save him from an owl. They'd always been there - they always would be there.
They were the ones who'd grant him his warrior name, that was an undisputable fact!

The boy is quiet as he weaves through the crowd. Cries, questions, and goodbyes fill his ears, but they all sound so much like gibberish. Grief. He feels as though he'd swallowed a mouthful of prickly burrs- a thornbush having taken root in his gut, spreading its tendrils into every vein and wrapping itself around every bone. Woven tight, trapped in his own body, he isn't sure what to do. Cry? Question everything? Say his goodbyes? Rage, scream, shake Chilledstar's dead body, and demand they get up - get up! Like you always do, like you have to!.
Tears well up in his eyes, stinging and sour and useless.

Smogmaw steps into the chaos, a stone defying the turbulent waters, Singepaw can only think to cling to it. His eyes are as cold as Chilledstar's, but burning with the determination of a head of command. Singepaw would've been disgusted by his seemingly callous stance had he not felt more desperate for anything stable. "I want-" Singepaw's voice comes out a squeak, pitiful and choked. He's quick to click his jaws back shut. Miserably, he looks back, one last time, at the blood that soaks Shadowclan's marshland. For their sake, he'll follow orders.

Sucking in a sharp breath, he blinks away his tears. Although he intends to copy Smogmaw's carefully controlled expression, Singepaw's translation is more pinched, turbulent at the edges - but he's trying. "C'mon 'Zee" he meows, curling his tail around his brother's shoulders to help pull him away. Mirepurr's 'not goodbye yet' feels hollow in his ruby-painted ears. There is no timetable for goodbyes. But if there was? Then they're all much too late to even bother.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Smogmaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack inbold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: none


Everywhere she goes, Starlingheart carries the names of her dead with her. Every day that passes, it feels like the list grows longer and longer, the weight of it heavier with each name added to the bottom of it. While Chilledstar and Forestshade walk a little bit ahead, she thinks about her sister, how close she ahd come to having to add her name to it and she casts a forlorn look back in the direction of camp. Marblepaw was watching over her while she went out to look for herbs but it still didn't feel right, leaving her in such a state. If she hadn't gone though, she would run out of herbs to treat her and infection would set in. She remembers watching her brother slowly wither away to it, remembers the feeling of helplessness as the usual remedies did nothing to fix it. Her lone gaze fixed on Chilledstar then. They only had one life with, she remembers with a wariness that could drag her into a slumber that lasted all of leaf-bare.

The patrol splits, and Starlingheart wanders only a little bit, cautious not to go too far lest she get separated from the others in her quest. When she hears the screaming her head whips around, nostrils flared in pure terror and pupils dilated. Birds erupt from the trees, cawing angrily at the disturbance caused by the dog and the cats who had fought it off. It's over quickly, too quickly. A silence fills the air that settles in her soul and then suddenly her name tears into the air. She nearly stumbles over her own paws with how quickly she moves, vision already blurring as she prepares for the carnage that will no doubt be laid out before her for her name to be shouted in such a way.

When she breaks into the small clearing she sees it, her leader on their side, their laborious breaths the only indication that they are still alive. Blood. There was too much blood. She knew it before she even saw, the metallic tang in the air strong and unmistakable as anything else. Still, she draws closer. "Chilledstar- Chilledstar I'm here" she says, her croaking voice merely a whisper as she lowers herself next to them, not caring about the crimson that stains her snow-capped paws.

She is quiet while they speak, listening to their words and knowing that they have accepted it too, this is the end. There is nothing she could do to save them. She holds their final words heavy in her heart Tell Duckshimmer I love her and Marblepaw that I'm proud and she nods solemnly, not daring to cry. Not here, not yet. "I- I will. I'll tell them." she promises, thinking already how much it would hurt, of how much it would sting to watch Duckshimmer's eyes fill with hatred towards her for not doing more to save the cat they loved. "Im sorry" she chokes out "Im soory Im so sorry I wish I- I'm sorry" she presses her nose to their pitch-dark fur as they continue to speak, this time to Forestshade.

She feels it when Chilledstar takes their last breath, its deep and shuddering and then their pelt stirs no more. see ya later, okay? their last words resonate over and over again in her heart, in her soul and she tips her head up towards the night sky, swearing there's a new star just above their heads, one that shines a bright blue, more brilliant than any other. "I'll see you again in StarClan" she whispers, voice already hoarse with unshed tears that no doubt would come later.

The rest of the patrol is upon them, she could hear their mournful wails, their murmured goodbyes, but it all sounds distant to her. She sits there, hunched over her leaders body until a voice cuts through the fog. Smogmaw. His easy slip into authority is one she has seen before. Someone had to hold it together, and she is glad it is him because right now...

She looks up and nods mutely, her movements sluggish, slowed down by the extra weight of yet another soul on her conscious. "We can- we can go whenever." her voice is mournful, quieted by grief and the fear that if she speaks any louder then the damn would burst and the tears would start spilling.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. She does not see the moment her leader is ripped through like a piece of prey, hazel hues are spared from the scene until Briarthorn is drawn to the crowding patrol that reeked of dog and spit and blood. The beasts body looks sharp under the moons light, its flesh thin with hunger. Briarthorn stays within the cover of the marshland grass for a moment, spine prickling with apprehension as she scanned those gathered. Loomingpaw, Sneezepaw, Snowpaw, Thornpaw, and Singepaw hovering, the majority of the young groups shoulders were hunched with emotion. It’s the noted presence of her mother that finally brings Briarthorn from her cover, slipping past the departing bodies of Mirepurr, Orchidbloom, Sharpshadow, and the apprentices that brush past her, departing on Smogmaw’s command. Given the shaken reaction of her clanmates, with electric optics finally fall to the sprawled body of Chilledstar, and it prompts a sudden twitch of the normally dispassionate warriors tail. Death did not bother her, not really, but the air was thick with grief, the stench of the leaders death was nearly overbearing. Briarthorn pulls her eyes away, knowing she’d have her time to mourn Chilledstar later, the one cat with no biological ties who always had her and her brothers interests in mind. The ache in her heart is faint, and the young warrior would aim to give her mothers shoulder a bump with her nose, Forestshade was not one to feel so heavily, but the platonic-if not familial- love she and Chilledstar shared with one another… was she feeling the same kind of pain Briarthorn had felt when it was Sweetpaws body in front of them, does her mother feel it twice as strong?
Smogmaw takes his authoritative place with unspoken eagerness, naturality, and he is the next that falls under Briarthorn’s gaze, the mournful acceptance from their medicine cat prompting the warrior to finally let her maw part. "Let me know what I can do."

  • BRIARTHORN she/her, warrior of shadowclan, 12 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Forestshade hadn’t been far from her patrol, not at all. She was on the scent trail of a marsh rabbit, Thornpaw at her side, after a prey she’d pursue excitedly for she knew how many it would feed come morning. But before she can reach it, she stops, yowling echoing through the night. Her ear twitches, her body twists around. Chilledstar! The calm she’d been enjoying is shattered, replaced with urgency. Something’s wrong. Without hesitation, she bounds towards the source, heart pounding in worry.

Keen ears and nose must work quickly to decipher what has happened when she arrives at the scene. It’s…chaotic. There’s blood. Stars, she can smell so much blood, and there’s dog and there’s-

“Chilledstar…” She mews, girlish again in her fear. They’re wounded, aren’t they? She can tell. She can tell by the way sorrow rolls off of Starlingheart like a thick stream. The gravity of it all hits her like a clawed blow to the chest. The torbie pushes forward swiftly, away from her apprentice’s side, a normally stoic expression cracked with concern. She crouches besides her mentor’s form and listens intently as they speak. The scent of blood becomes almost overpowering and her heart clenches at the sound of their strained, drowning words.

“Don’t talk like that,” She demands firmly, but her voice wavers with emotion - it’s husky and soft, not clear and loud like it so often is. “You’re not going anywhere. Starlingheart will get you patched up…right?” Her nose shifts in the medicine cat’s direction pleasingly. Forestshade’s thoughts race, imagining a future without Chilledstar’s leadership, and it’s a scary thing. She can’t lose another leader. She can’t lose another mentor. They tell her not to cry, but dammit she can’t help it. A tear trickles down her cheek and she presses her nose into their pelt, sniffing. Chilledstar is more dedicated to this clan than any cat she’s ever known. Their love for her and for every clanmate drips from every word they speak. She doesn’t want a ShadowClan without Chilledstar.

Before she can say anything else, before she can even properly thank them, their breathing ceases. Her ears prick, panic and disbelief taking hold. “Chilledstar?” She mews. Cats are beginning to gather now. “Chilledstar?!” Her pitch picks up as she stands suddenly, a paw shaking their body. No! No, get up! I’m not ready! It’s too soon! Tears flow freely now, her face scrunched up with grief. Sorrow brings her rump back to the ground as her head hangs in defeat. “You were more than my leader,” She murmurs softly, finally finding the words she should have said. “You were family.”

As Sneezepaw cries out and sobs, begging with the stars to bring their leader back, Forestshade presses into Starlingheart for solace. Heart heavy with sorrow, she can’t bring herself to move. When her daughter touches her, she leans into it, remaining seated, silent. That is, until Smogmaw’s voice breaks through the crying. She jumps, caught off guard by the sudden level of authority in his voice. The normally confident warrior appears visibly shaken as she turns towards the deputy, at a loss for words. In silence, she solemnly nods, standing to her full height. She must still fulfill her duty. She is a lead warrior of ShadowClan, entrusted by Chilledstar themselves, and she won’t fail them now. Her exterior hardens as she gathers her strength and prepares to help carry their body back to camp. She can grieve inwardly, but her clan will need her strength.