camp don't prove im right .. WAKE UP

Consciousness had been a fleeting thing, hardly rememberable between fits of painful waking and numbed slumber. What awaited her in the abyssal planes of endless sleep were no better than the rage against infection and torn flesh. Inside she battled with the emotional tide of her ordeal, with the fact of who her attacker was.

Granitepelt's death was supposed to mean they were safe, that they were free from his haunting claws and ruthlessness. Instead his fall uncovered what his shadow had kept hidden for moons, that he had been building a successor in his place.

It couldn't be true, not entirely. Lilacfur had known Ghostmask as a kit, just as closely as she knew Flintwish and Nettlepaw (or so she thought). The answer could not be as simple as so many had thought, that her niece had chosen to defect from her Clan willingly. That she parted from her home on her own whim and desire, they all knew Granitepelt was a snake in the tall grass. He had tried to manipulate his kin into joining alongside him, was it not likely his efforts had been successful?

"She's..." Lilacfur coughed and choked, the breath in her voice feeling like sandpaper in her throat. She had been able to do nothing more but remain awake long enough to drink so she did not waste away in her recovery, restlessly toss and turn in her sickbed as the face of her former apprentice hunted her down at every turn.

I'll find you again. And it is a promise, to save Ghostmask from whatever influence still loomed over over.

"'nt see..." The lead warrior slurred through her drowsiness, gritting her teeth as an attempt to flex her wrist proved more painful than it was worth.

  • hi hi this is set for the day of chilledstars death!! well after their remains were returned, but before their vigil :)
  • 82313904_EOrjiqreK2nTja8.png
  • LILACFUR she/her, 22 moons, mother to marblepaw and sycamorepaw
    lh lilac rosette with yellow eyes (carrying cinnamon, solid), a torn left ear, missing her left eye and most fur from a multitude of claw-marked scars
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by this loser@gonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Mirepurr had not spent their every waking hour beside Lilacfur like they would in an ideal world. They're quickly learning of their own selfishness; their inability to see the rise and fall of their friend when her return to consciousness is an uncertain, fleeting thing; their decision to allow queens and elders and more capable warriors to groom Chilledstar's fur one last time, knowing Mirepurr themself is unable to do so, their heart wrenching too much at the sight of unmoving black fur.

For all their recent shortcomings, Mirepurr can be glad for one thing: their initution has told them to be at the perfect spot at the perfect time.

"Lilacfur, I'm here." Their voice is soft as a feather; equally so their paw as they brush a stray tuft of gray fur in the right direction, leaning over Lilacfur's rousing form. It's the only bit of comfort they can offer her. That, and the decision not to launch questions at her right away — chasing after a mysterious culprit would not be worth it if she's here, alone. "Don't strain yourself."
Her first real patient is her mother, who has struggled against wave after wave of consciousness while Marblepaw frets over her sickbed. The news about Chilledstar has dulled her paws, numbed her face, and she is drearily dipping moss into the pool at the back of the cave to soak when she hears a faint rasp from a pile of dull, pale fur. "She's..." Marblepaw's ears flick forward. A spark enters her green gaze. "Lilacfur!"

She grips the bit of moss she's just submerged and scrambles to where Mirepurr leans over the nest, warning Lilacfur not to strain herself. The pale medicine cat apprentice drops the mossball in front of her mother, her brow furrowed with concern. "Mirepurr's right. Be careful with that paw." She cranes her neck, fur threatening to bristle with sorrow-drenched excitement. "Starlingheart! She's awake!"

  • ooc: mentor tag @Starlingheart
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.


It's almost comical, how quickly Starlinghearts whole world had come crashing down around her. Her murderous ex mate was gone, yes, but her daughter was a murderer, Chilledstar was dead, and for days now her sister lay asleep as her body desperately tried to mend itself with the aid of the herbs that Starlingheart and Marblepaw faithfully applied to her wounds. "Stay with me Lilacfur - stay with me. I can't lose you too" she remembers murmuring into her litter-mates fur at night, praying to StarClan to just let one miracle slide.

In the past couple of days, she had hardly slept. Her mind raced too quickly, her heart raged in her chest and to tear herself away from her sister's side was agony. Her apprentice, while sharp, was untrained. What if something happened while she was gone? A million possibilities and worries raced through her mind as she looked down at that familiar gray-hued pelt bathed in moonlight.

She's beyond tired today. Lines have formed under her heavy eyes and her movements are sluggish as exhaustion settles into her very being and takes hold. She can't sleep - not yet. Not while she does not know if Lilacfur would wake up or not. Not until Chilledstar has been laid to rest in the clans burial place.

Her apprentice's excited voice drifts to her at the back of her den where she sits with an unseeing eye hunched over herbs that she is only pretending to count at the moment. 'She's awake!' It takes her a moment to process the information and she finds herself blinking, pausing for a moment before it registers in her mind and she's up, moving on swift paws to the part of the medicine cats den where her patients rested. "Lilacfur!" she chokes out, stumbling to her sisters side, her black and white pelt brushing against Mirepurrs momentarily as she pushes past the lead warrior and her apprentice, her belly scraping against the dirt floor as she practically falls next to her in her relief. The tears she had been holding back flood her eye now, flowing freely with the relief that washes through her very being at the sight of her sister awake, alive. "Lilacfur I'm so- Thank- thank the stars- You're awake. Thank the stars." she doesn't know what she would have done if she had to bury her sister, too.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

Time breathes ominously against his nape-furs. Shoulders stay clenched because of it, bound taut, the deadline for Chilledstar's vigil closing in by the passing second. Camp bustles as ShadowClan prepares accordingly, lending paws here and there when appropriate, and the dark-crested tom finds his every moment by the grind. Retrieve a rock from the leader's den, place it by his leader's side. Rinse, repeat, carry on. Busied beyond reason, so that self-reflection may not seep through.

At the tail-end of his toils, he notes a steady stream trickling into Starlingheart's den. Mirepurr first, and then the medicine cats proper—not yet a crowd, yet it's plenty to prompt Smogmaw's attention away from Clanrock's bottom to peer toward them. The deputy and leader-to-be doesn't have the wherewithal to assume what for, but he finds reason to briskly pad over, perking his ears as he draws near enough to catch on to conversation. His overall bearing shifts drastically when a certain lead warrior's name wrestles from Starlingheart's maw.

Poking his head inside now, Smogmaw becomes privy to a welcomed scene on this turbulent night. Sputtering herself awake, Lilacfur rejoins the waking world once more. All the while, Starlingheart enjoys herself a rare moment of relief - raptly, she collapses at her sister's flank, and her whimpered words betray desperation plain. Desperation which is well-earned. Unending misfortune gnaws at that family since time immemorial, and the clan could not bear to lose another esteemed member so soon. Starlingheart's relief is everyone's.

"Oh, thank goodness," meows the tom, a deep rumble under his breath. Lilacfur stirs, albeit in a seemingly dizzying spell, but conscious. Alive. Smogmaw takes one step into the den, though he still has much to do and cannot tarry for long. "Starlingheart, Mirepurr, well done." Both earn appreciative nods, Marblepaw's emphasised with a brief smile her way. He acknowledges Mirepurr similarly, smile fading only as he turns back from where he'd come. "I'll go spread word. Clan's in need of some good news right now."

The moon is still rising to its pinnacle, visible beyond camp, but Moonhigh a whiles away yet. Still, he decides he cannot spare the time to speak to Lilacfur at a level and pace respectful to her predicament right this heartbeat. Any clanmate encountered on his way back to Clanrock is notified; Lilacfur lives.


At once she can feel the presence of those around her, and truthfully they're some of the only cats she would wish to see in this moment. Save from Sycamorepaw, she was surrounded with her most loved, most trusted kin and friends.

Mirepurr's voice is like a flickering light leading her to the end of her tunnel vision, and she fights the resistance of tension thats taken hold of the muscles across her face. The poultices smeared against her fur, held tightly by cobwebs cracked uncomfortably as she managed, finally to pry the lids of her remaining eye. Her vision doubled, tripled, as she leaned her shoulder against soft moss, her smile weak as it rest on Marblepaw and Mirepurr.

The milk-scent of the nursery had already grown faint from her daughters pelt, had she already moved into the medicine den? How long...? She doesn't look any different from the last she had seen her, Chilledstar must have just allowed her in the medicine den.

Starlingheart's stumbling arrival is met with a gentle bump of foreheads, nodding against her. "They w'nt have me." Her voice is breathy, speaking taking more effort than she expected. "Not today..." Lilacfur pulled back to use her good paw to pull her daughter close. "Syca... are you two...?" Time was lost to her, it felt like she only had a whirlwind of dreams for a single night, but Marblepaw's being in the medicine den surely proved otherwise. Hopefully her son was not waiting too impatiently for her recovery.

Smogmaw made a brief appearance from the maw of the den, but he doesn't spare more than a few words before hurrying away. What has his paws so busy?

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I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — So much was happening at once. The tears over Chilledstar's return to them had hardly dried from Onyxpaw's fur before she heard a commotion from nearby, dark ears swiveling in the direction of the medicine den. It had been some time since she had last heard Starlingheart's voice raise in such a way, and even longer since she had heard it raise in relief instead of agony. Perhaps she never even had before, if she were to really think about it. Either way, the cry was enough to draw her over from her self-imposed exile in the apprentices' den - it wasn't as if she could stay tucked away in the corner forever, after all. Much as she wanted to, feeling like the bramble bush was akin to a shield from the harsh outside world.

The solace that filled her at the sight of Lilacfur's conscious body was enough to shock her out of her grief, unfamiliar after so many harsh moons for Shadowclan as a whole. It was actually enough to make Onyxpaw let out a breathless little laugh, lingering near the entrance of the den - she saw no need for her to go inside, and take up precious room from others. "You're awake. You're really awake. I wasn't sure..." The chimera saw no need to finish, the words dying on her tongue before they could even reach the chill of the air. She wouldn't speak such a fate into existence, not when Lilacfur was right in front of them. Battered and worse for wear, sure, but alive. "Welcome back." It was all she could think of to say, not wanting to pile bad news onto the newly-awakened warrior's shoulders. She would find out about Chilledstar soon enough.

Her questioning towards Marblepaw was what finally made Onyxpaw turn away, stomach twisting as Lilacfur began to ask whether she and Sycamorepaw had been apprenticed. The ceremonies having already happened was hardly the worst of the headlines that the lead warrior would receive, but she was sure it still had to sting. Missing out on the ceremonies of your children, all because you were trying to recover from such a terrible attack. She couldn't imagine how it would feel, although at least she'd be able to see the both of them properly now that she was awake.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    10 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Marblepaw's throat erupts with a rattling purr as Lilacfur slowly rouses, as Starlingheart flocks to her littermate's flank with relief sweating from every pore on her body. Lilacfur uses a paw to pull Marblepaw close, and the purr escalates, shaking her small, lanky body. Shakily, she leans close to press her muzzle against her mother's unscarred cheek. "I'm so glad you're okay," she mews, her voice faint and far away-sounding. I was so scared. I can't lose you, too. But she does not say this; she settles for burying her nose into thick, pale rosetted fur.

"Syca... are you two...?" Marblepaw retreats momentarily, a shadow darkening her expression. "Yes," she murmurs. "We're 'paws now. Sycamorepaw was given to someone else while you got better." But that's not all she missed, and the tension in the den, between Smogmaw's check-in and Onyxpaw's quiet melancholy, reminds Marblepaw sharply that Lilacfur has news to come.

"Lilacfur... Mom." She tests the word, tastes it, carefully rolls it around in her mouth like it's a bone fragment from a bit of prey. After a moment, she continues: "Mom, Chilledstar is... is gone." Grief darkens her gaze again, and her lower jaw begins to tremble with the weight of this news.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

Lilacfur is alive. Lilacfur is alive, says Smogmaw. Sharpshadow makes her way to the Medicine Cat's den with a quickness, fur alight along her spine. She sees that it's true, alongside Onyxpaw. She sees an eye webbed over and a drowsy maw. And then she's interrupting a really touching family reunion... or something, she thinks. Which makes sense. makes sense. She lived, like Chilledstar couldn't. Like Briarstar hadn't. He allows them to be happy. Not like he was important enough to allow anyone anything. But he stands back, pants as if he'd just sprinted after a hare. He wasn't gonna say, thank StarClan you're alive, or something. The others were doing plenty of that for her.

" Lilacfur, " badly timed, something she had already planned to say before Marblepaw mewed gravely, but they couldn't get distracted. They couldn't let the Leader's death distract them from what could be preventing more deaths... right? " What happened? " maybe they should've asked her that first, before Chilledstar was mentioned. Before she could fall asleep and let the face of her attacker fall out of her head... Sharpshadow swallows, letting her paws hover at the edges of Starlingheart's den.

It is only pride that Lilacfur can feel. It grows from her lungs and into her ribs, blossoms with ever exhale as she felt how close her kin are. They are 'paws, they had finally left the nursery and would begin their training. Their names, chanted among the crowd of Clanmates and she is sure her sister and brothers sang their names the loudest for her.

That must be the reason for her sons absence, then, his temporary mentor must be showing him all the best places to hunt in greenleaf while they still had it. For a moment, seeing Onyxpaw's shadow, she thought that it was Sycamorepaw's form that stood there. While the molly's voice confirmed otherwise she still gave a nod of appreciation, taking in the girls well wishes before looking back to Marblepaw.

"I'm proud to be... your first patient." There is nothing but joy in the creases of her maw, but then it took a turn.

"What?" Gone? Gone? Had they lost their final life? Was the blue tabby, so quick on his paws in a hurry, already ascended in her absence? "Wh-when, Marblepaw?" But there isn't a moment of pause to allow anyone to answer. Another has replaced where Onyxpaw stood, asking the same question that she had tried hard to ignore.

I have to lie. It feels like hot coals on her tongue every time. When she lied to her children about Siltcloud's death, it sent a sickly feeling straight to her belly. Lilacfur could feel it start to stir again. "I-I can't... remember... It's all-" She carefully touched her paw to the cobweb-wrapped side of her face and frowned, teeth closed tight as she painfully began to recall it so clearly. "My... My eye...?"

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