no angst my mothers eyes // intro.


A figure of smoke an ash, Periwinklekit is an oddity. A shy boy with periwinkle blue gaze he's out of place in this ragtag group of vicious warriors. A simple, timid boy with a soft-heart. He doesn't mind though - meeting each day with a bright smile full of pearly white fangs and bags beneath his blue eyes. Each day is a new adventure, a chance to met new people and make new friends. A late sleeper and early riser, it's not unusually for the tom to be seen up an about even before the dawn patrols. Today is one such day, the sun barely peeking over the horizon before peri is scampering out of the nursery, keen to explore the camp. He's hoping to find a new bug today - he's heard that they sometimes hide beneath the stones underpaw, so he plans on rooting around and flipping rocks until he finds one. His plans are put on hold however when he spots somebody else awake at this early hour, and with a shy but genuine smile he plods over on soft paws. "H-hi there! M-m-mornin!"

If there were any cats in the clan that could get away with pushing her buttons, invading her boundaries, it was the youth of the clan. No cat could so easily get a smile out of her than WindClan's children, the future of her clan.

Sootstar was an early morning type of she-cat, she had to be now that she led. At the crack of dawn her eyes were open and she was up walking around camp, watching the place she had created wake up.

One of the very first souls up and at em this morning was a child. Periwinklekit.

"Good morning," The blue molly purrs a greeting, fur tufts blowing gently in the breeze, "Quite early to be up, don't you think?"


She too would purr in amusement at the child, dipping her head politely to her leader as she approached the pair. 'Good morning you two. Did you both sleep well?" Not hearing Sootstar's question to Periwinklekit, Ivoryflight would find herself watching to see what the pair would be up to that day. She intended to join a patrol herself, but had plenty of time before the first few patrols started to head out.

// welcome to windclan!!

Unbeknownst to her son, Moonshadow would pay homage to her suffix when it came to her children. Sitting just outside the nursery, the queen had noticed as soon as the timid tom-kit had left her side and warmly tucked her other beloveds into their nest before following him outside the nursery.

She would not completely hover, however, having noticed that her son was more on the shy side and she wanted nothing more than for him to find his place in their world. She would watch with a calm slow blink as Sootstar and Ivoryflight approached Periwinklekit and felt a form of pride for her offspring, she had faith that he would find his confidence one day.

Should her leader or the warrior notice her presence, she would simple dip her head in silent greeting, not wanting to roam away from the nursery in case her daughters awoke and called for her.

Born as pure as the first snowfall, loose lips tightened when only a singular kitten from the litter bore a resemblance to their esteemed lead warrior. Rumors stirred again, though, when the young kit's markings began to settle in and slowly darken with each passing moon.

Horizonkit remained unaware of the stares and hushed words. Or so it would seem. Instead, dainty paws carried her confidently into the early morning sun. Blue eyes briefly gleamed a tint of purple when her gaze flickered up to the overhead sun.

It was going to be a nice day, she silently concluded to herself. The fresh air was lovely and only puffy, white clouds blanketed the sky. Seeing her shy brother approach cats, greetings on his tongue, only made the day better.

Immediately, her still clumsy paws (which she silently cursed) padded over to her brother. Her mother's watchful eye transfered to Horizonkit, the young kit closely observing her brother. "Good morning, brother." her light, airy voice greeted.

Her back straightened as she addressed Sootstar, mimicking how the clan cats normally spoke to their leader, "Good morning, ma'am." She dipped her head in a silent greeting, directed toward Sootstar and Ivoryflight. That was how one did a proper greeting, correct?​
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The morning was colder than they remembered, was it always this cold in the morning? Though as they lifted up their little spotted face and blinked away those traces of sleep; they realized they where alone. Moonshadow wasn't in the nest anymore, Horizonkit and Periwinklekit weren't there either. Where had they gone? Why had they left them behind? Lilackit gave a small noise of displeasure at being left behind in the grand scheme of things, and pushed themselves up onto their paws. Giving an aggravated shake of their spotted coat before marching outside, past their mother that sat in the entrance of the nursery, "Whats going on? You left me behind!" They squeaked out with a small stomp of their little foot.

Her whiskers would twitch in amusement as she glanced towards Moonshadow, dipping her head respectfully in return as a herd of kittens came barreling out of the nursery. Offering a similar look to Sootstar, she would glance down at the children, curious as to what they were thinking in that moment. "Well good morning you all." Relaxing back onto her haunches, allowing her tail to flap quietly behind her.

Hyacinthbreath never had siblings. She didn't understand how it felt to have any, nor to fight with your siblings about thins that seem small. She'd always been the center of attention when it came to her parents raising her, even if they were distant a lot of the time. Though, having children seemed to be a much more stressful job. Hyacinth watches the kits as they leave the nursery, eyes skimming the pretty form of Moonshadow in her tired gait. Hyacinth hadn't been there at the kitting, and while she felt guilty for it, she wouldn't try and get too close to the new family.

"You'll be apprentices soon, so waking up at the right time is a good way to get used to what your life will be like when you become one." Hyacinth speaks up awkwardly behind the group of women, tail flicking anxiously behind her. She wouldn't look at the kits when she spoke to them, and the moments she did, her instinctive scowl took its place on her face. Distant, cold, stoic- all words to describe Hyacinth in this moment. Though, she wasn't upset. Just awkward. A wobbly, odd smile makes its way onto her face as she turns, paws kneading the ground for comfort.

"How does a tour of camp sound? We won't have to leave the camp, and you can get a head start. Ja?"

Sootstars greeting purr his gives a happy little squirm, eyes wide at how friendly she is. As leader, he's always thought her to be serious and strong and, well, a bit scary, but she seems nice enough to Periwinkle. Another bright smile slips onto his pointed face, before a frown tugs at the edges of his lips. A slow blink, then another, and he can only shrug and a quiet murmur of "J-just c-couldn' sl-eep," in response. He's always been this way, and he's never been particularly bothered to notice if it's unusual of not.

It seems the camp is alive with movement already, as before he knows it he's swarmed with clanmates, some more familiar than others. Ivoryflight is quick to catch his attention, but as he opens his maw to speak he's distracted by the bundle of fur that is horizonkit tumbling her way over, all polite greetings and respectful tones. He's never understood why she's so formal - like yes, sootstar is intimidating and cool, and so are the other adults, but he thinks she could be more... expressive, and still be polite. He can't even finish his contemplation before the last of his littler is joining them, fur fluffed up in irritation as she whines about being left behind. "S-sorry lilac-ckit... didn' mean t-to," he murmurs apologetically, ears dropping and pale gaze sorrowful. He hates to see his siblings upset (or any cat really) and to be the cause has him kneading the ground anxiously.

Eager for a distraction, he tries to catch his mothers gaze from across the camp, giving a shy little wave of his dark paw before his attention finally lands on the last to join the conversation. Hyachinth has always been a bit of a mystery to him - she seems on edge around them, always awkward and avoidant, giving smiles that didn't look right to Peri. Her offer is a good one - it speaks of learning and importance and making new friends, but then again... it's hyacinthbreath who's offering. How's he supposed to make friends with a warrior who won't even look at him?

He doesn't want to be rude though, and so with a deep breathe he tries to stay positive - maybe she's just one of those cats who don't like kits, and think they have rabies or something. "That'd be g-gr-g-great!" he manages, a small wince of irritation flickering into view as he tries to get the words out. Sometimes, he really wishes speaking wasn't so hard.

As the rest of her children tumbled out of the nursery, the normally stoic queen's expression would melt ever so slightly into one of clear affection for the small bundles she had birthed. A low purr of pride would leave her throat as Horizonkit spoke with the elegance she would have had as a princess in her old home, and as Lilackit came out with a whine, the mother would simply dip her head to lick her daughter's head and murmur a soft apology before watching her scamper off to join the rest.

Moonshadow's gaze would narrow slightly, however, as Hyacinthbreath appeared. For a cat who did not want to truth to come to light, they were quite terrible at hiding their awkwardness around the kits. A slow exhale would push through the black smoke's nostrils as she reigned in her hurt and placed her perfectly practiced mask of reserve onto her face before making her way calmly over to the group.

As her son sought her out for a distraction, Moonshadow would give him her soft smile and a nod to silently say she was proud of him for being so extroverted this morning. Sitting behind her kits, she would sweep her tail around the three of them before looking at the lead warrior with an intense stare, "They need their morning baths first. But afterward, I do not see why not."

The melodramatic entrance of their third littermate warranted an unconcealed roll of her baby blue eyes. "As always, blaming others." she scoffed. The urge to cheekily stick her tongue out, a silent taunt, was suppressed. After all, WindClan leader and one of her lead warriors were present.

Horizonkit attempted to lightly press against Periwinklekit's flank. "You don't need to apologize for someone else's faults." she light-heartedly chided, casting Lilackit a stern gaze. Their adorable brother was trying to step out of his shell and they needed to encourage him rather than sow doubt.

The she-kit examined Hyacinthbreath closely. Why in the world did the lead warrior wish to give them a tour? It was suspicious. Usually the lead warrior was too busy for something so trivial, right? Well, it wasn't up to her: she'd follow Periwinklekit's decision.​

Moonshadow's words and glare burns even through Hyacinthbreath, the molly fixing her violet gaze on the dark molly- eyes reflecting a sense of apology to the queen. She'd never get over what she'd done, never be able to move on from this- kits were a permanent thing, they couldn't just pretend to be like this forever. Hyacinth is tempted to take a step forward, to press her nose to Moonshadow's and thank her for working so hard- but she resists the temptation. She reminds Hyacinth of their morning bathtime, and she nods- agreeing. Knowing how Moonshadow is, the kits can't look like they just dragged themselves through the bog if they want to parade around camp.

"After your bath, we'll take you. Right, ladies?" Hyacinth looks over her shoulder at Sootstar and Ivoryflight, desperation- she didn't want to be left alone in camp with the kits, surely not without the two mollies beside her. Would Moonshadow come, she wondered? Would she avoid the lead warrior, or put on her normally stoic expression and do as she was told? Moonshadow was very similar to how Hyacinthbreath is, so she figured it'd be the latter.

The kits suspicion is heavy in the air, but Hyacinth won't let herself mention it. Prodding Horizonkit with a paw, the molly shuffled the kits back over to their mother, before falling back in beside Ivoryflight, tail ever so slightly wrapping around her back leg for comfort.