The comfortable cover of pine trees dwindle as the patrol carries on, never-ending horizon only broadening as their vision clears of foliage- but not shade, as the dead of night provides ShadowClan with a protective veil. They are in their element, and with the knowledge that Smogmaw's ceremony might have already started just gives them an extra kick... or so it does for Mirepurr, and they don't doubt its effects on the rest of their Clanmates either.

Silence stretches before them, thicker than any morning fog. Perhaps it'd be a peaceful night if it wasn't for the implications of this patrol. Smogmaw has given the order, and in turn, Sharpshadow has given voice to everyone's thoughts: should they expect an attack?

It is never sound to lower your guard too much, and Mirepurr can certainly do anything but that. Sunstar and Wolfsong alike have been disrespected — rightfully so in some cats' minds, considering the trouble their ranks have caused over the past moon —, and although Sunstar still looks worse for wear, it is impossible to determine what he thinks. From an outsider's point of view, it'd be foolish to attack... but desperation sometimes calls for desperate measures. Luck would be hard-pressed to find ShadowClan when they need it most; they are at their most vulnerable in these few hours.

Mirepurr tears their eyes away from the wind-tousled tufts of renewing grass and the blackness that is the Thunderpath, all the way to the cats accompanying them. Wormwatcher is the most hot-headed out of them all, but they hope he knows how much is at stake here; their former mentor, giving them a sense of odd comfort; two apprentices whose presence might be a point of concern, but Loomingpaw has volunteered quick, and Snowpaw is inches away from warriorhood.

It will be fine.

"Let's not pick unnecessary fights," they remind rather needlessly — a motto most already expect from them. Then, they lower their voice to speak the next bit, not wanting the breeze to carry private information right into the keen ears of the moor-dwellers. "Starlingheart isn't around in the case of an emergency. If WindClan wants to provoke us, that's just a sign of weakness; we are only here to strengthen the border for the remainder of this night."
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〕Paleface was leading a patrol that night, seemingly enjoying his brief role in leadership he approached the borders, marked them, did his duty to his clan and moving on down the line of the Shadowclan border. Once they were a bit of a ways down it he heard some chatter from up ahead, and to his annoyance it was not from his side of the border. He flicked his ears back but kept a neutral expression, though a slight downturn to his maw would give away his mild hatred for another clan's cats.

"What is your business on our border?" He queried, a rumble in his chest as he looked across the ever-lengthening border at them. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know, but knowing he wasn't alone on this patrol put a heavy pride into his steps.

  • ooc. uhh lmk if i was supposed to wait or something sob
  • PALEFACE —— warrior (moorrunner) of windclan . npc x npc . littermate to 2 others ★ penned by helly
    cis male / he/him / 16 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monoflexible / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat notes here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots (hellycinth) — toyhouse
  • 83235321_r1zHZnHDArcUYmq.png

    a longhaired black tabby/chocolate tabby chimera with low white and blue eyes no scarring.
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[ ༻❄༺ ] The change of leadership, the loss of Chilledstar, and so much more feel like it was moving fast but, he could not dwell on that now could he? Sticking close to Mirepurr his gaze stayed calm, yellow eyes looking across the borders as he heed the words given by the lead warrior. Was this such a bright idea to do? Yet, Smogmaw was strong, as a deputy and even so, now as a leader so any attack that Windclan may carry would not be to avail, it might be their most vulnerable hour but, Shadowclan wasn't one to show any sign of weakness.

Even so, Snowpaw was soon to be a warrior. He will not allow any petty moments or throw insults as such to avoid what could be avoided at all costs and so when another approached on the other side, Snowpaw gave a curt nod, standing next to Mirepurr with his head slightly lifted, his stubby tail twitching slightly while a calm sigh press from his maw. No words came from the apprentice's lips figuring it would be best to keep things to the lead warrior's duty if they so choose to answer the other.

His eyes glued on the others before him with a sense of restlessness that settled in his paws. Smogmaw was not there, he was getting his nine lives... Starlingheart is with him, they only had the guidance of the lead warriors but Chilledstar had picked these cats for the council and he knew that if anything were to happen, it would be swiftly ended. There was nothing to worry about, yet his gaze went to Mirepurr looking for any hint of an answer from the lead warrior-despite knowing, he couldn't always rely on the other's teaching when one day he'd be in the paw step of the other, teaching an apprentice the ways of a warrior so he looked back at the Windclan patrol, keeping his mouth shut, for now that is.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 11 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


While her eyes and paws rested her, her mind was elsewhere. A rare occurrence for her. While she was physically here, mentally she was step-by-step heading the far other direction, up the hills to Highstone. She inhaled softly, ears twitching as the scent of the Thunderpath brought her back to focus, paws in the mudded grass on the edge of the black before her. Vision shifted to that of the patrol.

Mirepurr's words have her twitching her ears. Scalejaw was not the cat to worry about- and given the look on Snowpaw's face, the ghost-pelted apprentice wasn't one to worry about either. Eyes traced towards the other apprentice and Wormwatcher, and held quiet reservations until a voice called from across the Thunderpath. Business on our border?

Dull did she look, but how her eyes glowered. Did Windclan not have a remaining thought in their brain? She responded in a cool, neutral voice, her feathered tail flicking. "We're patrolling. I could ask the same of you, but I am assuming you're here on similar terms." She responded. Scalejaw wasn't the patrol leader, but had her fair share of moons under her paw- and not only that, but moons seeing the formation of the clans. Ear twitched as means of apology towards Mirepurr if it was considered an overstep, however.
  • "speech"
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, warrior of shadowclan, sixty three moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Paws moves quietly alongside the patrol, ears pricked as eyes looked over towards the direction of the border. The group was told not to start something, not to pick fights, and though Loomingpaw wanted a fight - she wanted WindClan to start something again so that ShadowClan could show them how it was really done - she did not want to be the cause of such troubles for the clan, so she agreed. Silent she remained the whole trip here, head brushing against one of the few trees left here to mark the border before the sound of a patrol catches her ears, and before she could turn to look at them the head of the patrol asked why they were here.

What is your business on our border?

She couldn't help the snort that came from nostrils, tail flicking behind her as she clamped down to make sure her mouth stayed shut, for if it hadn't who knew what words would have come out then. Ears flicked once when Scalejaw spoke, head nodding in response before the apprentice went back to her marking. She'd stay silent for now, but who knew how long that self-restraint would last.

  • --
  • : ̗̀➛ sh lilac/blue smoke chimera w/low white & sectoral heterochromia
    : ̗̀➛ 10 moons old, ages realistically every 25th
    : ̗̀➛ bisexual biromantic; many puppy crushes; interested in none
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to shadowclan
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights outside of clan
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
✧*:.。. Wormwatcher trails behind Mirepurr as they make their way towards the Windclan border. He was pleased to be called upon by the lead warrior. His mind was much too busy to remain in camp and attempt to sleep, a business which is compounded by the anticipation he feels awaiting Smogmaw’s return.

It was a standard patrol, if you were stupid. But tensions were high and a thick haze of shame hung upon the patrol, surely each of them would be recalling the series of events which led to this unease. As they approach the germinating landscape of Windclan’s territory, he remains close to Mirepurr and quickly halts as they do, his ears flicking forwards in concern. He thought perhaps they detected something just beyond. As Mirepurr’s piercing gaze rests on him, pointedly he believes, he quirks his brow upwards and frowns. “No fights,” he vows, casting his gaze over to the two apprentices besides himself and then onto Scalejaw. He was about to chirp out a retort to Mirepurr about trusting him when he hears an unfamiliar voice, in which he whips his angular head towards.

Wormwatcher narrows his eyes and parts his maw to shoot a reply across the border but Scalejaw beats him to it. He smirks, and withdraws backwards a few pawsteps, recalling his vow he made just moments ago to Mirepurr. The gray tom would see how this unfolded, just as the two apprentices besides himself should, self control at its finest.

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾