camp giving lessons in physics ❀ RECOVERY

"It doesn't hurt so much... not like before." The rosette confirmed as she tentatively placed more weight down on her paw, pacing back and forth between the mouth of the medicine den and the center of the clearing. Lilacfur kept her eye trained on her bad wrist, watching it carefully as she tested the limits of its use. It no longer clicked as she rolled it, however it still popped and would ache when she favored it for too long.

"Think it's good enough for a patrol? It just might make Sycamorepaw's day." A long stretch of her forelimbs finally clicked in release of the tension that held from resting so long in her sickbed. A soft exhale in relief rose from her maw and she straightened up as a patrol returned to camp, facing the warriors with a proud nod of her head. Though the injury across her face had recovered cleanly, no returning infection or worse, it was a bit jarring to know, to see what should be there was no longer. Her left eye had been far from saving, but would adapt, she knew. If her sister had, if the many cats she had seen with the same case as her own had, she would do just fine.

"Good sunhigh! How is prey looking out there? I've heard a marsh rabbit was seen." Despite the new scars she bared, Lilacfur appeared the be the same chipper self as before it all happened.

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  • LILACFUR she/her, 22 moons, mother to marblepaw and sycamorepaw
    lh lilac rosette with yellow eyes (carrying cinnamon, solid), a torn left ear, missing her left eye and most fur from a multitude of claw-marked scars
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by this loser@gonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Sharpshadow catches glimpses of her. Pale, scarred fur slipping in and out from the shadows of the Medicine Cat's den. Sharpshadow dares not approach before her state is made clear. Her eyes narrow upon scratched sides... She tries not to wince, whenever she can catch scarred skin where her eye had once been. She and her sister are further matching now, dryly, she realizes. One culprit a rogue, the other... who knows. But she hadn't caught WindClan scent. Nor had the stink of fox or badger clung to her, as they usually would... It had to be a rogue, right? The warrior chews on the inside of her lip. From her silent observation, she straightens her back once LIlacfur finally — officially, maybe, steps from the shade of Starlingheart's den.

Good Sunhigh, she says. Sharpshadow blinks slow, suddenly irked in a way that hits her all at once and chases away the friendly greeting she had planned on attempting. A stretching grimace makes it look like she'd preferred it when Lilacfur was bedbound. Which isn't true, but, y'know... Sharpshadow's mew is despairing. " You're... incredible. " not even he is sure what he means.
(⚈_⚈)   Somewhere in the distance, Nightkit trips over their own paws and comes down spiraling. Over and over again they turn, until they finally land belly-down and sprawled flat. Splat. Limbs don't quite do what they were meant to do. Why did they have these things? Would it not be simpler to roll like rocks, or wriggle like worms? Pupil-filled eyes look down at their paws as they slowly wrangle them back to position. Beneath their chest and belly, pads down, and pushing up — the child makes one of their rare noises, a displeased whuff, and when they lift their head up — a ghost. Almost as silly-looking as Moltface with her broken pelt, or himself with his big eyes.

There are lines all around the warrior's body. One eye closed. His own squints. Trying to close it? He ends up not able to close just the one, and both are half-slitted in poor mimicry. They say nothing, but their study of Lilacfur is clear.

  • Love
There hadn't been a time for Betonyfrost to languish in the medicine for long enough that her emergences was notable. She had never been so weak, or she has never been so hurt. Lilacfur reacquaints herself with movement and with the subtle changes to one's body injury of any amount can make. She's too chipper—too accepting of it. Betonyfrost feels her gut roll in annoyance and her wilted ears flatten atop her head.

"Be glad you have cats around who will tell you about it," Betonyfrost flicks her eyes to the scarred side of Lilacfur's face and smiles toothily, "Otherwise I doubt you would have been the one to see it."

There is something nice about hating Lilacfur and something vindicating about seeing Lilacfur so injured. A bright spot in her day and a joy that is entirely hollow, but worth holding close regardless. Betonyfrost pushes herself up from where she lays—anticipating someone other than Lilacfur will take issue with her words despite the many times Betonyfrost has been mocked for her ears and hasn't garnered any defense from bystanders.

"But you can just ignore me, everyone else around will say nice things to your face."

shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 34 moons | tags

Mirepurr positively hovers. Seeing Lilacfur's now-singular eye open had given them a surge of relief strong enough to almost knock them off their paws, but back then, they hadn't even given thought to what the near future might hold for her. Recovery is a series of exciting ups and devastating downs; not that Mirepurr has had the misfortune experiencing it for themself, thanks to a lack of serious injury. They've seen it plenty though, courtesy of their eyes often drawing towards the medicine cat's den after hard-fought battles or passing of disease.

Lilacfur does not appear to be struggling much. She wades past any onslaught of pain or discomfort, pushes herself just enough to reap the benefits, but not enough to overdo it. Not that she could; Mirepurr's shrill cry would alert Starlingheart and put a swift end to that any of that.

They opt to ignore Betonyfrost's unkind comment. It is just vague enough not to warrant a tense argument, but it oozes with something akin to venom, and Mirepurr feels tufts of fur stand on end along their spine.

"Maybe you should start small," Mirepurr suggests, sneaking in strategically and placing a barrier between the two she-cats. "I'm not opposed to carrying you back to camp if the patrol is too much in one go, but you probably wouldn't like it as much."

Sharpshadow's approach did not hinder the positive wave that has washed over Lilacfur in her progress. She met her fellow Lead with a confident lift of her chin. "You think so? Let's hope I can keep it up, then." Her eye switched between Sharpshadow and Nightkit, watching the youth squint and mimic the permanent fixture along her features, amused.

Betonyfrost, bitter as ever, only speaks in her backhanded ways. "The stars grace me with the kindness of others, though I don't make it so difficult for them to give it." Lilacfur replied curtly. Brown toned fur cut in her sights before she could spare another word, perhaps for the better. Mirepurr had barely given her more than a fox-length of space since she began to leave Starlingheart's den more often.

"Carry me?! You'd see yourself right I wouldn't." She laughed, curling her tail around theirs and shoving her forehead against their chin with a solid bonk.

"Besides, I'm sure those kits in the nursery are better suited for a badger-ride than myself. How about it, Nightkit?"


At this point in their life, Shadepaw was used to terrible things happening to their clanmates. Deaths, disappearances, injuries. They has been born practically as someone died- they had gotten used to all of that young. It was sad, it ruffled their fur, frayed their nerves, but none of it had really scared them. Until the incident with Lilacfur. Skin shredded, an eye lost. They had thought of their mentor's gentleness after Snowypaw disappeared, how she tolerated Shadepaw's short attention span, her kind presence, her kits.

A weight lifted off Shadepaw's chest when they heard Lilacfur in such high spirits, as they dropped a successfully-hunted mouse in the freshkill pile and then hurried over to join the gaggle of warriors- and Nightkit- gathered around her. Lilacfur stood tall and had a spark in her eye but, still, Mirepurr was probably right to suggest taking it easy. "Oh, it'll be so nice to have you back out, whenever you're ready," They chirped, sliding into the discussion of patrols. Betonyfrost's share of the conversation was less appealing to jump in on. She giggled as she added, "The frogs won't know what hit them."
Marblepaw sits at the mouth of the den she now shares with Starlingheart, green eyes wide and watchful as her mother paces about the clearing. She's heavily scarred, and one gilded eye gleams from a face where once there had been two, but she looks strong, and Marblepaw has to admit she does look ready to lead a patrol back into the marsh. She smiles, shaking her head. "Be careful on that paw, though," she warns. "Don't strain yourself." Even a badger ride could upset something... though she doesn't want to put a damper on her mother's recovery.

Betonyfrost's approach is cloudlike, blocking the warmth of the sun. The medicine cat apprentice cannot help but fix the tabby with an angry stare, though, like Mirepurr, she lets Lilacfur handle her own battles, which she does deftly enough.

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  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.