The air is crisp as it caresses cheeks, combs through tufts of fur, and climbs into lungs. Mirepurr feels the shift in their bones — not like an elders' ache, but more like renewed energy. Greenleaf is no more, and that in and of itself tends to be a sour thing to acknowledge, with the certainty that most prey will burrow underground to escape the frost and fall into deep slumber... but before the threats of hunger can really set in, Mirepurr intends to welcome leaf-fall and relish in its presence.

"Finally," they breathe, eyes closing for a moment. "I won't have to sweat under my fur." Con one of being long-haired. They like how soft it is to the touch, but it matters little when the sun's rays beat down on you relentlessly.

When their blues open again, Mirepurr casts their gaze skyward — not to the skies this time, but rather the canopy that surrounds their camp. Slowly but surely, those crowns will dwindle down into near-nothingness. Not the pines; they are resilient and ever-standing. No, it's the alders and the maples that manage to thrive in the harshness of the swamps. Few and far between and especially beloved by Mirepurr for their rarity. Through them, ShadowClan gets to experience the change of seasons, other than the ground getting colder and the water storage losing its potential. Mirepurr watches a particularly vulnerable leaf break away from the others; it has not yet had time to turn orange, but it is brittle and unable to hold on any longer.
In the camp, Mapletuft lays with her legs tucked in and her tail swept around her body, happy to listen to nearby chatter and distant nature sounds. Her trance is broken by Mirepurrs quip about sweating, and she has to agree.

"This greenleaf didn't feel very long," Maple flicks an ear, an idle comment to the deputy that lingers nearby. "But I will not complain about that." her whiskers twitch in amusement as she echoes their sentiment, relishing in the cooler, dryer air that leaf-fall brings. Humidity will be the death of her, sometimes it felt like the marsh was in her pelt rather than outside of it! She follows their eyes to the leaf that breaks away.

Soon enough, the pine needles will start to yellow where it meets the branch, and then they will fall off and coat the ground in a bed of them, like they did last year, and the year before, and... Well, like they have forever. The colors are always her favorite... And they were his, too. You remind me of leaf-fall, she exhales gently at the fading voice of her mate, the same memory that haunted her last leaf-fall. She doesn't think she'll ever forget his words; they meant so little at the time, nothing more than him trying to be cute, comparing light oranges to the browning of the trees, the needles, the yellow that would splotch the landscape... But now it is a sentiment that she holds close to her heart, something bittersweet. She closes her eyes for a brief moment, allows herself to wallow in her grief for a sheer second. With the passing of time, at least her heart does not threaten to squeeze out of her chest anymore.

Brown eyes move to settle on Mirepurr when they reopen, feeling a bit better than she had before. "Hopefully... We'll have a good leaf-fall... I do quite like the changes it brings." a prompt to keep the conversation going even if its small talk, a purr rumbling in her chest.

  • mapletuft ʚ♡ɞ cider
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 46 months
    shadowclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    long-furred chocolate torbie/cinnamon tabby chimera ʚ♡ɞ elegant & flowy
    "speech, F17E23" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    widowed ʚ♡ɞ bisexual
    smells like spice & cool night air ʚ♡ɞ warm & crisp
    penned by chuff

Gigglepaw had never experienced Leaf-fall before. She had been born near the end of Leafbare, and so had missed the prior season - so now, the upcoming moons would be her first experience with colorful leaves and chillier weather as Leafbare crept in once more over the swamp.

"What's Leaf-fall gonna be like?" Gigglepaw asked as she came up on Mapletuft and Mirepurr, looking between the two curiously. "Is there gonna be any special prey? Or anythin' like that? What's the big idea about Leaf-fall?" She asked, practically bouncing on her paws as she badgered the two warriors with questions.
  • !
  • 80344329_6S8RlcnnRCmX1ej.png
  • GIGGLEPAW apprentice of shadowclan, six moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


It is not surprising to hear Mapletuft's agreements. Her mane of a pelt is even more impressive than theirs; it flows off her body like waves, almost reminding them of RiverClan with that grace. On top of the added heat, long fur like that gets snagged so easily within the abundant growth of greenleaf. Mirepurr is wholly empathetic towards her evident love for the colder moons.

"It really didn't," they admit — a saddened one, when they consider that the seemingly short season had likely been due to the amount of changes. It's been moons since Chilledstar had last called the Clan forth.. and yet their demise still feels like it had happened yesterday.

Changes, Mapletuft says, because that's all there is, at the end of the day. Seldom does one flop into their nest the same way they had the evening prior. With change they will mourn and grieve; but with change they will grow and adapt. Resilience has always been one of ShadowClan's strongest points, even if Mirepurr often detests how often their will-power gets called into question.

It is Gigglepaw who breaks them out of their trance of thoughts, with her innocent curiosity. "You will want to follow the mice and bury yourself underground because of the cold," they tease lightly. "Special prey? I'm afraid not really... we do see birds more often during leaf-fall, but that's about it. It is important for us to prepare while our prey tries to stock up on food before leaf-bare. Going hungry will be a risk." Mirepurr wishes they could tell something nicer to Gigglepaw, but she needs to know that the upcoming two seasons will be serious business before they indulge her in any fun... like the mushrooms and the litter of pinecones on the marsh floor.

It hadn't been a long greenleaf- not that she could really realize, anyways. Too much had happened. The chill had come and left too soon, though the physical representation of it was here, sinking into her aging bones. A grunt left her as she padded free of the warrior's den, the oldest out of the group by a bit more then a pawful of moons. Paws stretched in front of her, body leaning back as she felt the burn along her sides- was that a joint that popped?

A sigh left the warrior as she stood back straight, tail sweeping the ground. Her vision follows the other's, to the treetops, the smattering of birds that fly past. Her feathered ear twitches before she speaks, her voice soft. "Leaf-fall. The leaves change color and fall, animals go to hibernate, or are scarcely seen. You should brush up on your hunting skills before then- you're going to need them." She's almost amused while she speaks, but it's a very real fear. Going hungry in leafbare was always a constant for Shadowclan. She wonders if this leafbare will be different.

Scalejaw steps closer, sinking to her haunches and closing her eyes, inhaling slowly as the breeze passed once more. "Despite the... challenges it brings, I enjoy leaf-fall. Feels far better then greenleaf." She chuckles quietly, lifting a leg to groom the fur back in the right direction after her sleep.
  • "speech"
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, warrior of shadowclan, sixty five moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"I just pray that we do not get much snow this colder season." Willowburn reflected back on the feeling of the heavy white clumps sticking to his fur and weighing him down. Alas, long fur had many drawbacks. Too hot during greenleaf, and too likely to become weighed down by mud and frost during leaf-fall and leaf-bare. It was difficult to look his best when the whole world insisted on bringing him down in the filth. "Roll on New-leaf, the sooner the better." That was his favourite season, though that was also because he liked eating eggs from nests. As an added bonus it also made his coat even glossier than usual, which was a win in his book.

The tom looked to Gigglepaw and he smirked a little as he spoke yet again. "I do hope that you're working on your stealth skills. ShadowClan will rely heavily on those with the lightest steps." He didn't elaborate as to why, but he knew that the clan would likely turn to sneaking into the neighbouring territories for prey. They had done so before when things got desperate, and he suspected that it would occur again.

- ⋆ -
In camp, he stretched his legs out feeling the shift of bones shuffling under his curled fur. The air crisp as a small breeze swept through his body, coming his wispy fur. He feels like energy has been blessed upon his long - limbed figure. The mild cold season is upon Shadowclan, he can't help be happy about the change. But... the downside is that prey will surely burrow underground to escape the incoming frost of Leafbare. He shudders at the thought of snow melting upon his bicolored form.

Batchaser find himself slithering towards his friend, Mirepurr greeting the chimera with a dip of his head. The split - colored phantom tilts his head towards Mapletuft, when the molly speaks of having a good Leaf-fall. "I like the change Leaf-fall blesses us... Hmm It's quite.. beautiful with all the warm colors." He hums with a curl of a smile across his lips. Though, now that he thinks about it. He is pretty envious of his longer-furred clanmates, all that fluff of theirs– keeping them so warm in the colder seasons. A tragedy. He shakes his head, he had adapted to the harsher season of winter, begrudgingly.

A dark ear twitches towards Gigglepaw who breaks the small silence with a question. His friend answers the apprentices question with a light tease. The voice of Scalejaw, had him turn his head to the older warrior. Agreeing with the other on brushing up on hunting skills with a hum. "Greenleaf is... ehh," He lifts a paw up waving it in a so-so motion with a lazy sweep of his tail. He doesn't like Greenleaf per say... But he hates the Leafbare even so. Too cold. "I enjoy Leafbare and Leaf-fall... I don't enjoy Leafbare. Too... cold for me." The black smoke mumbles, before bending his head down and then letting his muzzle turn to the side to lap at his curled fur.

  • temp batchaser ref.
  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    ― cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall shorthaired curly black smoke bicolor with gold/green heterochromia.
    thoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone