Jun 7, 2022


  • Welcome to ShadowClan's 2024 Autumn Adopts! Here, you'll find a quick overview of ways you can easily incorporate your character into the Clan's every day life. Connections can range anywhere from familial, platonic, romantic; pretty much everything you can think of! A different or completely new perspective into the shadows in the marshes...

    When you're ready to apply, use the form in the second tab! We can't wait to have you!

    If you are already a member and wish to adopt out your character's relations, sign them up here!


    ・Propositioned characters are for ShadowClan.
    ・Make sure to follow the given guidelines for what you are trying out for.
    ・These adopts are be first come, first serve, and will be approved by the ShadowClan HP team, as long as you filled out the requirements. However, the member who hosts the adopts has the right to rehome the character if you've fallen inactive with barely any posts!
    ・Genetics must be realistic per TT rules. If you aren't sure, please check with one of the site geneticists!
    ・Refrain from plotting or posting with your new character until it's been approved.
  • Code:
  • CHARACTER: @Maggotfur.
    RELATION: Wolfbite(npc, deceased) X Ivycurl(npc, deceased)
    Half-siblings to Maggotfur; will be blood related aunts/uncles to Rainbowkit, Ivorykit, and Cornflowerkit ; indirectly related to Greywhisker
    The Story - Born to two loving but busy parents who doted upon this litter, they were mostly unaware of their younger half sibling while growing up. While Wolfbite and Ivycurl never loved eachother romantically, they raised their kits together to be warriors of shadowclan while dutifully ignoring the black mark that was Maggotfur - the child of Wolfbites real love who died during childbirth. Rumors about their relation to one another and Maggotfurs disownment at birth are rampant in shadowclan but Wolfbite would have never directly confirmed that Maggotfur is related to them, even up to his and Ivycurls dying breaths during this past newleaf.
    - as of september, this litter is 23 moons aging realtime on the 1st of each month
    - if posted with less then 20 times before inactivity I reserve the right to put the slot back up for adoption.
    - no names with negative meanings or connotations. these kits were loved.
    - maggotfur has an extremely antagonistic relationship with these characters since kithood. if y/c is one of the kits unaware of the truth of the rumors they are encouraged to think she hates them for 0 reason; and if they know then its likely maggie still treated them harshly simply for having the loving family she did not
    - while antag interacts are fun, if directly approached by y/c there is room ICly for a better relationship between Maggie and this litter. however it must be developed ICly and any improvement may be extremely slowburn. feel free to reach out oocly to plot this out if interested.
    SLOTS: 3

    Sire: LH black smoke w/ low white, polydactyl (50% Maine Coon; masking classic tabby; carrying dilute, non-silver)
    Dam: LH white (masking blue)

    Kits can be black, blue, black smoke, blue smoke, or white masking any of those colors
    - kits will be longhaired
    - non-white kits can have no white or low white; white kits can mask no white or low white
    - kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have a higher risk of deafness on side(s) with blue eye
    - kits may or may not have polydactyly
    - kits will mask classic tabby
    - smoke kits will carry non-silver; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    RELATION: Mother
    Genetics: LH lilac w/ high white

    ─ No specified age, but must be currently at least 3.5 years old.
    ─ FCFS. Must be DFAB. I don't mind if you plan to kill them eventually, but I'd prefer at least a few months of interactions before you do.
    ─ No specific activity requirement.
    ─ Was part of the Marsh Colony, but any origin is fine. Gave birth to Mirepurr in May of 2022. Fought in the Great Battle alongside their mate, who died in the process. Was already pregnant with their second litter by then, so they pushed forward against all odds, and joined ShadowClan. Gave birth to their second litter in August of 2022.
    ─ They became too ill in October of 2022 to look after their litter. They spent a long period of time (moons or even a year, up to your discretion) in the medicine cat's den, unable to recover; and especially with Bonejaw refusing to treat patients around this time, their fate seemed dire.
    ─ Akin to a miracle, they pulled through by an inch of their life, but at a cost. They felt the disconnect between their offspring, and it's up to you if they tried to rekindle the relationship or never tried to act as a mother again.
    ─ Today, they are a warrior, but still has to take it easy as to not let their sickness sap all their energy. I imagine this is a chronic health issue, perhaps a very weak immune system, you can choose whichever you like with some research!​
    SLOTS: #1

    RELATION: Sibling family tree here
    - these are not slots i want to have to adopt out again, so activity and/or a conclusion to their stories is a must!
    - this character would've been raised with family-orientated but individualistic values and were not given consequences for negative interactions with the outside world before joining shadowclan. they would've joined at the same time as ferndance (the week of shadowclan's creation, they missed the great battle) as an attempt by their parents to protect them from rogues. just something to keep in mind for development purposes!
    - this character is 47 moons old as of the 24th September and age on the first of each month!
    - no set naming theme, but it is a tradition in fern's family for the parents to name their children after the first thing the parents see after they're born (they were born in a patch of ferns, so fern's name is fern. there was a kittypet named beregost there so one was named after the kittypet, cardinal was named after the first bird they saw, etc.)
    - feel free to backwrite relationships or anything they may have been doing since joining shadowclan 2 years ago!
    - there's a lot of in-character explanations of the family's dynamics and personalities that i haven't written down oocly. if you need any of this information for any reason then feel free to dm me and i can give you the exposition!
    SLOTS: 2

    Sire: SH black (carrying longhair, cinnamon, dilute)
    Dam: LH cinnamon ticked tabby w/ high white (carrying solid)

    Kits can be black, cinnamon, black tabby, or cinnamon tabby
    - kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    - kits will have low white
    - kits can have any realistic eye color
    - tabbies will display the ticked pattern
    - shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; tabbies will carry solid; kits may or may not carry dilute

    RELATION: siblings to salamandersnap
    ↪ they're 24 moons and age realistically on the 19th!
    ↪ amphibian based prefixes to match salamander please!
    ↪ please don't kill them off! i'd like them to have a good & long lasting relationship with salamandersnap! they were born and raised in shadowclan and would likely have a strong sense of loyalty to the clan
    ↪ while i don't require heavy activity, i do ask that you stay fairly active with these guys!
    ↪ these can be any gender & are fcfs !!
    Sire: LH chocolate smoke (carrying dilute, non-silver)
    Dam: SH blue tabby w/ low white (carrying longhair, solid, chocolate)
    ↪ kits can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, black smoke, chocolate smoke, blue smoke, lilac smoke, silver tabby, chocolate silver tabby, blue silver tabby, or lilac silver tabby
    ↪ kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    ↪ kits can have no white or low white
    ↪ kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    ↪ shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabbies will carry solid
    SLOTS: 3
  • . . .
    Undisclosed due date.
    Extensive family tree with connections to other members' characters as well! Two litters available.

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ADOPT: Mirepurr's Siblings
NAME: Fenblossom
AGE: 25 moons
GENDER: AMAB bigender; she/he
APPEARANCE: LH lilac/chocolate chimera with high white - in the appearance of a calico (design is pending approval)
PERSONALITY: Warm and forgiving, Fenblossom is quite the contrast to ShadowClan's stoic and blunt blend of personalities. She is motherly and nurturing, a welcoming sight for sore eyes. However, do not underestimate her and her loyalty to ShadowClan, for her bite is worse than her bark when her patience is tried!
BACKSTORY: in compliance with mire's siblings backstory! i would like him to become close with mire and other sibling, and reciprocates any affection well. considers their foster mother his real mother, and struggles to re-connect with their birth mother - but is not entirely opposed to the idea!
  • Like
ADOPT: Mirepurr's Siblings
NAME: Fenblossom
AGE: 25 moons
GENDER: AMAB bigender; she/he
APPEARANCE: LH lilac/chocolate chimera with high white - in the appearance of a calico (design is pending approval)
PERSONALITY: Warm and forgiving, Fenblossom is quite the contrast to ShadowClan's stoic and blunt blend of personalities. She is motherly and nurturing, a welcoming sight for sore eyes. However, do not underestimate her and her loyalty to ShadowClan, for her bite is worse than her bark when her patience is tried!
BACKSTORY: in compliance with mire's siblings backstory! i would like him to become close with mire and other sibling, and reciprocates any affection well. considers their foster mother his real mother, and struggles to re-connect with their birth mother - but is not entirely opposed to the idea!
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Reactions: ixora
ADOPT: Mapletuft's son
NAME: Owlmoon
AGE: 24 moons
GENDER: Demiboy, he/they
APPEARANCE: A shorthaired cinnamon tabby and black chimera with low white and green eyes. They're slightly taller than average and, after the death of his sister, is slightly unkempt. Design here.
PERSONALITY: While outwardly carefree and the sort to walk with a bounce in his step, the loss of his sister has given Owlmoon an almost bitter outlook on things. They don't know who they're bitter at, really, just that they are- and it could just as well be himself for not saving his sister's life. He'd never show it, though- he hates the idea of others worrying about him, and on some level he hates the idea of his clannmates knowing just how much the loss of his sister has impacted him after all. To try and make up for things, he throws himself into his work and perceived loyalty of the clan with a ferocity that could rival cats twice his size. If he has to be sad and bitter, he'll be sad and bitter while doing the best for his clan.
BACKSTORY: Lines up with the given backstory!
OTHER: Considers Mirepurr and the fostered litter siblings- or, if nothing else, very close to it. May or may not have slipped up more than once in apprenticeship, resulting in him claiming them as family.
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ADOPT: Mirepurr's siblings
NAME: Mistmoth
AGE: 25 moons
GENDER: Female (she/her)
APPEARANCE: LH lilac tortie with low white and green eyes - ref!
PERSONALITY: Prone to catastrophising failure and minimising her own success. Easily frustrated, but has little internal motivation to improve whatever is bugging her, be it her skills, her connections, or even the state of her fur. Often drifts into negative emotions and feels guilty about them. Reminisces over her childhood and potential to the extent that it impedes on her growth in the present. Despite all this, she cares deeply for others at a personal and collective level.
BACKSTORY: Aligns with the provided litter backstory! Formerly quite a energetic and outgoing child. Used to see foster fam as family, and Mire as a parental figure, but began to feel guilty about forcing that role on them and now tries to view anyone around her strictly as whatever relation they are. Desperate to reconcile with bio mum.
OTHER: I want to explore the character dev needed to build this character into someone more secure in herself and her relationship with others!! She won't be sad forever I promise
  • Like
ADOPT: Mapletuft's son
NAME: Owlmoon
AGE: 24 moons
GENDER: Demiboy, he/they
APPEARANCE: A shorthaired cinnamon tabby and black chimera with low white and green eyes. They're slightly taller than average and, after the death of his sister, is slightly unkempt. Design here.
PERSONALITY: While outwardly carefree and the sort to walk with a bounce in his step, the loss of his sister has given Owlmoon an almost bitter outlook on things. They don't know who they're bitter at, really, just that they are- and it could just as well be himself for not saving his sister's life. He'd never show it, though- he hates the idea of others worrying about him, and on some level he hates the idea of his clannmates knowing just how much the loss of his sister has impacted him after all. To try and make up for things, he throws himself into his work and perceived loyalty of the clan with a ferocity that could rival cats twice his size. If he has to be sad and bitter, he'll be sad and bitter while doing the best for his clan.
BACKSTORY: Lines up with the given backstory!
OTHER: Considers Mirepurr and the fostered litter siblings- or, if nothing else, very close to it. May or may not have slipped up more than once in apprenticeship, resulting in him claiming them as family.
ADOPT: Mirepurr's siblings
NAME: Mistmoth
AGE: 25 moons
GENDER: Female (she/her)
APPEARANCE: LH lilac tortie with low white and green eyes - ref!
PERSONALITY: Prone to catastrophising failure and minimising her own success. Easily frustrated, but has little internal motivation to improve whatever is bugging her, be it her skills, her connections, or even the state of her fur. Often drifts into negative emotions and feels guilty about them. Reminisces over her childhood and potential to the extent that it impedes on her growth in the present. Despite all this, she cares deeply for others at a personal and collective level.
BACKSTORY: Aligns with the provided litter backstory! Formerly quite a energetic and outgoing child. Used to see foster fam as family, and Mire as a parental figure, but began to feel guilty about forcing that role on them and now tries to view anyone around her strictly as whatever relation they are. Desperate to reconcile with bio mum.
OTHER: I want to explore the character dev needed to build this character into someone more secure in herself and her relationship with others!! She won't be sad forever I promise