ShadowClan rises to meet yet another gray daybreak. The sun rises over peaks of the horizon, like it always does, and the dull clouds come to pour drizzly rain, like they sometimes do. It is startlingly fitting for the mood that befalls the camp.

Those who had been perceptive enough to trail after Mirepurr with their eyes might have noted the way they stalked into the leader's den — the leader's den without its usual inhabitant. Those who sleep close by to them in the warriors' den might have noted their lack of presence... and even as a new day rises, Mirepurr refuses to come out. The confines are oddly welcomed; they are able to sort through their frenzied mind without having to worry about who might overhear- or witness them in such a broken state.

It is evident; Smogstar will not be returning. None of the search parties have yielded any results to speak of... even as Mirepurr painstakingly combed through the territory themself, again and again, in hopes of something new rearing its head.

Duty flings to Mirepurr next. Surely, they should be thinking of heading to the Moonstone now, to converse with StarClan and see if the worst has come to pass. The Clan cannot keep operating without a proper leader for long now. Leaf-bare knocks on their doors, still a few moons away but too-close for comfort.

ShadowClan needs a replacement of the helm, but their deputy remains crouched amongst the stale bedding that barely emits Smogstar's scent now...

Set right after this thread, open to all! They are not coming out and not open to visitors. :) Feel free to gossip...

She too has a mixture of emotions surrounding Smogstar's dissapearance. One of her own biggest questions much like Mirepurr's was why? How could Smogstar abandon them like that? Surely soon enough things would have to move on? They all had to accept the fact that Smogstar obviously was not going to be returning. Having watched Mirepurr slip into the den was her first sign that things would be moving forward soon enough. Could that mean that Mirepurr had accepted the truth? That the responsibilities of the clan now fell to them?

"They doesn't seem interested in visitors right now." Her typical cold tone reaches the ears of a clanmate looking at the leader's den with concern on their face. Tail lashing behind her, the woman returns to grooming her fur as her clanmate sat beside her, still staring at the leader's den. "They about took Coyotewail's face off for trying to check on them. He said they told him that they weren't leaving the den or taking visitors." Briefly she pauses to glance at the den, masking the concern she had for the deputy (or could she call Mirepurr their leader now?) as they isolated themself in the den.

"I suppose they're trying to convince themself they can ensure its okay to travel to the moonstone and become Mirestar now. Think they're worried about the clan thinking they'll abandon us too?" While her words come bluntly, she does her best to mask her own feelings about Mirepurr. She'd always respected the deputy even if they did clash at times. However, she couldn't help but feel anxious that Mirepurr would do the same thing as Smogstar. What did her clanmates think? Surely Mirepurr was okay right? "Who do you think they'll make deputy?"

  • ooc. — ​
  • IMG_3773.jpg
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
Last edited:

She is up before the sun splits the sky. She's there as Mirepurr enters the den, as Salamandersnap watches alongside her. Her ear twitched briefly, and when she rises to her paws, thats when Salamandersnap speaks. Her eyes narrowed and her head turns, the chatterbox of a younger warrior going on and on. Normally, Scalejaw is kinder- she isn't the cold ball of knots, the turned backs and shoulders given instead of open receiving.

When she speaks, her voice sounds as if it was full of gravel, hoarse and thick with sleep- or lack thereof- yet. "Contemplating isn't going to get any of us anywhere." She finally says, not wanting to play any of those games this morning. Her lips draw back in anger before she turns, stalking into the leaders den. Scalejaw did not fear the 'beast' that may lay instead, as Salamandersnap had tried to warn. Mirepurr? This cat she knew, her former apprentice, one that Smogstar chose as his right paw.

When her eyes adjusted- which takes barely moments- her breath is snagged. Moss, torn into rivulets, lay before Mirepurr. Their claws are still sunk in. The den that Smogstar had laid in, that she had laid in more then once, hidden under cover of night and other's rests. Her heart was thundering in her ears for a long moment, staring down at what was, perhaps, the last of Smogstar's scent- even if it was a sick-scent, it was his.

When her eyes lift, two glowering coals, and pin to her former apprentice, her words are barely contained anger, chilled and sharp. "Does that make you feel better?" Scalejaw questions quietly, her jaw working, her tail flicking behind her. Scalejaw's head tilted for a moment, and when she speaks again, she isn't sure if she interrupts Mirepurr or if they refused to speak. "... I'm going for a walk. A long one. Might be wise to... find someone to help."

Help with what? Their soul, which is likely in tatters right now? Scalejaw's feathered ears flick, and when she emerges from the den, she is heading straight out of camp in the dawn's minimal sunlight.
  • "speech"
    // placed before her realization thread!
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, warrior of shadowclan, sixty five moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

In the brief few season-cycles that Shadowclan has been around, Mapletuft has seen four leaders rise to grandeur and then subsequently lose it. Would this one, too, try as she might to prevent it? Heavy is the crowns mantle, laden with thorns of misfortune that dig deep unto those unsuspecting cats skulls. First came Briarstar, a spiky molly with a bloodline that runs through Shadowclan. Next, her son, Pitchstar, driven to near madness with the responsibility... She does not have much to say of the first two leaders. Next, Chilledstar, a solid reign cut short, slight madness in the end- then Smogstar, brief, fleeting and now...

Now Mirepurr is driven in to isolation following Smogstars evaporation around camp. Just how far could a sick man walk is the issue, and shes sure that many other cats feel the same way. Salamandersnap certainly has much to say on the issue and she can only half-heartedly listen, off in her own mind as she stares haphazardly at the leaders den.

Contemplating, Scalejaw speaks up against Salamander, and... Well, Scalejaw is certainly prickly today with a sharp tone, straight to the point- not that Mapletuft blames her... In fact, she finds herself agreeing with the fact that contemplation is a bad thing. The maned woman stares as the other displays anger so clearly upon her face, setting towards the den that Salamandersnap had just warned others not to go in to. Hastily, too fast, not thinking...? "I would give them space, --" but Scalejaw pushes forwards with intent, ignoring her words. Mapletuft only sighs, a deep-rooted frown growing on her face. What a horrible situation to be in, four leaders, four leaders that met an untimely demise, or in Smogstars case, an untimely disappearance.

She fears, deep-rooted and cold within her bones, Mirepurrs rise to the spike-sharp crown stained with the blood of their predecessors. It turns her stomach sick and she inhales sharply, turning slowly back to Salamandersnap.

And what of them? What if the same fate befalls them? Stars, she feels... She feels... She feels almost the same fear, same grief she had felt when the bears tore through camp, tore through her blood-borne daughter. What had Salamandersnap been saying, again...? "No, dear. Mirepurr just needs a little time..." she finally responds to Salamandersnaps words with a dry mouth, briefly shutting her eyes. "Leadership is a big thing to adjust to... And we don't know if Smogstar is dead... No need for talk of deputies, yet..." her gaze, when she reopens fluttering eyelids, follow Scalejaw as she stalks out of camp. I should go talk to them, but space, space, she had told Scalejaw.

Perhaps shes being driven mad with the anticipation. Maybe she should check on Scalejaw after she returns...? So much to do, so little time... Fleeting moments go straight through her paws like the cool leaf-fall breeze goes through her pelt.

  • mapletuft ʚ♡ɞ cider
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 52 months
    shadowclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    long-furred chocolate torbie/cinnamon tabby chimera ʚ♡ɞ elegant & flowy
    "speech, F17E23" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    widowed ʚ♡ɞ bisexual
    smells like spice & cool night air ʚ♡ɞ warm & crisp
    penned by chuff

its the mention of mirestar that pulls it forward ; a manifestation of shadow and trembling limb, sapdark eyes flitting a tremulous curiosity across the faces of those gathered. it chitters in nervous rhythm from ever - exposed talon, the click of calcium against calcium the only sound it makes as mapletuft makes gentle chastises . . a lump forms in the serpentine curve of his throat, lowering spidering vertebrae in quiet greeting just as scalejaw brushes the lilac - ribboned muscle of his shoulder in retreat. it’s eyes scan automatically for mother — doesn’t find her, lands finally on the feathered ends of a woman steaming at the flicking ears as she storms into smogstar’s staling den. he worries for her. and he worries, not for the first time, of what clings to the ends of the current residents fur when their finally emerge — after mirepurr had heaved breathfuls of sick air and trudges finally from festering nest and into camp.

mother had woven tales of early days ; of briarstar and pitchstar after her, the abyssal - pelted founding kin of shadowclan, the darkness of their pelt woven straight into the name of their homeland. he had been raised with chilledstar . . had been younger than them only moons, had grown in their shadow and basked in the chilled light of their eyes in juvenile worship. he had seen them rise, receive the jubilation of starclan’s protective shield ; a surge of nine lives to lead them into old age. a gift. a guidance, a stardusted tether to structure. leadership. when loonface had been only loonpaw, a patchwork string of parts of whiskers, when the last of those lives were taken from them. it mourned his quiet admiration in moons after, nestled in a tight circle of grief, hugging his middle as if scrambling to keep his insides from exposing any more than they had. it had been a special loss. a great loss. an early, unexpected loss.

the scent of disease lingers when scalejaw emerges, and the creature had only just settled at salamandersnap’s side when she wordlessly shoulders towards the dimming horizon. his heart aches for her, a bruise deepening in his chest as he turns his attention to the two remaining mollies, ” you shouldn’t . . be such gossiping hens. “ comes his warm, hesitant tone ; voice like broken parts, adverting eyes suddenly tinged with uncertain sadness. mirepurr deserved quiet, deserved rest . . but they deserved a leader, didn’t they? he thinks of the rats of carrionplace, how they drag themselves sick and diseased to the outskirts of the carrionplace, passing curled and gaunt beneath the rotting chainlink, ” the stars gifted him nine lives for this very reason . . he will be back. i’m sure of it! “ maybe — maybe he wanted to avoid the spread of his illness. a sacrifice of his ailing life, to return healed and anew. martyred, basked in light and rejuvenation . . yes. he would, ” besides . . i’m sure it’s — frightening. the moonstone. “ his eyes flit upwards, as if expecting to find the sheen of flint overhead. after all, those who took that long trip to the cavernous maw of starclan . . had not lasted many seasons. it seemed more a curse than a gift ; a threat in place of comfort, of promise of longevity. did they fear it, repetition? another leader lost? it clicks it’s scarred maw pointedly closed.

  • i.

    a tall, haunting lilac tabby with dark features and syrupy amber eyes.
    he carries through life an uncanniness he cannot shed. a unique culmination of atypical traits has given it stature like something dredged of nightmare ; like his mother he is doused in sleek waves of marbled lilac, plush softens the underlying jut of sinew and bone at his chest. from afar, he seems unworldly, if a bit sick ; all popping vertebrae and thickly veined membrane, doused in thick waves of fur like his mother. if it weren’t for a face like oil - slick rot & buzz of hungry horseflies clouding it’s features into pitch black, cutting off sharply at the neck as if earth has come to reclaim him. his long snout is torn in ribbons stretching towards the outer corner of his ear in an overgrown and toothy glasgow smile, the only cut of age - tinged color against stark shadow.
    severely hyperdontial. maw is seemingly overcrowded with teeth ; occasionally catches on his lips and inner cheek, especially when eating or speaking.


Salamandersnap's eyes roll as Scalejaw dismisses her simply, the older warrior slipping away into Mirepurr's den. Maybe Coyotewail had been exaggerating with his description of Mirepurr telling him they didn't want visitors. It was a habit he was known for, but it didn't change the worry the clan was feeling for them. Normally, Salamandersnap wasn't that much of a yapper, drawing on and on. But the rising anxiety and conflicted emotions, the tension blanketing the clan was driving her to act unusually out of character.

She exhales softly as Mapletuft moves to join her, glancing at the older warrior with concern. While she may be right, it didn't mean she wanted to admit to it. "The clan can't survive without a leader, or a deputy." She muses, her tone becoming colder once again as she searches the woman's face. How could she think that it was okay for Shadowclan to essentially be stuck in limbo? Somebody had to do something eventually. Without someone taking charge, the clan would collapse. And what would become of Shadowclan then?

Loonface is the next to join them, immediately scolding them for gossiping. She wasn't gossiping! They were only discussing how Mirepurr was doing and what would happen next. Salmandersnap thought that hardly qualified as gossiping. But when he starts to discuss how he believed that surely Smogstar would return any second sparked her inner anger over the situation. "Smogstar isn't coming back!" She snaps as she spins to face him, suddenly finding herself on her paws.

Had she jumped to her paws? She was so upset over his comment that she hadn't noticed. "He's gone. He abandoned us! We've searched everywhere for days on end and found nothing. if something morbid had happened to him we would have found him by now." Again she pauses, her claws digging into the earth beneath her paws as she spoke, grounding herself from doing anything drastic. "He would have come back by now." Wouldn't he? Soon enough, she catches a whisper of a comment on his breath, and perhaps she'd been so angry she'd nearly missed it. The moonstone..... frightening? She didn't see how it could be that terrifying.

She sighs again as her tail droops behind her. "Still, the clan must go on." Was she speaking to the pair sitting with her now, or herself? "The clan takes priority. We can't put everything on hold just because Smogstar isn't returning." She glances towards the leader's den again, pausing before continuing. "We have to make sure Shadowclan survives." If Smogstar does return, surely we could evaluate things then? I don't see how anyone could trust him after that though. Maybe its better he doesn't come back. The angry thoughts swirl in her mind once again, leaving her feeling conflicted and torn.

  • ooc. — ​
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
  • Wow
જ➶ "How do you know that it is abandonment we face?" Their words are cutting and sharp in the gloom of the cloudy morning. Their eyes shifting over Salamandersnap before shaking their skull and focusing their gaze on the leaders den. They wish they could go and talk to them but they dare not to intrude. They don't know if they will make Mirepurr feel better with their company or even their words. It isn't like they have any wisdom to spare about this type of situation and they sigh bitterly before looking back to the sight of the ones that still linger. "Assuming that Smogstar just abandoned his clan is a hefty thing to say. You are calling him a traitor at that point. Many things could have happened to him beyond what we can figure out." That and they dare not go that far as to say something so insulting about a tom that had been within the clan for such a long time. They frown then before clenching their jaw and the only reason they stand here now is because they wish to block those from trying to force his siblings paws on a path they are not yet ready to deal with. "Mire can take the time that they need before moving forward. It is their decision and we have to wait for it. They are still the deputy, we listen to them." The heirarchy is still in place after all.

They glance then to Loonface for a brief moment, the thought of the moonstone actually being frightening an interesting idea of it's own. Though they doubt that Starclan's guidance would be steeped in terror. Afterall, they want cats to go their of their own freewill. But now things are shaking and tittering with Shadowclan and they finally look away from Loon and back to the leader's den. When will they come out? The frown on their muzzle says a lot but they finally just step back and sit down. Gossiping is the least thing on their mind but defending their family is always the first.
Hawkstride was welcomed into the clan under Chilledstar's reign, and the former loner had thought then that he would only ever know their leadership. After all, nine lives had sounded impossible to lose when he'd first learned about Starclan and their gifts. But his grandmother, Briarstar, had lost hers, and his uncle Pitchstar after that. Life was fleeting and fragile, even when you had been granted more grace than most. He should not have taken those blessings for granted.

He wouldn't claim to be close with Smogstar. They hadn't gotten to know each other as well as he would've liked, and it was no one's fault. But he profoundly admired their leader; his former mentor and one of the few cats who had shown him any confidence when he'd first joined. Sure, the ashen tabby had looked down on his family with no small measure of distrust, but he had given Hawk the benefit of the doubt. Loyalty. And it was a sentiment that the smoke-furred warrior heartily returned.

It was bad enough that they were dealing with the uncertainty of a missing leader - someone they had all depended on - but the blasé rumors now being tossed about like leaves in the wind were making things worse. Hawk couldn't claim to feel much concern for Mirepurr or their current predicament; the deputy was strong and capable, they would eventually come to their senses and take charge. What did concern him was the callous slander spilling from Salamandersnap's mouth, and his fur bristled as he stalked towards the group. He didn't often feel the need to insert himself, but the words grated against his nerves like gravel.

"If you are mousebrained enough to believe that Smogstar willingly abandoned this clan, you clearly did not know him. Consider keeping your opinions to yourself, you're helping no one with your pointless speculations," he growled, voice rough with barely-restrained irritation. He found himself in rigid agreement with Loonface and Thrasherthroat's sentiments. No, he might not've been close with Smogstar, but he would not suffer insolent gossip besmirching the name of someone he admired. Regardless of whether or not they would ever find their absent commander, he deserved their unwavering allegiance. "Whatever happens, we will be fine. Shadowclan is strong."

  • HAWKSTRIDE he / him, warrior of shadowclan, 21 moons
    lh black smoke w/ low white and moss green eyes. heavily scarred and tall
    skunktail x porcupine // littermate to lizardthroat and pipitclaw
    single, crushing on no one // mentoring no one // mentored by smogstar
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots
If something morbid had happened to him we would have found him by now.
Needledrift let out an uncharitable huff at Salamandersnap's sentiment, her normally soft green narrowed in distaste. "That's never how things have worked around here..." She mumbles, half to herself and half to Mapletuft. "He's most likely rotting on the side of the Th-" she chokes half-way through the thought, and coughs as if to rid her mouth of the impurity before it could fully fall from her lips. Even in her awful state, Needledrift couldn't bear to think of her friend lying prone on the Thunderpath, his lives stripped just as easily as they were given. She had already lost a leader to the damn thing, then her husband, now... possibly....

She rubs at her face with a rough, dingy paw before turning her uncharacteristically hard glare back to Salamandersnap. "The clan must survive. Why don't you take it? Take that spot, facilitate our survival since this whole damn forest is so keen on nothing but death." The she-cat spits the word, cruelly, more harsh than she wanted or expected.

Chilledstar, Chittertongue, Smogmaw. Hazily, their bodies appear in her mind, just a few more to place upon her growing pyre. Snowypaw, Heavybranch, Halfshade. Would ShadowClan ever be free of the curse it seemed so set into?

Lilacfur had been pacing, impatient, after her patrol with Salamandersnap returned with nothing more to offer. It appeared each patrol only contributed to the same information she concluded that very morning, which only led to infuriate more of her Clan. Mirepurr's reaction was far harsher than her own, pulling themself away from their Clan in favor of their own silence.

"You're not helping yourself." She glared into the darkness before turning her head away with a sharp jerk, looking at the crowd of gossiping and leering. Salamandersnap stood in its center, spouting nonsense upon Smogstars character. A scoff escaped in an exhale of disbelief.

"What did you say?" She challenged the molly with a tense jaw. "He risked his life to save this Clan, he lost his love for the sake of this Clan, yet he continued to remain loyal." She hoped Ashenfall or Halfsun to appear if just to serve Salmandersnap her own hide for such accusations.

"If we're to never see Smogstars return, we have the accept that there are no answers. Jumping into foolish theories when he still has children here... distasteful. They've not even a body to say goodbye to." How many others had acted the same due to the fall of her own family's legacy? She would not see it repeated again.

"We will not act as though this is the worst ShadowClan has endured, or even the first for such. We have always continued to fight each and every plight thats fallen to our paws, and I'm not going to roll over now."


"That's wrong! Smogstar would never abandon us! He'd never do somethin' like that!" Gigglepaw yelps, eyes wide and unblinking for once at Salamandersnap's accusation against the missing leader. Smogstar had just gone... for reasons that were beyond any of them. Maybe StarClan had spoken to him in his dreams or something like that, she reasoned with herself. Because for Smogstar to have up and left ShadowClan of his own accord, Gigglepaw - and many of those around her - knew that would mean something dismal.

Gigglepaw had grown up knowing Smogstar as deputy, knew that one day he would lead the Clan and do great things with the 'star moniker attached to his name in the same way Chilledstar had shown themselves to be a honorable and great leader. And as much as Gigglepaw had admired Chilledstar, there was a deeper connection to Smogstar that she had nurtured, even if it had been entirely one-sided. Gigglepaw's hopes and dreams were founded on Smogstar's reputation, and for Smogstar to have abandoned them... what did that mean about everything she believed in?

"You're- you're a bad ShadowClanner for saying that, Salamandersnap! A bad cat!" Tears threatened to spill from the corner of Gigglepaw's eyes as she stared fire down at her Clanmate, uncaring of how her words would be received. Then, to her aunt, "Lilacfur, how can you say this isn't the worst thing? What more has to happen to us to be considered worse than what's happening now?" She was being childish, even if she didn't acknowledge that in the moment. For her, only Chilledstar's death could match this. She hadn't witnessed everything that ShadowClan had been through and come out the other side of.


"While we're all sitting here arguing, there are mouths in the Nursery going hungry." As she drifted closer to the group gathered outside Mirepurr's den, Ferndance's voice did not rise above the usual quiet dynamics, but there was a bite to it, something born of anger and worry. Smogstar had been a friend but now, she faced a similar position to Splashdance's where she would not get closure. The little voice in the back of her mind that told her he'd gone off to die of sickness alone grew stronger and stronger with each failed patrol, though be it a coping mechanism or a glimpse of reality from StarClan, the tawny tabby could not say.

Regardless, the path forwards seemed clear. ShadowClan couldn't be in limbo. She had seen Mirepurr's vision and grown to trust it in a moment of vulnerability, if they needed time to regain sight of what they wanted, then it would just have to be up to the rest of ShadowClan to do what was needed to survive.

She landed by Needledrift's side, brushing her tail against the other's back in a comforting gesture. The rest of the she-cat's limbs were as tense as long sticks, as if to grieve again was something wholly unfamiliar and dangerous. But nothing felt quite so dangerous as the arguments, which caused her ears to flatten at their growing severity, at the fact that her family were dragged into it. She let out a deer-like huff, claws scraping against the loam below. "I'm going to go hunting to fix that. Some of you need to come with me." Her eyes hope to meet the most combative of the conversationalists in a silent demand to volunteer. Hunting would make her feel better. If it meant getting cats like Salamandersnap away from camp, then she was sure it would make Gigglepaw and Needledrift feel better too.

(Relatively. Her throat felt tight at the thought that her mate's problems could not simply be fixed with good deeds and words of affirmation from another, that there were some problems that were deeper than skin and muscle, that could poison one's very heart without much hope for a cure).

(But it was still worth it trying if it could make her day even the slightest bit brighter.)

saffroncloud | 20 months | trans male | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #b091cd
"If it helps, then I'm sure Smogstar is dead by now." Saffroncloud adds- rather unhelpfully- as he pads over to the group himself. He had been on the other side of the camp, but the threat of a fight breaking out had drawn his attention, and he had decided he was going to stop it.

Or something like that, considering how bluntly he had said his own theory.

It wasn't out of a lack of respect for the former leader, but he couldn't wrap his head around avoiding the truth of it. Smogstar had been sick, and holdong out for something that probably wouldn't happen was just doing him more injustice if they did find his body and it was too late to have a proper vigil.

Ferndance's words are quick to draw his attention, and he dips his head at the older warrior like he hadn't just said the most unsettling thing possible upon greeting the group. "Ferndance is right." He starts, casually. "We do still have to keep going."

Last edited:


Isn't this situation just absolutely fucked? Her father was missing. Missing and probably dead somewhere and Halfsun was once again powerless. There was no enemy to fight, no greater evil that she could sink claws and fangs into to make it all okay. Nothing she could do that would bring her father back to her and her family.

ShadowClan is like a monster that has jumped the thunderpath now, directionless and careening out of control. Mirepurr sulks all day in their den, offers no guidance on what to do next. The clan, it seems, is in absolutely the worst spirits imaginable today. Already there is talk. Smogstar is gone she hears someone say who will be the next deputy do you think and oh how those words make her heart twist with anger. Already her lips are curling upwards, eyes narrowed in disgust as she turns to level Salamanderstep with a withering look. She is lucky then that others leap to the defense, that they are quick to reprimand this foolish warrior with their tongues when Halfsun wants to drag claws across the other warriors face for the insult. "My father is not a traitor you shut your carrion-stinking mouth right now" she says, her words accentuated with a growl as she takes a step closer to the offender, rage practically making every bone in her body vibrate with the emotion.

"He's most likely rotting on the side of the Th-" "If it helps, then I'm sure Smogstar is dead by now." "Excuse me?" she could scream in her outrage as she whirls on first Needledrift and then Saffroncloud, her claws unsheathing to sink into the soft earth. It takes every ounce of self restraint, every bone in her body to not turn on her clanmates in this moment. She barely hears the words Lilacfur says over the roaring in her ears, can barely swallow she's so angry and sad and frustrated.

Luckily, Ferndance offers an out. She takes a deep breath mismatched eyes closing as she tries to steady herself, convincing herself that no, she couldn't take her anger out on her clanmates. 1 2 3 she breathes in... and out. When she's done her eyes fly open "Yeah you know what you're right Ferndance, good idea. I think I'll join you." she says and immediately turns to stalk from the clearing, long limbs leading her away as fast as possible. Her head does not turn to see if anyone was following.

// out unless stopped!

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter
Needledrift snorts derisively - at who or what, she isn't even sure. Her wallowing helps no one, their wallowing definitely didn't help Mirepurr, no doubt lingering at the mouth of their den listening to the gossip and anger with a stone in their belly.

The storm rages on in her mind.

But harsh words turn to ash as Halfsun spits her own venom, morejustified than herself or the rest of those that gathered. So alike to Halfshade and so different at the same time, Needledrift's heart gave a little pang to see the ghost of her friend's face reflected back to her - though this time angered and haunted rather than charming and dollish. She was almost happy to see the young warrior turn away from her, lest Halfshade berate her from beyond the grave for being so crass.

"I'll be in the den." Needledrift mumbled as she slipped away from her mate. Maybe Mirepurr had the right idea...

The girl had only been partially listening in on the conversation, instead having been hidden away in the elder's den while the older warriors and some of the apprentices argued in camp. Of course Salamandersnap seemed to have something to say about the situation, but what else was new? Was the woman that ambitious and power-hungry that she was only focused on Smogstar's replacements? Did she really think that she of all cats would be chosen? Ivypaw surely hoped Mirestar wouldn't pick her as deputy. Then again, maybe even putting her on their counsel would shut the warrior up for awhile no?

"You're wrong.... Smogstar is a good leader. He wouldn't abandon us." She shakes her head, dismissing the thought that Salamandersnap suggests. Standing beside her clanmates she gives the warrior a cross look, disappointed that one of the self-proclaimed greatest warriors (especially one who stuck so closely to the warrior code) would dare to say such things about their leader. They could still find him, it hadn't been that long. He had to be out there somewhere right?

  • ooc. — ​
    ↪ ivypaw / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 08 moons / ages realistically on the 2nd
    ↪ shadowclan apprentice
    ↪ lh blue tortoiseshell smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede