20 Questions // Pitchstar



Despite not having been born in ShadowClan, Cricketpaw was undoubtedly a clan cat through and through. Even with the loss of her siblings and her mother - an event that seemed to, startlingly, phase her very little - plus the lack of food in the territory itself, she had adjusted quite rapidly to the concept that this was her family now. The caveat to that, though, was that she was still young - an apprentice, yes, but young. Plus, the lack of food had surely affected her growth, if her size and her general health were anything to go by; but above all else, she was a bright young girl with a curious mind and a penchant for knowledge.

The other unfortunate part of that, perhaps, was that Pitchstar appeared to be the perfect soundboard for all of her new questions. It had started innocently enough- Hey, Pitchstar! What's it like to be a leader? Pretty cool, huh? - Why do you think some cats are better at things than other cats? - but the longer that they sat in the clearing of the camp, chatting away while others ate what little meals they could or shared tongues with one another, Cricket just... hadn't stopped. "Why do you think StarClan has to give you lives, or talk to us?" she continued idly, head tilting slightly as she regarded Pitchstar with nothing but pure admiration in her eyes. It was clear that, as an adult and a leader, he surely had a whole host of answers that she just simply not had discovered for herself yet. "Everyone talks about it, but I'm not sure if I really get it yet," she added quickly, taking in a quick breath and pondered, thoughts turning over and over in her head as she tried to put pieces together. "But - if they talk to us, why didn't they tell us to move somewhere with more food? Or does it not work that way?"