camp 2012 ↷ [ECLIPSE]

It is but another humid, mellow, and rather blasé day here in the swamp. To suggest anything seemed out of the ordinary would simply be a plea for attention. While the frogs beyond camp sang their chorus a notch higher than yesterday (and the day before that), all remained as it usually had been: patrols rotate in and out from the hollowed pines with scents renewed and noted, gossip hangs low over exchanged tongues, and all can agree with a shared nod — today was unremarkably normal, and were it to end without issue, the next day would surely prove to be the same.

When the sky began to darken slighty ahead of its schedule, Smogmaw initially cast it off with a shrug. He'd been presiding over camp's going-ons for an extended period, anyhow, and time tends to accelerate when one's attention starts to waver. Sooner rather than later the tom had risen onto his haunches for a leisurely stretch; ignorant to how low his shadow was slung, and how fuzzy it'd gotten along its edges. Having decided he has seen his due amount for the time being, the deputy departs from his chosen spot at Clanrock's base to mosey his way along the pine threshold, intent on finding himself a meal.

Prey is so plentiful after those recent rains, a feast's worth lingers within a rabbit's leap from the camp entrance. Well, that's reducing it to a metaphorical nutshell, but still—Smogmaw could fetch two or three frogs in the same span of time it'd take Ferndance to finish a story, and such easy pickings ought to do as a reward after an efficient day of camp-watching.

He pokes his head first, then the rest of his brawny form, through the gnarled and tangling roots marking ShadowClan's front door. As the deputy navigates the outer cusp there's hardly a glance spared toward the sky; though his stride falters as he clambers over the rocks and low shrubbery at camp's outskirts.

Everything beyond was tinted dark and vermillion-orange. It looked like it were painted the wrong shade, an awkward smear across a landscape normally adourned in cool greens and damp browns. Smogmaw's ears wilt at their tips, brows slanting while confusion creases his muzzle. Something about this foreign colour, this sense-out-about-being, brings a shiver through his lashing tail. Filling his belly no longer holds any appeal, and so he pivots around back to camp.

The rest inside seemed disoriented by it, too, having all paused their activities. Some held squinted gazes directed toward the sky; others remained on all fours, fidgeting and confused as they cast their attention about. "I don't know what's going on," he grumbles to himself, before parking his paws amidst the clearing.

Nonetheless, there is one conviction which leads itself as likely: uncertainty for what lies beyond the camp's crest should be met with readiness. They do not need the uncertainty to provoke fear, for fear can spiral quickly into panic. Therefore, Smogmaw thrusts his chin high, and his posture rigid. "Everyone, listen! I just checked outside of camp. There is no fire, and there is no smoke, only a strange day passing us. We are not in danger."

But a mumble begins regardless, and in short order, just about every other set of eyes had found themselves drawn up toward the peculiar dimming sky. The silver-marbled tabby bristles, though he follows where they look. Amber eyes trail up from the dark treetops framing their home's edges, passing over the low clouds churning in the haze. Higher and higher they climb, until they see a curious corona slowly eating away at the late daylight.

The moon swallows the sun's light as it peaks a half-round disc, and then it is no longer visible. "What...?" Smogmaw utters lowly, ear tips drawn back. The very laws of possibility are being rewritten, and all the tom can do is watch, frozen as it happens.

No feral tale or tidbit of folklore has ever described any visual interpretation like this. Not one story springs to mind which can give him a fitting explanation. Could it be a divine decree from StarClan? A signal something terrible is to happen? Has the world itself grown tired, and is the life within it about to cease?

He'd prefer it if the great cats in the sky came down themselves and explained it to him, really, rather than he sit and waste his time speculating in the vague. Especially if the clan's future hinges on this very moment. But it's never quite so simple.

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Today was a good day. Earlier they had attended a successful hunting patrol, she had brought back prey, and now she gets to rest besides her new mate. They're still elated that he had shared the same feelings they had, and one of these days they make note that they need to combine their two nests...

They're purring happily against his side, brushing their tongue through his pelt as... the light begins to fade. One eye cracks open and the world looks off.

It's something that is just now noticed. They pause mid rasp against Raggedbite's pelt. Dimming light wasn't an odd thing for Shadowclan, no, especially since their territory was constantly drenched in their namesake. But... It's dimming rather quickly, isn't it? "I-Is it just me, or is it getting... d-dark?" she murmurs to her partner, giving his ear an affectionate lick. Maybe it means a storm is rolling in but the air doesn't feel as damp nor heavy as it does when one comes...

They perk up as No fire, no smoke, only a strange day, Smogmaw speaks and it does nothing to soothe frayed nerves. It's getting chillier than normal, too.. Weather normally doesn't change on the dime like this... They follow Smogmaw's gaze towards the sky and they cannot help the audible gasp that falls from their lips.

"R-Raggedbite? The sun? The sun- its-" pinpricked pupils stare at the haloed sun above until the light becomes unbearable. Eventually it is covered, the sliver of light gone. She turns her gaze unto her love. "Something is e-eating at the sun!" their voice raises to a shrill tone of panic, tall ears flattening against their skull. Eyes bounce from cat to cat, gauging their reaction, something is seriously wrong!

What are they supposed to do? Is this a sign from Starclan? What did we do wrong? Shadowclan has done nothing! They can't help the tears that gather in their eyes. Is this the end? Is Starclan signifying its all over, now?

  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    ❝ i smile because i want to, i smile because you want to. ❞
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    ❥ afab ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    ❥ warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    ❥ lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    ❥ "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    ❥ bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    ❥ smells like lilies and iris'
  • Like
Reactions: RAGGEDBITE.

The sun was something that Gigglekit was still getting used to as of her time on earth - she'd seen it nearly everyday since she'd opened her eyes, give or take a rainy day, and she recognized that she felt happier and better when the sun was out as opposed to when it was covered by rain or clouds. The sun was a constant that couldn't be taken away, unless it was by StarClan's will, or at least that's what she'd heard and surmised.

"'ama!" Gigglekit's voice trembled as she shrunk back into the nursery, eyes wide as she had witnessed the sun disappear behind a black disk. "'ama! Where's'a sun?" She whined, darting back to Needledrift's side.


[ ༻❄༺ ] The day was going as normal, patrols, training, chores and whatever other daily activities held for the clan. The chirps of birds heard in the background while the warmth of the sun hit against their pale fur. Everything was going perfect until... it wasn't.

The first thing she noticed was how slowly it began to dim within the horizon, which led to confusion, why was it going dark? Yet not a cloud spotted in sight and... and... her fur bristled at the sight that would behold her yellow eyes. The sun had been swallowed whole. "Is... Starclan mad?" she breathed, fur rising on her back as she slowly backed up, ears flattened to her skull.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Laid on his side, in the muddied ground of camp was the usual curly haired smoke lounging. He had nothing to do today, he just came back from a patrol so now he's ready for a nap. The chorus of frogs beyond camp, sung their usual song. Odd hued eyes behind darkened fringe closed shut, as he settled down for a small snooze. Flank rising up and down in rhythm to the chirps of birds.

Batchaser awoke to a ruckus, large dark ear flickered to the side. He grumbled a little, before slowly lifting his head from atop his pale drenched paws. Blinking back sleep, jaws split open in a yawn. The bicolored tom has risen onto his haunches for a stretch; paying no mind on how camp is tinted in dark and vermillion-orange. Ears rotated forward, as he finally noticed that camp is.. dark. Night already? His muzzle scrunches up in confusion at how it's dimming so quickly. He blinks. No fire nor smoke? What is going on? The whether doesn't normally change so erratically. Hearing Smogmaw's voice try to soothe the situation, does nothing to calm down his rapidly beating heart in slight panic. The tall, shadow splattered with ivory lifted his head towards the sky.

He let his maw drop, as he looked up at the sky, normally half-lidded tired eyes widen. His whip like tail lashes behind him as his maw twisted into a grimace on his muzzle. "何が起きてるの? What's happening?" Slipping into his mother tongue for a moment, clearing his throat he moves himself to stand next to Snowpaw. Pinprinked pupils stare at the haloed sun above Shadowclan's camp, it becomes unbearable. He looks back down, gaze turning to his clanmates with tall dark ears angling back towards his skull. Was.. Starclan angered?

  • ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ ( that's one enemy down! ) BATCHASER.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 29 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    warrior of shadowclan | formerly a loner
    single / pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
It was a day like any other, with Frostbite feeling antsy in the nursery and eventually leaving it to sit in front of it to observe camp. He's sure once he's farther along he'll appreciate his nest more, but for now, he quietly suffers with an excess of energy. Even so, he's been taking it easy. His last pregnancy was plagued with stress and anxiety, topped with sickness. He was determined to do better this time. He was doing really good at not being stressed or anxious.

Which meant something had to interrupt his peace of mind.

It began to darken... And at first, he paid no mind. A passing cloud, nothing more. It was when it continued getting dark did he look skyward. Eyes widened and mouth parted in surprise. Something was blotting out the sun!


What was happening? Was it bad? If the sun was in danger, there was nothing they could do to help it. What happens if the sun is gone?? They'll all freeze and die. He doubts that will be the case, or at least....He hopes not. He remains speechless, unsure of what to make of this. What was there to say? To do? He hears talk of Starclan being angry, and all he can wonder is... Who angered them to the point of blotting out the sun? Are they mad at.... All of them??


You know what, let them be mad then. Shadowclan didn't do anything wrong this time. They can blot out the sun at some OTHER clan who's probably committed more heinous acts than prey theft.

"What a pain." He grumbles to himself. Just when things were looking up, something weird and unexplainable happens.​

✧ . It’s perhaps one of the most peaceful days to reach the marshes in a while.

The day is warm, no trouble has been made, and Eerienight finds himself lounging in a spot of sun after a morning’s worth of patrols. Evening-made fur soaks up the rays with ease, something the tom is grateful for, after moons-worth of cold air striking his fur. Dark eyes close, and he is content in the idea of staying here for the rest of the day.

But of course, peace shall not continue long in this home of his. For the comfort of sunbeams fades away fast — a disturbance the warrior first assumes as a wayward cloud. Eyes open, a means to frown at the clouds above, only to be welcomed to a world thrown into flaming chaos. Blazing hues paint the sky, a sunset, for only a moment. No fire, no smoke, Smogmaw insists.

And then, darkness. Night-fall — a friend arriving early, a time prohibited in visitation. It swallows the sun, hollows it with no warning and leaves a ring in the sky he wouldn’t mind lending his name to. The sight leaves the lanky warrior wide-eyed as he stares up at it, his stomach contorting with dread. What is this?

The end of the world… “ the warrior murmurs with a sun-locked gaze, monotonous voice wavering in fear.​
  • 74597010_gbJle40pG2JetDM.png
    EERIENIGHT AMAB. He / Him. Warrior of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A spindly black tom with unblinking, dark brown eyes.
    ✧ . ??? x ???
    ✧ . Mentored by Spectermask
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

✧ . Morelkit likes the sun. When it’s awake, it means he can be awake too, and he can play and explore and find all sorts of new things. He likes it today, because today it doesn’t bring rain with it, and the sky isn’t all sad and gray and the ground isn’t so muddy that he’ll need a bath after playing, or so he thinks.

He’s crouched down, about to leap at Gigglekit when something new finds him, finds all of them. The world turns dark as his feet lift off the ground, a shock that leaves the kitten stumbling in his landing as his sister disappears from his line of sight. “ Oof!

Scrambling to his paws, he looks around, looks up. Where did the sun go? Where… He doesn’t like this. He doesn’t! With tears beading up in his eyes, Morelkit’s paws follow Gigglekit’s path in frightened speed with an aim to bury his face into his mother’s fur.

Went bye! “ he cries in alarm, tears threatening to spill over. “ Sun went bye! “ What if it never comes back again?​
  • MORELKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A blue tabby and white tom with pale, blue-gray eyes.
    ✧ . Needledrift x Chittertongue ; Adoptive son to Ferndance
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

A calm afternoon followed in pursuit of a bountiful morning. As Lilacfur watched each hunting patrol return home with more and more prey, (frogs seemed plentiful this new-leaf), temptation crept around every step to jump out of camp and rush into the marshes with the next.

She kept her urges curbed by steeling her will and demanding more patience of herself. A reminder that she was not an apprentice hungry to prove herself, but a cat placed among Chilledstar's council. A role model to many of the young cats who will seek her sister and Magpiepaw's aid for thorns and bites.

"We should see who can catch the most frogs when we get out of here." Lilacfur goaded towards @pipitclaw !!, looking to strike a match in the chatty tom. He had been weirdly quiet ever since they bunked together here- if she were being honest he had given her the cold shoulder ever since she brought her kittens to ShadowClan.

Something odd began to flicker beyond the den, though. Between the air of poultices and healing wounds she could sense a spark of anxiety outside. She gave her nephew an odd look before getting up to peer outside, watching Smogmaw's tail twitching and disappear as he left camp.

"What's going on?" She questioned the warrior closest to her and followed their gaze above the clouds. The sun's shadow waned ever so slowly, slightly, and a frown began to form where a smile sat just seconds before. "Starlingheart, Magpiepaw? Do you see this?" She paused from retreating back into the medicine den as the deputy came back with a report of nothing out of the ordinary.

Out of the ordinary happened, anyway.

A shadow cast over where the newleaf sun had shined. A hole shot straight through it, casting darkness over camp and Lilacfur held her breath without realizing. Her Clanmates begin to rattle on their theories but the lead cannot understand a word. She's watched an omen. In real life, with her own eyes she has seen the very sun swallowed into nothingness and she is powerless to bring it back. What cat could?

Muscles find their feeling again and she willed herself to look towards the nursery, to see Frostbite disappear within it and she felt secure her kittens were safe with him. Safer than if she barreled in trying to do the same, she felt.

"Pipit... The sun..."
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

Honey-drop eyes lift from their restless place tucked atop his paws to find a soft lavender-breathed voice hissing at him in mischievous dare. A noble effort to rile him up, or excite him for the future maybe... but for now, it is an abysmal, nebulous future he isn't keen on having to wait for anymore. How long was this going to take? It had felt like an agonizing jolt of pressured pain and then nothing... and he assumed he was fine. Magpiepaw however, remains as viciously observant as the bird he is named for and he'd only narrowly managed to avoid a shaky-pawed slap upside his head for any attempt at trying to wander off. "Hmmm..." Tadpoles must litter the waterways in droves for it to be such a great plethora of proper frogs to eat- it had been a staple amongst recent meals brought to the den.

"Probably you," he says, dryly as his eyes flick towards the obscured entrance where the light beyond it dims... and dims... before seeming to go out completely. His ears perk forward, as if he might be able to hear what had happened to the light (probably just a large cloud). But the distant ramblings of his clan-mates in the clearing are near impossible to make out and Lilacfur has the gift to actually walk over there and find out.

He knits his claws into his nest to ease his frustration, listens while she calls past him for the medicine cats to witness something. He thinks risking a lecture if only to shamble over there and see for himself but opts not to when her voice drops to a hollow whisper.


"The sun..."

"What about it? Not like it grew legs and walked off," he replies, tilting his head with an irritated twitch of his whiskers. "What's going on?"
there us a silence. an eerie silence that hangs in the air, that chilledstar can't quite understand. as they walk out of their den, they stretch out their body to the soft warmness of the sun on their pitch black fur. with so much rain, it was nice to feel... until it was. their eyes lifted, and their gaze squinted, a gasp leaving them as they watched the sun disappear. what... what the fuck? no. this was... clearly not what just happened. they close their eyes for but a few moments before opening back up. the sun was being swallowed. what was happening!? what the fuck did they do?!

"fuck! what the fuck is happening right now!?"

they hiss, flames dancing in their gaze and they watch the darkness take over.

"you... you just blessed us with frogs. don't tell us you're pissed... what did... what the fuck did we do!?"

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 "Starclan's sparkling shit" Singepaw would breathe, rubbing at his eyes to no avail. The day had started like any other - chill, boring, absolutely nothing happening for the boy trapped in the medicine den. Perhaps this whole event was his fault - he had, after all, wished for something interesting to happen lest he die of boredom rather than his wounds. But fuck Starclan for misinterpreting that wish - fuck them even more for giving him THAT wish rather than letting him be the catmint hero he'd wanted to be before! Mostly though, fuck starclan for doing...whatever the hell this was! When night began to descent, stealing away the light filtering through the medicine den entrance, Singepaw had thought it was just a passing cloud or something. It was only when cats began screaming - Chilledstar's voice ringing the loudest - that Singepaw poked his head out to investigate.

Was the sun always black?

Singepaw could only stare, mouth agape, as he struggled, and failed, to process what was going on. No one around was any help - each one crying out for their respective family members or asking uselessly to no one in particular what was going on. The end of the world from Eerienight sounded about right. Singepaw felt his knees tremble as he snapped his gaze back up to the sky. The dark maw of nothingness eating away at the sun was horrifying to say the least. To think this was even possible - whether or not Starclan was in control of it - was just...just... inconceivable!

And suddenly, Singepaw felt a bubble of laughter escaped him. A chuckle, became a chortle, before falling away into a boisterous laugh of incredulity! "This is such a cooler way to die!" Singepaw gasped between laughs, falling on his stomach and rolling onto his side as the weak knees and powerful guffaws took over.
Whether from the laughter or the fear, he doesn't care to name it, but tears soon sting his eyes and he doesn't feel the need to stop it.
He just laughs.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]


⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆  The sun has been stolen.

Whisked away in mid-day, swallowed whole by pitch. Swanpaw's breath stops in their chest at the sight; the darkness had been one thing, but this is another entirely. An act so overwhelming in its totality that it can only be divine.

"The stars speak their anger..." they breathe, something like reverence in their widening eyes. It is always wondrous to witness the stars' power, yet it seems as though they never bring messages of hope. ShadowClan's curse looms large, never safe from the wrath of the dead. She knows not why their blessed ancestors seem fit to never let the marshblooded rest, but she has accepted it nonetheless.

Chilledstar's hissed words have their ears swiveling, yet their anger seems to wash over the apprentice like a wave. What strange timing indeed, when they have only just been blessed with rain and plenty. "Ah... How presumptuous to think the bounty a blessing..." they murmur to themself. All the clan had been swept up in it, in the joy of full bellies. They had grown too bold, it seems. "A humbling," she concludes softly. A reminder that the stars can take away all which they give. Even the sun, with its ever-present warmth. They are born of shadows, after all, they must not take the light for granted.

Her head tips downwards eye flicking away from the light. Blinking in the bright afterglow, she casts a gaze around to panicking clanmates. Her strange tranquility seems unmoved, and her voice is soft as she speaks. "We'd best tread carefully." Swanpaw is no medicine cat, but it doesn't take a holy cat to see that this is a warning.

  • 65035420_GiaBine7dcKpkS2.png

  • SWANPAW ☁︎ she / they, apprentice of shadowclan, twelve moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with droopy blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, more ghost than cat. known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogmaw, littermate to applepaw, garlicpaw, & ashenpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Unassuaged by his clanmates' theological conjecture, Smogmaw remains confined in the close quarters of cosmic-scale foreboding. Agitation snags at his hackles and keeps them hitched up. Merely proclaiming this event as an omen doesn't absolve their responsibility to interpret it, nor does it provide any tangible means with which they might do so. Nonetheless, there are those amongst this clan better equipped to decode celestial anomalies, and Lilacfur - ever astute - does well to summon the medicine cats.

The deputy is not about to cloak his ignorance of StarClan's machinations in false understanding. It is better, he finds, to be forthright about the fact he is clueless. Even so, any recollection eludes him regarding past instances wherein the clans have experienced such phenomena. Not even before the Yellowcough plague had there been a forewarning as dire and harrowing. For night to engulf day without warning or reason, and for what is left glowing to exist only half-alive in the shadows, heralds something well beyond anything he is capable nor inclined to understand.

"Hush up, Singepaw," he scoffs quickly, unamused by the apprentice's lack of concern. This may indeed signify imminent peril for all; every avenue ought to be explored and considered, but it is no cause for rejoicing. How readily fear overtakes his leader is also grounds for disfavour, though he supposes Chilledstar cannot be faulted for their emotions, and certainly not when their fears are so deeply rooted in faith. Being tethered tighter to logical thought than religious belief, Smogmaw sees no use for panic, and will instead rely on practicality to see them through.

Jaws clench and release in the shadow's wake, as he mulls over the most ideal course forward. But before language can find its voice in the silver tom, the sun begins to creep from its lunar veil. There's a nominal percentage of relief in knowing they have not all been plunged into total darkness, but it does little to dissuade his unease. The world has already been flipped upside down, and Smogmaw is left to grapple with the whims, variables, and worst of all, the implications.

"Look, the-" He looks away immediately, scowling, pain abruptly pinching at his brain and stealing away his sight for the next few moments. "Whatever it is, it's ending." Smogmaw blinks several times, and is met with the fading after-image imprinted against his retina. His vision is slow to clear, and the residual ache lingers longer.

He wonders if the medicine cats will have a better idea as to the significance, or if they, too, are equally perplexed. Clearing his throat, he seeks to find the voice which was lost before. "Alright, alright. All five clans will gather at Fourtrees in the coming days, and so too will the clans' medicine cats meet for their own discussion. With optimism, we will have some answers in store for us soon."

His tail-tip thrashes about, and a deeper intensity imbues the lines of his expression. "Until then, ShadowClan must remain vigilant. We should not take chances, tread carefully as Swanpaw said, but at the same time, do not assume any ill will comes from StarClan. Panic offers us no advantage. Clear your minds and carry on as usual."

The deputy offers his clanmates an expectant glance, his vision restored, and unless no counter-decree is issued, he will hold firm to his suggestion.

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