2023 Fall Mass Adopts Signups


Jul 9, 2022
It’s that time again! New season, new mass adopts! You can add any relationship you would like, such as kin of your character, a plot character, etc.

Please note the following rules before signing up:
  • The adopted characters must be in ThunderClan! The point of these adopts is to bring new characters into the clan, after all!
  • By signing up, you are giving me permission to accept character applications on your behalf. I will ensure all genetics and other rules for the adopt are followed before accepting. If you want control over who adopts your characters, please create your own personal adopts! These will be first come first serve as long as the specifications you lay out are followed by the applicant.
  • Your character you are adopting out slots for must be currently active (on the census). It can be a bummer to adopt a slot only to find out their relation is not being roleplayed at the moment.

    Please fill out the form below to be added.

    Main Account:
    Relations of adopt:
    Rules & Misc.:
    Number of slots: