2023 Summer Mass Adopts Signups


Jul 9, 2022
The HP team has decided we would like to refresh the clan mass adopts every season so that there is always a way for someone to jump into the clan via a character connection! So, now that greenleaf is here ICly, we are going to update the mass adopts with current open slots! You can add any relationship you would like, such as kin of your character, a plot character, etc.

Please note the following rules before signing up:
  • The adopted characters must be in ThunderClan! The point of these adopts is to bring new characters into the clan, after all!
  • By signing up, you are giving me permission to accept character applications on your behalf. I will ensure all genetics and other rules for the adopt are followed before accepting. If you want control over who adopts your characters, please create your own personal adopts! These will be first come first serve as long as the specifications you lay out are followed by the applicant.
  • Your character you are adopting out slots for must be currently active (on the census). It can be a bummer to adopt a slot only to find out their relation is not being roleplayed at the moment.

    Please fill out the form below to be added.

    Main Account:
    Relations of adopt:
    Rules & Misc.:
    Number of slots:
Gonna try offering up Wild's siblings again, this time with boosted ages so they're apprentice aged this time.

Main Account: @HaggisBeast
Character Account: @WILDHEART
Relations of adopt: Younger siblings
Age: 6 moons
Toms can be black or red tabby
She-cats can be black or tortoiseshell
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black
Rules & Misc.:
- They will be loved by their parents, though relationships with Wildheart can be rocky
- name prefix ideas (just suggestions): fox, fire, ember, shadow, black, red, storm, thunder, fang, starling, adder, ivy, hawthorn, alder, chestnut, elder(flower/berry), hemlock, blazing, bolt, roar
- sad/angst plots allowed
- high chance of getting a headshot drawn by me as a gift
Number of slots: 3
  • Like
Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @euphoria
Relations of adopt: Siblings of Wrenflutter, Crowflower, and Killdeercry; aunt/uncle to Dovepaw, Chickadeepaw, Larkpaw, and Duckpaw (Acornpaw, Oakpaw, Marigoldpaw are also adopted niece and nephews)
Age: 20 moons, ages on the 19th
Kits can be black, seal sepia, seal mink, blue, blue sepia, or blue mink
- kits will be longhaired
- kits will have low white or no white
- sepia kits without white will have gold eyes, sepia kits with white may have blue or golden eyes; mink kits will have aqua eyes; non-pointed kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue, non-pointed kits with white may have any realistic eye color
- non-pointed kits will carry point OR burmese restriction; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Rules & Misc.: Please be at least semi-active to casual! The rest of the siblings are a bit more towards the semi-active side, and I'd love to build the bond. Ideally, I'd be nice if at least one of the slots were taken by a very assertive if not aggressive leaning character, but honestly I'm not too picky. Bird names are REQUIRED however, the family (with the exception of the adopted kits who were typically named by Howlingstar) has a very notable bird theme and it'd be preferred it carried on <3
I will elaborate more on the history when the slots get taken since its somewhat a lot but general notes of the family being from the Pine group, joining Thunderclan when it was established when they were about 6-7 moons. Wrenflutter had gotten a mate, who after learning of her pregnancy, proceeded to have nothing to do with her or the kits. These siblings would've been very involved with helping Wren raising her kits, and as of the current moment the family is very tightnit.
Otherwise feel free to develop your own plots and stories with them <3
Number of slots: 2

Main Account: @euphoria
Relations of adopt: Former mate of Wrenflutter, father of Dovepaw, Chickadeepaw, Larkpaw, and Duckpaw
Age: 20 moons or up
Genetics: shorthaired tabby of any coloration, MUST HAVE a natural bobbed tail and low white
Rules & Misc.: General lore is that these two were once close friends and mates, when Wrenflutter found herself expecting kits. For whatever reason (up to your character), this led to the couple having a falling out and Wren raising the kits with her siblings, with y/c likely avoiding interacting with the kits or interacting with them without said kits knowing of their familial relationship. Wrenflutter was from the Pine Group and joined as an apprentice when ThunderClan was established, so an option is them having been from the same group, though Wrenflutter has no bias of origin.
It is entirely up to the RPer and IC interaction if Wrenflutter and y/c ever make up and even get together, and if the character forms a bond with the kits.
Casual activity is fine since most of the Wren family is semi active-casual currently, but please be active if you can! Otherwise character development and progression is 100% up to the RPer, including- death, leaving ThunderClan, alternative romance, etc.
Number of slots: 1
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @HaggisBeast
Relations of adopt: @SHININGSUN
Age: 14 moons (ages up on the 1st of every month)
Toms can be black, blue, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, blue, tortoiseshell, or blue tortoiseshell
- kits will be longhaired
- kits will have no white
- kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- red-based kits will mask black
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Rules & Misc.:
- They have come from loving parents, and Shiningsun will adore them (they don't have to like him back)
- Angsty plots are allowed, if that's what you like. Please don't feel restricted with future plot ideas with them
- All activity levels are welcome
Number of slots: 3
  • Like
Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @chuff
Relations of adopt: adoptive kitten to tansyshine, adoptive sibling to crystalkit
Age: 2 months
Genetics: ffa, no restrictions
Rules & Misc.:
- this kitten will have been found on the edge of the territory. they will have been given to tansyshine to raise
- kitten will be adored & loved, tansy will be a little bit of a hover parent after the loss of her other two kittens
- please let me know if you're gonna drop them! <3
Number of slots: 1
Main Account: @RoseTintedMoon
Relations of adopt:
Siblings from the same litter
1 moon (Ages every 21st)

Toms can be blue point, blue mink, cream point, or cream mink
She-cats can be blue point, blue mink, blue tortoiseshell point, or blue tortoiseshell mink
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- points will have blue eyes; minks will have aqua eyes
- red-based kits will mask black
Rules & Misc.: These kits will be found abandoned on the border close to where Marigoldkit was also left, their mother having realized she can take care of even less kits than before. Their scent will make it apparent they're related to Marigoldkit, abandoned just recently. Marigoldkit will most likely hold some contempt for them as he has already developed some abandonment issues, but still loving and defensive of them.
Number of slots:
 [b]Main Account:[/b] @ava 
[b]Relations of adopt:[/b] Grandchild to Blizzard Fang
[b]Age:[/b] 7 Moons 
[b]Genetics:[/b] Sire: LH red tabby (masking black; carrying point)
Dam: SH silver lynx point (carrying non-silver, solid, longhaired)

Toms will be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, seal point, lynx point, smoke point, or silver lynx point
Mollies will be tortoiseshell, torbie, tortoiseshell smoke, silver torbie, tortie point, torbie point, tortoiseshell smoke point, or silver torbie point
– kits may be longhaired or shorthaired
– kits will have no white
– non-pointed kits may have any realistic eye color barring blue; pointed kits will have blue eyes
– non-pointed kits will carry point; tabby kits will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired
[b]Rules & Misc.:[/b] - Looking for at least 10 IC posts a month, if not more. Kits may be rehomed for inactivity.
- Close to Blizzard Fang, the only kin he has left
- Kit will have been born into ThunderClan 
- Was the only kit of the litter
- Their mother, Snowheart (Blizzard’s NPC daughter), died kitting them. They were nursed by another queen.
- Their father is still living and will be adopted off!
[b]Number of slots:[/b] 1

 [b]Main Account:[/b] @ava 
[b]Relations of adopt:[/b] Blizzard Fang’s “son-in-law”
[b]Age:[/b] 30-50 Moons, you choose
[b]Genetics:[/b] The character is a LH red tabby (masking black; carrying point)
[b]Rules & Misc.:[/b] - Looking for at least 10 IC posts a month, if not more. Slot may be rehomed for inactivity.
- Was mates to Snowheart, Blizzard Fang’s NPC daughter. She died birthing his only kit (that is being adopted off!)
- Would’ve hailed from the Marsh Colony and joined ThunderClan with Snowheart and her father.
- Background and exact relationship with Snowheart is up to you, just note Snowheart was as sweet as can be.
- Father can either be a present or non-present figure in their single kits life, or he will “look after” the kit with Blizzard Fang.
[b]Number of slots:[/b] 1

 [b]Main Account:[/b] @ava 
[b]Relations of adopt:[/b] Blizzard Fang’s kits
[b]Age:[/b] 40 Moons
[b]Genetics:[/b] Sire: LH silver lynx point (carrying non-silver, solid)
Dam: SH seal mink (carrying longhaired)

Kits can be seal point, seal mink, lynx point, lynx mink, smoke point, smoke mink, silver lynx point, or silver lynx mink
– Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
– Kits will have no white
– pointed kits will have blue eyes; mink kits will have aqua eyes
– silver kits will carry non-silver; tabby kits will carry solid; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired
[b]Rules & Misc.:[/b] - Looking for at least 10 IC posts a month, if not more. Slots may be rehomed for inactivity.
- Mother is Daisy Spring who died in the Great Battle. Ash Claw is their uncle from their dad’s side who was also lost to the Great Battle. Squirrel Maw and Sorrel Chirp are grandparents on dads side who both died at an elderly age when the kits were young in the Marsh Colony.
- Was litter-mates with Snowheart, who passed away giving birth to her single kit (being adopted off!)
- Would’ve been born in the Marsh Colony, joined ThunderClan with Blizzard Fang, their father.
- Background and exact relationship with Snowheart, grandparents, uncles, mother etc is up to you. I’d prefer that they are relatively close to Blizzard Fang.
[b]Number of slots:[/b] 2
Main Account: @Noor <3
Relations of adopt: Foxpoppy & Alderjaws oldest litter
Age: 60 Moons
Sire: SH cinnamon tabby (carrying dilute, longhaired, solid)
Dam: LH blue tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying cinnamon)

Toms can be black, black tabby, blue tabby, blue, blue tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
Mollies can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortie, blue torbie, cinnamon tortie, cinnamon torbie, fawn tortie, or fawn torbie
– Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
– Kits may have no white or low white
– Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
– red-based kits will mask black, black tabby, cinnamon, or cinnamon tabby; cream-based kits will mask blue, blue tabby, fawn, or fawn tabby
– Tabby kits will carry solid; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Rules & Misc.: - hoping for at least 1-5 IC posts a month!
- these kits would have been incredibly loved by both Foxpoppy & Alderjaw and would maintain a strong relationship with them.
- these kits would have been born as loners, but traveled to Thunderclan either with Foxpoppy & Alderjaw or reunited with them at some point.
- absolute creative freedom, ofc! All we ask is no angsty names as these kits were adored by both Foxpoppy and Alderjaw!
- angsty plots are allowed, but we ask that they don’t stem from/surround Foxpoppy & Alderjaw.
- These kits were their first litter.
Number of slots: 3

Main Account: @Noor <3
Relations of adopt: Foxpoppy & Alderjaws youngest litter
Age: 45 Moons
Sire: SH cinnamon tabby (carrying dilute, longhaired, solid)
Dam: LH blue tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying cinnamon)

Toms can be black, black tabby, blue tabby, blue, blue tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
Mollies can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortie, blue torbie, cinnamon tortie, cinnamon torbie, fawn tortie, or fawn torbie
– Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
– Kits may have no white or low white
– Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
– red-based kits will mask black, black tabby, cinnamon, or cinnamon tabby; cream-based kits will mask blue, blue tabby, fawn, or fawn tabby
– Tabby kits will carry solid; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Rules & Misc.: - hoping for at least 1-5 IC posts a month!
- these kits would have been incredibly loved by both Foxpoppy & Alderjaw and would maintain a strong relationship with them.
- these kits would have been born as loners, but traveled to Thunderclan either with Foxpoppy & Alderjaw or reunited with them at some point.
- absolute creative freedom, ofc! All we ask is no angsty names as these kits were adored by both Foxpoppy and Alderjaw!
- angsty plots are allowed, but we ask that they don’t stem from/surround Foxpoppy & Alderjaw.
- These kits were their second litter.
Number of slots: 2-3
Main Account: @Kitty-Kat-
Relations of adopt: younger sibling to @Sleekpaw.
Age: 02 moons at time of adoption
Sire: LH cream cameo w/ low white (masking fawn silver tabby; carrying solid)
Dam: LH fawn smoke w/ low white

Toms can be fawn silver tabby or fawn smoke
She-cats can be fawn silver torbie or fawn tortie smoke
Kits will be longhaired
Kits can have any amount of white or lack thereof
Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue, kits with white may have any realistic eye color
Tabby kits will carry solid
Rules & Misc.:
-The younger sibling to sleekpaw, this kit was raised by parents who were lacking in time and attention, instead piling up expectations upon them as they had their elder sibling. But unlike sleekpaw, this kit was not planned, and therefor not spoiled - at least not by the parents. Instead, sleekpaw has taken it upon himself to give this kit all the love and affection he never got, as well as spoil them the same way he was with the best prey, nicest nest, etc. to the point of always taking their side.
- This kit is 2 moons old aging realtime each month on the date of their intro.
- This kit is born and raised in thunderclan and must stay there until they are a warrior.
- I would prefer if this kit felt as strongly attached to sleek as he does to them, but this is not required.
- Naming was based on their appearance traits just as with sleekpaw:
bigkit, littlekit, palekit, softkit, etc.​
- this adopt can also be found here, so this slot may be closed if adopted out there instead
Number of slots: 1
Main Account: @Kitty-Kat-
Relations of adopt: younger sibling to @Sleekpaw.
Age: 02 moons at time of adoption
Rules & Misc.:
-The younger sibling to sleekpaw, this kit was raised by parents who were lacking in time and attention, instead piling up expectations upon them as they had their elder sibling. But unlike sleekpaw, this kit was not planned, and therefor not spoiled - at least not by the parents. Instead, sleekpaw has taken it upon himself to give this kit all the love and affection he never got, as well as spoil them the same way he was with the best prey, nicest nest, etc. to the point of always taking their side.
- This kit is 2 moons old aging realtime each month on the date of their intro.
- This kit is born and raised in thunderclan and must stay there until they are a warrior.
- I would prefer if this kit felt as strongly attached to sleek as he does to them, but this is not required.
- Naming was based on their appearance traits just as with sleekpaw:
bigkit, littlekit, palekit, softkit, etc.​
- this adopt can also be found here, so this slot may be closed if adopted out there instead
Number of slots: 1
bumping this cuz its still not on there ♡