Jul 9, 2022
It’s that time again! New season, new mass adopts! You can add any relationship you would like, such as kin of your character, a plot character, etc.

Please note the following rules before signing up:
  • The adopted characters must be in ThunderClan! The point of these adopts is to bring new characters into the clan, after all!
  • By signing up, you are giving me permission to accept character applications on your behalf. I will ensure all genetics and other rules for the adopt are followed before accepting. If you want control over who adopts your characters, please create your own personal adopts! These will be first come first serve as long as the specifications you lay out are followed by the applicant.
  • Your character you are adopting out slots for must be currently active (on the census). It can be a bummer to adopt a slot only to find out their relation is not being roleplayed at the moment.

    Please fill out the form below to be added.

    Main Account:
    Relations of adopt:
    Rules & Misc.:
    Number of slots:
Main Account: @limerence
Relations of adopt: Littermates to @Palefire
Age: 13 moons (ages realistically on the 20th of every month)
Genetics: Sire: LH blue w/ low white (carrying chocolate, point)
Dam: LH lilac lynx point (carrying solid)
Kits can be blue, lilac, blue tabby, lilac tabby, blue point, lilac point, blue lynx point, or lilac lynx point
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- point kits will have blue eyes; non-point kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; non-point kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-point kits will carry point; tabbies will carry solid
Rules & Misc.: - Casual activity is welcome but more than two months inactivity without notice will result in the sibling being rehomed!
- Palefire and her littermates were orphaned at birth. Their father, Bramblethroat died before they were born in a rogue attack, and their mother Willowbrook died giving birth to them. They were raised by the queens in the clan and were loved by their clanmates. Some angst about their tragic background is allowed (palefire deeply hates rogues), but please keep in mind that palefire would've always loved and supported her littermates through it all.
- Please adhere to the genetics provided.
- Optional naming theme is color & forest inspired prefixes!
Number of slots: 2
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @vulture
Relations of adopt: Younger siblings to @lovepaw @joypaw @Gigglepaw
Age: 5 months, age on the 5th of the month
Sire: SH chocolate (carrying longhair, dilute)
Dam: LH blue torbie w/ low white (carrying chocolate, solid)

Toms can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, torbie, chocolate torbie, blue torbie, or lilac torbie
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black, chocolate, black tabby, or chocolate tabby
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabbies will carry solid
Rules & Misc.:
- naming theme is emotions/feelings or things associated with them!! i.e. love, joy, giggle, but also things like fear, anger, pride, laugh, cheer, and so on!
- no super angst-heavy babies please!! smaller things are fine but please don’t kill them off or anything like that for a while
- parents are npcs but they are good and loving parents! kind of a subset of the rule above really, just please don’t make them hate their parents or siblings for no reason
Number of slots: 4
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @dallas
Relations of adopt: Kit to @batwing (deceased) and @leopardtongue, blood sibling to @/bravepaw @/hazepaw
Age: 6 moons, to age on the last day of every month (Will be seven moons in April, and so on)
Genetics: Will be GEN 2
Sire: SH blue smoke (carrying chocolate, non-silver, longhaired)
Dam: LH chocolate rosette tabby (carrying solid, dilute)

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue, blue tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, chocolate smoke, chocolate silver tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, lilac smoke, or lilac silver tabby
— kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
— kits will have no white
— kits may have any realistic eye color barring blue
— tabby kits will display the rosette tabby pattern
— Black-based kits will carry chocolate; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver kits will carry non-silver; tabby kits will carry solid
Rules & Misc.:
— They will remain within Thunderclan AT LEAST until warriorship, if you choose to make them leave for whatever reason.
— Looking for around 5 posts a month
— If you cannot remain active with them, contact dallasofnines. In the same vein, if activity is failed to have been met (within reason, of course!) the slot will end up being rehomed.
— Applicant must be willing to join a family discord
— The kits would have originally been born with fever coat, just as a fyi!
— You don't necessarily need to follow the naming list, HOWEVER, please adhere to similar themes!
— Naming list is as follows: (do make sure to check the census to make sure you aren't doubling up on a name!)
Leopard-, Lynx-, Pounce-, Sweet-, Swift-, Briar-, Gorse-, Oak-, Wild-, Flurry-, Hail-, Heart-, Snow-, Storm-, Howl-, Wolf-, Cardinal-, Cloud-, Night-, Sand-, Song-, Storm-, Mountain-, Ash-, Cloud-, Coal-, Feather-, Moon-, Night-, Wing-, Aspen-, Bark-, Deer-, Dove-, Elk-, Hail-, Kestrel-, Lightning-, Lynx-, Oak-, Storm-, Stump-, Stumpy-, Wolf-, Antler-, Bear-, Bird-, Bloom-, Bounce-, Bubble-, Dragonfly-, Evening-, Flick-, Flicker-, Flickering-, Hoot-, Hope-, Hum-, Humming-, Hummingbird-, Quail-, Roar-, Roaring-, Warble-, Wish-, Wisteria-
— BANNED names: Cicada-, Lake-, Moor-, River-, Soot-, Wind-, any fish names
— NOTE: This is a rehome of the first LeoBat litter! Please be aware that the applicant will likely need to backwrite relationships with the remaining members of the family.
Number of slots: 1
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @ixora
Relations of adopt: Littermates to @badgerstripe
Age: 12 moons, aging on the 21st of every month.
Sire: SH black (carrying longhair, dilute)
Dam: LH blue tortoiseshell w/ high white

Toms can be black, blue, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, blue, tortoiseshell, or blue tortoiseshell
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits will have low white
- kits can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Rules & Misc.:
— Please adhere to the genetics provided!
— Casual activity is welcome but please let me know if you can't remain active! I may or may not rehome slots after prolonged (~2 months) inactivity without notice.
— Parents are NPCs, but were generally loving and attentive. That being said, cruel names will not be allowed.
— Any type of relationship with Badgerstripe is welcome, and I am open to brainstorming! As some background, she was boisterous and mischievous for much of her life, especially in kithood. There is some angst potential as well, given that Badgerstripe was one of the new warriors that left camp vulnerable to the recent wolf invasion - she may or may not push away her siblings in her grief, or be pushed away by them.
— Optional naming theme is animals or appearance-based, but any ThunderClan-adjacent name is welcome.
Number of slots: 2
a bit late to the party teehee

Main Account: @katze
Relations of Adopt: Littermates to @adderpaw
Age: 7 moons currently, aging 1 moon every 29th
Genetics: Sire: LH chocolate w/ low white
Dam: LH black tabby (carrying solid, chocolate)
★ Kits can be black, chocolate, black tabby, or chocolate tabby
★ Kits will be longhaired
★ Kits can have no white or low white
★ Kits without white can have any realistic eye color except blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
★ Tabbies will carry solid; black-based kits will carry chocolate
Rules & Misc:
★ You can choose however long you'd like to write them, as well as activity! I am on the higher end of casual, so I'd probably be looking for someone on the same activity level
★ The parents will have been distant in their lives so they would be unfamiliar with parental figures. They are NPCs and alive, but will not be in the picture. This may change in the future but for now !! boo parents boo
★ Adderpaw will have been pretty distant with his siblings since the start of his apprenticeship, so we will definitely have to talk out how they will all mesh together !! He was the runt in the litter so he will have wanted to feel like he could do things on his own without his siblings looking out for him
★ Preference of nature or animal themed names! Please try not to choose names not already on the census! Just makes it easier for everyone :p
★ I'm also open to any plot suggestions you have, and would love to figure out something big between the siblings because idk it would be fun !!
★ If you need any more information, a lot should be in Adderpaw's tags -- but if you need more, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have
Number of Slots: 2​