Each time she called her clan the winds grew colder and colder. Sootstar suspects that soon her throne would be covered in snow and that the moors would become filled with ice. She prays leaf-bare is kind to them, that StarClan will allow leaf-bare to be kind, but only time will tell.

With grace, the tiny she-cat scales onto the top of her rock. With paws fastened to the edge of her stone, she looks around the sandy clearing prior to beckoning her clan to her. "All cats old enough to race the moors gather below for a clan meeting!" Despite her small stature, her little body could emit a loud and powerful call.

//ooc instead of ic this time I'm gonna try, but activity shout outs this month goes to @Duskfire @hyacinthbreath @MALLOWLARK @Coldsnap @Yewberry @Periwinklebreeze. @ASPENPAW @Rune AND @coalfoot :D reminder that i look @ the census for shoutouts (including accounts that request it) so if your oc isnt on there def get em up!! BUT def keep up the good work guys, its super appreciated c:

ALSO SRY announcements next post ive been feeling lazy but im giving ppl time to get their meeting reqs in!!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
The call was heard from where Rune laid in his nest, taking a nap after a huntign patrol, and he lifted his head drowsily. What was this about? It confused the bi-colored tomcat, and he got up to his paws. Was this like back home when the king would call for a meeting? Though it ending in execution was a higher probability here than back home that was for sure. Still, Rune got closer to the tall rock and looked up at Sootstar for a moment before sitting down as others of his newfound home did. Still didn't understand what was going on, but the worst couldn't happen right?
✦ ★ ✦

A wave of nerves rolls through Thymepaw as Sootstar's call reaches his ears.

A meeting. Was... Was today the day?

Would he be moving his nest to the other side of the camp by the end of the day? Would he have a new name to call himself by, to call Shrewpaw by? He doesn't know, but his nerves rise with the thought, the anticipation. Thymepaw takes a breath and gives his chest a lick in an attempt to flatten any fly-away fur before making his way over to the tall rock, settling among the crowd.

—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
Similar to Rune, Coalfoot had been taking an... unplanned nap when the booming voice of Sootstar drew him out of his fading slumber. The dark-furred warrior let out a curious hum, head lifting to blink away sleep. Upon seeing his clanmates gathering beneath the Tallrock, he quickly sat up, self-consciously swiping his tongue over his fur and moving to take a seat along with the others.
[penned by its_oliverr].



Meetings had been an odd concept to him when he'd first joined Windclan, but after so many months living with the moor cats it was now something he'd come to expect, even look forward to. It was nice to get everyone together and to celebrate those going from kits to paws to warriors, and sharing news meant that the group was all kept up to date. Granted, a lot of that news hadn't been the greatest lately, but that was bound to change eventually- right?

The large bengal tom would make his way to the front of the crowd to sit beneath the tallrock as he usually did, flicking Rune with his tail and shooting the other tom a playful smirk as he passed. Having joined right around the time of Emberfangs rebellion, the Deputy had gone out of his way to make sure the other tom wouldn't turn into another ticking time bomb, and he could only hope his efforts payed off. Though truth be told, he didn't mind Rune. They were a little strange, but Dusk figured he of all cats had no right to judge another cat for something like that. Besides, their accent was cute and they weren't anywhere near as formal and aloof as they first came off.

From his place at the front his gaze would meet Hyacinths, spotting the shecat easily among the slowly growing crowd. He was still upset that she was no longer standing on his side of things in this fight, but she was no less his friend now than she had been a week ago. If he wasn't sitting in front of the entire clan at that point he probably would have made a face at her just to fuck with her, but he didn't feel like getting looks from half the clan for acting like an idiot. Instead he simply nodding briefly in greeting before turning his attention to Sootstar, waiting for her to speak.

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Weaselclaw's ears perk at his mate and leader's call to gather. His eyes flit from Duskfire, who is at the base of the Tallrock as his position permits, to where the Bengal's golden gaze settles. Hyacinthbreath. The tabby almost flinches at the memory of her cowering before Sootstar. Relinquishing her power, her loyalty. The blood that had gleamed from the tips of Duskfire's claws, a clean slash ruining her scar.

They no longer matched. Weaselclaw gives her a look full of regret. He does not sit beside her, but although he rummages through his emotions, he finds he does not hate her. He is only confused. Should he talk to her? He wonders if Sootstar would disapprove of that.

- ,,

Frankly he didn't leave his den for Sootstar's meetings often, the time wasted listening to the clan events could be used better elsewhere and his mind was a blur of fret and worry; leaf-bare was his opponent these days and with every rise and set of the sun he was closer to their destined combat. Normally Shrewpaw or Thymepaw would let him know if anything was going on worth his attention, but the daily coming and going of his clan was something he could dismiss for the most part. He didn't go on patrols, he was never assigned hunting parties anymore, if he ever got the urge to get his own rabbit or head out and see the border he just made the time to do it himself with anyone available. It felt strange being on his own routine, often times he felt a distance between him and WindClan that made him uneasy, but the stars were never far. There was comfort in knowing he knew he was on the best path for himself. Today, though, today he remembered. He was nine moons old, his siblings were nine moons old. The call for a meeting was not just for new apprentices, but naming warriors and he eagerly abandoned his organizing to head out and watch with joyful eyes to see his brother and sister given their full names.

In a perfect world they would have recieved theirs all at the same time, but fate drew him ahead of them and entangled him in something ageless and obscene. Dandelionwish wondered briefly what his name might have been if left in Sootstar's paws, probably something either a little boring or demeaning; it was no surprise they didn't see eye to eye and certainly not now of all times. The only difference in their relationship was that he now had some degree of influence that she couldn't just chase him off on a whim, but he knew to pick his battles. Hopefully she would give his siblings nicer names than what she might've planned for him. Catching Thymepaw's eye in the crowd he gave a smile and a wink before turning to take a seat next to Coalfoot and wait.


Galeforce hurried over to join the others as the meeting was called, finding himself a space next to Sunsetbreeze. A small smile found its way onto his lips as he curled his tail over his paws to help keep them warm.
( ) At Sootstar's call, Aspenpaw makes her way over to join the rest of her clanmates. It seemed like time had been flying by - just a moon ago, she had been Aspenkit, vibrating with excitement to be crowned an apprentice alongside Wisteriapaw. Now, she searches the crowd, looking for Periwinklekit. He had been feeling better recently - or, better than he had a moon ago, at least, and it was finally time for him to become an apprentice too. She tries to lock eyes with him for a moment to give him an encouraging smile. Aspenpaw knows he's always been a bit nervous about being an apprentice, though she's always just chalked it up to going through a big change. Once Periwinklekit gets to go out on the moors for the first time as a proper apprentice she's sure his doubts will fade, just like hers had. For now, she fixes her attention back onto Sootstar, waiting for her to begin her proclamations.

An appropriate amount of cats have settled, very few continued to trickle in, it was time to commence the meeting. They'd be starting with warrior ceremonies and stars there were a lot of them this meeting! Her heart soars with pride to see youth and older cats alike to have proven themselves worthy of the title and their full names.

"Shrewpaw, Thymepaw, Bumblepaw and Rune, step forward." She beckons them all with a flick of her feathery tail and waits patiently for them to stand at base of her rock. Once all four presented themselves she would continue, "I, Sootstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn."

"Shrewpaw," She addresses the young she-cat first, "Do you promise to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" "I do", Sootstar nods, "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Shrewpaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Shrewtuft. StarClan honors your courage and perseverance, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan!" Sootstar knows she will serve her clan well.

"Thymepaw. Do you promise to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" "I do." her ears would pleasantly hear again. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Thymepaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Thymeroot. StarClan honors your strength and ambition, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan!" Like Shrewtuft, Sootstar expected Thymeroot to serve their clan excellently.

"Bumblepaw, do you promise to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Again she spills the question and again she hears the response "I do.". Not wasting any time Sootstar commences, "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Bumblepaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Bumblebreeze. StarClan honors your hardwork and dedication, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan!" She purrs, tail adjusting to wrap around her opposite side.

"Rune, do you promise to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Their last and final warrior ceremony of the night. Like all the others she hears the same, music to her ears, response, I do. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Rune, from this moment forward you will be known as Snowshadow. StarClan honors your self-sufficiency, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan!"



( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

The fawn-furred apprentice sees his brother in the crowd, sees the wink he gives him. A nervous smile settles upon his face as he watches Dandelionwish settle into the crowd. Oh, how he wishes Dandy was alongside him, getting his name today too! It should've been the three of them, but the stars had different plans. No one could protest the stars and their plans.

The meeting begins, and Thymepaw and Shrewpaw's names are called. Thymepaw steps forward, and, despite the nerves that take over, he listens intently to his sister's portion of the ceremony, as she goes from Shrewpaw to Shrewtuft. He likes it, he thinks. It'll take getting used to - just as it took time to get used to Dandelionwish's new name, to get used to their apprentice names - but, he likes it.

And then, it's his turn.

He listens carefully to Sootstar's words, pledges his loyalty to WindClan and the stars with an "I do." Thymepaw's apprentice name is uttered one more time before it shifts into something new, as he graduates from apprenticehood and steps into warriorhood.

Thymeroot, Sootstar declares him, rids him of his paw name. Thymeroot, Thymeroot, Thymeroot.

He hopes he makes WindClan proud.
( ⓛ ﻌ ⓛ *)∫ This was-unexpected. For one, he didn't understand that of the whole ceremony thing, and the second thing he didn't think he'd be called upon for one. Rune had thought he had a far way to go before being accepted into Windclan. That there would be months before he was part of their ranks and the like; yet Sootstar spoke differently. The cat of snow and inky darkness stepped forward alongside the other apprentices' and looked at them in turn with a flick of his feathery white tail.

Sootstar questioned him about defending the clan at the cost of his life, and the tomcat couldn't help but agree. Windclan had become home, a place his mother was in and his siblings, where Duskfire resided, and he was never more sure than now that he'd give his life for them. Rune uttered a soft 'I do' in response to her question and lifted his chin high, ready to accept whatever it means to be part of this clan.


The name sounds foreign, rightfully so, and he looked towards the newly named Shrewtuft, Bumblebreeze and Thymeroot; was this something of a celebration? He wasn't sure how to feel about a name change; he had always been known as Rune. A secret as his name meant to the kingdom, a name he had been knighted under, but yet this felt like a new start. A knight changed into a warrior, a solider, under a new leader. A name like his mothers, like his siblings; Snowshadow rises from the ashes that Rune leaves behind. — tags
almost oversleeping through the intial call of the meeting, shrewpaw barely had time to fix up her bed-mused fur before she found herself squeezing between clanmates in order to get in besides her brother thymepaw who recieves a subtle sheepish grin his way. thankfully, shrewpaw had made it in the nick of time because her name was uttered out first and the molly took a confident step forwards as sootstar began to go through the typical speech for an upcoming warrior.

after uttering out an 'i do' when expected to, the chocolate sepia is finally given her new name. shrewtuft. despite looking like a scruffy mess for her special ceremony, there was pride and elation swelling rapidly inside her chest to the point where she couldn't help but bounce a little on her toes. they were actually warriors! shrewtuft and thymeroot of windclan. . . it sounded so cool!
[ penned by cobi ]

Sootstar aims a prideful smile at all the newly named warriors. She is sure to give them plenty of time to bask in the glory and drown in chants of clan-mates before she carries on. Today was a special day for some young ones of the clan too... Periwinklekit would at last be apprenticed, alongside young Cloudkit.

"Periwinklekit and Cloudkit, please come forward!" She beckons the children with a flick of her tail tip. Once they are both in front of her she doesn't make them wait, she continues the ceremony and first would be Periwinklekit. "Periwinklekit, you have surpassed the age of three moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Periwinklepaw. Your mentor will be Jaggedoak. I hope Jaggedoak will pass down all he knows on to you." She knows her old friend will be able to train the new apprentice well, she meets his gaze in the crowd and gives him an affirming nod.

"Cloudkit, you have reached the age of three moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Cloudpaw. Your mentor will be Rainstep (NPC). I hope Rainstep will pass down all she knows on to you." She smiles again, pleased and confident this pairing will do just well.

Once the cheering dies down the meeting concludes, "That is all for this meeting. Good luck WindClan on your hunts today!"

// @Periwinklebreeze. (IDK CLOUDS @ SRY DIZZY)


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
periwinklepaw | 04 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

From his place beside the medicine den, periwinklekit can only watch as the meeting is called, the crowd easily drawing forwards to encircle their leader. With his mother and siblings moved out, he's been hesitant to return to the nursery. He's not certain if dandelionwish had caught onto his ruse yet, choking down awful tasting herbs in an attempt to cure the illness that has plagued him his whole life. just to avoid returning to a near-empty den and an empty nest that no longer feels like his. If he had, he' yet to say anything to him.

Clear eyes are damp, but he refuses to let any tears fall - blinking them rapidly. His stomach is in knots, and it's all he can do to keep his every limb from trembling. It shouldn't be this hard. He shouldn't be so afraid. This should be a proud, joyous moment - he should be smiling and excited, like his siblings. But as long limbs carefully stride forwards, every pawstep measured as he tries to remember how to breathe, all he can find is terror and uncertainty. Gaze vacant, unfocused, he joins the crowd.

The meeting goes by in a blur, until suddenly it's his name being called. Step after step, he feels as though he's walking to his doom. The boys gaze finally fliting up to his leaders, he sees only the flash of claws and tang of blood - sees only the scorn she's displayed at those who aren't good enough, sees only the wounds etched into his mothers fur, hears only the whispers of those now gone from the clan - exiled. He wonders absently if this is the fate he to will face someday.

But not today. Today he becomes periwinklepaw, and apprentice, makes his parents proud. He can only stand there, stiff, as sootstar speaks the words he'd been waiting to hear for the past half-moon. Periwinklekit, you have surpassed the age of three moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. The words echo as though his head is under water.

He gives a jerky nod, clear gaze showing not a bit of his apprehension, only sheer determination. He'll become an apprentice, but he'll do it his way. Consequences be damned. He only hopes his family will forgive him if worst comes to worst. "... thank-k you," he says slowly, carefully, jaw working hard to manage his stutter just this once.
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