private 38+2 WEEKS PREGANANANT — willowroot

willowroot had ushered him away before he could even finish his question, practically dragging the short-legged healer towards his den. beesong huffs as he follows after the lead warrior, but he does not argue. if they wanted privacy, so be it. (although, beesong thinks privacy in this situation is meaningless, seeing how their clanmates would discover the answer sooner or later. he doesn't think about how a couple might want a potential pregnancy under wraps, to announce it to the clan themselves when they're ready to. understanding without experiencing is difficult.)

the pair step into the shade of the hollow, the aromatic scent of herbs surrounding them. beesong takes the opportunity to sit down, levelling willowroot with their sharp gaze once more. "as i was saying..." beesong clears their throat, voice only slightly pointed. "is there a chance that you might be pregnant?" straight to the point, beesong does not bother to beat around the metaphorical bush. although a pregnancy at this time is inconvenient at best, the healer hopes it is that and not a lingering illness. at least pregnancy isn't contagious.

[ @willowroot and the accidental eavesdropper @MUDPELT <3 ]
( ) anxiety thrums inside of them as they usher the medicine cat towards his den, casting a furtive look back at the small gathering of friends and family. the group watches as they leave, and willowroot can’t help the twinge of guilt they feel as each eye flickers over their form. everyone knows there’s something wrong with them now, and it ricochets inside of their head as they duck into the medicine den and turn on beesong in a plaintive whisper. “can we talk here instead?”

the striped feline seems willing to oblige, so the lead warrior sits, breathing deep and crossing her paws for a moment, to center herself. this is no time to freak out- not when there could be something seriously wrong with her. still, the way bee had begun his sentence suggested at… something else. the tomcat speaks it into existence as she begins to think, and tufted ears flatten at the word, as if blocking it from her hearing will cause it to not be true. the healer looks at her with gentle but pointed eyes, and willowroot searches for judgment within them, surprised to find a distinct lack. perhaps her companion keeps his emotions close to his chest.

either way, a question is awaiting an answer, and the dark smoke swallows, placing a paw on her lower belly with a sigh. “maybe?” her voice is shaken, uncertainty pouring from her gaze as she seeks comfort from the star blessed feline. “i suppose it makes sense… oh starclan, poppy’s gonna kill me! beesong, what do i do?”

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Bored. After spending all morning fishing and patrolling, Mudpelt is bored. Buckgait has promised that there is no need for any further hunting patrols to go out, so the warrior is left to find something else to keep him busy. His first thought is to spend time with his family, but his children are all out training, and he had allowed Fernpaw to tag along with them. Icesparkle is out on a patrol, too. With a huff, the tom sits and looks around camp, amber gaze finally finding the medicine den. Beesong! He can hang out with his pal! Pleased with this decision, Mudpelt gets to his paws and strides across camp with a pep in his step. It's when he's right outside, just about to round the corner with a loud greeting when he hears hushed voices inside.

"Is there a chance that you might be pregnant?"

"I suppose it makes sense…oh StarClan, Poppy's gonna kill me! Beesong, what do I do?"

The warrior freezes, large frame halting mid-step. Eyes stretching wide, his jaw runs slack and he stiffens, receding his step and pressing himself up silently against the outside of the den. Pregnant! Willowroot is pregnant with Poppysplash's kits! This is wonderful news (he doesn't realize the implications of having kits so close to Leaf-bare)! Feeling giddy, he remains there for a moment, taking in the news.

// he doesn't realize it's meant to be a secret yet >:) he'll react again after Willow asks Bee to keep it on the DL
willowroot's dawning horror is nearly audible in the silence that hangs over the den. beesong, with a stifled groan, concludes that he guessed right. kittens, in leaf-bare. a bold choice, especially for first-time parents. "now... is not the best of times to get pregnant, willowroot." it is the harsh truth of the matter. leaf-bare is harsh on the strongest of warriors; frail newborns are much more likely to succumb to the cold, and the scarcity of prey would mean less milk for them in turn.

but what's done is done. as willowroot begins to panic, frantically demanding to know what she should do, beesong shakes their head. "breathe, willowroot," they advise, demonstrating by taking deep breaths themselves until the lead warrior has calmed enough to continue. "there's nothing we can do now. the kits are coming, whether you want them to or not. i'll do everything i can to help, but-" beesong's jaw clenches, and they shake their head a second time. "i can't guarantee anything, especially not with leaf-bare right on our asses. but i will try."

poppysplash, on the other paw? that's an entire topic that beesong isn't sure how to brush upon. relationships are messy, and beesong has never been romantically involved with another, let alone carried kits. (the thought of carrying kits alone terrifies him.) "she'll find out one way or another," beesong sighs, shrugging. what else could he say? there is no hiding a pregnancy. "guess it's up to you how she finds out."