pafp Spark of Inspiration || pranks

Feb 7, 2023

Azaleapaw honestly tried not to let the looks and comments about her heritage get to her. She could not give anyone that satisfaction of getting under her skin. No, she had to be strong. Keep it inside, deep and locked away. Those feelings of resentment and gnawing urges to dig claws deep into flesh would have their time one day.

That day was far away, nowhere near arrival.

But surely..... Surely she could give in just a little bit.

One small prank, a minor indulgence....

But what to do, what to do.... It's not like she could poison prey and give it to someone. She didn't even know how. That and the possibility of accidentally killing someone was too high.



Those thorns........Looked awfully tempting.


" Heeeeyaaaa, watch'a doing?. " Dazzlepaw had creeped himself up on the young apprentice from behind so he could lean his head down and peek over at her shoulder at whatever she was doing!. Hmh, that looked like thorns didn't it?. What on earth was making her so interested in them...unless. A grin would spread free on the troublemakers maw. " Don't tell're planning to put this thorns into somebody's nest?." he would whisper into her ear before he danced himself around her to get closer to the nasty things that could ruin any cats sleep!. He would giggle, thinking that idea would be hilarious funny!. He wonderd who the victim would be if so...hmh, he could think out some couple that most be on Azaleapaw's bad list right now.

periwinklepaw | 06 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
It was rare that Periwinklepaw spent time with his fellow apprentices. First it had been his injuries, then it had been the grief of knowing dandelionwishes impending doom. Now, it was that his time was spent throwing himself into his training, secluded away from prying eyes as he did his best to learn to fight despite the illness that wracks his body at even the thought of pretending to spar. If it were anyone else - if it weren't vulturemask, if it weren't snowshadow - he's certain he'd never have managed even this much. But he'd had some free time today, his pale figure bruised beneath his coat as he hobbles along, clear blue gaze landing on two of the more intriguing cats. Like him, neither seems to have the respect or even the well wishes of their clanmates - all for varying reasons. A bunch of disappointments, the lot of them, but he finds he doesn't mind, a nervous smile on his maw anyways as long ears can't help but overhear. Slipping over on near-silent paws, and giving a wary glance about for other eavesdroppers, he peaks up at last, words even quieter than hi usual hushed murmur. "Y-y-you sh-should put them in f-f-fire-paws nes-t," he says, a surprisingly violent gleam in his pale gaze. He really doesn't like her.

She felt a little sick when others joined her. Would they scorn her, seek to punish her? That's all anyone ever did to her. It seems though, she had acquired fellow accomplices. She let her guard down just a little.

"Yes....." She said. Every part of her screamed to stop admitting it.

She didn't know Dazzlepaw well, but he seemed okay. He seemed fun, actually. He didn't scorn her immediately, perhaps he could be..... A friend?

And Periwinklepaw, another cat she had a positive opinion of. He was never cruel to her,maybe he could be a friend too. And when he mentioned Firepaw as their victim? Absolutely! They were going to be AMAZING friends.

"You're right..... That's a good idea." She said, quietly.

Getting revenge on Firepaw was nice.... But the feeling of possibly having friends....? She wanted it more badly than she thought. If she made them over making Firepaw miserable? So be it!

"Where is her nest?"
As much as Azaleapaw was excited to have two potential friends near her, they would also be the potential downfall of her prank. Rainpaw probably wouldn't have noticed one apprentice sitting alone, but a trio gathered around something was enough to bring her over, ears pricked to catch conversation, She didn't hear every word, but "nest" and "her," coupled with their gazes landing on thorns, was enough for Rainpaw to guess rather confidently what they were planning. Putting thorns in someone's nest... and probably someone who was unpopular with the other apprentices at that. Probably Firepaw, if she had to guess. She was a brutish bully, fond of making fun of Rainpaw's scar and apparently insistent on being as mean as she could at any time. She could picture Firepaw picking on Azaleapaw and Periwinklepaw- one was of kittypet blood, the other had looked horrified when Dandelionwish was exiled, revealing some sort of a moral compass. That would probably be reason enough.

She couldn't blame them for wanting some revenge, but it didn't seem worth it. Anyone sleeping on thorns would just be even crankier than usual, and probably take it out on everyone else. "Planning to put thorns in someone's nest?" Rainpaw asked, brow raised but voice mild. "There's better uses of your time. Personally, if I had my duties done, I would go sun myself at Outlook Rock." Not that she was going to go off to do that yet- not to mention she was more likely to just look for something else to do. With her paws more or less healed from her overworking them, she was just stopping by before heading into the tunnels.​
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Pfft!. He couldn't believe she just admitted that to him so casually as well!. Man, did this kit like to get scolded by everyone in the clan or did she honestly thought he was someone she could trust?. Dazzlepaw felt a little bit bad for them if so. Luckily for her though he had no intention to rat her out thinking her mischievous idea was far more entertaining to be honest. He was about to make a suggestion, to ask who she was planning to prank but suprise!, Periwinklepaw decided to join them and he was even having a name to sell out. What an unexpected turn of events!. Dazzlepaw had never thought someone as sweet and obident like Periwinklepaw actually was capable of being naughty like this. He had always thought he was a good lil boy. Firepaw most reeeeeally have done something bad then if even she had manged to piss their cinnamonroll of in the clan!.

Dazzlepaw flashed them a delightful grin. " Peri that's an...brilliant idea! like expected from someone as smart as ya!." he would whisper back in agreement alongside with Azaleapaw, He couldn't wait to see the look on Firepaws face when she for once was the one who got picked at. That for sure would be something worthwhile to see.

To Azaleapaw's question the troublemaker would point his long snake-like tail over to Firepaw's nest.
" It's over there." he gave a smug look, ready to get this started but then they got interupted by Rainpaw. Crap, someone had heared them who could rat them out!. Dazzlepaw decided to make an attempt for it to turn Rainpaw over to their side instead. " Rainpaw, my favorite friend in this whole wide world ~" he put on his 'charm' as he got himself closer to his tunnel buddy and took a circle around them before coming in to their side, grinning. " Sunbathing at outlock rocks are no fun not if comparing it to watch Firepaw's face when she wakes up with thorns all over her should join us and i promise the look on her face will be ten times more worth it then sleeping on rocks." it might even bring a smile to that pretty face of yours!. he wanted to say but keept it to himself.

periwinklepaw | 07 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Shifting back and forth for a moment, he opens his jaws only to freeze, sheepishly blinking down at the younger apprentice. "I... d-d-don't know-?" he answers softly - he's slept in the comforting saftey of the medicine den for so long he can't actually remember, and the few times he's ventured forth always result in him abandoning his nest to simply curl about the side of the first cat that will allow him to cuddle and share warmth - which is certainly not firepaw. He's a very tactile cat after all.

Thankfully it seems Dazzlepaw knows the answer, though the flattery the tunneler throws his way leaves him wanting to squirm, face flushed and he's suddenly feeling a bit too warm. It's not like he actually believes the others words, but it's so rare these days to hear such compliments thrown about by anyone other than family that it instantly has him torn between puffing up in excitement and cowering away in embarrassment. He settles on simply freezing, gaze darting away nervously.

Rainpaw's appearance is downright terrifying, startling him from his thoughts as he pales - but she doesn't seem to want to tattle, and Dazzlepaw's words don't seem to fail him as he tries to cajole her into joining them - or at least, keeping her silence for certain. He doesn't join in, instead he glances towards Azaleapaw while the other boy... does whatever it is he's doing to be honest, perwinklepaw is not used to such tactics after all, a look of confused amusement on his face.


Azaleapaw knew Rainpaw was right and was more mature, but when vengeance called, you answer! She looked at Periwinklepaw squirm at the compliment Dazzlepaw gave him, and she couldn't help but think it was cute. She was glad the cutest member of the clan was a nice cat and not.... Whatever it is Windclans got going on. Why was everyone here so grumpy.

She looked to where Dazzlepaw pointed, spotting Firepaws nest. Yes. Perfect. A faint smile crossed her face, and she looked back to the nettles she had been looking at.

"Let's put as many as we can in it." She said. "And quickly, before we get caught."

She wasted no time in carefully snapping stems with her teeth....Only the sharpest would do. She pricked herself a few times, sure, but it would be WORTH IT.
Rainpaw rolled her eyes almost as soon as Dazzlepaw started speaking. She wasn't stupid- she knew what desperate flattery looked like. Although she had to commend Dazzlepaw for his impressive attempt at convincing her to agree with them, her opinion wasn't swayed so easily. "You're laying it on a little thick, Dazzlepaw," She said flatly, although not without a hint of amusement in her voice. It was a little satisfying to know that her guess had been right. Most of the apprentices seemed to dislike Firepaw. And it wasn't like she was a hit among the warriors, either. Rainpaw had to wonder if Firepaw would ever come to her senses and understand that treating her clanmates like dirt was a stupid idea, but she doubted thorns would help her with that realization. Her gaze flickered from Dazzlepaw, to wide-eyed Periwinklepaw, to Azaleapaw, who was already biting thorns off of their stems. Her opinion of them shifted, although she didn't know in what direction.

The silver tabby's curiously pricked ears fell back slightly. Were other clans like WindClan, where apprentices felt the need to take revenge on each other? It sent a bolt of concern to her heart. "I just don't think it's going to be fun. I think she's gonna be really mad, which won't make anything better. But as long as you're all willing to take the fall for this, then do what you want." As long as they took accountability. She didn't want to get blamed for something that she was trying to discourage. Then again, StarClan knew that Rainpaw was often a heartbeat away from whacking Firepaw across the face, so she really wasn't that different from Azaleapaw, Dazzlepaw, and Periwinklepaw. They were just going the stealthy route, while Rainpaw would go the direct. She tilted her head, considering that thought. "Well, anyway, my duties actually aren't over yet. I guess we'll see whether I'm wrong later." With that, Rainpaw started to head off to the nearest tunnel entrance.​
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