- Jun 8, 2022
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Several sunrises late was the meeting, most of the clan could guess why with ease. Promotions were usually a celebrated event within the clan, new warriors welcomed with yowls of approval and praise, but Sootstar did not celebrate. She was uplifting these cats knowing they were nothing but kittypets and children of traitors. Despite all her cunning tricks and schemes, she's never been able to catch them up to something that would've proven them incapable warriors of WindClan. Now here she stood on Tallrock, calling the clan together to give them one of the biggest honors in a clan cat's life. Ridiculous. "Let all cats old enough to race the moors gather beneath the Tallrock!" From their nests in the grass the clan rose, some leaving behind half-eaten fresh-kill to settle beneath the stone. Whispers broke out and glances were sent in the direction of Silverpaw, Periwinklepaw, and Nightingalepaw. News had spread that they had all passed their assessments, their ceremony several days late. "Today we gather to declare three new warriors of WindClan. Periwinklepaw, Nightingalepaw, and Silverpaw, step forward." Despite all her bitterness she's for the most part appropriate. The words are not spoken with a sneer or mockery, those words were coming later… "I, Sootstar, Leader of WindClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." StarClan would love the newest addition of WindClan warriors! Kittypets and traitors were whom they seemed to favor anyways… Sootstar suppresses a huff of disdain. "Periwinklepaw, Nightingalepaw, and Silverpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" No vow you take will make me trust you. Her gaze washes over Periwinklepaw and Nightingalepaw, your mother took an even heftier vow moons ago… and look where her loyalties lie now. They lie and take their vows. Sootstar is quiet for several long moments before continuing. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Periwinklepaw, from this moment forward you will be known as @Periwinklebreeze. StarClan honors your 'loyalty' and faith and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." He had not failed Bluepool's test, the trap Sootstar had wanted him to set off. She does not step down from the rock to traditionally touch her nose to his forehead, "I am glad your loyalties lie with WindClan, Periwinklebreeze." Though she's not quite convinced they do... " @nightingalepaw , from this moment forward you will be known as Nightingalecry. StarClan honors your perseverance and competencry and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." Nightingalepaw, at the very least, has been significantly less questionable than Periwinklepaw. Still, you would not catch her trusting any of Hyacinithbreath's brood, she couldn't afford it… Whether this one would betray the clan one day, only StarClan knew. To the kittypet her attention turns, " @SILVERPAW , from this moment forward you will be known as Silverthorn. StarClan honors your ferocity and adaptability and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." This, Sootstar cannot believe she has allowed to happen. A kittypet warrior of WindClan… who would've thought… May StarClan be thrilled by the new addition of warriors. Now that they were out of the way… perhaps an apprentice with the potential to outshine these new warriors one day. A future warrior she could actually depend upon… He was not WindClan born, but many of them including Sootstar, was not. She holds faith in him, " @Thriftkit , step forward." The cream tabby is beckoned further by a flick of her blue tail. Once settled beneath the stone she continues the ceremony. "Thriftkit, you have reached the age of three moons, it is time for you to be apprentices. From this day until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Thriftpaw. Your mentor will be @GRAVELSNAP ." Sootstar looks to the dark-furred warrior, proud of the cat he has become. "Gravelsnap, you are young but have proven to be a strong and loyal warrior of WindClan. You will be the mentor of Thriftpaw, I expect you to pass all you know onto him." A smile breaks onto her face, and she allows the new pairing to greet each other as mentor and apprentice for the first time. Unfortunately, they cannot remain on the subject for long. "Cats of WindClan, a moon has passed since Smogmaw of ShadowClan trespassed on WindClan land and got away with it. ShadowClan has since introduced a new code built off lies, their disrespect towards WindClan cannot stand!" Her yowl is angry as green eyes narrow into slits. "They may think we've forgotten, but we have not! At dawn we strike, we will march onto their territory and give them a taste of their own herbs!" Perhaps this would serve as yet another test for a couple of their newest warriors? //VERY eventful first post! Congratulations to new apprentices and warriors!!! FYI, those joining the skirmish will be chosen by HPs based of IC realism. We're going to take recent activity into account and go off the census ! Please know we are still discussing and will be considering everyone equally. Also!! Activity shoutouts! @Badgermoon @WEASELCLAW @VULTUREMASK @SCORCHSTREAK @Bluepool @SUNSTRIDE @WOLFSONG @GRAVELSNAP @SNAKEPAW @Firefang @Periwinklebreeze. And @sunflowerpaw ! Thank you ALL for your activity and your contributions to WindClan! |