private F-R-I-E-N-D-S thats how you fucking spell FRIENDS // ... confession?!?!?!

periwinklebreeze | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically medium (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The newly named warrior has been thinking for a while now. Now, usually this is not such a good thing - his thoughts tend to be of the more traumatic variety after all, visions and nightmares swimming around his brain and leaving him ill. But these days he's been doing his best to understand something that has bothered him for quite a while - his friendships. The thought had first struck him when dazzlepaw had been announced dead - when all the searches had turned up empty. He had mourned and grieved and cried, had felt shattered. And he'd realized that it was different than it had been to wisteriapaw, than it had been to the rest of his clanmates who'd gone to starclan from battles or geencough or anything else. And he's come to only one conclusion - perhaps, he hadn't been s interested in just friendship as he'd thought after all.

So what did that mean for the rest of his relationships? Well - he only really has four to focus on. Nightingale is easy enough - his dearly beloved sister, he loves and cherishes her and would die for her. He'd do anything and everything except run away should she ask it of him. And yet, has he ever once confided in her? He hadn't told her of his actions after the gathering, hadn't spoken of bluepools task, hadn't told her of the nightmares that haunted him or his struggles with blood ever since witnessing their mother step down.

Then there is azaleapaw - who he thinks of not all too dissimilarly, if not as strongly. A friend he wants to protect but wouldn't necessarily trust with his secrets.

That leaves him with only two - a strange pairing in deed. Snailstride and gravelsnap, his two closest companions but in such vastly different ways that he'd truly struggled to understand how it had come to be. How many times had he and gravel argued? How many times had he been left feeling hurt and burned by the other boy, emotions whirling and churning painfully. It seems every interaction they have leaves him a mess - even the good ones. A fluttering heart and a paniced mind - that's what he's always left with.

But snail... how many secrets have they shared? A kindred spirit, the only soul with whom he has shared the darkest parts of himself - his doubts, his fears. The only cat who had kept them. He doesn't understand how it had happened, but somehow he'd become such a big part of his life - a calming and warm presence. Does he truly only think of them as friend? He... doesn't think so, at least that is the conclusion his tired mind has landed upon. And so at sunhigh, after a long day of patrolling and hunting and thinking, the black-masked boy strides forwards, head tipping to the side as he draws to a halt in front of his best friend. "I think I like you," he says simply, not even stuttering as he speaks - words simply spilling out on their own as casually as though he is asking after the weather.



Relationships weren't things Snailstride had ever taken seriously. They were childhood games or rumours to be thrown around like prey bones, a true commitment to anyone other than oneself was a horrifying prospect. It required a level of trust that the tabby didn't think they could have in one another after Firefang's betrayal and a devotion to making things work that he thought he was too selfish to achieve. Friendships and relationships were two very different things in their eyes, and there were very few who in their life who could sincerely cross that boundary and become both. It wasn't something they'd ever thought about for more than a passing moment. Curled up with the sun warming their backs, a solitary blue eye opened as they watched Periwinkle move towards them with a confidence similar to that which Snailstride had felt after their promotion. Smiling, the tabby gave a huge stretch and stood up, running a paw over their face to clear any remnants of sleep that stuck to their eyes. A congratulation was in order, it appeared. They opened their mouth to offer such words when Periwinkle spoke for them, declaring something that gave him some pause. Oh.

That was... not what they thought the other had in mind. A paw tapped rhythmically against the ground in thought before a tiny giggle escaped them.

"You think?" A singular brow raised, confidence masquerading the onset of nervousness that caused their heart to soar. Stars, Peri had picked quite the moment to say such things. A mentor dead, a gap in maturity, arguments with ex-friends pressing the back of Snailstride's mind and to top it off, the realisation that they didn't like Periwinkle the way he wanted them to. They were too similar, the good and the bad it was a dynamic that worked as friends but as anything more? They'd been each other's destructors, they had to bite their tongue to prevent themselves from being so dramatic to Periwinkle directly. "We've been friends for how many moons now and you've only just decided you don't hate me? I'm hurt, truly." Their ears pinned sheepishly to the side of their head, their grin so wide it was like they were trying to replicate Mallowlark. Deflection: a way of seeking elaboration from Periwinklebreeze. Snailstride thought they knew what he meant, but they'd dealt with misunderstandings before. One time they'd been accidentally dating someone for a moon before the other cat asked them when their first date would be, they'd rather avoid that with a friend they didn't want to hurt.

periwinklebreeze | 11 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically medium (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
By the time the older feline goes to speak, all of the young warriors confidence has flown out the window. This sort of confidence is utterly unlike him, and truly the boy is already regretting the words that have come tumbling out of his mouth before he can even get a response. It's not that he'd expected any sort of answer, let alone to have such feelings returned, it's simply been that the nagging thought had been gnawing at his mind for so long he'd simply needed to get it out.

But to have snailstride so bluntly ignore it - well, he's not stupid. Reality comes crashing down, and his smile betrays his hurt despite his best efforts. "A-ah, y-y-yeah... friends," but... maybe this way better? If they both ignore it, perhaps the awkwardness would eventually go away and things could stay as they were. He hadn't really considered the thought that speaking his mid might ruin things - he doesn't want that. He hadn't put any real thought into this at all, had he? Only his own selfish feelings and thoughts. He wants to go curl up and hide, shame and embarrassment coursing through him. No wonder snail wasn't even willing to take him seriously.

... what in starclans name is he supposed to say now? This had, perhaps, been peri's stupidest idea yet. Unwilling to clarify the misunderstanding and risk making things even more awkward, the boy pauses for a moment before he goes to speak. "A-anyways-" words fail him yet again, lips twitching int a nervous frown, and the only thing running on his mind on repeat is I should've stayed silent.