Jun 7, 2022


This thread is meant to serve as a fun little hub for all of the litters relating to my characters that are to small or inconsequential to require their own unique thread. Everyone on here is FCFS, you only need apply with at least the basics (name, gender, clan, looks, personality) and wait for me to check through it. As long as all rules and requirements are met, you get the slot! Some of these may be cross-posted on the clan-specific mass adopts - those that are may be adopted out in either place.

  • All of the adopts listed are subject to the following rules, as well as any litter-specific rules listed in their tab.

    — characters can be new or pre-existing characters so long as all litter requirements are met
    — these characters are not cannon fodder and cannot be killed until you've played them for at least two months realtime. conversely, they must stay within their preset clan for two months real time before you can move them (barring ic consequences, or unless a litter specifies otherwise).
    — all litters will age realtime on the date listed in the adopt, to keep things accurate
    — the minimum activity requirement to prevent rehoming is one post per month unless you notify me of inactivity. I am not likely to rehome most of these oc's, however plot-heavy characters may be rehomed if dropped without notice.​
  • SUNBEAM(npc, deceased) x PUDDLES(npc, deceased) | gen 01
    — older siblings to @Thirteen.

    — A group of kits born to loving loner parents, who although they weren't the most creative with names, loved their litters very much. These kits would've been born in twolegplace as a makeshift colony being fed by a kind elderly couple, but split off as they got older and sought to find lives of their own. After these kits were all adults, the elderly couple passed away and stopped providing for the makeshift colony - leaving Puddles and Sunbeam to decide not to expand their family any longer. Thirteens existence was utterly unplanned and unexpected (though they tried to be welcoming nonetheless, and we never harsh). Unfortunately, Sunbeam died giving birth to Thirteen, and Puddles passed away not long after in a dog attack defending him, leaving their last child an orphan on rugged twolegplace streets at a very young age. There are four litters up for adoption, all of varying ages, and may have stayed with or left the family at any point.

    — kits were all named by the order of their birth! sunbeam and Puddles, though loving, were not creative at all with names. however, after leaving home kits may have changed their names to anything (depending on circumstances)
    — kits will age realtime on the 1st of the month regardless of which litter
    — kits can be in any clan, loners, rogues, or even kittypets; but would've been born in twolegplace as loners
    — kits may or may not be aware of thirteens existence, but would be aware of the existence of eachother
    — kits may or may not be aware of their parents deaths
    — once played for at least one month IRL you are welcome to adopt out any relations (mate, kits, friends, etc.) you'd like for these slots excluding parents/siblings ​

    dmab kittens can be black, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lilac, fawn, red tabby, cream tabby, black smoke, chocolate smoke, cinnamon smoke, blue smoke, lilac smoke, fawn smoke, red cameo, or cream cameo
    dfab kittens can be black, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lilac, fawn, tortoiseshell, chocolate tortie, cinnamon tortie, blue tortie, lilac tortie, fawn tortie, black smoke, chocolate smoke, cinnamon smoke, blue smoke, lilac smoke, fawn smoke, tortoiseshell smoke, chocolate torite smoke, cinnamon tortie smoke, blue torite smoke, lilac tortie smoke, or fawn tortie smoke
    — kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — red-based kits can mask black, chocolate, or cinnamon; cream-based kits can mask blue, lilac, or fawn
    — black-based kits will carry either chocolate OR cinnamon; chocolate-based kits will carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver kits will carry non-silver; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired ​

    Litter One | 30 moons
    — One; open slot
    — Two; open slot
    — Three; open slot

    Litter Two | 26 moons
    — Four; open slot
    — Five; open slot
    — Six; open slot

    Litter Three | 22 moons
    — Seven; open slot

    Litter Four | 18 moons
    — Eight; open slot
    — Nine; open slot
    — Ten; open slot
    — Eleven; open slot
    — Twelve; open slot

    Litter Five | 6 moons old
    — Thirteen; played by @Kitty-Kat-
    — half-siblings to @Maggotfur.
    — through maggie are related to viridianskies(npc) and @/greywhisker.
    — indirectly tied to sproukit(npc), @/✧ Snailcurl. , and @/✧ Mothpaw. (all deceased) ​

    — These kits were raised by loving if busy parents. Wolfbite (father) while not in love with Ivycurl (mother) would've helped raise the kits, viewing them as his duty to further shadowclans ranks. They may or may not know maggie is their half-sibling; they would have never been told by either parent, as their father has disowned and abandoned her due to believing she caused the death of her own mother (viridianskies) during childbirth, and ivyfrost simply doesn't want to deal with the drama of it - but it's not exactly a secret to the rest of the clan and so they may have heard rumors or found out in other ways. At the start, Maggotfur genuinely hates these kits, regardless of personality or temperament, due to the fact they got the loving family she always wanted - however, I'm open to having them get along in the future though it will take a lot of IC development.

    — These kits are 17 moons old aging on the first of the month. By shadowclan standards they would be warriors.
    — No insulting or disturbing names! Maggotfur was the purposeful exception due to her circumstances, these kits on the other hand would have happy names picked with love.
    — These are born and bred shadowclan kits, with parents who were part of the marsh group. They are not allowed to leave shadowclan excluding ic consequences such as exile.
    — You must play these characters actively for at least three months before being allowed to kill them. Dropping them before that point will result in rehoming. ​

    dmab kits can be white or red tabby
    dfab kits can be white or torbie
    — all kits will be longhaired
    — non-white kits will have no white; white kits will mask no white
    — non-white kits may have any realistic eye color barring blue; white kits may have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have an increased risk of deafness on side of blue eye ​

    — slot one
    — slot two
    — slot three ​
  • NPC x NPC | gen 01
    — littermates to @Sootspritespark.
    — aunts/uncles to @/littlepaw! & two NPCS [slots will be rehomed in future]​

    — A group of kits born to loving kittypet parents, these kits were given their first names by their twolegs not their parents as is tradition in their family - only being told apart by their respective white markings, eye colors, and collars until they were old enough to be weaned and go to their new homes. They may or may not recognize eachother right away due to this and the amount time spent apart, but I would very much like for them to all meet at some point or another!

    — These kits were unnamed until they were adopted at 2 moons old.
    — These kits are 43 moons aging on the 31st (or last day) of each month.
    — These kits can go to any clan except skyclan as backwritten joiners from the clans founding
    — These kits can be kittypets or loners
    — These kits can go to skyclan as current joiners ​

    all kittens will be black
    — kits will be longhaired
    — kits will have curly rex fur
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — kits are at least 75% Selkirk Rex and may show breed traits ​

    — slot one
    — slot two
    — slot three
    — slot four ​

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Oddpaw's sibling

name - toothkit / toothpaw
- named for long canines that stick out slightly
gender - male
clan - riverclan
appearance - SH curly LaPerm fur blue with high white and blue eyes
personality - outgoing, rambunctious, impulsive

this is just a short form will add another <3
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Reactions: Kitty-Kat-
Oddpaw's sibling

name - toothkit / toothpaw
- named for long canines that stick out slightly
gender - male
clan - riverclan
appearance - SH curly LaPerm fur blue with high white and blue eyes
personality - outgoing, rambunctious, impulsive

this is just a short form will add another <3
This is more than enough info to be accepted! Welcome to the silly fam lol♡
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Applying for Sneezefur's apprentice!
DARTERKIT DARTERPAW: he / him; Transmasc, Unknown Sexual Origin atm – Scrawny chocolate and tortie point with high irregular white markings and pale blue eyes. Has large eyes, long tail, and spotting on paws. Always holds himself reserved, kind of nervous and awkward with his head low and eyes constantly looking away. He avoids eye contact and rarely uses his tail for greetings, instead opting for that "god please stop talking to me" smile.

─ 3 moons: RAPIDSCREAM(NPC) xx PEBBLEGAZE(NPC); NPC littermates: Riverclan Apprentice

✦ Empathetic, Anxious, Forgiving, Impressionable, Self-Conscious, Impulsive Having your parents place so much expectation upon you during a rough time would be hard for anyone, especially if you're barely able to figure out how life works before being thrusted into the paws of another cat's, one you vaguely know, but Darterpaw, perhaps, seems to suffer from these expectations more than others. He's constantly worrying about making a bad impression and embarrassing his family, mentor, clan, ancestors! It's... all a lot, placed upon his small bony shoulders and he wears this anxiety clear as day, making it easy for him to fall into people-pleasing habits just to make everyone like him and ensuring he isn't an embarrassment. And ontop of this constant fear of disappointing his parents and clan, he has issues with communicating with his mentor, the cat who is supposed to teach him how to be a warrior! Oh carp...
─ Darterpaw is an easily impressionable cat, leading him to be swayed easily by clan politics, what he believes will make his family proud, and whatever someone has proven to be better than him says. He rarely argues verbally with anyone and tends to just agree to make conversations easier
─ Despite his people-pleasing habits, Darterpaw does have a bit of an impulsivity to him, but it's mostly with his emotions. All the stress makes him a short fuse, ready to blow up at one single thing going wrong and when it does, he tends to have melt downs. He hates other people seeing his meltdowns and will try and avoid being seen, lest he upsets anyone with his emotions.
─ He has alot of compassion, which tends to lead him to being a bleeding heart to whichever cat seems to be having the worst time. He's also a bit of a coward in fights currently, actively doing his best to avoid witnessing and being part of any fighting. He hates border patrols, especially along Windclan because of this.
─ His parents are written behind the scenes to be overlypressuring to Darterpaw, being the sources of his anxiety and self-conscious behavior. Darterpaw, still young, reveres his parents and wants nothing more than to make them proud, but their expectations are honestly unrealistic for him. No matter what he does, he will never please them.
─ He is extremely religious, but only out of fear. He reveres the warrior code because he fears being punished by Starclan and constantly prays and worries about their wrath.
Adopt #:3
Name: Coldpaw
Relations: bunnypounce x npc
Age: 3-4 moons if thats okay
Gender: molly
Appearance: shorthaired silver tabby/albino chimera with one blue eye and one pink eye. the silver tabby part has low white
Personality: (+) smart, dedicated, loyal, observant (/) quiet, stubborn (-) rash, arrogant, selfish
Backstory: Born and raised in WC. Still fleshing other aspects out
Other: :)

(stole this form from the mass adopts)
Adopt #:3
Name: Coldpaw
Relations: bunnypounce x npc
Age: 3-4 moons if thats okay
Gender: molly
Appearance: shorthaired silver tabby/albino chimera with one blue eye and one pink eye. the silver tabby part has low white
Personality: (+) smart, dedicated, loyal, observant (/) quiet, stubborn (-) rash, arrogant, selfish
Backstory: Born and raised in WC. Still fleshing other aspects out
Other: :)

(stole this form from the mass adopts)
acepted! will update the litter age qnd slots a bit later when off mobile
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Application for Oddpaw Sibling's Litter

- Named for how she tried to squish into her siblings as well as her soft, squishy fur
- A short-furred LaPerm tortoiseshell she-cat with high white and hazel eyes (masking black tabby?)
- RiverClan apprentice
+ compassionate, cooperative, adaptable
= curious, spontaneous, imaginative
/ short-sighted, escapist, insecure

Squishpaw is a cheerful, outgoing cat who is quick to help others or attempt to make someone smile. She loves the thrill of something new or going on adventures. This often gets her into uncomfortable situations, even if she didn't intend any harm. If left to her own devices she can get lost in her head, which either leads to creative, fantastical stories, or a plunge into loneliness and uncertainty. Deep down, past her genuine love of her found family, Squishpaw wonders why she wasn't good enough to keep. At what point will her family grow tired of her antics and stop loving her?
Application for Oddpaw Sibling's Litter

- Named for how she tried to squish into her siblings as well as her soft, squishy fur
- A short-furred LaPerm tortoiseshell she-cat with high white and hazel eyes (masking black tabby?)
- RiverClan apprentice
+ compassionate, cooperative, adaptable
= curious, spontaneous, imaginative
/ short-sighted, escapist, insecure

Squishpaw is a cheerful, outgoing cat who is quick to help others or attempt to make someone smile. She loves the thrill of something new or going on adventures. This often gets her into uncomfortable situations, even if she didn't intend any harm. If left to her own devices she can get lost in her head, which either leads to creative, fantastical stories, or a plunge into loneliness and uncertainty. Deep down, past her genuine love of her found family, Squishpaw wonders why she wasn't good enough to keep. At what point will her family grow tired of her antics and stop loving her?

truly can't wait to see them around <3
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Name: Singekit
-- He was named for the fact that every time he was touched as a kit he'd immediately squeal as if he was singed! It's just a happy coincidence that he turned out to be a flame point
Affiliation: Swallowkit's brother
Age: 1 moon
Clan: Shadowclan
(+) Decisive, Individualistic, Dedicated
(=) Passionate, Protective, Clever
(-) Abrasive, Arrogant, Disobedient

Kind of a born little terror, Singekit takes the 'sin' part of his name and runs with it! He's brash, doesn't take kindly to authority, and bites before anything! He's so small he could be stepped on but that won't stop him from picking fights with anyone and anything! Luckily for those in his clan he is quite family-orientated and would do anything to make his family happy and secure their safety, so if Swallowkit or his mom tell him to stop and sit down, you'll bet he'll plop on his fiery tail in an instant...though not without a few grumbles! He has big dreams about being the best of the best however, so maybe there's some hope for him in learning some discipline someday!

A dark ginger flame point with aquatic blue eyes and a unique white blaze over his nose! White chest, underbelly and socks to match.
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froths at the mouth patiently for Swallowkit genetics info <3


Aloof on most occasions, hiding the fact that they're rather timid behind as gruff of an exterior as they can manage. Very protective of their sibling, almost possessive. Painfully clumsy and easily flustered.

//will edit this with a proper form soon!
Genetics have been added!
- Named for her soft fur that is often wild and unkempt. Sometimes she looks like a walking fur-ball
- A long furred silver tortoiseshell-tabby with high white and green eyes
- Thunder Clan kit
+ Curious, Attentive,
= Loud, Likes gossip, clever
/ Escapist, attention seeking

Despite her name, Softkit is very, very loud. She has the makings of a drama queen - though a kind one. Often going out of her way to help others, Softkit loves getting to know people and hearing their stories. She also likes doing things that makes cats happy - if they can tell her parents and Sleekpaw that she did a good job, thats even better! She enjoys overhearing secrets and relaying that information back to her parents. At the end of the day, she fights everyday to be seen by them, despite the fact that Sleekpaw pays a lot of attention to her. It won't be until she's older that she truly understands what she is putting her older sibling through, but that's the curse of kithood, isn't it?
- Named for her soft fur that is often wild and unkempt. Sometimes she looks like a walking fur-ball
- A long furred silver tortoiseshell-tabby with high white and green eyes
- Thunder Clan kit
+ Curious, Attentive,
= Loud, Likes gossip, clever
/ Escapist, attention seeking

Despite her name, Softkit is very, very loud. She has the makings of a drama queen - though a kind one. Often going out of her way to help others, Softkit loves getting to know people and hearing their stories. She also likes doing things that makes cats happy - if they can tell her parents and Sleekpaw that she did a good job, thats even better! She enjoys overhearing secrets and relaying that information back to her parents. At the end of the day, she fights everyday to be seen by them, despite the fact that Sleekpaw pays a lot of attention to her. It won't be until she's older that she truly understands what she is putting her older sibling through, but that's the curse of kithood, isn't it?

accepted! also perfect timing i swear i was just tryna think of things to boost my muse for sleek