private are you just as fake // pike

siltcloud | 13 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
This is not the first time siltcloud has wandered these streets, nor does she think it will be the last. Dust hued pelt lays ruffled and rumpled from her days activities, as her slight frame sits perched upon a brick wall, watching, waiting. This time, she does not want to rush into things - wants to lie carefully in wait, play the part of a wolf is sheepskin. pelt twitches uncomfortably for a moment - she's rubbed herself against a discarded twoleg-pelt, found in that awful place full of noisy kits, and the scent alone leaves her more nauseas than any carrion ever could. The lows she has stooped to.

But she wants to become stronger, needs to, in a way that she cannot by simply sparring with her clanmates. She wants to protect her loved ones, from him, from starclan, from everything they may face. And with the bears posing such a threat, it is easy enough to slip away into the darkness - patrols are small, cautious, every one of them terrified of what fate awaits them should massive paws and powerful jaws find them. No - she will not let loampaw end up like poppypaw, and so she will do her best to learn. To improve. To become as capable a killer as her brother.

The sound of pawstep hit keen ears and she perks up, body coiled taught and tense - the young molly is no longer alone. "Um... h-hello? Is someone there?"[/b[ she calls out softly, green eyes nervous and avoidant, posture held low and anxious. Its little different from her usual, soft and submissive and scarred - but something cold glimmers in dull green eyes. She knows well that sometimes, it's best to appear weak.

// @Pikejaw