Kitty-Kat's Character Storage


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022

    25 Moons && He/They && WindClan Warrior && Bio
    ✧ ─── taken; (somewhat) open to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically medium && mentally medium
    ✧ ─── former pacifist, tries to take the moral high ground (usually fails), soft boy hours

    22 Moons && She/Her && ShadowClan Queen && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; open to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically hard && mentally hard
    ✧ ─── mean girl; all opinions are ic!

    08 Moons && She/Her && ThunderClan Apprentice && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; open to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically easy && mentally easy
    ✧ ─── shy baby girl, cursed child

    11 Moons && Any Pronouns && ShadowClan Apprentice && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; closed to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically medium && mentally easy
    ✧ ─── chaotic gremlin, violence as a form of affection

    22 Moons && She/They/It && WindClan Tunneler && Bio
    ✧ ─── taken; closed to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically medium && mentally easy
    ✧ ─── tiny but mighty, bite is worse then her bark

    08 Moons && They/Them && SkyClan Daylight Apprentice && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; open to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically easy && mentally hard
    ✧ ─── silent child, inquisitive and eager to learn

    17 Moons && He/Him && SkyClan Warrior && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; closed to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically medium && mentally extremely easy
    ✧ ─── social butterfly, utterly gullible and naive

    12 Moons && She/They/It && RiverClan Apprentice && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; open to plotting
    ✧ ───physically easy && mentally extremely easy
    ✧ ─── suffers from separation anxiety, unhealthily dependent upon gladefrost and magpiepaw

    05 Moons && He/They && RiverClan Kit && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; closed to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically ??? && mentally ???
    ✧ ─── terrified of the water

    00 Moons && She/Her && ThunderClan Kit && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; closed to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically ??? && mentally ???
    ✧ ─── unborn kitten

    07 Moons && She/They && WindClan Apprentice && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; open to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically easy && mentally medium
    ✧ ─── daydreamer, ominous little weirdo

    21 Moons && He/They&& DuskClan Warrior && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; open to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically medium && mentally medium
    ✧ ─── chaotic trash goblin, always open to plotting on discord

    10 Moons && He/They&& Loner && Bio
    ✧ ─── single; open to plotting
    ✧ ─── physically easy && mentally hard
    ✧ ─── unlucky child

[bimg=fleft|120px|center][/bimg] [center][b][color=color]NAME[/color][/b] 00 Moons && Pro/Nouns && Clan Rank && [url=wip]Bio[/url][/center] ✧ ─── single/taken; open/closed to plotting ✧ ─── physically ??? && mentally ??? ✧ ─── optional notes here?
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periwinklebreeze | formerly periwinklekit, periwinklepaw
→ named 'periwinkle' for his mothers favorite flower; 'breeze' for his grace and gentle nature
→ also referred to as little moon

25 months | ages realtime on the 11th

demi-boy [amab] | he/they

homoromantic | homosexual | ambiamorous
↳​ taken; mates with gravelsnap

windclan | lead warrior [moor runner]
→ mentored by: jaggedoak, snowshadow, bluepool
→ mentoring: vulturepaw
→ previously mentored: scorpionback

a black smoke tom with clear blue eyes | ref
↳​ shorthaired black smoke with high white; carries longhair + point + spotted tabby​
→ scars/injuries: fox bite on left hind leg, deep scratch on left leg, three-clawed scratch on left side of jaw down to his neck, thick scar on underbelly near his leg joint, missing a chunk of his left ear, deep dog bite on his scruff, large scratches across right eye and cheek rendering him blind in that eye, long scar down right flank, cat bitemark on front right leg; suffers from chronic insomnia and weakened immune system
→ accessories: always has daisy flowers tucked into tail fur; sometimes adorns the rest of his pelt with spring and summertime blooms in shades of white (chickweed, heather, parsley, anemone, etc.)
→ vibes:

loving | emotional | empthetic | noncompetitive | insecure
a gentle spirited tom full of love and affection for his clanmates, periwinklebreeze is the sort of cat who is content to stick to the sidelines, preferring to spend time caring for the kits in the nursery or with his family above all else. he's an affectionate creature, near-touch starved in his need for companionship - touchy feely at times and a pushover at others, he's clearly a people pleaser at heart. insecurity and anxiety often overwhelm him, leading him to turn to others to take the lead - it's far easier to copy others in order to avoid a misstep, or to allow others to set the status quo. still, that doesn't mean he's a passive presence within windclan - while once he might've stood by and let himself be trod upon, with sootstars defeat he's found himself no longer as self-loathing, instead taking pride in fighting for what he knows to be right, though he still finds it far easier to stand up for others than himself. he is religious to an extreme, having turned to starclans guidance in the absence of parental figures and taking comfort in the fact that while most of his friends and family passed on, they are watching over him from overhead; though he views them as cruel all-powerful gods more than a kind, guiding force.

hyacinthbreath x moonshadow | gen 02
→ sibling to snowshadow, nightingalecry, wisteriapaw, downypaw, finchpaw
→ parent to bilberrypaw, dustpaw, vulturepaw, weepingpaw, mourningpaw

physically medium | mentally medium
→ will: end fights, run, kill, maim, attack elders
→ wont: attack kits
→ might: start fights
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marmotbite | formerly marmotkit, marmotpaw
→ named 'marmot' for her coloring; 'bite' for her vicious habit of biting others when startled or when in battle
→ was not originally named at birth following her families traditions

22 months | ages realtime on the 15th

demi-girl [afab] | she/they/it

greyromantic | demisexual | monogamous
↳​ taken; in a relationship with azaleafrost

windclan | tunneler
→ mentored by: nightmareface
→ mentoring: n/a
→ previously mentored: n/a

tiny blue and brown ticked tabby with heavy scarring | ref
↳​ longhaired blue ticked tabby + brown ticked tabby chimera with low white; carries unknown​
→ scars/injuries: has heavy scarring down the right side of her face, chest, and all the way down her stomach; right ear is half-bitten off
→ accessories: n/a
→ vibes:

fearful | paranoid | aggressive | apathetic | cold
far from the most social of creatures, marmotbite usually prefers to keep to herself. she doesn't really understand social and emotional connections and cues, often left floundering when pulled into others problems or drama as she simply can't understand the why's or how's of it all. it's not as though she's emotionless however - no, she feels far to much; in a near permanent state of anxiety and paranoia it takes very little to set her off, reverting into either a state of fight or flight as she panics. with hair trigger temper, she is quite aggressive - teeth and claws are her solution of choice against most things, her problems included; though when fighting can't fix things she's often left uncertain and scared. when around azaleafrost, though still notably detached from her surroundings she seems much more mellow and high-spirited - her affection for her mate soothing some of her more frazzled nerves and serving as a focus (and distraction) from her anxieties and traumas.

npc x npc | gen 01
→ sibling to npc brother
→ parent to dazzlekit & blisterkit

physically medium | mentally easy
→ will: start/end fights, run, kill, maim, attack elders
→ wont: n/a
→ might: attack kits
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→ named 'puddle' for the strange markings upon her face; 'paw' for her current rank

07 months | ages realtime on the 15th

demi-girl [afab] | she/they

homoromantic | demisexual | monogamous
↳​ single; crushing on/in a relationship with none

windclan | apprentice [tunneler]
→ mentored by: n/a
→ mentoring: n/a
→ previously mentored: n/a

rosette mink point and black she-cat with wide mismatched blue eyes | ref
↳​ longhaired black + rosetted seal-silver mink point chimera with low white; breeds mink point, carries solid​
→ scars/injuries: n/a
→ accessories: n/a
→ vibes:

daydreamer | ditsy | eccentric | playful | curious
the epitome of curiosity killed the cat, puddlekit is utterly fascinated by this world she's been born into - feeling the need to learn everything she can, to understand the why's and how's of every little thing that crosses her path. this curiosity can range from simple minded wonderings or naive kitten questions like why the sky is blue or why caterpillars become butterflies, but can also veer into the dark and morbid such as what it feels like to die or why the inside of prey looks that way. a fidgety child, its rare to find her truly still - always humming or moving in some way or another even when lost in thought, the girl doesn't even still when she sleeps - rolling and kicking and fussing even in the land of dreams. a daydreamer, the wide-eyed child is oft found lost in thought or people watching, and its not uncommon for her to blurt out whatever random nonsense was filling her mind at the time. despite her strangeness however, she's still just a little girl - cheerful and amicable as any other kit, as playful and distractable as them too as she ambles her way through life without any real care.

npc x npc | gen 01
→ sibling to lakepaw
→ parent to none

physically easy | mentally medium
→ will: start fights, run
→ wont: attack elders/kits
→ might: end fights, maim, kill
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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maggotfur | formerly maggotkit, maggotpaw
→ named 'maggot' for her fathers belief she killed her mother; 'fur' for her strong build and distinctive appearance
→ will also respond to maggie

22 months | ages realtime on the 1st

female [afab] | she/her

biromantic | demisexual | polyamorous
↳​ single; crushing on/in a relationship with none

shadowclan | queen
→ mentored by: npc
→ mentoring: leechpaw
→ previously mentored: ptarmiganpaw

massive, fluffy blue-grey tabby she-cat with a white face and striking blue eyes | ref
↳​ longhaired blue silver classic tabby with low white (25% mainecoon; polydactyl)​
→ scars/injuries: n/a
→ accessories: n/a
→ vibes:

abrasive | apathetic | cruel | violent | vengeful
a caustic sort of personality, maggotfur is unfailingly rude to just about any cat who crosses her path - blunt and abrasive in her manner of speech, she has no time to spare on niceties and especially not with the fools she has as clanmates (not that her personality is much better to outsiders, no, it's far worse). the only time she deigns to be polite is to those she respects or those who have power - sucking up to those she feels might further her position and treating those who she genuinely respects with the sort of reverence one might reserve for the word of starclan. she's not usually outright mean though her brand of humor can be quite dark and biting - she's not looking to pick fights, she just doesn't have any of the patience or social skills that others might have, and if one can look past this blunt and apathetic nature she's quite a tolerable cat. due to her rather traumatic upbringing both as an unwanted child foist upon a neglectful foster parent and born in the the midst of a famine that swept through shadowclan, she has a healthy distrust of those older than her and a general dislike of anyone who grew up well-loved or with both parents, while viewing herself as a collector and champion of those less fortunate. she's a rather feral creature all things said and done - driven by instinct more often than not, hoarding anything 'shiny' which may catch her eye like a magpie, eating just about anything she can get her paws on (including insects, carrion, and all manner of items viewed unappetizing by others), hunting anything that moves across her path, and in general following her bloodthirsty natural instinct in battle rather than using any real cunning.

viridianskies(npc) x wolfbite(npc) | gen 01
→ sibling to three npcs
→ parent to ivorykit, cornflowerkit, rainbowkit

physically hard | mentally hard
→ will: start/end fights, kill, maim, attack kits/elders
→ wont: n/a
→ might: run
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swallowpaw | formerly swallowkit
→ named 'swallow' for the bird; 'paw' for her current rank
→ will respond to swall' or 'walls

11 months | ages realtime on the 31st

polygender [afab] | he/she/they/it

panromantic | pansexual | monogamous (flexible)
↳​ single; fixated on lividsmoke

shadowclan | apprentice
→ mentored by: scorchedmoon; swansong
→ mentoring: n/a
→ previously mentored: n/a

small half orange tabby half brown tabby point with mismatched blue eyes | ref
↳​ longhaired flame + chocolate lynx point chimera with high white; breeds flame point masking chocolate tabby​
→ scars/injuries: n/a
→ accessories:n/a
→ vibes:

obsessive | cheerful | meretricious | aggressive | impressionable
he is a rather energetic feeling, always cheerful and upbeat as he flounces about shadowclan with a bright grin - though he's notably mellowed out now that he's reached six moons and is allowed to leave camp and do 'fun' apprentice things like learn to hunt and fight properly, without having to resort to throwing temper tantrums. swallowpaw is still quite the attention seeker, behaving only when it suits her and continuing to act out when she wants to draw eyes upon her - theres no such thing as bad attention, not to her. surprisingly observant and impressionable, they're much like a parrot - mimicking the cats around them to present what they think is 'normal' to others even if they lack any actual understanding of why, most notably in their parroting of every single swear they've ever head another cat speak, or in giving empty platitudes and sympathies despite lacking any real emotional empathy themselves. its a rather single minded creature, focus mainly on people or objects of interest - and more recently, on one specific cat. it's recent interest in learning from lividpaw whenever their mentor is too busy with snowpaw has lead to another drastic change in personality, mimicking the toms personality and voicing agreement with their opinions and choices whenever they are around and pestering them whenever they are nearby - utterly obsessed with seeking out their attention and approval.

duckshimmer x npc | gen 02
→ sibling to singepaw, sneezepaw
→ parent to none

physically medium | mentally easy
→ will: start/end fights, maim, kill
→ wont: run
→ might: attack kits/elders
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eggbounce | formerly eggkit, eggpaw
→ named 'egg' for his roundness and pale fur at birth; 'bounce' for his energy and amicable personality
→ will respond to any version of egg/eggy you can think of

17 months | ages realtime on the 23rd

male [amab] | he/him

homoromantic | heteroflexible | monogamous
↳​ single; in denial about crushing on prickles

skyclan | warrior
→ mentored by: teaktail (npc)
→ mentoring: adderpaw
→ previously mentored: Kite

handsome cream and white tom with wide grey-blue eyes | ref
↳​ longhaired cream tabby with high white (25% maine coon); carries solid + point, masking lilac tabby​
→ scars/injuries: none
→ accessories: always wears a butterfly wing behind right ear; often has assorted insect wings and flowers strewn throughout the rest of hid pelt
→ vibes:

trait | trait | trait | trait | trait
short personality summary goes here; 5 sentences or less

orangestar x ashenclaw | gen 03
→ sibling to cherryblossom, glimmersun, owlheart, tawnyclaw
→ parent to none

physically medium | mentally easy
→ will: run, end fights
→ wont: start fights, attack kits/elders
→ might: kill, maim
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name here | formerly (past names go here)
→ named 'prefix' for; 'suffix' for
→ nicknames/aliases here

00 months | ages realtime on the 00th

gender [agab] | pro/nouns

romantic orientation | sexual orientation | poly/monogamous/ambiamorous
↳​ status; crushing on/in a relationship with name

clan | rank
→ mentored by: name
→ mentoring: name
→ previously mentored: name

census description here | ref
↳​ genetic description goes right here; carries​
→ scars/injuries:
→ accessories:
→ vibes:

trait | trait | trait | trait | trait
short personality summary goes here; 5 sentences or less

name x name | gen 00
→ sibling to name
→ parent to name

physically level | mentally level
→ will:
→ wont:
→ might:
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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glowingpaw | formerly glowingkit
→ named 'glowing' for; 'paw' for her current rank
→ sometimes responds to glow or glow'paw

07 months | ages realtime on the 8th

female [afab] | she/her

romantic orientation undiscovered | sexual orientation undiscovered | ambiamorous
↳​ single; crushing on/in a relationship with none

thunderclan | apprentice
→ mentored by: lily pad,
→ mentoring: none
→ previously mentored: none

a large cream point she-cat with crossed ice blue eyes and a bobbed tail | ref
↳​ shorthaired cream point with low white and stub tail; carries long hair​
→ scars/injuries: crosseyed from birth
→ accessories: none
→ vibes:

trait | trait | trait | trait | trait
short personality summary goes here; 5 sentences or less

crimsonsun (npc) x shadedmoon (npc) | gen 01
→ sibling to fadingpaw, dwindlingpaw, shadowedpaw, shroudedpaw
→ parent to none

physically easy | mentally easy
→ will:
→ wont: start fights, attack kits, maim
→ might: run, end fights, attack elders, kill
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name here | formerly (past names go here)
→ named 'prefix' for; 'suffix' for
→ nicknames/aliases here

00 months | ages realtime on the 00th

gender [agab] | pro/nouns

romantic orientation | sexual orientation | poly/monogamous/ambiamorous
↳​ status; crushing on/in a relationship with name

clan | rank
→ mentored by: name
→ mentoring: name
→ previously mentored: name

census description here | ref
↳​ genetic description goes right here; carries​
→ scars/injuries:
→ accessories:
→ vibes:

trait | trait | trait | trait | trait
short personality summary goes here; 5 sentences or less

name x name | gen 00
→ sibling to name
→ parent to name

physically level | mentally level
→ will:
→ wont:
→ might:
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
name here | formerly (past names go here)
→ named 'prefix' for; 'suffix' for
→ nicknames/aliases here

00 months | ages realtime on the 00th

gender [agab] | pro/nouns

romantic orientation | sexual orientation | poly/monogamous/ambiamorous
↳​ status; crushing on/in a relationship with name

clan | rank
→ mentored by: name
→ mentoring: name
→ previously mentored: name

census description here | ref
↳​ genetic description goes right here; carries​
→ scars/injuries:
→ accessories:
→ vibes:

trait | trait | trait | trait | trait
short personality summary goes here; 5 sentences or less

name x name | gen 00
→ sibling to name
→ parent to name

physically level | mentally level
→ will:
→ wont:
→ might:
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
→ named 'opossum' for his resemblance to the animal
→ always introduces himself as " 'possum," as he finds the additional 'o' sound to be "tedious" and "no fun"

22 months | ages realtime on the 11th

trans masc [afab] | he/they

panromantic | pansexual | polyamorous
↳​ single; crushing on/in a relationship with none

rogue | duskclan "warrior"
→ mentored by: n/a
→ mentoring: n/a
→ previously mentored: n/a

tall and scrawny black and blue tom with bright amber eyes | ref
↳​ shorthaired black + blue chimera with low white + polydactyl; carries unknown​
→ scars/injuries: bitemark on his neck from an encounter with siltcloud
→ accessories: n/a
→ vibes:

energetic | amoral | upbeat | violent | selfish
a chaotic presence, there is very little about the tom that screams 'sane' - in fact, its quite the opposite. while cheerful and ever smiling, its easy to see possum has quite a few screws loose, viewing people as toys and puppets to pit against each other, each and every person in his life utterly disposable... even himself. always in for a thrill, he values strength and power above all, and at any cost, though it's clear to see that if that power doesn't benefit him in any way he's liable to loose interest or grow bored. in general, he lacks any sort of moral code - something he doesn't hide - and while capable of sympathy is extremely lacking in empathy. all in all, he's a being that lives life like everyday could be his last, burning bright, hot, and full of excitement - he's here for a good time, not a long time.

sandra x npc | gen 02
→ sibling to siltcloud, granitepelt
→ parent to none

physically medium | mentally medium
→ will: start/end fights, attack kits/elders, maim, kill
→ wont: n/a
→ might: run
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
→ named for being the thirteenth child
→ responds better to "hey you" "kid" and "kiddo" than his actual name

10 months | ages realtime on the 15th

demi-boy [amab] | he/they

demiromantic | demisexual | ambiamorous
↳​ single; crushing on/in a relationship with none

→ mentored by: n/a
→ mentoring: n/a
→ previously mentored: n/a

skeletal, heavily scared pinkish-grey and white tom with one blue and one green eye | ref
↳​shorthaired fawn solid with high white + heterochromia; carries longhair​
→ scars/injuries: nearly every inch of his coat is littered with scars of various sizes, but the most notable are large slash marks that cross his entire face and muzzle, a nick in his right ear, burn holes in his left ear, burn scars on his paw pads, and large chunks of fur missing from his tail. his pel is notably patchy from overgrooming.
→ accessories: n/a
→ vibes:

anxious | cautious | flighty | depressed | self loathing
despite his short life, the world has not been very kind to thirteen - with no family to turn to from an early age, life as an orphan on twolegplace streets ahs certainly left its mark on him, both physically and mentally. a twitchy, nervous kid, while thirteen does try to see the best in others and keep his hopes up, he can't help but to be let down more often than not - trust betrayed, or worse, faced with more deaths upon his conscience. he is constantly on alert, every little noise rightfully terrifying him, and he finds it extremely hard to let his guard down even in his sleep, constantly tossing, turning, never letting his senses stray for too long. because of his rough life, he believes himself to be cursed - surely nothing else would explain his terrible luck - and because of this he is very self-loathing and self-critical, constantly putting himself down both in the confines of his mind and even out loud to others. despite his own beliefs, he is actually quite intelligent - a survivor through and through as he makes his way through life, often managing to negotiate his way through tough situations or use his cunning to escape mostly unscathed out of situations most would die in.

sunbeam (npc) x puddles (npc) | gen 01
→ sibling to twelve npcs
→ parent to none

physically easy | mentally hard
→ will: run, kill, maim
→ wont: start fights
→ might: end fights, attack kits/elders
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