private NOW THE RAINS WEEP O'ER HIS HALLS — kitnapping


XXXXXThe camp is in chaos—all five camps are in chaos, as madness has descended upon the forest in the form of shredding claws and flying fur. ShadowClan’s camp is full of cats preparing for war, cats bearing scents from all angles of the forest, and in the flurry, no one misses three curious little kits. The nursery, after all, is full of them, all of them bearing mingling scents, confusing the real and the fake. The queens are distracted with their own children.

XXXXXWho would miss a trio of motherless, fatherless furballs, with everything going on?

XXXXXGranitepelt’s smile is small, and though it is genuine, none would know why. He is a lead warrior now, and he goes where he pleases, speaks to whom he wants. When he looks at the triplets tumbling about, just outside ShadowClan’s nursery, it’s with self-importance. Three she-kits, two the spitting image of their departed mother, the third the deputy’s look-a-like, and he commands their attention with a sweeping bow of his head. “Tanglekit! Halfkit! Birdkit!” He puts a note of urgency low into his voice. “I found something cool… it’s a tunnel! I think it leads somewhere. I wanted to check it out, but I need the smallest warriors to fit it… do you think you could help me?

XXXXXHe glances around for his sister’s dull, dust-hued fur, narrowing his eyes in her direction.

@Halfkit @TANGLEKIT @Birdkit @Siltcloud.

Halfkit spends a lot of days pretty much the same. She wakes up, does her best to rally Birdkit and Tanglekit, and then she plays until Miststep calls her and her siblings in for nap time or food or whatever. She has to admit, having the other kits here has been fun. Pink-kit especially has proven herself to be a worthy playmate. But they were all going back to their own clans soon, or so the adults said. In Halfkits opinion, they should all stay right here in ShadowClan with her. Then at least there would always be someone to play with.

Granitepelt was a lead warrior, her sisters mentor. Nettlepaws father and Starlingheart’s mate. Outside of that she does not know much about him, admittedly. He seemed like the kind of cat she could trust though so when he beckons her and her siblings over she does not even hesitate. When he speaks in hushed tones she finds herself leaning in to listen, curiosity rounding her blue eyes. A tunnel? The idea of such a thing intrigued her and it definitely helps that he had referred to them as miniature warriors, for that is what Halfkit wants to be more than anything else in the world. A brave warrior who her entire clan looks up to.

She fluffs herself up, squaring her shoulders. "Would you say this is a top secret mission? One only the very best of the best could do?" She asks and its obvious by the glimmer in her eyes that she is caught in the grandeur of such an idea.

" I'M AN ANGEL " ?

siltcloud 17 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

It is too late for doubts, to late for second thoughts. Dull sage eyes meet green with a slow blink, a dust-hued figure amidst the swarm of grey and cream. How many times will she make this same choice - to put granitepelt first, to follow along with his absurd plans? Well... it doesn't matter anymore, does it? Poppypaw is gone. Loampelt is dead. There is only hm, and Lilacfur. She's know since the day she'd come running into camp, screaming lies and choking on fake tears, exactly how that will end. She'd known better than to fall in love, but she had anyways. Their ruin is inevitable, so what is one more mistake?

Gaze averts, head turned - crooked tail flicking as she gathers her thoughts, her resolve. " It is - chilledstar asked us to do it personally. You'll help us, won't you? Starlingheart seems to think you're all quite brave, but maybe she was wrong... " a lie of course - but she's seen it, the way these kits have only the ink-black feline look up to as she cares for them. Guilt perhaps, for what she has done. She'd let their mother die just as she'd let siltclouds mate - a useless pretty face. Bitterness boils in her chest, but she doesn't let it show, face carefully masked and words kept soft with worry.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I ' M - A - N I G H T M A R E ? I - K N O W - W H A T - Y O U - M E A N - B Y - T H A T

  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Her dreams are filled with soft clouds of many colors, cream and light pink and even one that seemed lilac - she is perfectly content where she is, dancing across them with a jubilant bounce in each pawstep, watching bursts of downy fluff rise up like dust motes due to her antics.
Among the billowing hills of clouds she sees a figure approach that paints a dark stain on the otherwise pastel landscape, their paws leave dark tracks and the look the same steel blue as the sheen of a crow's feather with pinprick white eyes. Birdkit eagerly waddles over to them, mismatched eyes wide, "Oh, you're scary! Good-good-I need someone scary to be my deputy to help me guard CloudClan." A tiny pink tongue darts from her mouth as she considers thoughtfully, "Spookyclaw, yeah-that'll be your name! I'm Birdstar, but you can also call me Birdy, I like both. Come on, Spookyclaw! We're going to go hunt down a monster to eat! It'll feed the whole clan!" Spinning around her newly named friend, the kitten stopped only to stomp ahead with paws raised and chest puffed out to continue their adventure...

Birdkit's leg kicks lightly at the sound of voices but she does not hear what is being said, not really - a murmur of a whine escapes her, "No, I'm tired...", to whatever is being spoken of. She wasn't in the mood to play and she wasn't hungry so she drowsily drifted back off into sleep without so much as opening an eye or taking in what was happening; as far as she cared she was just being bothered for no reason and the dreamy sunset-colored fields of her dreams drew her back into a lucid haze. "...less'go Spookyclaw..." The cream and blue kitten muttered with a lisping mewl, swatting a paw at any offending prodding as she drifted off again.

  • Ooc:
    Birdkit is sleeping so heavily she will be left behind! She will not recognize voices or have seen anything

  • 71106733_IrUUCaOfrNJ0vKn.png
    —⊰⋅ Kitten of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Blue Tabby Chimera w/orange and green eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

Tanglekit stirs from Birdkit’s side, glancing at her still-sleeping sister. Halfkit is already greeting the shaded figures that had called for them. It takes a moment for Tanglekit to recognize it is Granitepelt and Siltcloud. Her ears pricked in interest at the task given and her eyes sparkled. Finally, she would have something important to do, even if she was a kit. There was no reason to distrust the lead warrior, as he had been part of the council, so Tanglekit thought nothing of it.

“Birdkit is asleep, though.” She pointed out.​

XXXXXThe little she-kit named after her infernal dead mother pipes up, her little eyes sparkling. “Would you say this is a top secret mission?” Granitepelt gives his sister a grateful look as she reassures the kits that they’d need assistance, though the gray warrior nearly winces at the mention of Starlingheart. His mate would never understand why he’s taking the kits to Sootstar—but in his heart, he knows it’s for her own good, just as everything he does is.

XXXXXSmogmaw’s little look-a-like protests—Birdkit is still asleep. Sure enough, the final daughter mumbles sleepily, something about Spookyclaw. Granitepelt frowns—he’d intended to take all three kits, but rousing one might cause more problems than it’s worth, he thinks. After a few heartbeats, he turns that strange smile on Tanglekit and Halfkit. “Well, we’ll let her sleep. We only need two warriors for this mission, it turns out.” He winks—an odd gesture on his features—and says, “Only the best two warriors.

XXXXXWith that, he lifts his gaze to Siltcloud’s, and he nods. “Let’s go.
