no no you can never hide | intro. (bug)


swallowkit 01 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

Eyes wide, blue and unblinking as they take in the autumnal light filtering in through the trees overhead. The camp is dark and damp and cold - but it is all Swallowkit has ever known, so they hardly bat an eye. the nursery is quiet - too quite really, with the sudden disappearance of the abundance of visitors they'd had just days before, and now two of their denmates. Swallowkit almost misses them, if only because thing are a lot less interesting without playmates running around. It's a strange time to be a kit, Mother fussing over them at every turn as though he too may vanish into thin air. Maybe he might - swallowkit wouldn't know about such things anyways.

None of these thoughts are spoken aloud however instead they simply hum - fluffy tail flicking as head tilts and cranes downwards, vision scanning the camp absently. He is utterly bored, even now - attention seeking something, anythingto do, small paws fussy and impatient. At last, something draws his interest with a snap, limbs moving swiftly and silently as they pop - stalking forwards with all the charisma of a starved wolf. Tell-tale twitch of movement catches mismatched eyes, and whiskers twitch as he peers down at his find.

Bright red and squiggly, the insect mesmerizes swallowkit before he even knows it. Legs scuttle and skitter about - so many of them that the child cannot even hope to count them. He does not have enough paws and claws to do so even if he tried. Pale ivory needles are unsheathed to poke and prod at it, pelt twitching and jumping with every tap. "... what the stars? The hell is this thing," Breathless voice is oddly cheerful in spite of the words they speak, a beaming grin spreading across autumn hued cheeks, face flushed and eyes wide. Maybe he should show one of his denmates - maybe they'd think it just as cool. "Hey, come look at this thing - it's weird," he chirps again, waving one paw at the 'thing' in question.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


TELL ME HONESTLY The disappearance of their denmates was rather unsettling but the grinning tomkit had only been able to giggle at the fact both Halfkit and Tanglekit were missing, it was sad really not being able to play with either mollies but there was other kittens... Birdkit is still here with them and loud as ever considering that her sisters were missing. The thought of it making a few more giggles slip from his maw and he lifts a paw to try keeping himself quiet and not burst into a fit of laughter, he mustn't think so much on such sad things. The sound of Swallowkit's voice is enough to make the cinnamon tabby turn his head in their direction and his ears perk forward, he rises to his paws having only been watching over the camp and its inhabitants.

The creature had so many limbs and was rather long, it reminds him of a worm but those earth dwellers are without limbs and simply squirm pathetically. It makes him wonder if he took each little leg off the unknown insect would it squirm just the same like a worm, it's a hypothesis that he wishes to try but he's uncertain if the other kitten would allow him to test it, after all, Swallowkit had found the weird million legged bug. "Imagine having that many legs. A curse and a blessing all at once," He hums in a rather delighted way and more thoughts form in his mind, worms could manage not to drown in puddles and a part of him wonders if the not-worm would succumb and sink helplessly in a puddle.

"What are you going to do with it?" Put it in someone's nest? Eat it? See if it bites and its venomous? He inquires curiously to his denmate and uses his own unsheathed claw to prod the creature before retracting his limb, his thoughts growing with more and more grim curiosity. His kinked tail briefly tapping on the ground and tilts his head to Swallowkit awaiting his answer.

  • urple_yeller.png
    ☆ 2 moons old
    ☆ sexuality unknown; too young
    ☆ shadowclan kitten
    ☆ easy; does not know how to fight
    ☆ has a permanent grin and tends to burst out laughing at the worst times
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ☆ peaceful powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 "Imagine having a face like yours, now THAT'S a curse" barks a very brash kitten, glaring at the two from the fluff of his nest. It's anyone's guess if he's mad today about his sleep being disturbed or of the new intruder in his den - maybe both, maybe neither. Maybe he just doesn't like Yellowkit's weird smile. Maybe he's mad that kittens are being kidnapped and his stupid sibling is out here chasing weird alien creatures! Maybe he's mad because what kind of worm has that many legs? Why are they so pokey? Why can't it just die or be taken instead?! He'd prefer it if it'd just die though. The wiggling unnerves him.
He makes sure to burn Yellowkit one heartbeat more with his boiling blue eyes before turning his attention to Swallowkit. "You shouldn't touch weird things Walls, it might bite you. Or curse you. What if it bites you and you grow more legs, too?" he hates the way the fear-mongering works both ways as he trembles now at the thought, sinking deeper into his nest. Until he remembers Yellowkit is here, and probably watching. And probably making fun of him now.
Puffing up his spiky fur, Singekit abandons his nest and stomps over to the two. "I'm not afraid of it!" he snaps at Yellowkit, ignoring the fact that the tom hadn't actually vocalized any doubts about Sin's bravery. He still vibrates with anger at the older kit before whirling on the bug. Ew. Ew ew ew! Oh it really does look like a spider that was cursed a thousand times to keep growing more legs oh gross gross GROSS! "If it touches mom I'm gonna kill it" he announces bravely, as if his paws aren't trembling already at the thought. Starclan he hopes it doesn't touch mom! "I'm poking it" that'll scare it enough to leave, surely! Grabbing a nearby loose twig, he extends it forward, nervous as every inch, centimeter, and millimeter slowly disappears and he's left in the conundrum his arrogance has foretold.
Now he has to touch it.
Oh my god he doesn't want to touch it.

"This is stupid! YOU touch it!" he exclaims instead, whirling around and shoving the stick into the nearest kitten's paws.

//Feel free to be the kitten - or cat - he bestows this honor to <3

swallowkit 01 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

Yellowkits presence is welcome - swallowkit want's to show off her find after all. But blue eyes blink, head spinning so swiftly it actually hurts to stare at the tom. "A curse? Why? Wouldn't more legs make you faster or somethin'? Plus, I bet you could climb super tall trees easy," really, the two-toned child think's it'd be quite fun to have that many limbs and to be that long - though she's not sure she'd want to be so small? What if someone stepped on her? She's already tripped over sometimes at the size she is now - imagine how awful it'd e to be such a pitiful and helpless - thing.

"Sins!" she chirps eagerly, all but preening at the arrival of her sibling. Of all the ktis in the clan, and even those who'd invaded the camp, her siblings will always be her favorite. She has a ... soft spot for them, she thinks absently - in that annoying way were she wants to smother him in his sleep sometimes because he's annoying, but she'd be sad if she did, so she doesn't. Because they're family.

"You shouldn't insult 'lellow like that - you're supposed to talk mouse-dung behind peoples backs, not to their face. That's like - basic gossip one-oh-one," she lectures cheerfully, giving a cheeky grin as she brushes her shoulder against his. Eyes glitter with mischief and sharp teeth poke out. "You'll kill it? Hah - you can't even touch it, stinky," she taunts, bouncing on white-socked toes.

"Hm... dunno what I wanna do with it - think we can convince someone to eat it?" she drawls at last, answering yellowkits question since she'd forgotten to do so in the distraction of her siblings sudden arrival.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


Granitepelt’s mouth twitches as he watches the nursery’s residents paw after an insect. “I’m sure there are a lot of your Clanmates who could be convinced to eat it, but wouldn’t it be more fun to use it for hunting practice?” A memory flashes through his head—the butterfly, ordering Flintpaw to hold it still, to dismantle it, beauty pinned and ruined in a mess of kittenish violence. His mouth quirks again, this time into a semblance of a smile.

He gives a thought to their missing nurserymates, wondering if the new WindClan kits are learning hunting techniques or if they’re still caught in kitten games. WindClan surely is more militant with their training. Then he remembers—stars, at three moons, they’ll be apprenticed anyway. Idly, he wonders if Chilledstar or Smogmaw could be convinced to start such a practice. Four moons seems awfully late to him.

He flicks his tail, eyes on the insect. “Whoever has the best hunting crouch and can catch it will get a prize,” he says. He doesn’t know exactly what the prize would be… but oh, kits are so easily amused, he’s sure he can come up with something that will incentivize them into using their warrior skills.

, ”
It's kind of cute, but it's mostly the d umbest thing in the world, listening to kittens bicker about how your amount of legs correlated to how deadly you were or something, and bugs putting curses on you, apparently. Clearly this kit in particular has been listening too intently to elders tales— an elder from another clan, she bets. Probably SkyClan, where there were warriors named PinkGlitterSparkleFairyclaw that believed in magic and curses. Sharppaw wonders if she was this stupid as a kit.

Maybe you should be allowed to be this stupid as a kit, though. It was about the only age where one could be stupid, and Sharppaw would well and truly roll her eyes and say whatever. ...The same might be true for a warrior or apprentice, but comparitively, she wanted to claw kits much less, for it.

That's what he thinks, as he watches them squeal. Kithood is an age he could only have brief flashes of, but it was a time without responsabilities, and with mentors breathing down her back. He hopes that he'd been doing something fun, as a kit.

So when Granitepelt says, wouldn’t it be more fun to use it for hunting practice? Sharppaw finds himself saying. " Uh, no. "

He finds himself twisting his muzzle the moment he says it, spiked pelt bristling in anticipation of a mossy glare he might throw his way— but, no one really liked Granitepelt, did they? She is likeable. She is likeable, if she speaks against him. And, well, it's nice to just talk. Sharppaw wonders if he ought to glare, or give a disarming smile. He does neither, instead looking at him with an odd, wide - eyed face.

The best hunting crouch, because the comparison's start as soon as your born, don't they? They're there for a reason, certainly. But, a... A kit? They're all as good as worthless. Mouth - breathers, basically. A smile tries to twitch its way upon his face, but it doesn't stay long.

What's going on? Uh... Doesn't he seem stupid, commenting on...kitten discourse. " I mean, if I were a dumb kit I'd say no. " Or would that offend them? The kits. Present. That she kind of forgot about. Her teeth grind together. "Or a smart one, for that matter. Uh... follow your dreams, y'know, " Because this was probably the last moon or so they'd ever get to do that.

  • cvFSgho.png

    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 17 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    a dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between her chimera fur. Burdened with a broken tail. Recently, she has realized it can still function, though she has wholly believed in its utter uselessness for so long that it cannot without great effort. Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    Obsessed with the perceived 'game' within ShadowClan, the rules of which she is unaware of. Striving to be someone more likeable due to this.
    heavy ic opinions! he sucks.