A AND B CONVO, C YOUR WAY OUT || spice / ember


rogue prince
Jul 8, 2024

The sun was sinking low, leaving the camp in shadows and cricket chirps. The warriors were dispersing and dismissing their apprentices, everyone was tired but the hot sun was finally retreating, and the cooler air was lifting the spirits of Scorpionpaw as he quickly makes his way to the spot, the best place to cat-watch and gossip with friends. He plops down and watches the bustle until he spots who he’s looking for, the hat-sporting apprentice he so often loved to blab to.

The most recent rogue attack was hot on his list of topics, Emberpaw had attacked a rogue from the group that had been attacking his dad Thistleback. He had been stuck on a hunting patrol, but as soon as he heard what happened he was buzzing.

" Spice! " he called, lashing his tail like a dog to get her attention and waving his paw as he called the daylight apprentice over. " don’t go home yet! please? let’s chill, I feel like I haven’t seen you in days. I’m looking for Emberpaw too- ….HEY! " he spots the cinnamon molly in time and waves her over. " there she is! the rogue-slayer " his pearly teeth flashing with excitement, voice lilting dramatically as he praises her " I heard you kicked some ass! saved my dad’s tail " he speaks enthusiastically, eyeing the cut across her muzzle with an internal wince. That was surely going to scar.

" Does it hurt?…that’s gonna look so cool when it heals " he adds.

  • — referencing this thread
    sorry if this sucks! // and took me forever lol @Emberpaw . @spicepaw

  • TEN MOONS | ages on the 11th
    — apprentice of Skyclan
    Brother of Coyotecrest and Eveningpaw
    — mentored by TBA
    — muscled short 1/2 curly 1/2 spikey cream and white tabby with grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • qrHZneX.png

A boisterous 'hey' catches her attention as she pins the voice to being Scorpionpaw's, and he flags her over. ”Scorpionpaw, Spicepaw.” She greets with a dip of her head as she's called rogue-slayer by the son of Thistleback. It was a strange phenomenon to be called it (more so because she was of rogue blood) and she chuckles slightly. A tufted tail flicks as she rests beside the other apprentices in the shade as she yawns softly, and listens to the rest of the cream tabby's statement. ”Your dad is a formidable opponent. Even the two rogues couldn't take him two. I'm glad we arrived in time before things got worse.”

Scorpion makes a comment on the scratch on her lip and she dabs it, and shrugs. ”I didn't even notice I got it. It only hurts whenever I yawn too wide or whenever I eat.” Ember idly claws at the dirt with a singular claw before her fiery gaze flicks between the two. ”How was training today, you too?” The cinnamon smoke inquired with an owlish tilt, curious on how the two apprentices were fairing in their training.