Dec 21, 2023
// taking place after the kittypet's exiles and before howling's murder!

Badgerstripe's friends wait for her at the camp's entrance, just as the sun makes its dip below the horizon - just as they had agreed. An easygoing smile rests on her face as she leads Sleekserpent over, willfully ignorant of any hesitance the tabby holds to her inclusion. The molly presents a friendly dip of her head to Lightflower and Palefire as she approaches, and then flicks her tail to the cat next to her. " If you don't know them, this is Sleekserpent. " A wide, encouraging smile is flicked to her companion. " I .. wanted to bring him with. I hope you don't mind. " And, purposefully unawares as she is, she would again ignore any silent protest. This night was going to be fine. It was going to be perfect. It had to be.

" Let's go get our hunt on, shall we? "

And so, the group of four begin their journey out of camp. They wouldn't go too far - she was still fearful of the danger that left their kittypet-Clanmates dead, even if none of them seem to be particular targets - but she felt confident in the size of their little group. " I was thinking of trying the Great Sycamore, and going from there. " the thinks out loud, following up with a cheerful hum. She couldn't yet bring herself to look at her friends - were any of them going to enjoy this like she hoped? Did any of them view her as a friend like she viewed them? Well, perhaps she better get a conversation rolling.. that's a great way to start rebuilding, right?

" So.. what's new with you two? " the molly asks casually. Finally, Badgerstripe looks at Palefire, then to Lightflower, and finally to Sleekserpent - though, being so close to the third as she was, she already pretty much knew everything going on with him. But, maybe he can share with them too - maybe they could all be friends, and once all these murders and trouble are behind them, they can all be happy..

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) @Sleekserpent. @PALEFIRE @Lightflower - no particular posting order!