camp a beginning, a new life | first time in camp


it might sting a bit
Jun 27, 2024
જ➶ A nervousness settles in their gut. His eyes always that far away look, distant as the ocean itself, is now clear with nervousness and worry. "Will they like me?" He asks the piebald tom that they quietly walk beside. Unsure of the thoughts of the others. The one named Florabreeze was very nice to him as well as Figfeather. But still he feels most comfortable near Tommie simply because they know him a little bit better than the others. Perhaps not a great much but still enough that the Skyclan warrior's words hold the truth to them. The birds sing above them all as they finally find their way into the camp and the startled kittypet blinks, eyes widening at how many cats are moving back and forth. All seem like they have a purpose to their time. To their day not being wasted. It makes them think back to their own and how listless they had been, stale and fragmented. The same old routine day in and day out. But now they have broken that routine instead and purposefully. A soft exhale leaves his red rhinestone collared throat as they try to relax their nerves. Pulling their tail around themselves as if to appear smaller. "This is a lot to take in at once." Even sp he wants to make a good first impression and so he tries to lift his head up.

Some cats are nearby, walking past and they pause to look at the new feline in their camp. Denali gives a small and soft smile, dipping his head in greeting as they shuffles their paws. ", I'm new to Skyclan. Probably obvious..." A nervous chuckle escapes them then before the two toned feline of cinnamon and dark chocolate shifts their weight. "I'm Denali. I hope to become a great Skyclanner."

-- small continuation of his joining thread, tagging those that were there to have led him to camp
  • Love
Reactions: ThistleBack
‘will they like me?’ he’s stirred out of his soldier-like march as they enter camp, eyes always scouting the skies and nose always taking in the chance for predator or rogue. Grey eyes shift to seafoam, clearly gripped at the scruff by uncertainty and a due nervousness. Thistleback offers a smile, " what is there to detest? " he counters with a kind voice, " polite and willingness to seal an oath " he rounds off, hoping to drill a bit of encouragement. A rare display, considering his strict nature.

" I’m sure it is… but you’ll get used to it quicker than you think. " he offers, eyes flitting about searching for close friends of family, he’d wave a tail over for the chance to introduce them. A few pause, some dutifully assessing and others simply curious- Denali greets them with a smile, the same one that had a hold over Thistleback in some strange marginal way. Their face split like the sun and moon, adorned with a smile both polite and nervous. Glittering red jewels lining their neck, and eyes of the ocean peering behind their fringe taking in a whole new world of possibilities.

" most of the cats you will meet, are kind. I assure you. There will be some, who are hesitant… for good reason. Some who are…well… as they are " Denali had learned that firsthand with the rogues, he finishes his words with his barb-tongued apprentice Bat in mind.

  • — eeee its official! welcome denaliiii

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    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

  • Angry
Reactions: Batscreech
Bat had been tending to his duties- ones made up by his mind alone, unimportant and without proper direction. His nest was not something he typically occupied himself with- why should he weave it anew as often as was expected, if he would just lay down and destroy it all over again? A trivial waste of time in his eyes, and yet with his hardened mentor having retreated from the stifling confines of camp, Bat was left to navigate his own activities.

He was mindlessly picking away at some stray broken debris from his tattered nest when a commotion outside of the den slowly trickled into his ears. A lazy but inquisitive gaze flitted towards the sound, half expecting it to be nothing more than the ever-present SkyClan bickering. But this was different- the buzz was relentless and it seemed to grow all the more intense as the moments passed by, an indication that something truly noteworthy had occurred. This was what proved to peak the mahogany toms curiosity enough to pull himself away from his insufferable chore and make his way out into the heart of the camp.

His head turned to take in the scene unfolding before him. Thistleback was the first thing to catch his attention, seemingly due to the familiarity of his build and staple monochrome pelt, but beyond this- a new face. A face that was softened, untouched by the ravages of the worlds endless cruelty. They were hailed with a typical mixed welcome from SkyClan- most of which were positive and warm, though the occasional judgement cast by those who were of a less trusting nature could not be discredited. Bat figured he would come to a conclusion of this newcomer based on his own judgement, and so he approached with a wary yet nonchalant stride.

It was absurd. This cat- Denali, they called themselves- was not in any way suited for the life they claimed they so desperately wanted to pursue. Silken fur draped elegantly against his well-fitted frame, gentle aqua eyes that were filled with an innocent thirst for what they had yet to see, colors that were in no way natural to that of any wild born cat, and above all- the thing that proved to be the biggest eyesore- Bat pushed his way forward with a scowl, stopping mere inches away from Denali so that they were face to face.

That collar. Bat's viridian optics seemed glued to them, studying every inch of the gaudy craft that hung obnoxiously from a well-groomed neck. "Ohh, you..." His voice was soft as he spoke, but there was no kindness there. He raised a darkened paw and allowed his ivory claws to slide from their protective sheath covering, tapping against the rhinestones that were nestled in the collars strap- pulling at it gently for a moment before allowing it to drop back down, his paw settling itself back into the earth below along with it.

Bat's optics locked directly with Denali's then. A hollow gaze, devoid of any emotion, as if staring into a viridescent chamber of complete and utter void. Half-lidded and heavy-set so that they looked as though they were engulfed entirely in shadow, they seemed utterly dead. The same could not be said about his smile, however, the way his face contorted entirely when his lips peeled back to reveal rows of yellowed teeth, one of which was missing on the left side. It was unnaturally wide, the edges of his mouth twitching with the strain it was put under as it extended so far up his eyelids forced those green orbs into slits in order to accommodate for lack of space. "...Yer gonna get eat'n alive, pretty dove." His accent was thick, the base of his voice much deeper than what one would typically expect from a cat his size- petite being the best word to describe such a stature. His comment was foreboding, and yet he was clearly amused with himself for saying so. "Please accept me proper welcome 't ya."

And with that, he slunk away with a flick of his exceedingly long, feathery tail.​
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Though not necessarily campbound, the spotted tabby had noticed a difference in duties since his return. Starved and exhausted, he had not been expected to attend to the borders until he was at his full strength again... which came with the added benefit (or drawback, for the introvert) of witnessing a newcomer's first steps into the camp. His gaze flickered upwards from a pile of bones by his paws and towards the entrance to his home, blinking in fervent recognition of the stranger. "You're that kittypet, the one who got in trouble with the rogues." Silversmoke had been there that day, thrown himself into the fray without hesitation in pursuit of rescuing the other. His jaw tensed, deja vu washing over him at the thought - just a half-moon later, he'd done the same for another, only... he hadn't walked away as easily from that one.

Claws unsheathed and writhed in the earth, it had been the right thing to do, but not for SkyClan. It was his own moral code that had guided his actions, something stricter than StarClan, something that denied him complete neutrality in keeping SkyClan protected from threats. He angled his head towards the other, about to welcome him when a new voice barked out first. 'Eaten alive?' His glare followed Bat as the other moved away. Nothing much had changed since his disappearance, except, there was a staggering difference in the quality of newcomers. There were only a few he was aware of, but they were all ex-rogues, creatures who would have to shape up quickly or risk being tossed out to the streets from whence they came. "Idiot," he scoffed, shaking his head as he looked towards Denali.

"Just keep an open mind and you'll be fine. There'll be a lot to learn." He would not realise how strange it was, to be the one to try and comfort an outsider. Several moons ago, he'd have looked at the other with disdain, suspicion even, now... he felt neutral. "Are you joining full-time?" His tail swayed as he spoke before, suddenly, it came to a halt.

જ➶ That smile soothes him somewhat. The acknowledgement of his fears and then confirmation that there is nothing to dislike. They find it calming to have someone here that can see the potential in them. He wants to prove that correct and the only way to do that is to work as hard as possible. So that they will not have to be worried about nor saved like before. The remembrance of that day makes them gasp suddenly and they turn to look at Thistleback. Hanging onto his words and soaking them up like a sponge. That is right. He will learn and grow. It'll just take time and he can do this. He is sure of it. Some will approve and some will not, some will be hesitant and some friendly and that is just how it will he. They allow a small smile to pull along their muzzle then. "Right, things will settle. But also I meant to thank you for that I haven't already. I probably wouldn't have made it ovtherwise." His thanks is heartfelt before another cat catches his attention. The soft 'oh you' making him focus.

Turning they peer at the other with soft sea orbs, that smile still resting on their muzzle. Although as the other stretches their smile longer, eyes turning into slits. Though what has brought the nervousness back is the way his claws flex and drag at the rhinestones that decorate his throat. Their heart beats loud and they wonder if anyone else can hear it as they speak again. Eat him alive? Denali's eyes widen just slightly, a tinge of fear making their fur raise up. "Oh...I-I..." They don't know what to say to that and can't think of anything before the other is giving a welcome and then walking off. For a moment dream filled eyes watch, trying to understand just what he meant and hoping it is merely in jest before another speaks to them and they can shove it away for the time being. Shifting their attention he takes in the other and remembers them easily enough. Another face that saved their life. "Oh yes! You helped me, thank you so much for that." Their voice falls quiet then, twitching shoulders slightly as he calls the other an idiot. "It's okay. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it."

At least he hopes he didn't mean anything by it. Taking in a soft breath then he dips his head to the question. "Yes, I hope to be a full Skyclanner and live here in the forest." A dream that they want to make a reality.