private a berry for three // sunfreckle

Sunshinekit watches idly as their younger brother, Pigeonkit, plays around with a new toy brought to the nursery recently. They stick close to Sunfreckle, nestled into their father's side. The prospect of a game doesn't entice them out of the nursery completely, and while in previous months it had been explained away as a part of their illness, recent days have shown the mottled kitten to be of higher spirits. Yet all the same, they're content to relax with their father and watch their blue furred brother explore.

"Mmm," they hum a quiet tune, taking only a second to groom their tail (in before it gets stuck with a mat, and they pull away without any attempt to finish their work,) "Pigeon - next moon, he's gon' be... apprenticed, too, yeah? Like Ember 'nd Rainbow. Er - paw." They suppose they should recall all of their siblings by their entire monikers and not just their initial namesakes. "That'll be good for him. And...! I get more time with you," it's clear in the moment that Sunshinekit doesn't exactly understand why they were not promoted with their littermates.

@Sunfreckle <3​

The striped tom watches Pigeonkit wrestle with the feather he'd been given, tossing it about and chasing it as it fluttered away from his paws. Give him a little direction and some practice and he'd probably be a decent hunter with how tenacious he was in chasing things but that was something for his mentor to consider. Sunfreckle offered a quiet yawn, tail curled around his side and the little dilute tortie tucked next to him and his ears prick up as they speak.
The red tabby frowns, brow furrowed at the comment, Sunshinekit spoke as if they expected to stay here eternally and he tilted his head to regard his patchwork child skepectically, "...and you as well, dear. You've only be held back because we worried you might be sicker than I thought and I didn't want to rush you into it until you were well. Howlingstar and Berryheart agreed." He smiled then, "But don't worry, you'll be an apprentice as well alongside Pigeonpaw and maybe you can help keep an eye on him for me."