private A bird in your teeth ✶ Chrysaliswing


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

The days had started to lose the bite in its heat, today especially so with the cover of clouds blocking the sun. A light drizzle of rain soaked the grass and forest around her, it was miserable weather, nothing bad enough to cancel the activities for the day but just terrible enough to notice. She considered cancelling her spar with Chrysaliswing today, but horrid weather wouldn’t stop a normal fight. Emberpaw had once talked about how she uses the environment to her advantage when faced with combat, maybe that should be something she should look into? She loathed the idea, still holding onto the concept of honour when fighting but she had to admit that the apprentice made good points about it being a necessity.

It felt more important than ever to gain confidence, not that she hadn’t earned said confidence before. At this point it became a habit to request practice, using it just as an excuse to see her friend half the time. Not that she wasn’t committed to it, she’d hate to waste his time with only half her attention span. But it felt more important than ever, Oddgleam was expecting kits, at least that’s what everyone said. It still didn’t feel real, she felt that desire to be better- to have no doubts that if anything were to happen to her family then she would be there to stop it.

The warrior shakes her head in an attempt to stop droplets of rain clinging to orange fur, to no excuse of course. Even if she shook her head it only took seconds for that saturation to cling to her pelt yet again. With a sigh of frustration she registers Chrysaliswing speaking to her “what? Oh, yes. Are you sure you’re fine to spar?” Of course he would be, he’s standing across from her in this clearing is he not? Yet she can’t help but glance at his leg, surely he was fine enough for physical exercises like this but she worries anyway.

“I want to try being more defensive today, would you mind taking the lead?” She had spent so much of their time together focusing on how to be offensive, to overwhelm. That she worried she had started to rust around the foundations of which she learnt as an apprentice, shaking her head one more time in a futile attempt to rid herself of water before tensing her body in anticipation for him to make the first move.