He flattens his ears against the bite of Ternstar's words. The leader turns up her nose, and Sharpshadow wonders how someone could fluff with this confidence so quickly. Chilledstar had stood at Pitchstar's side before everything. Even Smogstar— deputy for as long as most would remember— tripped and fell the moment the seat of Leader was his. Wasn't Ternstar afraid? Wasn't she scared of letting ShadowClan down? Of letting
herself down? Wasn't she afraid of— someway, somehow, stars forbid— reaching lows ShadowClan has never seen before, lacking the experience that she did?
Of course, he's not sure why he's bothering to ask questions he already knows the answer to.
A grimace of confusion further twists Sharpshadow's face. The twitch of her ears is neurotic; pricked one moment, fully taking in every word that
doesn't make sense, and flat the next, veering away from the very same. Her maw catches on questions, on retorts. Smogstar gave him his spine, and it's anything but
cowardice that keeps her speechless amidst Ternstar's rant. All that she wants to say muddies into a ball of feeling, and it's what makes her spine sharp. It's there in the widening of her eyes, wet with disbelief. Her words curl in on themselves, forming a simple, sincere sound.
Ternstar doesn't know what it means to be a
coward, does she? Sharpshadow is a lot of things, not one of them good, really. But he has never been a
coward. She's never been someone that doesn't
try. The weight of those two ThunderClanners was nothing like
this, the accusations tearing into her stomach now. Was Sharpshadow
overzealous? Too... too full of herself to not let Ternstar make her own calls? Or was she a coward, and was she too lazy to
try? Even Ternstar doesn't seem to know, and why would Sharpshadow trip over her paws for someone like that? The topic of ThunderClan land is lost the moment it's mentioned, thrown away in favor of something Ternstar can't possibly believe in. This was never about the land, it was about him being unwilling to mold himself to her.
And he wishes- he wishes it had been Smogstar. She wishes it had been someone she
believed in, no matter how badly he annoyed her, and if Smogstar could have extended that belief to
her in turn... maybe she wouldn't be whatever
coward Ternstar believes she is. Instead, it's her that she stands beside, the molly's teeth in her neck, dredged from the same pond scum she had been.
Sharpshadow didn't want
this, this... mimicry of a deputy's place, a spot beside Clanrock that spelled the story of her imminent demise, disappearance, whatever... But she wasn't a
fox-heart. If she's what Ternstar says, she wouldn't
bother arguing with her. The day's patrols would never be done. All of what she's done, all of what she's been doing since Chilledstar, since
Granitepelt. The message hidden beneath his many murders: not suspicion, but
attentiveness. Why would she have bothered to listen?
Why does she bother?
It isn't that he believes her when she says he doesn't
try. It's that Ternstar
tells him this, and that Ternstar is their future. StarClan had deemed it so.
His prey eyes have never really left him, and he looks at ShadowClan's leader with them now, round and damp with tears of frustration. The grind of his teeth grates on his own ears. And what has she ever done besides
care? Sharpshadow stands, speechless. What could she possibly say to someone so determined to see her this way?
ShadowClan's leader is not
his, just as ShadowClan's deputy had not been
Ternstar's. He is the bedraggled shadow of the molly as he slips from the leader's den. As a warrior of ShadowClan, he's made to prick his ears and lift his head... She closes her eyes in the face of the inevitable. And it dawns on him that things will
always be this way. She will never be what anyone wants, no matter how hard she tries.
She opens her eyes to Halfsun's meow, and she thinks she might be trying to convince her otherwise, for a moment. However Sharpshadow could have managed that, she hasn't a clue. The now-warrior looks to Halfsun, then to Marbleleaf. His nose turns to the ground, and at Swansong's question, his stomach rolls.
It's needlessly cruel, how Ternstar shoves past her, and with his eyes fixed forward, Sharpshadow doesn't have the stomach to reply. The moon hangs nearly full in the sky. It doesn't keep him from pushing past camp's walls, in the end.