ternstar & 27 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ As the moon rises slowly overhead, the sky strangly clear, Shadowclan remains awake well into the night.

Its not too unusual, to see cats going about their business by only the moons light. Of all five clans, only they stalk the marshes in the darkness, hunting and patroling at all hours. Shadowclans territory is the smallest, the harshest, the emptiest. They need every advantage they can get.

What is strange, however, is the scene that lingers within camp — raised voices that start from within the Leaders den, as once more the leader and deputy bicker. " We are going to starve to death. "

Her voice is flat, despite its volume — pained and weary. Her own stomach feels tied in knots, the fear of eating the wrong thing keeping her from eating anything at all. Worse still fare their clanmates, cooped up in Marbleleafs den. " We should have fought harder for that territory. Look what your retreat has cost us. " she says, directing her ire upon her deputy.

In truth, she isn't angry at Sharpsahdow. Not really. Its the situation itself she hates, this stars awful curse that leaves her seething. Sharpshadow isn't to blame for shadowclans misfortune. But Ternstar cannot yell at starcaln, lest she draw more of their ire. And she's certainly not going to take the blame herself, when it feels as though her deputy — her whole council, for that matter — are working against her.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is supposedly mates with Wormwatcher, and is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.
This is pointless, really, Ternstar snapping her teeth at him instead of dwelling on solutions. Sharpshadow wouldn't pretend a leader couldn't be frustrated, or anything... But is it something they should be? Like this, anyway? Smogstar and Mirestar— their voices level, gazes steady— had answered this with a resounding no. Whatever impassive face Chilledstar had wore, irritation always shone through them clear as day. It was an ugly look, really.

Sharpshadow isn't sure what he prefers. Was it the stoicism seen from ShadowClan for moons now? Or was it whatever this is— not even a lack of care, but the stuff being given in all the wrong places? Ternstar couldn't even spare her the privellege of sounding angry. She must think herself a RiverClanner, with the way she acts. Ternstar isn't any better than him for not sounding angry. No better for the narrow of her eyes being level, and her coat not looking like a rat's nest.

"We should have fought harder for that territory?" she parrots, the grind of her fangs making the words gritted. "If you gave a rat's tail, you would've sent more cats, Ternstar!" It's probably be the world's most pointless question, to ask if Ternstar understands how completely stupid she sounds right now. Flamestar had practically lined the entire forest with every one of her warriors, just about. Hell, she'd probably flaunted her numbers at that past gathering to make the point, clear as day.

"Aren't you the Leader?" No matter how watered-down the title was... Everyone still had to listen to the queen plucked straight from the nursery, just because she wore a star by her name. "If you really wanted to— If everyone was completely fine on the battlefield like you and Swansong think—" Sharpshadow rolls his shoulder, feels the dull ache of where ThunderClan claws had dug in with viciousness. "You could've said: "ShadowClan, ignore my idiot deputy! Keep fighting!" and I would've died for that strip of land you were going to lose anyway. Whatever!" She would have to, because as insane as it is, Ternstar is ShadowClan's leader, and he is ShadowClan.