a blueprint in the sand | howling

It had been just over a day since the incident with the boar. Roeflame lay in the medicine den, injured but alive. And Burnpaw alive and unscathed, though Flycatcher had given a light reprimand for so recklessly putting his life on the line. And after that, he had commended him for his bravery. In the hours since the attack, Flycatcher had taken some time to himself to think and reflect on things. Mostly it involved worrying over Roeflame and hoping her leg injury wasn't too severe, but he thought a lot about Burnpaw too and how well his training had been going. Like Roeflame, he was an exemplary apprentice, a good learner who absorbed and put into practice the skills he learnt in training.

After thinking things over, Flycatcher decided to seek Howlingstar out the following day to share his thoughts and perhaps to see what her opinion would be on an idea he had. "Howlingstar?" He called out softly at the entrance of her den. Flycatcher had seen her go inside so knew she was there, but he still waited for a word back from his leader before stepping inside. Once inside, he would dip his head a little before picking up on where he had left off. "Do you have time to talk at all? I wished to speak with you about Burnpaw."
It wasn't long after she escaped to her den that a gentle voice called after her. She instantly recognizes it has her deputy and turns to face the den entrance, ears perking. He wants to talk to her about Burnpaw? Interest piqued, she mews to him, "Of course, come in, Flycatcher." By now, everyone had heard about the incident the day prior, how Roeflame had been so viciously attacked by a boar and now lay healing in the medicine den. What had been miraculous is that apparently it was Burnpaw who saved her, using himself as bait to lure the beast away while Flycatcher got the young warrior back to camp. Pride for her grandson's courage in the face of danger swells within her, but she patiently waits to hear what her deputy had to say.

Standing before his leader, Flycatcher wonders if he knows what he is going to say. At the very least, she - like most of the clan at that point - was aware of Burnpaw's deeds. "I'm sure you're aware of what Burnpaw did in saving Roeflame and trying to drive off the boar," Flycatcher began, sitting opposite Howlingstar. "Whilst at the time I condemned him for his recklessness, I cannot fault his bravery and quick-thinking that day. Which is why I have a suggestion...I would like to suggest that he be named as a full warrior in the next meeting." Flycatcher waits a moment, letting his opinion sink in, before continuing once more. "It's a bit unconventional I know, but I truly think he deserves this. Not only did he show exemplary behaviour that day but I have been proud to see him develop as a keen hunter and skilled combatant under my tutelage. What do you think?"
"I am," Howlingstar confirms with a single nod, wrapping her tail around her paws. She listens as her deputy goes on to praise Burnpaw's courage and wit, and even says something surprising. Her ears perk up, her eyes widening slightly. Make him a warrior early? "He is eleven moons..." She mews thoughtfully, tipping her head to the side. "I agree with you, Flycatcher. He's earned it. You've done well training my grandson and teaching him what it means to be a warrior. It's clear that he's ready, and I'll give him his warrior name at the next clan meeting." She's now beaming with pride, eyes practically glowing as she moves to place her white-tipped paw upon his. "Thank you for everything you've done for him." She won't soon forget it.

"I know it's early but..."Flycatcher began, attempting to further argue his case. However, he quickly shut his mouth again when Howlingstar continues, and states that she agrees with him. He remains silent until she finishes, a prideful expression that almost mirrors her own forming on his face. "I was honoured to train him," Flycather mewed, bowing his head. He could recall having been surprised at having gained another apprentice once, but he had quickly gotten used to it. It had been delightful to watch him grow not only as a cat but a soon-to-be warrior too. "Emberstar deserves some credit for beginning his journey as an apprentice. I am proud to have finished what she started."
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