camp a breath of fresh air |➹| recovered, leaving medicine den

Mar 28, 2023

Nearly two weeks ago, news of the cure had been spread to all of the Clans. News of lungwort, the herb that would single-handedly save Sparrowsong’s life. Recovery was slow, difficult, but it had whisked them away from death’s edge.

Now, finally, the brown tabby had been deemed clear of the Yellowcough plague. They were healthy enough to return to their daily duties. They could leave the den, the nest that they had been confined to for nearly a moon.

Part of them was sad to be leaving Fireflypaw behind. Through the haze of sickness and pain, they truly had enjoyed the dark point’s company, the one who had made it as bearable as possible. The one who had promised them, and made good on that promise. The one who had never left their side for the moments they were awake, and the moments they weren’t.

The day was warm as they crept from the confines of the medicine den, eyes narrowed against the sunlight. It was bright, but it made their heart soar to be on their paws again, even if their steps were somewhat unsteady, weighted by the exhaustion of recovery.

To the curious eye they, frankly, looked terrible. Sparrowsong’s weight had dropped, leaving them notably skinnier than before; a result of both their inability and unwillingness to eat food until just the past few days. Their eyes, although tired, were happy, and their smile was small but present. While part of them worried they would have to readjust to the demands of daily warrior life, they knew their Clanmates would be there to help if they needed it, and for that they were grateful.

Sparrowsong’s heart was full of love for their Clan as they stepped out further into the clearing, gaze wandering. Cats they had missed. Cats they would be able to laugh with again, be able to live with, be able to hunt with.


Blazestar had worried even after Dawnglare had discovered lungwort could save their ill. Would it work even as far gone as some of their warriors seemed? Sparrowsong’s shaky first steps from the medicine cat’s den, smelling of herbs and exhaustion instead of yellowcough, earns a tired smile from the Ragdoll, the first he’s been able to wear in days. He can see the young cat’s ribs protruding through their dusty tabby pelt, but they are healthy. The haze of disease that had clung to them is gone.

Are you hungry yet? You need to keep your strength up.” His own voice is faded with relief. He pads toward the fresh-kill pile and plucks a squirrel still fat from greenleaf from the top. “Someone just brought this in. Fresh as can be.” As he places it at their paws, he gently touches his muzzle to their ear. “I’m glad you’re back,” he says.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Well, that was kind of funny. The two by the medicine cat den were some of the first cats to show him kindness within the confines of the clan. Sparrowsong had been Sparrowpaw back then- encouraging him to pick his nest, sharing a bit of time with him before they became a warrior. And, well, Blazestar had accepted them into the clan. His ears perked as he heard Blazestar speak, and he couldn't hide the excited grin that split on Falconpaw's face. Another unusual look for him, after all, he was normally wearing a neutral or worried expression. It wasn't often that he was excited, of all things.

He pushed to his paws, scampering over to approach the two. He slowed his pace just before he arrived, not wanting to overwhelm Sparrowsong right out of the den. Falconpaw spoke, a tiny purr of happiness on the tail of his words. "It's good to see you healthy. Would you like anything else?" He spoke after Blazestar did, wanting to make sure that Sparrowsong was okay coming out of this sickness.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

⭒✧ The sight of Sparrowsong’s hazel-fletched pelt drew Chalk deeper into camp, having just arrived for the day. He had been keeping a quiet, diligent eye on the comings and goings of the medicine den- especially after news of a cure was brought to camp. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Dawnglare’s medicinal proficiency but the forest-healing of the clans was still new as a whole to the tom. Twolegs prioritised sterility, the cold sting of chemicals and snowy bandages. It was a far cry from cobwebs and poultices.

Blazestar met the returning warrior first, pressing his sunny nose to Sparrowsong’s ear. The contact was a little shocking, but an odd relief skimmed the feeling, dissecting the worry. Sparrowsong was no longer infectious, the tabby was free to be amongst their clanmates again. A rare open smile carved Chalk’s pale snout.

He slipped into the growing group, slender tail tall in obvious greeting. Alongside Falconpaw, he nodded once in support of the apprentice’s words. While often a quiet presence, Sparrowsong’s absence had still been felt. "What're you hoping to do most, now that you're free of the medicine den?" The query followed Falconpaw's, a polite tilt to Chalk's head.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒

Faces and smiles, pawsteps immediate in their approach. Blazestar was the first to hurry over, his own expression equally tired but light all the same. Of course, the first words from his mouth were to ask if they wanted anything to eat, and they barely have time to dip their head with a small breathy laugh of a response before he's off in the direction of the fresh kill pile.

Falconpaw was next then, a purr already in their throat at the sound of his own, and Sparrowsong's smile grew. The sight of their Clanmates was hitting them with a tidal wave of emotions, full of positivity and love, and they once again thought about how they so desperately missed curling up beside them all each night.

The apprentice drew them from their thoughts when he spoke, and they shook their head. "Thank you," they said softly, then shook their head. "This is plenty." Being on their own paws, breathing freely, mind clear, seeing their friends again.

Blazestar returned just as Chalk approached with a rare smile, the small tabby murmuring a small thank you when the squirrel was dropped at their paws. Fresh as can be, the leader said, and he touched his nose to their ear. It reminded them of Fireflypaw, in a way. There was little hesitation before they lifted up to meet it, butting their head beneath his chin with a purr. "Thank you," they said, louder this time.

Sparrowsong took a step back, taking them all in with a beat of silence and maybe thinking over Chalk's question. "I missed you all too." Stooping down to collect the offered prey - its scent for once welcome and not stomach-clenching - they wandered a few paces further away from the medicine cats' den and settled down with it.

"I think, maybe..." they said after a moment, gray gaze flickering up to Chalk, "I might like to go on a walk. Or... well, I suppose my nest has gotten awfully stale by now, hasn't it?" they added somewhat wistfully. "I'll need to touch it up."

