A BUSY BEE ☆ tallpaw


" i want to be strong enough "
Aug 13, 2024
[ ] lounging just outside the nursery with gangly legs tucked awkwardly beneath a lithe frame, spiderkit has found themself in a bit of predicament lately of not really having much to do. see, being a kit who is just shy of becoming an apprentice in the following moon or so you tend to realize there's only a pawful of activities to keep the brain occupied and it has gotten especially worse with everything that happened.

usually the ink-stained kit can be seen doing their usual routine of following along the walls of camp or observing their fellow clanmates interact with one another but it feels like spiderkit has seen and heard it all already, why, they can certainly say with very mild confidence that they know how to navigate these grounds like the back of their paw already or who might've said what to another cat ( they'd rather dig themself into a hole than reveal what people talked about to avoid causing a he said, she said situation ).

a soft exhale escapes through nostrils, body shifting every so often to keep comfortable before lifting their gaze off the ground to scan enclosing area not really expecting much change from the other fifty-times they looked and it did but their focus seems to have lingered on the passing figure of tallpaw going between dens and it makes spiderkit perkup a bit. if they had to guess, the apprentice was doing some kind of chores.

always seeming to push themself to interact more and wanting something to do, spiderkit makes the decision ( after about three minutes self-encouragment that, in his head, sounded alot like myrtlekit ) to totter after the willowy chimera. "ta-tallpaw! he squeaks out, voice struggling to raise in volume due to always being quiet.

"can i uh–uhm help you with what-whatever it is you're do–doing? please...?


  • ooc. @tallpaw
  • Untitled240_20240814011439.png
    a sh, gangly solid black kitten with large ears and wide, golden eyes.
    at first glance, spiderkit is nothing remarkable compared to other children in the clan but a double take will point out something glaringly obvious about them that being the fact they are unusually tall for a thunderclanner and one could almost question whether or not they were born in the right clan. other than sporting a coat weaved from the shadows of night itself and baring wide, unnerving golden eyes he also seems to have quite the set of ears upon their head and a snaggletooth that peeks just from beneath his lip.
  • SPIDERKIT —— "love. brain. heart. control. caffeinate. melatonin."
    thunderclan kit, npc x npc . littermate to myrtlekit
    amab, nb masculine / he they pronouns / 5 moons and ages the 9th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking

    —— spiderkit is a very strange child and incredibly introverted, a complete opposite to his fluffier sibling myrtlekit. they aren't the best at socializing and *tries* to befriend others but because of his way to make things awkward and the eerie aura that clings to his tiny frame, he's usually seen by himself in the shadows watching everyone else. this does not help the weird kid allegations.

    penned by cobatic
    "speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
Tallpaw, his mismatched eyes scanning the camp as he moves between dens, catches sight of Spiderkit making their way toward him. The kit’s hesitant voice makes him pause for a moment. He can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy; he remembers his own days of feeling stuck and wanting to find some sort of purpose or distraction. He turns to face Spiderkit, offering a small, reassuring smile. “Hey, Spiderkit,” he says, his voice soft and encouraging despite his own usual hesitance. “You, uh, you wanted to help with something? I’m just doing some chores around the camp. Nothing too exciting, I’m afraid, but it’s something to keep busy.”

Tallpaw shifts his weight from one paw to the other, trying to make his stance as welcoming as possible. “I’d appreciate the help, actually. It’s always nicer to have someone else around, even if it’s just for simple tasks. And, well, it’s a good way to, you know, learn a bit more about things before becoming an apprentice and all.” He nods toward the nearby pile of fresh moss. “If you’re up for it, you could help me add some fresh moss to some of the nests in here. It’s not the most fun or glamorous work, but it’s important. Plus, it might be a good way to keep your mind off things, right? Sometimes just having something to do can help clear the head.” He doesn't specifically mention the current climate of ThunderClan, but it's implied.

Tallpaw’s gaze is warm and understanding, hoping to make Spiderkit feel more at ease. “I know it can be a bit dull sometimes, waiting to become an apprentice and all. But, you know, every little bit helps, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to while working. So, yeah, you're free to help, if you want,” he finally finishes, managing to put an end to his rambling before he goes on forever. There's a slight glint of embarrassment in his eyes as a result of letting his tongue be so loose as to go on for so long when he could have said such a thing in just a sentence or two. He turns his head away slightly, awkwardly pulling a bit of moss towards him as he turns towards the apprentice's den that he was just about to enter before Spiderkit spoke to him.​

🕷️ when tallpaw acknowledges their presence spiderkit unknowingly braces themself to be met with an annoyed gaze or shoo'd off as to not get under their paws while they work but thankfully was met with an inviting softness instead from the split chimera which made the kitten feel more at ease, a grateful yet meek smile curling at the corners of their lips. "i don't mi–mind if it's no–not exciting, i honestly thi—think boring is bet—better." its an admission that comes out with ease, a truth he seems to truly believe because when you're doing the most mundane tasks the chances of something bad happening are very low.

after being gestured to the pile of fresh moss waiting to be tucked into waiting nests, spiderkit would make an attempt to copy what tallpaw does by pulling away a small portion and tottering behind the older feline into the apprentice's den. it still was hard to believe that he and myrtlekit were going to move in here soon with the rest but as golden irises flit around to each nest he begins to realize just how cramped it looked in here especially with the odd rearrangement of beds almost as if there was an invisible line seperating the hangout in two. "ho—how do you all f–fit in here? don't you ever fe—feel smooshed?" he asks apprehensively, taking his place by a random nest before glancing over at tallpaw in wait to follow their lead in changing moss. "is the—there gonna be eno–enough room for me and my sis—sister when we become appren—apprentices?"