private A celebration should be in order || Sharpshadow

[ ༻❄༺ ] Despite Sharpshadow having been newly recovered and all that had happenes to Shadowclan in the prior moons, Snowlark was finally finding his paws where he now stood, and now he knew it would soon be Sharpshadow, Shadowclan's new deputy to find that footing himself and fill in those paws that many left in their wake before her (from Chilledstar to Mirestar) and those beyond.

"Congratulations, Sharpshadow" he expressed warmly. It was odd to realize, Snowlark had only just been made a 'paw when Sharpshadow had been made a lead warrior, and now he just became a lead warrior only a few prior moons ago before Mirestar decided to leave Shadowclan in shambles... Now with Ternstar in charge and Sharpshadow next in the mantel, he was sure that Shadowclan will thrive and become better than it ever has been before.

Yellow eyes glimmering softly before finding a spot to settle next to the prickly molly, gaze glancing over while he hummed softly. "I am eager to see what you and Ternstar will bring to help better Shadowclan, especially when it felt almost like yesterday that you were made a lead warrior. Seems to me the seasons move pretty quickly hm?" he expressed. The dust now settling around the clan while they attempt to ease back into hopeful normalcy. Luckily this time, Starclan had given Ternstar all nine of her lives so they had nine times to have her still around if she were to fall, though it saddened him to no longer see his former mentor crowned with the thorns of leadership, he did believe in Ternstar and now alongside her, Sharpshadow.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 16 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Nervous
Congratulations... he'd gotten them when he became a warrior. Another time when he'd became a lead... but he wasn't anymore used to it. Like, at all. This time feels even worse than the last times really, which is pretty backwards in his opinion.

He's silent at first... which wasn't his intention, but hardly anything ever was. He hopes that it doesn't make him seem full of himself, or anything. Then again, it probably didn't matter that much, considering that he's doomed and all. Maybe Snowlark's playing some kind of joke on him by pretending that he's forgotten... Then again, he doesn't think he's seen this guy laugh, like, literally ever. ...Was Snowlark thinking the same thing about her right now? And that's why he'd resorting to this screwed up humor?

Well, he's sitting down next to her— they're having a conversation now, she guesses?— and, somewhat notably, the aura he's giving off is distinctively not-evil, and maybe even a fair bit not-anticipating-her-downfall. Pretty lucky. " Probably 'cause we're dropping like flies, " Really, he would've said the same exact thing days ago when he wasn't... deputy. Though, they probably wouldn't be having this conversation (?) if that hadn't been the case, either. " ...I mean, not like we ever aren't, but y'know. " He eyeballs the warrior warily. " I... I'll be pretty lucky if I'm around enough to "better" anything. "

...There's a dull hope in there somewhere... Some too-old apprentice that was certain the deputy was something and could do something... Of course a deputy that could wouldn't be her. Of course she's only deputy at a time where the nearest nursing queen could be called in to replace her.

" ...Sorry. " She almost felt guilty for probably not talking like the deputy of Snowlark's dreams. But then— he didn't owe him that; delusion, basically. He sighs through his nose. it nearly sounds like he's sick, still. " Lets, um— " Talk about something else. " I remember you. You were... "

Realization dawns on her with all the pleasure of a slimy toad being hurled at her face. Snowlark is glanced up and down. Up again. " Y'know... " Uh... face of friendliness, her... with her suddenly straining voice. " I— I was an apprentice at your age. " Funnily enough, she actually doens't want to talk about this either. Maybe any conversation with Snowlark was just doomed.

  • OOC: . . .
  • 73390234_LSR50dhLCVxUutC.gif
    A large, scrappy feline with pessimism seemingly baked into his bones. It's clear she doesn't make much of an effort to maintain herself, though the namesake of her coat would likely stand out either way.
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! This mf is mentally ill